How We Can Put A Stop to High Gas Prices

by 81 replies
Please read this entire idea PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE

Dropping Gas Prices:

This is not the "Don't Buy Gas for a Day", but it will show you how we can get gas prices back down to $2.00 per gallon.

If you are tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this summer, take time to read this please.

Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea.

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day" campaign that was going around a couple of years ago.

It's worth the consideration. Join the resistance!!!

I hear we are going to hit close to $5.00 a gallon by Memorial Day, and it might go higher!! Want gas prices to come down?

We need to make some intelligent, united action. The oil companies just laughed at that because they know we wouldn't continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy gas.

It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them, BUT, whoever thought of this idea has come up with a plan that can really work. Please read on and join with us!

By now you've probably thinking gasoline priced at $2.00 is super cheap. Me too!

It is currently $3.59 for regular unleaded in my town.

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations has conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50-$1.75, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace not the sellers.

With the prices of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the prices of gas come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas, But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea! For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest (Which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL.

If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now don't wimp out on me at this point.....Keep reading on and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

This note was sent to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least 10 more (30x10=300) and those 300 send it to at least 10 more (300x10=3000) and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers. If those three million get excited and pass this on to 10 friends each then 30 million people will have been contacted.

If it goes one more level further, you guessed it - THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!!

Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people, that's all!

If you don't understand how we can reach 300 million and all you have to do is send this to 10 people ... Well, let's face it, you just aren't a mathematician. But I am. So trust me on this one.

How long will this take? If each of us send this to 10 more people within one day of receipt, all 300 Million people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!!

I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you!

Acting together we can make a difference.

If this makes sense to you, PLEASE pass this message on, I suggest that we not buy from EXXON/MOBIL UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO THE $2-00 RANGE AND KEEP THEM DOWN. THIS CAN REALLY WORK.

Keep it going!!!

P.S. Please keep this concept in mind, to keep gas prices from going up in the future.

Conclusion: Oil companies have cross the line, understand this; We' er not saying don't buy gas period, you need gas to back and forth to work or to take of your daily routine - what we' er saying don't buy "EXXON and MOBIL". Lets make the Oil Companies feel the pain for a change! There's no website to go to - just pass this information on to your family members, co-workers, neighbors and friends. Let Us All Band Together!
#off topic forum #gas prices #high gas prices #oil companies
  • You seem to forget SEVEN little things!

    1. MANY stations are associated with, or buy gas from, those two processors. HECK, I can't even remember when I bought gas directly from EITHER of those guys, though they are now Exon/MOBIL symbol XOM ! My PARENTS did in the 70s!

    2. MANY processors use imports, or processed items, from those big guys.
    3. There is a LIMITED supply! Many probably use the other 2 as a backup.
    4. There is the commodities market where they can sell, and others can buy. If you keep industry supply the same, prices will remain the same.
    5. They have other businesses, like natural gas that some CAN'T boycott! To do so means NO heat and/or no stove/oven.
    6. They merge and buyout.

    This will just hurt franchisees and maybe close stations. That could drive their profits up and make you drive farther for gas!


    • [ 4 ] Thanks
  • We should band together, take over the oil fields, and sell the stuff as cheap as we can.

    Or, we could develop a marketing campaign and drive traffic to the biggest petition known to man. We could all go on strike, and not pay for oil until the price goes down. If we put our marketing noggins together, we can drive traffic to the petition and strike proposal from all reaches of the internet.

    When everyone goes on strike, we'll just teach them how to make money online so they don't need to use gas to get to work.

    We'll drive traffic to it from weight loss niches, MMO niches, sports niches, news aggregators and more! Somebody put up a website and everybody put a link to it in the footers of your website now!
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    • Sell cheap? WHY? And THEN the company has US pay them ROYALLY as thanks?

      Petition? To have WHO do WHAT!?!?!?

      Make money on line? DOING WHAT? AND, what is ON LINE? I thought you had to have computers and a phone system, but I guess THAT can't be! THEY DRIVE! And what do you do for clothing or gas? OH, and say good bye to ALL physical goods, because THAT requires gas! In fact, I can make ONE trip to sears and eat on the way using LESS gas than if I ordered delivery and ordered the sears stuff online.

      You obviously haven't thought this out.

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  • Drive a moped to work or a bike that'll teach them lol.... Yeah I know it does suck hopefully they stable out I feel bad for over the road truck drivers they are probably losing their asses.
  • Here's the latest news and gas prices from Libya....

