The Future of Internet Marketing Has Lapsed Into a Comatose State - With Varying Chances of Recovery

by tpw
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The Future of Internet Marketing
Has Lapsed Into a Comatose State -
With Varying Chances of Recovery

More so today than in recent years, the future of Internet Marketing is in decline...

There are a number of contributing factors, but one thing is clear... The sheer volume of factors coming together at one point on the calendar makes you wonder if December 21st, 2012 has come early...

You Can Almost Taste The Fear In The Air

People are scared, and that fear is going to drive more people out of this marketplace.

In recent months, we have been reading about The Death of:
  • Article Marketing
  • Bum Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • YouTube Marketing
  • Viral FaceBook Advertising
  • Twitter
  • MySpace
  • Yahoo Services
  • Delicious
  • Propeller
  • Flicker
  • Yahoo
  • Google
  • Mini-Adsense Sites
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • ClickBank
  • CPA Marketing
  • PayPal
  • Recurring Payments
  • Forums in General
  • the Warrior Forum specifically (on other sites )

For those who are looking for negative signals as to the health of the Internet Marketing economy, each of these stories only adds to the uncertainty people already feel and confirms their fears for them.

The global offline economy is still feeling the weight of lower consumer spending, and that gloom is carried over into the online economy, as people want to fear the worst.

And here is the reality...

All successful Internet Marketers have learned how to be successful, through trial and error.

They have tried certain marketing methods that everyone swears by, and they have found failure and success. Through the school of hard knocks, they have learned why some stuff has failed and why other things have been successful.

They have taken from this the ability to replicate what has worked in the past, to drive their success into the future.

And often times, those folks have come here to share their wisdom, which they had earned through the process of trial and error.

Yet, folks who read what the successful folks share try to replicate that success using the methods described, but they either fail to understand a nuance of the thing or they try to find shortcuts to speed success.

Those who have failed will swear that they followed the advice given to the letter, but only they will know the truth if they looked at what they had done with honest eyes.

Most folks who are quick to declare "The Death Of" anything are people who barely put in an effort to try the specific thing that they are now declaring dead. And all that they have taken from the experience is that something did not work for them, with little concern or regard for why it did not work for them.

Those who are unwilling to learn from the past are bound to repeat it.

Rather than to assume that the experts are lying to you or trying to scam your hard earned cash, why not instead assume that you have missed a very important part of what they told you?

Because it is easier to shoot the messenger, rather than to admit errors or to fix the errors?

The reality is that the Future of Internet Marketing IS on the decline...

It is on the decline, because at the present rate of attrition, fewer people will finish the race, let alone win...

People are quitting on their dreams of success, without actually investing the time, effort or desire to overcome all obstacles, and they are certainly not investing in the willingness to learn from their mistakes or failures.

So long as people continue to look for someone to blame for their failure, they will never be in a position to learn from their mistakes or failures.

And that is a real shame...

Worse than that however is the poor people who stumble into "The Death Of" threads and give up before they even try something, because some loon said it was dead.

That is worse than shameful...

There is plenty of room at the top for people who are willing to go the extra miles necessary to actually complete their journey.

And as I indicated previously, it is not the distance that is hardest thing to conquer, but the unwillingness to overcome any and all challenges presented to a person...

The truly successful people who come to this forum to help others are sincerely interested in helping people achieve their goals and to reach their dreams...

However when they do so, many of them are taken to task for being "mean" and "uncaring"... LOL

As a parent, I have to occasionally be "mean" to my kids to get them to think beyond the moment... "Stop!!! Get away from the fire!!! Don't put your hand in the flame!!!"

Sure, my kids cry when I yell at them... I upset them when I do that... But am I a better parent when I correct my children, or would I be a better parent if I let them put their hand in the flame?

Seriously people...

While you are not my child, and I don't desire to treat you as a child, is it better for me to let you get burned or to be a little "mean" when I direct you away from error?

The Warrior Forum veterans are not "mean people", although many of us have been accused of such on a regular basis... (Well, there is this one guy who is mean, and we simply tolerate him Just kidding... Or am I? )

As long as people continue to quit the race, before the race is finished, Internet Marketing will always be on the decline... Because Internet Marketing will continue to fail to live up to its real potential...

When I started in Internet Marketing over a decade ago, people were much more positive about its future... I swear, I had never read a "Death Of" story or thread until about 2004, and even then, I did not hear those stories at the same volume I am hearing them now...

