Am I an 80's kid or 90's?

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I was born in 1988 so does that make me an 80's kid or 90's?

  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    Hmm 88' is pushing it I guess but you're still technically an 80s kid.

    The early 90s' were very much like the 80s so you still experienced the good life and 80s trends.

    Mid-Late 90's is when thinks began to change and 2000 woah lets not even go there, its when society and life began to suck due to "political correctness"
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
      I was born in 1968 and I consider myself an 80's kids not a 60's kid. Usually it's tied to your formative growing up period. Pre-teen/teens.

      Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post


      The early 90s' were very much like the 80s so you still experienced the good life and 80s trends.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    You know what? I was born in 1957 and I consider myself a 70s kid.


    Because I hit 13 in 1970 and that's when I really started having some amazing
    fun. My teen years were, without a doubt, the most exciting and wonderful
    right up until I got into college.

    Music was great...girls were was great.

    The 60s were okay, but quite honestly, I remember so little of them other
    than bits and pieces here and there.

    Plus, grammar school sucked. It wasn't until I got into high school in 1971
    that things started to turn around for me.

    So I'm definitely a 70s kid.

    50s? I don't have a clue what even went on in the 50s.
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  • Profile picture of the author 82ana
    Agree with Chris Kent. You will have to dig deep into your soul to find out what decade you belong to. O_o
    Technically though, you are a 90's kid. I was born in '82 and I think i'm a 90's kid, only because those were the "formative" years.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I remember the last few years of the 50's but that's about it. I also remember the first few years of the 60's but it wasn't until the late 60's that the new social culture became part of my life. The people who were teens in the 90's think it was a free time for America - they have no idea. I call the 80's the end of the playful, free nature of the American people. I remember when hundreds went to the Pentagon to sit in a circle around it to try to levitate it, LOL - I can't imagine what would happen to them today for such a benign little stunt. And can ya picture guards at the gates of Woodstock searching everyone as they came in like they do today. It was unimaginable to our people to be searched just to go into a building back then - or to have to pee into a cup to get a job - or to have someone listening to a phone call that was more than a nosy neighbor on your party line.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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  • Profile picture of the author Bob Phantom
    Lol I was born in 88 too, and think that i am more of a 90's type of kid :p I think that I was waaaay too young to even remember the 80's but hey, whatever floats your boat
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

    I was born in 1988 so does that make me an 80's kid or 90's?
    90's, definitely. You can't possibly be an 80's kid: my father is an 80's kid.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      Man, reading all these stories reminds me...

      In dog years...

      I'm dead.

      Harry Truman was President when I was born.
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      • Profile picture of the author ThomM
        Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

        Man, reading all these stories reminds me...

        In dog years...

        I'm dead.

        Harry Truman was President when I was born.
        That's ok Bill, I'm right behind you (scary thought).
        Ike had been pres. for about 4 months when I was born.

        Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
        Getting old ain't for sissy's
        As you are I was, as I am you will be
        You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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      • Profile picture of the author ningobiz
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        • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
          Originally Posted by ningobiz View Post

          Wow! are you really dead! Ha! Did you learn anything from Harry? just kidding
          Yup, sure did.

          I learned not to put affiliate links in my sig and spam posts...
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    • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      90's, definitely. You can't possibly be an 80's kid: my father is an 80's kid.
      Wait, what?! Really? He must have had you young right? My H was born in 1973 and considers himself an 80's kid. I was born in 79 and consider myself the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author ningobiz
    Why worry about 80' or 90'? You still look good for 88's.
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  • Profile picture of the author fastm0ney
    i was born in 88 and consider myself to be a 80's kid
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    • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
      Originally Posted by fastm0ney View Post

      i was born in 88 and consider myself to be a 80's kid
      Me, too. Of course, we could be both, technically speaking... but I like more of what came out of the '80's than the 90's, including the music and movies.

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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
        Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

        Me, too. Of course, we could be both, technically speaking... but I like more of what came out of the '80's than the 90's, including the music and movies.
        You're just saying that because 3 of the 4 Rambo movies came out in the 80s, and the other wasn't released until 2008.

        Just sayin'


        "Ich bin en fuego!"
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        • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
          Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

          You're just saying that because 3 of the 4 Rambo movies came out in the 80s, and the other wasn't released until 2008.

          Just sayin'

          Okay - how did you know that? Unless you've read my previous posts about being a die-hard Rambo fan...

          But yes, that's a very good reason

          Some of the James Bond movies that came out in the '80s are my favorites, too. It was a good decade for action flicks.

          As an aside, I've seen someone floating around the forums with the username Rambo007... if I were a guy, that'd be an awesome handle...

