Who Are the GREATEST WARRIORS of 2011?
Bolaji O here - like the hotel in Vegas... ha ha...
So a buddy of mine, Renouf, and I, got into an argument.
This was right on the heels of the 2011 Warrior Live Event, in Raleigh, North Carolina.
(Did I mention that this event was A-MA-ZING?!?!? BIG PROPS to Sam England and the other organizers. But I digress. Again. Stay with me here...)

Anyway. We met some giants of the Warrior Forum. Some real cool cats like
- Jason Fladlien
- Mike Carraway
- John Rhodes
- Ron Douglas
- E. Brian Rose
- Brad Gosse
- Mike Lantz
- Brad Spencer
- Russ Ruffino
- Tim Castleman
- Colin Theriot
- Mike Cowles
- Tina Golden
- Tommie Powers
- (Brittany Lynch, former Googler, and SEO+AdWords Queen, couldn't make it unfortunately.)
The list goes on and on and on.
These guys were accessible, approachable, and down-to-earth.
It really got James and me motivated.
Since the event, we've been working hard to step our game up!
In any event - it got us thinking: We met some GREAT warriors.
But who are the GREATEST Warriors this year?
I mean - who is really KILLING IT this year?
Who are the MOST RESPECTED ON THE FORUM this year?
Who have come up with the MOST INNOVATIVE products, campaigns, or launches this year?
The list above is just a start. Of course, there are some other names that would come to mind IMMEDIATELY, for WARRIOR OF THE YEAR.
I have some in mind - but let me not "hog" all the obvious names.
So what's your take?
If you had to list 10 Warriors that SHOULD make the top 100 list...
Whom would you pick?!?!

- Bolaji O.
p.s. If you haven't yet, check out the AMAZING notes that Russ Ruffino took.
Warrior Event 2011: Day One | Russ Ruffino Live
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