    If I hear anything else, I'll let you know.....:p
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • Convert your car to run on natural gas, it will cost you about a dollar a gallon.
      Pressure the president and congress to pass a law where all govt. vehicles most run on natural gas. Then faze out all trucks, buses, etc. that run on diesel and either convert them to natural gas and make all new trucks that would run on diesel run on natural gas.
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    • Oh I heard that too. They said that charging us $10 a gallon is a real steal. Man they are geniuses. What would we do without OPEC (Oil Production with Extreme Corruption) and the dirty, greedy oil companies? I really don't know......
  • Stop the politicians who are putting large 5 and 6 figure kickbacks in their pockets and you'll find the price dropping.

    We could always just turn the Middle East into glass and take over. Why don't we just do that? Then we can bury all the sheik powder in one place and pressurize it to ensure future oil supplies. :rolleyes:
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    • That hits closer to the target than most of the other posts.
      At least 50% of the price of gas is tax.

      And, what really pis*es me off is they openly manipulate the market.
      When prices get too low they cut production and raise the price.

      But, when it comes to taking action to lower the price I defer to Mark Twain.
      "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it".
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  • I'd put an end to Quantitative Easing, the real cause of inflation, but that's just me.
  • Sadly, gas prices won't fall until Americans decide to stop buying gasoline-required cars. There are natural gas vehicles and electric vehicles, but sadly, people don't want to invest in either of those. Simple economics states that competition brings down prices, so until Americans switch gas prices will rise.
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    • Hey, have you checked the price tags on these alternative vehicles? Out of reach for many folks.
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  • Unleaded costs $6 per gallon here in Australia, and $8 in the UK.

    Why do you expect to pay only $2 in the US?

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    • We're special...
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    • One thing people fail to mention about in the US, is that the average American has to travel dozens of miles or more to get to work or the stores, and there isn't a great public infrastructure in some areas. HEY, in washington DC they have a pretty good infrastructure, and SUBWAYS! STILL, it doesn't go THAT far, etc... Towards the end, I had to walk half a mile to get to the bus, take the bus to the train station, walk maybe a half mile to the train, take the train to the right station, walk maybe a half mile to a shuttle which took me to work. And I was on the outskirts of one of like 4 or 5 lines, IIRC. HECK, one person I know paid OVER asking price for a home that he was ECSTATIC about and MANY bid for because it was close to a train station.

      Where I live I would have to walk like 2 miles just to get to the street and I don't think there are ANY buses there. The ONLY buss I saw was a school bus. luckily, if I had kids, that is only about 1/2 a block from my home. It is about 3 miles to the nearest gas station, maybe 10-15 miles to the nearest store.

      And I don't know what "petrol" REALLY is, but "gasoline" is less than about 90% gasoline(less than 90% of what petrol at least USED to be). And do you know what gas REALLY costs you anyway? I mean in the US "gas" costs about 86% of the price they list, and want you to pay. The other 14% is TAXES!!(which means the REAL tax on gasoline is 26%! Don't forget, OUR gas is DILUTED at least 10%) It would be unfair to tell us to pay more because you are paying your government more in taxes.

      For all WE know YOUR "petrol" is what we call E85! E85, as the name implies, is diluted 85%! It is only 15% gasoline(meaning the REAL gasoline). When we buy "gasoline" today, it only CONTAINS gasoline. In the US they started making cars cheaper a bit over a decade ago and they started making them more like they used to only a few years ago. Cars within that area where they were built cheaper can't even use E85 because apparently it will hurt gaskets, etc... BTW in case people are curious, the cars that were built for E85 and can handle it are often marked flexfuel.

      Want to see something SAD?

      The ford Model-T was the FIRST flex fuel vehicle. Because they decided to save a few bucks, many engines older than a few years may NOT be able to use E85. And we usually use E10-15(aka "gasoline"). It makes you wonder. One side effect of e85 on an engine that can't use it is INCREASED polution. Because a leasky hose or gasket will do just that. You have to wonder if the E10-15 does the same thing to a lesser degree.

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    • Same reason everyone thinks that we have to stop using gas to make the price go down. We're not the only country on the globe that buys oil from OPEC are we? You don't like the price of gas in your country - tell your freaking leaders. About all we can do over here, too. We have cheap gas because the freaking size of our country is the size of all Europe. How would your countries respond to trucking food all the damned way across the continent on the price you have on your tanks now? We can tell ya from the last time it went up this high - it's not a good thing. We're hoping that the people in office would want to see it come back down. We might even have to start kicking them to the curb again to get them around to seeing to it that the price does come down.
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    • Cheap oil is an American thing. But it won't get better for us until gas prices rise further. America isn't build to withstand high oil prices, so if they continue to rise, Americans will find other ways to move around.