          Edit: Oh yes, and need I mention Def Leppard, Scorpions, etc...

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          • Profile picture of the author kangen
            i am an early 90's kid and i am proud of it, that time was really amazing, far better than the time right now .
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          • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
            Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

            As an aside, I've seen someone floating around the forums with the username Rambo007... if I were a guy, that'd be an awesome handle...
            What'd be indescribably awesome, Rikki, would be your name, if you were a "Guy".

            I was born in April '87, and although I don't really remember the 80s, I too prefer a lot of the music, movies and so on, from that decade.

            Although I like a lot of 70s stuff, too, and definitely prefer 70s "fashion", overall. For fashion (and hairstyles, specifically), the 80s was often absolutely atrocious, lol ... not that I know jack about fashion! :rolleyes:
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            • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
              Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

              What'd be indescribably awesome, Rikki, would be your name, if you were a "Guy".

              I was born in April '87, and although I don't really remember the 80s, I too prefer a lot of the music, movies and so on, from that decade.

              Although I like a lot of 70s stuff, too, and definitely prefer 70s "fashion", overall. For fashion (and hairstyles, specifically), the 80s was often absolutely atrocious, lol ... not that I know jack about fashion! :rolleyes:
              Certain famous people looked okay in rock 'n roll mullets in the 1980s, but precious few, I'll admit.

              And what, you don't like the name Rikki for a girl? :p

              And as far as fashion goes, the 80s and 90s both had their terrible styles. Like the tapered leg jeans of the 90s. Hate 'em!!

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              • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
                Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

                And what, you don't like the name Rikki for a girl? :p
                Nooo - it's fine, really. I'm just a big fan of Guy Fawkes.
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                • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
                  Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

                  Nooo - it's fine, really. I'm just a big fan of Guy Fawkes.
                  Aha! Good man. Yes, me, too. So that's what you meant by "Guy" in the quotes. Duh.

                  I trust you like the movie V for Vendetta?

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                  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
                    Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

                    So that's what you meant by "Guy" in the quotes. Duh.
                    Haha - yup!

                    Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

                    I trust you like the movie V for Vendetta?
                    Yes; very much so! I've just watched that movie again, recently. Always get a kick out of seeing Parliament blow up.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
                      Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

                      Haha - yup!

                      Yes; very much so! I've just watched that movie again, recently. Always get a kick out of seeing Parliament blow up.
                      And the Tchaikovsky music that plays at the same time - I love "1812 Overture"

                      I watch it every Fifth of November (or November 5 Eve, depending)

                      Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at No previous writing experience necessary!

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                      • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
                        Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

                        And the Tchaikovsky music that plays at the same time - I love "1812 Overture"

                        I watch it every Fifth of November (or November 5 Eve, depending)
                        Yeah - great music, also.

                        When I was young, my mum would make me a stuffed Guy Fawkes to throw on the bonfire, and every year I resisted. After the third or fourth time, realising the inevitable fate of my new friend, I "took off" with him, and hid away with him in a den/hideout I'd made with my friend down the "tenfoot" at the back of our house. I refused to come out until my parents swore not to burn him.

                        But he was so big and unsightly my mum forced me to leave him in the garden. The winter weather got to him, and he must've been ravaged by a fox or something, because it wasn't long before all that remained was a mangled pile of discoloured, rotten stuffing.

                        There's just no justice in the world. :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    I was born in 1968 and consider myself a child of the 70s and a teen of the 80s, but I thought the 90s were cool, too.

    Some of my earliest memories are from 1971, or so.

    Things were so much different then. Not better or worse, just different.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Things were so much different then. Not better or worse, just different.
      Different in a worse way

      Only good thing about these days is the Internet but even that too has had some negative effects on society
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
        Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

        Different in a worse way

        Only good thing about these days is the Internet but even that too has had some negative effects on society
        Sorry, I disagree with those who say things are worse. After all, people have been saying that forever. They said it in the 80s and 90s, too.

        There is surely more than just one good thing about these days. Are there any songs, TV shows or movies you like? Cars? Games? Sports? See, a lot of the things we remember are related to pop culture, sure there are exceptions, but I'm just trying to point out that there are a lot of good things about today's world.

        Trust me, in 20 or 30 years we will look back at today through the eyes of nostalgia as well.

        All the best,

        "Ich bin en fuego!"
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        • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
          Originally Posted by ovi789 View Post

          Well you are a 80's kid there is no doubt about it but you are a 90's teen
          Your math is terrible, that would mean I'd be at least 40 years old at the moment.

