Am I an 80's kid or 90's?
I was born in 1988 so does that make me an 80's kid or 90's?
I'm planning to create a product and promote it using paid traffic on Facebook Ads. With a limited budget, is it feasible to produce a VSL using AI, considering it ... [read more]
Why My Website is Not Indexed in Google? I have 700+ Blog in Website. But index in Google only 7. Please help me why my website in not Ranked and ... [read more] I did know there are people who are 'labeling' items and routes, etc for A.I.....I did not know many or how badly the workers are treated. I remember hearing ... [read more]
Hi all! I have a question to experienced self-publishing authors. I have in plans to publish series of books and I was looking for opportunity to use services like KDP, ... [read more]
Yesterday I received a package from Amazon - not unusual except I hadn't ordered anything. It was a gift - a lovely plant pot and amaryllis bulb which will be ... [read more]
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