      But gosh, $8 in the UK? Wow.
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  • Hybrid and electric cars?
    Or ride a bike or get a motorcycle M1 license.
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    • Yea, I can see it now...

      A whole bunch of 120 pound humans driving 6,000 pound SUVs boycotting gas stations for their right to fill their tanks at $2.00 a gallon.

      Maybe the problem is deeper than you imagined...
      • [ 4 ] Thanks
  • Kurt,

    I wasn't including ANY taxes the gas companies actually pay. I was talking only about money paid at the pumps, almost like a salestax.

    As for the military, I know that in a perfect world, we would just keep to ourselves. The US, unfortunately, has NOT done that for at least 66 years. If the US HAD kept out, american society would be quite different. There would almost certainly be fewer people. The arabs would probably still be nomads. HECK, islam would probably be a MUCH smaller religion.

    Even if we just fought WWII, and pulled out, things would be so much better. Unfortunately, we wouldn't want europe to be taken over by the n*. If we had let them, they would spread like ants and come HERE. Technically, whether known ahead of time or not, someone else gave US a sucker punch, so that action COULD justly be considered a valid reaction to an act of war, but it was a valid preemptive act and support of our allies.

    Alas, it wasn't like that. Some areas the US has fought in have little if any oil. In other areas there at least is another legitimate reason, even if the US helped cause it.

    So I wouldn't say ALL that money was for GAS. Still, to determine how such payments figured into today's gas prices is WAY too involved.

    And I am certainly not saying anything against people in the military. HECK, most of my uncles have been in various branches of the military. My best friend was in the military. Luckily, THEY all made it back alive and in one piece.

    And I thought in the 70s that we should have switched to solar THEN! I am certainly NOT against that. Heck, a freind once took me, around 1970, to a company that made electric cars. I never even drove one, so I don't really know what they were like. Today batteries and motors are FAR better. Those cars were still an interesting start. It's a shame nobody got all similar companies to work together. I read an article once in like the early 70s in popular mechanics, IIRC, that talked about lithium batteries for such things. As I recall, there was a concern about operating temperature, etc... It is just interesting that they knew about it SO long ago. Since then they have gone through nicad, Nimh, and now litium ion. Who knows WHAT they will come up with in another 10 years.

    BTW Thom,

    Are you using photovoltaic solar cells? If so, did they work well? If so, what brand, etc... are they? A few months ago I did look at amazon and the quality control seemed to not be that great. I DO need to get a backup system for my office. I thought at one point that I might charge it with a solar inverter. If that worked I, like you, could expand it to get off the power grid. BTW my heat is already natural gas.

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    • That's a project for sometime this summer Steve, so I can't really answer any of that.
      As for the gas, I have the pipe already up to the house so I don't have to deal with that expense. I'll either convert my current furnace or install a new one.
      If I already had a meter I'd do it myself, but I have to have a licensed heating contractor do it and have National Grid inspect it before they will install the meter. I happen to have a friend that fits that bill and will do it for material cost and then an exchange of services for the labor.
      I want it as much for the heat (I have hot water radiators) as I do for cooking. I hate electric stoves with a passion
  • I drive around Pattaya all week for A$3 on my Yamaha Mio scooter.
    Can't complain about the price of gas....
  • Gas here in our place.. increases their price so fast!. that's why some of us wants to take the bus to work. Instead of using our cars.
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    • $8 a gallon for petrol in the UK? WOW indeed. Where can I get that?

      It is infact £6 a gallon which I believe is around $10 .

      Both the AA and RAC (motoring organisations) predict £8 by the summer.

      Our papers don't call it RIP OFF Britain for nothing.

  • Unfortunately, many of these ideas fail to account for 2 very important factors.

    1. Easy oil is almost gone, we're now extracting shale and tar sands which not only is a harder to get but has a much, much lower EROI. This means it's more expensive to extract and we have to use A LOT more energy to get a barrel out of the ground.

    2. The developing world is demanding more and more oil on a daily basis, if the USA won't pay the going rates then there are plenty of other countries who will. China and India in particular.

    So basically, Rapidly growing demand + limited resources = price is only going one way and it ain't down.

