Where Do Your Charity Donations Go?

by tpw
43 replies
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As you open your pockets for yet another natural disaster or Christmas season, keep these facts in mind when "donating".

Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross... Salary for year ending 06/30/03 was $651,957 plus expenses. (That's $74.42 an hour for EVERY hour of EVERY day.)

Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. (That's $42.80 an hour for EVERY hour of EVERY day.)

UNICEF CEO receives $1,200,000 per year plus all expenses and a ROLLS ROYCE car where ever he goes and only cents of your dollar goes to the cause. (That's $1369.86 an hour for EVERY hour of EVERY day.)

The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.

No further comment necessary except listen for the bells outside stores this Christmas. Please share this with everyone you can think of.
#charity #christmas #donations #giving
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Source? An honest question. We have raised substantioal funds for an organization.

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    • Profile picture of the author cbrauer
      I donate to the Smile Train every month and have for years. Helping children with deformities not only boosts their self esteem but can keep them from hiding from the world in shame. I have met some of the doctors on the Smile Train staff and the look on their face when they talk about the children and the impact their work has is amazing.
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      • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
        My mother runs an international childrens charity (and she receives $0.00 for her efforts). Her organization once received substantial funds, but since it wasn't a "big", it was under the condition that a certain large so-called charity organization manage the funds. The large "charity" organization mostly looted it and very little went to the intended recipient projects to help children.

        Most charities are looting enterprises.

        Project HERE.

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        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

          Most charities are looting enterprises.
          I was once in a city council project meeting! HERE is a description of some of the people....

          1. A guy, probably HIGHLY PAID, that only managed the meeting. Which was done to help a guy get elected to higher office!
          2. A woman that probably got nothing that helped set things up.
          3. A policeman that spoke of the major problem.
          4. A JERK WOMAN(I could describe her with one word, but I don't use that language.) that claimed nobody had a solution. HER job was to complain and eat donuts.

          5. Then there was ME! I was not only paid NOTHING, HAD a project that could do the job running THEN, but waas willing to run it AT NO COST!!!!! ALL I wanted was DATA!

          OH YEAH, I "forgot" the LAST guy....

          6. A guy trying to act like a solution to the problem. His "idea" was like mine! One ******BIG****** difference! I was there as a guy that created and provided the system. HE was there as someone that had NO idea HOW to do it. So what was HIS reason to be there? He wanted to "raise money" to implement it!

          BTW I told him that I had the software, etc... to do it. He NEVER tried to contact me.

          And how much do you think that meeting cost? Thousands? 10s of Thousands? HUNDREDS of Thousands? HECK, maybe MILLIONS! NOTHING came of it! They would NOT even give me a lousy list that the police and/or city government would HAVE to have, since they license charities, etc... THAT was all **I** was asking for! The idea was simply that a person could enter criteria as to need(food, shelter) and type(only women, families, pets, etc...), and location, and it would give info about the charities. The police officer said he had a REAL problem when a homeless family with a dog needed shelter after midnight. MY idea would have HELPED HIM!

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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      Source? An honest question. We have raised substantioal funds for an organization.
      Here's a good place to check out the financials on charitable organizations:

      Charity Navigator - America's Largest Charity Evaluator | Home

      Do note that religious organizations are often exempt from having to report their figures.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mega B
    I think alot of people would be suprised on how much the top people get at these charities and we are never told how much of the money they actually raise gets to the people who require the money the most,gut feeling tells me its a small percentage i dont have figures but i dont think i am wrong in my assumption.

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    • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
      Originally Posted by Mega B View Post

      I think alot of people would be suprised on how much the top people get at these charities and we are never told how much of the money they actually raise gets to the people who require the money the most,gut feeling tells me its a small percentage i dont have figures but i dont think i am wrong in my assumption.
      Here in the States, the Better Business Bureau takes an indepth survey of charities each year, and publishes the results. I've only seen the book because they send it to members, but I assume it is available everywhere - or at least in every city.

      There are many charities about which the BBB says, "Not Recommended." If the charity keeps their finances secret, they get a negative in the book.

      When the last big earthquake hit Haiti, one of the warriors suggested donations could be sent to a particular "help" organization. I did so, but never again. They began emailing me to death wanting more money until I unsubscribed. The had telemarketers call, and call, and call eventhough the voicemail message on my home phone says, "If you are a telemarketer or a charity wanting money, put me on your no-call list."