          Originally Posted by oliviasmith View Post

          Whatever makes you happy Chris. It's not about when you were born it's about when you really started enjoying the things you know what i mean
          oh yeah

          POWER RANGERS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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          • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
            Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

            Your math is terrible, that would mean I'd be at least 40 years old at the moment.

            oh yeah

            POWER RANGERS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            that was close

            well you are a 90s kid however no such big difference in 80s and 90s. Kids of 2000 are way different.
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        • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
          Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

          Trust me, in 20 or 30 years we will look back at today through the eyes of nostalgia as well.
          Yep, no doubt about it.

          We'll probably be looking back through barbed wire, as well...
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          • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
            Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

            Yep, no doubt about it.

            We'll probably be looking back through barbed wire, as well...

            And 20 or 30 years from that point we'll be looking back at how nice the wire was "back in the day".


            "Ich bin en fuego!"
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3340888].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
          Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

          Trust me, in 20 or 30 years we will look back at today through the eyes of nostalgia as well.
          I have no doubt you're right Michael...because every decade gets worse and worse:p
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          • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
            Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

            I have no doubt you're right Michael...because every decade gets worse and worse:p
            I know you're kidding around, but a lot of things are better than ever. Some are a lot worse.

            However, I believe the real reason people tend to think the past was better, or that "today" is as bad as it's ever been is because people change.

            When you were a kid you were quite naive about the ways of the world. Concpets like war, hunger and disease were only words--if you knew them at all--and you had no real idea of the scope of their meaning.

            But, then, as you grew up, you started seeing things differently because you became more aware of them.

            There is also the idea that you have to tell yourself things used to be better as a sort of survival mechanism. It lets you off the hook for not knowing then what you know now.

            My bet is that if you were to transport the you that you are now to the time you look so fondly upon, you would see it wasn't nearly as good as you remember.

            But even then, you would see some things are worse and some are better.

            All the best,

            "Ich bin en fuego!"
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3344473].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
              Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

              My bet is that if you were to transport the you that you are now to the time you look so fondly upon, you would see it wasn't nearly as good as you remember.

              But even then, you would see some things are worse and some are better.
              Great post Michael. Ok in all seriousness I'm sure you're right and me being only 25 I guess I'll take your word for it.

              However I think "overall" each decade has gotten worse well starting from the 60's...I could be wrong I guess since I was born in '86.

              When I say now is a lot worse than the 80's and even 90's is because of all the big government, pointless rules and regulations, and especially all the political correctness that goes on these days. (well since around 2000). I mean you can't say or do anything without people jumping down your throat in the blink of any eye with "you're sexist, you're racist, etc etc).

              People definitely were a lot more carefree decades ago in a lot of everyday "aspects" but yes you're right in others areas you can say we are more open minded now in terms of gays, marriage before sex and other issues. I just think as a whole I would of been happier being my age 20-30 years ago than now.

              Also the world was safer back then compared to now "overall".

              Not to mention better video games, cartoons and music was better in the 80s. I know this is subjective but come on...."Rap and Justin Beiber" compare to ACDC, Bon Jovi and the like.......get real!

              And How can the cars that come out these days compare to the awesome looking Mustangs, Camaros, Shevys etc.

              I think when you mentioned being all grown up now has something to do with feeling like this as we take more notice of social issues you make a great point, but I still think I'm correct in saying times were better back then "for the most part"...heck I'm young but I've noticed a change for the worse IMHO since late 90's/2000.
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        • Profile picture of the author ForeignProfessor
          Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

          Sorry, I disagree with those who say things are worse. After all, people have been saying that forever. They said it in the 80s and 90s, too.
          80s and 90s too? Here's what Socrates said about the youth of today (according to Plato, anyway):

          The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they allow disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children now are tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers
          Switch "dainties" for "candy" and you could write that today..
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          • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
            Originally Posted by ForeignProfessor View Post

            80s and 90s too? Here's what Socrates said about the youth of today (according to Plato, anyway):

            Switch "dainties" for "candy" and you could write that today..
            Hi David,

            That's exactly my point.

            I was just specifying the 80s and 90s because that's the focus of this thread, and the person I was responding to was saying that the 80s and 90s were better than today.

            But people have been saying it forever, that was my main point.

            As mentioned in earlier posts, I think there are several reasons why people think this way, but it is very difficult to try to convince them otherwise.

            Just for kicks, I looked up the major events of 1988, and...yep! There was plenty of bad stuff going on, and good stuff too.

            All the best,

            "Ich bin en fuego!"
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3347919].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ForeignProfessor
              Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

              Hi David,

              That's exactly my point.
              But people have been saying it forever, that was my main point.