But the real question people should be asking themselves right now is whether they are going to follow the leadership of the naysayers who want to push others down to their level, or whether the person reading all of this negative press is going to take the opportunity to find out why something is not working, so that they can learn how to make it work for them...

In the end, everyone who comes here to this forum has the potential within themselves to become successful...

The only question is, will they do what it takes to become successful?
#chances #comatose #failure #future #internet #internet marketing #lapsed #marketing #recovery #state #success #the death of #varying
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
    You know Bill, I really feel like the Death of the Death of Internet Marketing is coming, if people bother to read your message and take it heart.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Originally Posted by tpw View Post

    The Warrior Forum veterans are not "mean people", although many of us have been accused of such on a regular basis... (Well, there is this one guy who is mean, and we simply tolerate him Just kidding... Or am I? )
    For some reason I felt a flush of guilt when I read that

    I think you're right - many people are not cut out to be successful at IM and should stop wasting their time trying to be something they're not - and go do what they're really passionate about and what makes them happy.

    IM is not for everyone.

    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author ExploringInfinity
      So true, my friend.

      The death of internet marketing is a myth, but also a reality.

      It depends who you are.
      Get ALL the SEO software YOU CANT afford:
      Ultimate SEO Pack
      SENuke & Grscraper, and dozens more! $40 a month!
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  • Profile picture of the author metafever
    I think at the end of the day the people in IM who are successful are developing and promoting products that actually bring some kind of viable benefit to the end user (customer) . . .

    The death of IM will come because of all the snake oil sales "gurus" who constantly churn out "make money online" crap that is of no real benefit.

    I have stopped hanging out on the Warrior Forum on a regular basis because of this.

    You see some many guys producing supposed Warrior Special Offers that are nothing more than re-written eBooks and who are trying to make a quick buck at the expense of newbies.

    For those who develop real products based on cutting edge ideas and who are innovative, they will NOT have a problem succeeding for years to come.
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  • Profile picture of the author jikanv
    Negativity attracts attention. It's human nature. However the adverse effects of negativity attacks creativity.

    Say you want to attract attention to your site by leaving negative comments in forums something like (is this a scam or is it for real and your URL) this negative marketing probably brings positive results as far as visitor number. People will see the negative SCAM in the message and will check it out.

    But when it's used to degrade something with a huge proven potential (making money on the internet) it will actually push people away.

    Very easy to make money on the internet but it takes perseverance and lots of learning.

    Just think about this. "If they can do it I can too, because I am at least as good as they are".

    What does this suggest to you? Are you a looser or are you a winner? Do you put yourself below the others and submit, or are you equal and as equal you learn from their expertise to be ahead of them.

    Well. I am at least as good as anyone else and I can do it! Might not be right now, but in a year or two. I have been at it for over a year now and I am making enough to pay for my all web expenses (including memberships and training stuff) and it's growing, but I sleep in the afternoons and do other stuff during the day and I procrastinate a lot unfortunately. But I can do it if they can, it's just takes me longer time.

    So, Do you Believe in the Death of Internet marketing? Do you Punk?
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      The first time I heard of the Death of Internet Marketing was many years ago from a book of the same name written by Mike Filsaime. He made millions from it, and still does, by giving it away. Later he published another book, The Death of Network Marketing, and made millions more. Another was an audio series; The Death of Grass, LOL!

      Can we see a pattern here? If you can appreciate the humor and irony, you will see that many successful marketers in all these iterations read these latest "death of ..." threads with rolled-up eyes, and often with mischievous replies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Bill I envy your writing ability and I know it's not the first time I have said it. But hey, somethings can't just be said enough

    On a more serious note, bum marketing just died yesterday. Google killed it.

    I am sure you have heard about it

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by Mohammad Afaq View Post

      Bill I envy your writing ability and I know it's not the first time I have said it. But hey, somethings can't just be said enough

      On a more serious note, bum marketing just died yesterday. Google killed it.

      I am sure you have heard about it

      Ah yes, I have heard. And those people who "made EzineArticles famous" are mad as hell, and they are not going to take it anymore!! LOL
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    When I saw your subject line, a rebuttal immediately popped into my head. And then...

    While I wouldn't go into as much detail as you did, I'd say, just use common sense folks. The Internet isn't going anywhere. Sure, technologies change and we have to adapt. But I said adapt, not die. The only way you die is if you don't adapt.

    I see a lot of "death of..." threads and others asking almost irrelevant questions that really have no bearing on anything whatsoever. They only indicate that the poster is over-thinking things. (Sorry, an example escapes me at the moment.)