      Eventually I was near the phone at a time when they called, and had them put me on their no-call list. That worked.

      Now I receive about a dozen snail-mail letters and advertising packets from them each month. So far they have ignored my repeated request for them to put me on their "Do not mail" list.

      They have spent several times the amount of money that I donated in trying to market to me. What a waste of dollars!

      I should have checked with the BBB first.

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  • Profile picture of the author ry278
    It must be nice being able to have enough money to give away. Me I need everything I can get so charities are the last thing on my mind and after reading that even if I had enough to give away I wouldn't.
    You just don't know for sure where it's going.
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by ry278 View Post

      It must be nice being able to have enough money to give away. Me I need everything I can get so charities are the last thing on my mind and after reading that even if I had enough to give away I wouldn't.
      You just don't know for sure where it's going.
      Even if it DID go to the people, it means LITTLE! MY plan, for example, could have helped out people Foreclosed during the sub prime fiasco that were there because they LIED/CHEATED/STOLE. I would not want to pay them a PENNY! THEY should send ME a few bucks!

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    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by ry278 View Post

      It must be nice being able to have enough money to give away. Me I need everything I can get so charities are the last thing on my mind and after reading that even if I had enough to give away I wouldn't.
      You just don't know for sure where it's going.

      Not true. You can control where your money goes if you decide to be charitable.
      I have to admit, I used to think the way you do. Then I got sick.
      Then I learned first hand how charities can and do help.

      I have received help from many sources,unlooked for,and I am very grateful.

      I get my disability check once a month,I am sure a lot here know what I am talking about.Come that week before the next check comes, things are usually pretty tight.
      We were going to a Drs appointmrnt and we came up to a stop light. On the corner is a very dirty old man,clothes filthy,beard white and shaggy,looks like he hasnt eaten in a week.With his is his dog that has a sign around his neck that says "I'm with stoopid".
      He is sitting there almost every day I go by that corner. This day it was extremely cold.
      As I said, I had about a week before my I get money again,but I open my wallet,and I have exactly one $5 bill in there.
      I rolled down my window and he got up and took it from me.
      He said "Thank you and God Bless" when he did.
      Now ,you're right, I don't know for sure where that money will be used,hopefully for food, but as the light changed and we drove away, I don't know who felt better,that poor man or me.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3028810].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by KimW View Post

        Not true. You can control where your money goes if you decide to be charitable.
        I have to admit, I used to think the way you do. Then I got sick.
        Then I learned first hand how charities can and do help.

        I have received help from many sources,unlooked for,and I am very grateful.
        NOBODY said they didn't help. They just said that they take SO much off the top that they don't help nearly as well as they SHOULD.

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  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    Kim, I guess I got this from my mom - she always said it was better to give than receive. That is the way I have lived my life. There is much satisfaction in doing so.

    Thanks for helping that old man and his dog. You will be rewarded someday, somehow - that just seems to be the way it works!
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    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

      Kim, I guess I got this from my mom - she always said it was better to give than receive. That is the way I have lived my life. There is much satisfaction in doing so.

      Thanks for helping that old man and his dog. You will be rewarded someday, somehow - that just seems to be the way it works!
      Jody, this may sound silly, but I feel I am rewarded every day now.

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      • Profile picture of the author jayman
        I have always donated to the Salvation Army, seeing what they are doing every year during Thanksgiving and Christmas and throughout the year. I can see that my donation are put to good use.
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      • Profile picture of the author waterotter
        Originally Posted by KimW View Post

        Jody, this may sound silly, but I feel I am rewarded every day now.
        Kim, keep that positive nature/attitude - that kidney will arrive. Just have to get those anti-rejection drugs figured out.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    My first granddaughter Alexia has autism (if you google that you'll find my website) and my daughter and I just attended an awards dinner for her efforts in a fundraiser she did last April for Autism Speaks.

    I believe a lot of the money actually raised goes to the actual cause and am happy to give my time to help with this.

