How to fake a CB screen shot...
How about software that makes fake Clickbank screen shots! This would be assured of being the next Clickbank #1! All the top JV's would be on board to battle for the huge cash prizes!
All these guys could use the software to fake their screen shots and be perfect case studies for the product themselves!
For example, take Billy Bob Jones Wallace from Podunk, KY,
"I've been using this software to fake my screen shots all month and my income has increase by 5,000%. Don't believe me? Just look at this clickbank screen shot!!...
And remember, thats just 1 of Billy Bobs Clickbank accounts, he has 10 other ones just like it!
All you JV's partners let your subscribers know you use this product yourself to fake your Clickbank screen shots and you highly recommend it. This will really help sales and help get the gravity up over 10,000 which would probably be some kind of record.
I really hope someone jumps on this, I just dont have time because i'm making too much money with Clickbank.
Consider this my gift to the Warrior Forum. Enjoy!
(attn: Moderator: This post is just for laughs - please dont delete)
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