    Pick a product or service.
    Pick a niche.
    Pick a business model

    And then just FOCUS!

    "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    when one thing dies you move on to another, I was a ebay power seller and I just stopped doing ebay.
    Now I am making at least twenty times of what I was making before.
    I am sorry for all the time that I wasted on ebay.

    Something new soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    The problem is one of unrealistic expectations.

    The fact is that a large percentage of the human population simply do not have what it takes to be successful in business, any business. There is a myth that anyone can learn to anything they want and that all they have to do is put the work in and persevere and they can achieve anything. This, I'm afraid, is rubbish.

    However hard they try, they are going to fail. You see disillusioned people coming on here every day and the reason that they are disillusioned is not because they have given up or are thinking negatively but that they have realised that what they wanted was an illusion.

    Now, I'm not saying that I can't make money from internet marketing, or that you can't make money, but that some people (a lot of people) can't and will never make money internet marketing.

    Anyone who comes on this forum posting things like "how can I make just $50 a day on autopilot!!!" will not make $50 a year unless they wake up and take a look at the real world. This takes a degree of intelligence and self-awareness that many people just don't have.

    Instead of asking themselves the simple question "how do you make $50 a day?" and then answering it with "you work for it". They go looking for the secret method! Well, actually they wait for someone who knows the secret method to come to them - and sell it to them. They buy a WSO that promises $50 a day on autopilot through Amazon, selling Clickbank products, CPA or adsense, etc. and they try to put this magical plan into action. Obviously they fail. Not just because the advice is probably next to useless but because they do not have the necessary skills to do even the simplest tasks involved.

    Then they come on the forum a few weeks later making posts like:
    • Amazon is DEAD!!!
    • Clickbank is DEAD!!!
    • CPA is DEAD!!!
    • ADSENSE is DEAD!!!
    • etc. is DEAD!!!
    If you have read this and thought you may be one of these people - then there is hope for you.

    If you skim read this and thought "yup, they're all dead alright!" then I guess I'll see you around the forum until you run out of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    It's all about ADAPTION.

    If you can't deliver to a market, regardless whether the market consists of rich people or poor people - you fail at marketing.

    The fact that people are poorer is simply a shift in their needs and their willingness to spend - but they STILL have needs and they STILL consume goods and services.

    ADAPT - sell cheaper, offer more, outplay your competitors.

    Besides all this...there is STILL people who pay crazy sums for luxury goods, and there is STILL rich people.

    The market hasn't gone away, it simply changed.
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
    Techniques ebb and flow but one thing has remained constant in the 11 years that I have been in Internet Marketing...

    ...if you offer real value to real people and can find ways of letting your target market know about it, you're most certain to make money.

    It's just simple business, and it's the same online as off.



    Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    There is a myth that anyone can learn to anything they want and that all they have to do is put the work in and persevere and they can achieve anything. This, I'm afraid, is rubbish.
    With all respect, I disagree with this notion of yours.

    Any human being with a brain intact (I sometimes leave mine under my pillow but I will assume that's just me ) has what it takes to succeed.

    There is no such thing as a "success" gene. No one is born with a natural ability to succeed. It all comes down to a person's own actions and if he does the right thing.

    If you work hard enough (not to forget in the right direction) and if you are persistent NOTHING can stop you from succeeding. PERIOD.

    No one is a success magnet (except for me of course ).

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    So if you think about it the death of everything is actually the very life of other things. lol. Wow the circle of life even pertains to the internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Originally Posted by tpw View Post

    There is plenty of room at the top for people who are willing to go the extra miles necessary to actually complete their journey.
    Best quote I have seen in quite awhile.

    The Future of Internet Marketing Has Lapsed Into a Comatose State - With Varying Chances of Recovery
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      The Future of Internet Marketing Has Lapsed Into a Comatose State - With Varying Chances of Recovery
      Originally Posted by janok View Post

      This was not MYOB's creation, LOL! With all due respect Bill PM'd me that this "quote" (actually a joke from another thread) was the inspiration for this topic. I could never have taken this little off-handed remark to such heights of insight and wisdom as he has done. And besides, that was not even a direct quote, but rather a masterful adaptation. His succinct style and thoughtfully considered writing certainly is an inspiration to me and undoubtedly to others as well. But we should be blaming Mike Filsaime for causing the Death of the Internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayden57
    I say let them scatter. The more people who get out of the niche the more money I can bring in. there will be still be tons of newbies getting into it every day, and so the less experienced marketers there are marketing to them, the more money they will make.