    I also love to donate to St. Jude's Cancer research for children and anything to do with saving animals. I only have 6 myself, 2 dogs and 4 cats hehe.. One funny thing I realized one day is I have 4 daughters and 2 sons and my animals are 4 girls and 2 boys..... just thought it was a funny coincidence or I have replaced my children subconciously.
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    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      I just read "Alexia has autism". What a heartwarming story - you are so very fortunate that Alexia is able to communicate through speech. God bless her.
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      • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
        Thanks, I did not actually expect anyone to go there but she is my girl and I share what I can...

        You would not even know she has autism if you just saw her somewhere but it was because of my daughter's due diligence...

        We are all blessed in different ways

        Originally Posted by waterotter View Post

        I just read "Alexia has autism". What a heartwarming story - you are so very fortunate that Alexia is able to communicate through speech. God bless her.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3029316].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author waterotter
          Originally Posted by kimberly Aita View Post

          Thanks, I did not actually expect anyone to go there but she is my girl and I share what I can...

          You would not even know she has autism if you just saw her somewhere but it was because of my daughter's due diligence...

          We are all blessed in different ways
          I have seen more than one success story, and there will be more to come.

          As for reading Alexia's story, it was a pleasure to read. It's stories like these that reinforce hope for others in similar circumstances.

          Encourage others to read this - you never know who it may help. Our children are our future.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
      Just to let you know, the link in your Ezine Articles have been removed. You may want to check them

      Originally Posted by kimberly Aita View Post

      My first granddaughter Alexia has autism (if you google that you'll find my website) and my daughter and I just attended an awards dinner for her efforts in a fundraiser she did last April for Autism Speaks.

      I believe a lot of the money actually raised goes to the actual cause and am happy to give my time to help with this.

      I also love to donate to St. Jude's Cancer research for children and anything to do with saving animals. I only have 6 myself, 2 dogs and 4 cats hehe.. One funny thing I realized one day is I have 4 daughters and 2 sons and my animals are 4 girls and 2 boys..... just thought it was a funny coincidence or I have replaced my children subconciously.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    Hi Kim, I am Kim too and not that it matters but I have a somewhat similar story....

    It wasn't a charity but I was at church (probably been 25 years since this) and I had 3 small kids and needed a car desperately. I had $5 to my name and was planning to put it in the basket when it came around but it somehow passed me by.

    I could have taken this as a sign that I should keep it but I was determined to give to my church at that time as I felt I had gotten so much from them.

    I found someone and gave my $5. That afternoon a good friend and "future husband" came over and sold me his car for $300 with the agreement I would pay when I could.

    To me that was a miracle and even better, I got 3 more wonderful children out of that deal.....

    Okay, crying now duh.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andie
      Originally Posted by kimberly Aita View Post

      I got 3 more wonderful children out of that deal.....

      Okay, crying now duh.
      Six kids?!!? I'd be cryin' too.....

      Andie (jokin' o'course):p
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        That afternoon a good friend and "future husband" came over and sold me his car for $300 with the agreement I would pay when I could.
        You were smart to hold on to that guy! He sounds like a keeper.

        I focus on local charities when I'm able to donate - I'm a regular drive-in at the animal shelter (with food, treats, cleaning supplies, bedding, etc). There are always families who need help locally - a fire last year a few blocks from my house caused a family to lose everything and 2 of the 5 kids were burned. Some of us got together and were able to provide household goods, furniture and gifts for the kids for Christmas 2 weeks later.

        There is always someone who needs help where giving directly to them sends 100% of your money where it can do some good. There are also many honest charities out there - just wise to check them out.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
          Sorry, I should have made it clear my future and then ex but we are still friends and have the best kids ever. I have been with my guy now for over 12 years while Andy and I only lasted for about 5. Just long enough to have a few babies and get too stressed out to communicate.

          It's a typical mom at home all day can't wait for dad but no attention whatsoever story. It was hard to end it but... my kids are awesome and I have some great (awesome) grandkids.

          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          You were smart to hold on to that guy! He sounds like a keeper.

          I focus on local charities when I'm able to donate - I'm a regular drive-in at the animal shelter (with food, treats, cleaning supplies, bedding, etc). There are always families who need help locally - a fire last year a few blocks from my house caused a family to lose everything and 2 of the 5 kids were burned. Some of us got together and were able to provide household goods, furniture and gifts for the kids for Christmas 2 weeks later.