    The human race needs to ween off the black stuff fast or in the not so far away future we're going to up sh*t creek without a paddle.
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    • So YOU think the owners of the fields, who are primarily ARAB, are cutting us a DEAL!?!? That's a HOT one! Don't say that around the oil fields, then NOBODY will get it! Get it? Fire, oil!

      And you think china and india will pay more. WOW! BTW did it ever occur to you that many of the refiners are AMERICAN!?

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  • The problem isn't with the oil companies or the President. Gas went up here because the Saudi's tripled the price of oil per barrel (like they need more money, right?) so, obviously, that gets passed on to the customer. The only way to couter-act that would be if the U.S. started getting our oil somewhere else, or actually started using our reserves. Demand goes down, Saudi's have to lower their price. Simple economics.
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    • They did NOT triple the price of oil. I haven't been watching TOO closely but last I heard it was like $113/barrel. I don't even remember it being $38/barrel! BESIDES, 113 ******WHAT******? DOLLARS! So it is NOT currency, but effectively a zero coupon bond. And how has THAT been affected YEAR TO DATE? The historical reference has a bug, so I couldn't check against gold. I had to check against ANOTHER currency that is hurting, the EURO. It lost about 10% against that! And a crude oil history chart says oil cost $71.21 last year! So OUR cost of oil increased LESS than 49%, from 1/1/2011. And THIS is assuming that their price is END of year. If it is the BEGINNING price, the price increased even LESS! The fact is that NOBODY wants to reduce their lifestyle. People HERE talk about it all the time! So if the dollar drops 50%, they will STILL keep the REAL cost level and we would need to pay twice as much.

      One more thing. A $1 increase on a barrel translates to about $.18 at the pump? NO WAY! That would mean less than 6 gallons of gas per barrel, assuming gas were ALL they get out of it. I don't know about the yield per barrel. Maybe it is kind of low. I doubt it. But gas is not NEARLY the only thing they get from the barrel. The fact is it is 55 gallons. So assuming 80% is usable, they net 44 gallons. If they raised the price on EVERYTHING less than $.03, they would break even. So why did the price of gas increase by 6 times as much?

      BTW if $1-.18, then the price of gas now should be about $20.34/gallon! ($113(cost per barrel)*.18(dollars per barrel effect of increase at the pump))

      Besides, OPEC is saying there is NO shortage.

    • Funny you say that. In all actuality, the U.S. gets most of it's oil from sources outside of the Middle East. About 84-85% in actuality comes from other sources. Canada is the largest source as well as South America, the oceans, and Alaska/48 lower states. With only about 15% coming from the Middle East, we could surely just give them the finger, but when you're making millions and millions as well as millions in campaign funds that influence policy, why cut them off?
  • Perhaps this might refresh your memory:

    Sept 2004 = $50 per barrel
    Jul 2008 = $147 per barrel

    Hundred Dollar Oil - $100/Barrel Oil - The Politics eZine

    The Libyan Crisis: Where Are Oil Prices Going? | Credit Writedowns

  • Bradley,

    I don't know who you were responding to. If it was to me, well....

    $50 isn't triple, it is double, and that is SINCE 2008. Since 50 then is like $70+ NOW, it is even LESS than double! And that is WHAT, like $135 in the middle of 2008? So if that were linear, and the dollars were constant, gas would be 4.98 THEN. Of course, the dollar ISN'T constant, so it would have been less. But if currency, and tax, accounts for the difference, it supports my "theory". If it DOESN'T account for the difference it kind of destroys the idea about this being due to the price of oil. That also means that the end of 2008 had gas around 1.48. BTW Gasbuddy says the prices were around 3.87 and 1.62 then! SO, let's see... 19% HIGHER About 8% lower. So there seems to be a correlation, but not a precise one. And this IS a narrow timeframe that straddles that event. Interestingly, that IS about the time things went crazy. BTW, the price of gold went crazy in 2009, and went from 850-1500 a 76% increase! So gas NOW is really about $2.37 in 2008 dollars!

  • Nobody start their car for one day.
    Don't go to work.
    Don't go to the store.
    Stay home.

    Shut down the entire business world for one day.
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    • That wouldn't work anyway, the logic is faulty.

      If everybody didn't go to the store on the same day, they would still consume food and other products...then they would simply buy MORE the next time they went shopping.

      However, if everybody would go into full stasis for a day, THAT could work.

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    • WOW! If everyone like you, and the YNW, did that for a year, it could save TRILLIONS of dollars, and the world could get back on it's feet! GREAT IDEA! DO IT!

