Moving out of my comfort zone....
Anyway, Hubby and I have been talking about his retirement next year (in December). I have been very comfortable and excited about it.
Yesterday we were talking more about it, and he wants to move the date up to June of next year. (Long story, many valid reasons.)
December makes me happy! June makes me nervous. :confused: I had it all set in my head that December was the date and we had 12 months. 6 months makes me really, really nervous.
Part of me says, "Heck, yeah! Go for it!!"
Part of me says, "Play it safe!"
I am not sure which part to listen to right now....LOL
Financially, we could afford it. We should be debt-free by then and making enough to pay the bills, plus $$$$ for fun.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! I don't know what to do!
Advice? Anyone?
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