          There is always someone who needs help where giving directly to them sends 100% of your money where it can do some good. There are also many honest charities out there - just wise to check them out.

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      • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
        No it was a seriously hard thing for me.. I used to hate kids, did not want any and suddenly found myself with a 10,7,5,2,1, and newborn... believe me I cried... people would ask me how do you keep from going crazy and my reply was I am crazy I just watch what other people do and try to act accordingly.

        I wasn't kidding. I would not trade them for anything as these are my blessings and riches. There is nothing that could be better and I have only more to come because of them.

        Originally Posted by Andie View Post

        Six kids?!!? I'd be cryin' too.....

        Andie (jokin' o'course):p
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    My story (which I haven't updated in a while) can be found here:http://majskidney.com/

    I am waiting to get a call from my transplant unit telling me I am back on the transplant list,after having to have been off it for two years.

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    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      I am waiting to get a call from my transplant unit telling me I am back on the transplant list,after having to have been off it for two years.
      If you need us Warriors to gang up and give ya a hand, just let us know Kim!
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    • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
      going to read it now and no matter what, now you will be in my prayers tonight. I know we don't always get the answers we want but somehow for those of us who believe, it just makes the hardest part a little easier.

      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      My story (which I haven't updated in a while) can be found here:http://majskidney.com/

      I am waiting to get a call from my transplant unit telling me I am back on the transplant list,after having to have been off it for two years.
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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    Here's the charity my mother runs:

    Every cent goes to projects for needy children.

    Project HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Your right Steve.
    And while it takes funds to operate any organization, IMO many off them do take too much off the top.

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    I'm going to make some contribution to this orphan home around my area for christmas.. been wanting to do it and pass by every now and then but still never got a chance to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author teleam
    I have been donating for the past two years to Saint Jude's Children Hospital.

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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by teleam View Post

      I have been donating for the past two years to Saint Jude's Children Hospital.

      At least st jude's has a nice past and history, helps kids, helps the nation, AND helps the world! Heck, something about marlo thomas just rings true, and I always liked danny thomas, who started st jude's! Even *I* probably owe something to it. I have an artificial valve and, although made by a different company, and different from st jude's older valves, st jude's did research on such valves and is a world leader in it. Just one minor little thing, and not one that many think about. But on wikipedia, under artificial heart valves?

      St. Jude Medical is the leader in bileaflet valves, which consist of two semicircular leaflets that rotate about struts attached to the valve housing. This design was introduced in 1979 and while they take care of some of the issues that were seen in the other models, bileaflets are vulnerable to backflow and so they cannot be considered as ideal. Bileaflet valves do, however, provide much more natural blood flow than caged-ball or tilting-disc implants. One of the main advantages of these valves is that they are well tolerated by the body. Only a small amount of blood thinner is needed to be taken by the patient each day in order to prevent clotting of the blood when flowing through the valve.
      The one I have is bileaflet.

      Oh well, I just wanted to agree with you. And all the money you give them goes to them. And they are doing research, helping "hopeless" cases, trying to cure diseases, and helping kids they know they can help better and cheaper than anyone else.

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  • Profile picture of the author dake
    My charity donations usually go to local places here in my country collecting donations for recent turmoils affecting the area or for long term goals like 'rehabilitation of under privileged youth'
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    I don't really understand charities.

    Most of the money you "donate" is not helping the cause,
    you're paying someones salary.

    The only time I can find use for a charity is for your local
    church, your OWN charity (where you control all aspects
    of it).

    Other than that, the only time I GIVE money is to KIVA.org.

    A FAR more useful place to give your money (especially if
    your a entrepreneur) because when you loan the money
    to a fellow business person in need to grow -- not only do
    you help them expand...your dollars was the CAUSE for
    SERVING more people.

    In other words, you work indirectly to help someone else
    help more people with your dollars. The EFFECT of your
    money spreads WIDER -- with charities (in most cases),
    the money is not duplicated or multiplied.

    It's squandered and/or used "only once" and no more.

    When you give a micro-financne loan to a business you
    are working through people who can help grow economies.