      It is ASTOUNDING that so many believe gas prices are SO high because gas STATION owners want to make a HUGE profit. INCREDIBLE! They even forget that over 50% is tax in some form or another. ONE plan now is to charge refiners MORE! OK, let me get this straight! You INCREASE their costs so they will DECREASE their price? WOW! ANYONE that believes that, send me $100,000! With YOUR logic, you will make maybe a million dollars by paying me a mere $100,000! WHAT A DEAL! HEY, I won't mind! I have ANOTHER theory as to what will happen!

      BTW to all those with those crazy theories. Why are GOLD, MILK, EGGS, TVS, etc.... going up in price? Ever hear of OCCAM'S RAZOR!?!?!? LOOK IT UP! Which reason makes more sense?

      1. That THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people are conspiring in many industries for some nefarious purpose.


      2. That the value of currency is dropping and people are reacting to it.

      occam's razor says PICK #2!

  • Geez,

    Two pages on this thread and not one mention of Peak Oil.

    The way some people are going on about it, you'd think oil was an infinite resource.

    By the time some of you get your head around what it means, the prices you're paying now will seem like the good old days.

    Learn what it means, and prepare yourself for it.

    If you think you can carry on regardless, or that there's something governments or markets can do about the rising price, you're in for one hell of a shock sometime in the very near future.
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    • We ALL know it is limited. At least I HOPE we all do. But that is NOT what is currently making the price so high. MANY say the refiners and gas stations DON'T make that much. Before you talk about record profits, etc... Realize that there are licensing, franchise fees, store income, Oil, Other petroleum products(Tar and Asphalt for example), Related chemicals, auto service and payments for MANY other things. ALSO, a PENNY on a gallon of gas can add up QUICK! I don't drive very much, and am only ONE person! If they made $.01/gallon, then that is as much as $.14/week for me! If everyone used gas, only drove locally, etc... that means the industry would make $42,000,000 a WEEK on ONE penny! That means $2,184,000,000 a YEAR! GRANTED, we don't ALL use gas! GRANTED some may use less than I do. But SOME use a LOT more. And what about planes, trains, tractors, etc....? 2BILLION from ONE part of ONE industry for one PENNY is nothing to sneeze at. BTW I was only counting ONE country.

      Oh, and I ALREADY have seen the good old days. This isn't them!

  • Kurt,

    They may be keeping it artificially low in REAL terms, but the dollar is declininng so people THINK it is more expensive. Of course, it doesn't REALLY make any difference because MOST people don't get raises to keep up with inflation so a 50% inflation rate amounts to a 50% pay CUT EVEN though it looks like you have the SAME amount of money.

    REMEMBER, currency varies related to a set value and to currency. For set value, most use GOLD! You can see how gold has SKYROCKETED! But HAS it? Well, look how the dollar relates to other currencies. In most cases, it is going DOWN! Imagine if those people sold something for $9.00, and the dollar dropped 10%. They will SEE the drop, and want to raise the price. After all, the drop is like a pay cut.

    BTW inflation eventually affects EVERYTHING, so if this causes gas to increase, it will also raise alternative methods, and basically automate the cat mouse thing you spoke about. Of course, with solar and wind, the high cost may be spent on the basis that continuing costs are as prevalent. STILL, the INITIAL cost WILL go up.

  • I don't know who keeps coming up w/ these gas station boycott days (probably the oil companies) but they never work, and never will. Because even though you're not buying gas on that particular day, you're still driving just as much. So you'll just have to refill that much more the next day.

    The only way to hurt them is to start carpooling more, and using less gas. Someone should start a huge carpooling website. I'd bet it would go over good in some of the large grid-locked cities, like Chicago, Nashville, or LA. We'd save over $100 a week in our household if we did more carpooling.

    Edit - after writing that, I found this:
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    • Well, maybe opec would then lower their prices. Let's see, it is about $2.30 NOW. If they cut it in half(UNLIKELY) the refiner price would be $1.15. The pump price would then be about $2.10. DON'T FORGET though! This means the states and US would LOSE MONEY IN TAXES! They would RAISE taxes! The resulting price, if added to the gas, would likely make it about $3.15!

      OH WELL!

  • Personally, I am working on my flux capacitor.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Get a bike.
  • Take a Visit to the Uk , £1.45 for a Litre! That's Like $1.80 a Litre! That's $8.50 a Gallon. When I went to LA I was amazed at how cheap it was!

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