              As mentioned in earlier posts, I think there are several reasons why people think this way, but it is very difficult to try to convince them otherwise.
              Yeah I guess I knew that was your point I kind of wanted to put it in context for some of the other readers is all Of course, within this context, I still think the youth of today will be in no fit state to run the world 30-60 years from now..

              Anyone got a good line on immortality drugs? Just so I can, you know, guide the world...
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          • Profile picture of the author Hesaidblissfully
            Originally Posted by ForeignProfessor View Post

            80s and 90s too? Here's what Socrates said about the youth of today (according to Plato, anyway):

            Switch "dainties" for "candy" and you could write that today..
            I found this quote that even predates that one:

            "Ugga bugga teenagers...unga munga bunga get a haircut...buga munga (incomprehensible grunting) crappy music...bugga munga back in MY day...mugga bugga org no clean up cave but want borrow mastodon wagon...unga munga slang....bunga bunga miss good old days."

            - Og the Caveman
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            • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
              Originally Posted by Hesaidblissfully View Post

              I found this quote that even predates that one:

              "Ugga bugga teenagers...unga munga bunga get a haircut...buga munga (incomprehensible grunting) crappy music...bugga munga back in MY day...mugga bugga org no clean up cave but want borrow mastodon wagon...unga munga slang....bunga bunga miss good old days."

              - Og the Caveman
              Lmao, that one cracked me up for a good 5 minutes


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  • Profile picture of the author ovi789
    Well you are a 80's kid there is no doubt about it but you are a 90's teen
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      Originally Posted by ovi789 View Post

      Well you are a 80's kid there is no doubt about it but you are a 90's teen
      You must have been taught math in the American school system...:rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author oliviasmith
    Whatever makes you happy Chris. It's not about when you were born it's about when you really started enjoying the things you know what i mean
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    • Profile picture of the author Hesaidblissfully
      I guess it has to do with which decade you associate most strongly with your childhood. I was born in '79, but if someone were to ask me about my childhood, I'd automatically think about the 80's, not the 90's (and obviously not the 70's), even though I was still technically a child into the 90's. When someone asks me about the 90's, I associate it with my teen years, not my "childhood".
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  • Profile picture of the author ConsumerBoard
    Definitely a 90's Kid... Cause I was born in 1988 as well
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  • Profile picture of the author smartiewriter
    I would say you're still considered an 80's kid. As long as the 80's are in your heart and you were born when hair bands ruled the earth.
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  • Profile picture of the author SonnyKing
    80s baby, but 90s swag (since most of your "growing pains" happened in the 90s)
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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Wow...this thread reminds me tons of memories!
      The 90's...what years!!

      I love 90's dance music,fantastic songs!

      Rikki,i agree with you regard fashion! Absolutely terrible styles!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    It's a good thing I'm young at heart or you stinking kids would be making me feel old.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brucew0617
    Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post


    I was born in 1988 so does that make me an 80's kid or 90's?

    So am I, I was bron in 1988, I think I'm 80's kid, because 90's kid in my country is totall different from me, no matter the behavior or words.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by Brucew0617 View Post

      So am I, I was bron in 1988, I think I'm 80's kid, because 90's kid in my country is totall different from me, no matter the behavior or words.
      Excellent point, Bruce!

      Now we have come full circle.

      Chris, it's all about self-identity.

      What do you think? Do you feel like you're an 80s kid, or a 90s kid? Maybe you feel like a 30s kid even though you were born in 1988. So what?

      YOU get to choose your own identitiy. Don't let others dictate who you are.

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author cossie
    90's kid you are way to late for the 80s
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Whoa! That's scary.

      I was born in 1944 - so does that make me a 40s kid?
      Ew. That doesn't sound right.

      I'd say I was a 50s kid, because the 60s would be well into my teen to adult years. Started work in '61, at 16, so.... yea. I'd be a 50s kid.

      Yep. That's definitely scary. It makes me an antique.

      Now, "technically", I suppose you're a kid as soon as you crawl out of the crib.

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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    I think the decade you graduate high school tends to define your generation. Example: If you graduated in the 80s you would be a 80's kid.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    Hey Michael!

    I'm a 90's kid through and through, I was curious how others view the subject


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  • Profile picture of the author Converting Copy
    I was born in the mid 80's but "grew up" (ha what's the difference) in the 90's so I consider myself to be more of a 90's kid cos that's more of when I was a kid and actually have a memory of it. Everything that I was into came from the 90's for the most part so that's what I base it on in part. I guess it's subjective.

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  • Profile picture of the author TracyNeedham
    Well, if you never wore big hair, Polo cologne, anything pink & green, big shoulder pads or leg warmers, I'd say it's pretty safe you're a 90's kid.

    OK, maybe you wouldn't have worn the last 2 as a guy. LOL
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