    9/10 you ALWAYS get your money BACK so you can repeat
    the process with someone else. I love giving large sums of
    money to KIVA because it helps someone grow...I get it back,
    and I can use those original dollars to help MORE PEOPLE help
    others and offer better, cheaper, services and products.

    Anways, I'll stop there -- I just hope more people will stop
    and THINK the next time they think they're giving to a noble
    cause -- because KIVA.org is about as noble as they come
    if you want to talk about reach and goodwill.
    **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3112037].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

      I don't really understand charities.

      Most of the money you "donate" is not helping the cause,
      you're paying someones salary.

      The only time I can find use for a charity is for your local
      church, your OWN charity (where you control all aspects
      of it).

      Other than that, the only time I GIVE money is to KIVA.org.

      A FAR more useful place to give your money (especially if
      your a entrepreneur) because when you loan the money
      to a fellow business person in need to grow -- not only do
      you help them expand...your dollars was the CAUSE for
      SERVING more people.

      In other words, you work indirectly to help someone else
      help more people with your dollars. The EFFECT of your
      money spreads WIDER -- with charities (in most cases),
      the money is not duplicated or multiplied.

      It's squandered and/or used "only once" and no more.

      When you give a micro-financne loan to a business you
      are working through people who can help grow economies.


      9/10 you ALWAYS get your money BACK so you can repeat
      the process with someone else. I love giving large sums of
      money to KIVA because it helps someone grow...I get it back,
      and I can use those original dollars to help MORE PEOPLE help
      others and offer better, cheaper, services and products.

      Anways, I'll stop there -- I just hope more people will stop
      and THINK the next time they think they're giving to a noble
      cause -- because KIVA.org is about as noble as they come
      if you want to talk about reach and goodwill.

      You obviously did not bother to read the thread.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3113192].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

      I don't really understand charities.

      Most of the money you "donate" is not helping the cause,
      you're paying someones salary.

      The only time I can find use for a charity is for your local
      church, your OWN charity (where you control all aspects
      of it).

      Other than that, the only time I GIVE money is to KIVA.org.

      A FAR more useful place to give your money (especially if
      your a entrepreneur) because when you loan the money
      to a fellow business person in need to grow -- not only do
      you help them expand...your dollars was the CAUSE for
      SERVING more people.

      In other words, you work indirectly to help someone else
      help more people with your dollars. The EFFECT of your
      money spreads WIDER -- with charities (in most cases),
      the money is not duplicated or multiplied.

      It's squandered and/or used "only once" and no more.

      When you give a micro-financne loan to a business you
      are working through people who can help grow economies.


      9/10 you ALWAYS get your money BACK so you can repeat
      the process with someone else. I love giving large sums of
      money to KIVA because it helps someone grow...I get it back,
      and I can use those original dollars to help MORE PEOPLE help
      others and offer better, cheaper, services and products.

      Anways, I'll stop there -- I just hope more people will stop
      and THINK the next time they think they're giving to a noble
      cause -- because KIVA.org is about as noble as they come
      if you want to talk about reach and goodwill.
      My father lost religion when he kept hearing the preacher preach, even in times of great need, that all must tithe, and the preacher got a new luxury car every year. Some churches are GREAT, help a lot of people, and the staff get no, or low pay. One church I went to had a pastor that took NO salary. He worked for an insurance company, during the week, as a person that went to customers to show how they could reduce accidents, etc... Even the CHURCH was in a room owned by a grateful customer that just let him use it. And they DID have outreach and help the public. BUT, unfortunately, I knew MANY that were like the one my father told me about.

      Kiva is ONLY as noble as the cause supported.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Those people may be worth every penny they earn too. A better measure of charity organizations is the percentage of funds raised that actually go to the cause they represent. There are some pretty big names that spend over 50% of the funds they raise on things other than the cause they raise money for.

    For myself, I tend to give locally, although I will help out distant causes when a disaster strikes, such as Katrina or the 2004 tidal wave, to name two examples.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author 82ana
    I've always had a trust issue with giving money to big charities and I'm (kind of) generous with my resources. I give monetary charity to local shelters/hospitals and blue collar people who work at my building/workplace. I also volunteer (as much as I can) at nursing homes or people with assisted living.

    I just don't think writing a cheque can be quite as rewarding.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidmichal
    i think Edhi foundation is the best center for donation ...
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