Describe your Ideal Woman
We always hear from women what they think is an ideal guy, but what would you describe as an ideal woman?
Will be interesting to hear the responses.
I'm planning to create a product and promote it using paid traffic on Facebook Ads. With a limited budget, is it feasible to produce a VSL using AI, considering it ... [read more]
Why My Website is Not Indexed in Google? I have 700+ Blog in Website. But index in Google only 7. Please help me why my website in not Ranked and ... [read more] I did know there are people who are 'labeling' items and routes, etc for A.I.....I did not know many or how badly the workers are treated. I remember hearing ... [read more]
Hi all! I have a question to experienced self-publishing authors. I have in plans to publish series of books and I was looking for opportunity to use services like KDP, ... [read more]
Yesterday I received a package from Amazon - not unusual except I hadn't ordered anything. It was a gift - a lovely plant pot and amaryllis bulb which will be ... [read more]
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New Book! Radical Life Extension. Help me to hasten the defeat of aging.
Michael Ten . Do Nothing Does . All Books by Michael Ten
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Candle fundraiser|Non-profit fundraising
Non-profit fundraiser
Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.
Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.
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