    Unfortunately, I'm beginnigng to get the feeling (what with the Adwords cleansing, etc) that Google is out to destroy internet marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Peters Benn
    i really don't feel people are fully exploring the copywriting possibilities of zombie positioning in internet marketing.

    X method raises this tired old scam back from the dead!

    Then money flys out of your screen!

    Just like an ATM!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3431807].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author theory expert
      Originally Posted by myob View Post

      This was not MYOB's creation, LOL! With all due respect Bill PM'd me that this "quote" (actually a joke from another thread) was the inspiration for this topic. I could never have taken this little off-handed remark to such heights of insight and wisdom as he has done. And besides, that was not even a direct quote, but rather a masterful adaptation. His succinct style and thoughtfully considered writing certainly is an inspiration to me and undoubtedly to others as well.
      Thanks and now I know

      Originally Posted by Steve Peters Benn View Post

      i really don't feel people are fully exploring the copywriting possibilities of zombie positioning in internet marketing.

      X method raises this tired old scam back from the dead!

      Then money flys out of your screen!

      Just like an ATM!
      Great point as there is alot of false posturing going on in forums as well as on websites and other media outlets. Like I said in another post, "sad for the consumer, great for the seller".
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Hey, everyone! Just hold on a second and stop over-thinking everything.

    Boil this whole business down to the bare bones and you will see a couple of simple truths which have been around since people started making stone tools.

    1. Sales are made because the value of something offered by a seller equates to or exceeds the value of the price asked for it to the customer.
    2. Sales happen through communication - showing, talking, writing/reading.
    3. This whole interwebbynet thing is simply an advanced form of communication, right?

    So all that is needed is to create value and communicate it. Just in the same way a door-to-door Fuller brush guy did in the 50's. Just as TV advertising did in the 60s. Just as telesales and direct mailing firms did in the 70s and 80s

    Same S***, folks. Just different tools. arse.
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    So what you are really saying is Internet Marketing is alive and kicking.

    Unfortunately, the elevator providing an easy ride to the top is dead and some of us may have to take the stairs if we want to see the magnificent view of success.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      So what you are really saying is Internet Marketing is alive and kicking.

      Unfortunately, the elevator providing an easy ride to the top is dead and some of us may have to take the stairs if we want to see the magnificent view of success.
      Oh, so now the ELEVATOR is dead?

      We need a new and exciting "death of" topic
      The Death of Elevators, What Do You Do?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3432059].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author theory expert
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        Oh, so now the ELEVATOR is dead?

        We need a new and exciting "death of" topic
        The Death of Elevators, What Do You Do?
        Hire someone to lift you up the stairs of course
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        • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
          Well, Michael Jackson and Elvis, not to mention Einstein and Dale Earnhardt are still raking in the big bucks after they kicked the bucket.

          The lesson here?

          The sooner Internet Marketing dies the faster we'll all be rollin in the dough...

          Want proof?

          Here 'tis...

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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Originally Posted by janok View Post

          Hire someone to lift you up the stairs of course
          LOL! I've obviously never actually used the damned elevator myself whatever it is, and no one I know can even carry someone weighing 290lb and 6'4" up any stairs. The original Death of Internet Marketing by Mike Filsaime really was a very successful marketing gem, and is perhaps why it took on a life of its own. This obsession with the "death of" was a powerful marketing tool in its time, but like so many other things it was overused to the point of being worthless.

          Especially as to regarding the recent Google changes, following along with those who know and use Google's algorithm as well as all the other methods advised by successful marketers and writers all along, you can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

          As an article marketer, for example, it really doesn't have to take massive articles to make sales, as I and others have repeatedly advised. Often just a few as one or two well-placed articles have been getting nearly immediate sales. And quite a number of my articles, especially in some of the most highly competitive niches, are suddenly closing in with higher ranking.

          A very poignant quote from the OP makes clear I think of how to proceed especially in the context of recent changes:
          ... But the real question people should be asking themselves right now is whether they are going to follow the leadership of the naysayers who want to push others down to their level, or whether the person reading all of this negative press is going to take the opportunity to find out why something is not working, so that they can learn how to make it work for them...

          In the end, everyone who comes here to this forum has the potential within themselves to become successful...

          The only question is, will they do what it takes to become successful?
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    Oh, so now the ELEVATOR is dead?
    Don't worry, I saw the elevator repair man over in the WSO forum so a (cheap and guaranteed) solution is on it's way. Prepare yourselves for the Marketing Escalator!
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