Calfornia Woman Accused Of Cutting Off Her Estranged Husband's Penis:

by 51 replies
She has been charged with "aggravated mayhem, false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon, administering a drug with intent to commit a felony, poisoning and spousal abuse," according to the Associated Press.

The most serious of these charges is "aggravated mayhem," ...

...which carries a life sentence with possibility of parole (as opposed to just "mayhem," which has a sentence of 3-5 years).

Wait until you find out what she did with the member.

Full details & a picture of the lady here...

Catherine Kieu Becker Accused Of Cutting Off Her Estranged Husband's Penis
#off topic forum
  • There once was a wife named Mrs. Becker
    You'll really want to double check her
    Before you go to sleep
    You better take a peep
    Because she cut off her husband's pecker
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    • Kurt, that was just lovely. Could you post this in the comments section of the Huffington Post article? I'm sure others would enjoy it.

  • A Bobbit wanna be.
    I lived near where the Bobbit event took place, but my brother lived even nearer.
    He was always quick to point out "That's where she threw it!" as he drove by the spot.

    Also a true story.....the day I had to go to court to finalize my divorce from my first wife, I drove up and the place was jam packed with tv and news reporters and satellite broadcast trucks. Turns out it was the same day Lorena was getting arraigned.
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    • That was my first thought
  • i didnt know there was such a thing as aggravated mayhem XD
  • What a horrible monstrous creep.

    I hope it was worth what she will pay for doing it.

    Let's pray she doesn't walk on a 'technicality' like organic brain disease or something.
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    • I could never ever ever ever even think about such a disgusting hearthless act!!!
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  • Of course the REAL incident isn't funny...But sorry I'm not politically correct enough for some of you (not). I personally can find a little humor in just about anything.

    It's how some of us cope with the crap in the World. I prefer this to those that get up on their soap boxes and wag their judgemental little fingers in my face.
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    • Kurt, to be honest...I thought your poem was actually quite clever and creative.

      As to being able to "find a little humor in just about anything", I challenge you to lighten up and find humor in those of us who DON'T find humor in this situation.

      I mean that in the nicest way possible, especially in light of your recent post in reference to the c-r-a-p that goes on in this world. Maybe you could find humor in one of judgmental types falling off our soap boxes and slipping a disc in our backs?


      I don't know.

      I'm only suggesting you take the same "finding humor" approach towards us as well.

      All the best,
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  • what the hell??????

    OK, she should get LIFE, and then give nightengale some time also! He has a REAL problem! SHE:

    1. Got poison.
    2. Gave him poison.
    3. Waited for him to wake up.
    4. Cut it off.
    5. Threw it into a running garbage disposal.

    That was NOT only premeditated, it was done FOR EFFECT! If I had my way, she wouldn't have ANY ability to plead ANYTHING!

    And she says he deserved it? They were ESTRANGED, and getting divorced. She could CLEARLY have left at ANY time! She DIDN'T! If he were mistreating her in some way, it couldn't have been too bad.

    Why were they going through divorce anyway? With this, she should pay him every penny she might get or currently have.

    This would be akin to someone chopping both her breasts off, chopping her clit off, possibly giving her a hysterectomy(depending how bad it got, and damaging a few internal nerves for good measure. If he were physically torturing her to deform her, etc... I could maybe START to understand it, but with what we know, NO WAY! And she probably DID castrate him. Even if she didn't, it may have the same effect.

    And why would ANYONE, ESPECIALLY a male, make jokes about this? EVEN lorenna bobit wasn't THIS bad! And there MIGHT have been a question about premeditation THERE.

  • Ohh maan...chocolate and flowers for old girl tonight.
    I'm going to go memorize her birthday and eye color too..
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    • Just don't let her hear you say "old".

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  • ????? Ya think?

    At least there will be no "stories" to family and friends about why he wanted out of that marriage.

    I have trouble with the idea of anyone cutting off ANY part of someone else's body. I know guys have an extra adversion to the thought of this particular body part, but I myself would be no more comfortable with the idea if it had been a finger or toe. Carving people up in any way is just too much lunacy. They can put this one in the pound and gas her. Waste of resources.
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    • Well, the difference is that a finger would be a finger. If she cut off one of his fingers, I would figure cutting off one of hers would be equivalent. And a finger can be replaced far easier, etc... Many women feel the same way about those parts they have, that men don't. Of course most are not so easily damaged, and it is pretty rare, at least in europe and the US, that a husband would try to do so. HECK, in parts of africa, they start to, with girls, APPROACH an equivalent of what that idiot "wife" did, and women all over the planet SCREAM about it! Not that I blame them at all. It is STUPID, and TORTURE at best. I don't even like what they did to baby boys in the US, and still do to some, that just approaches THAT. All that USUALLY only approaches the mayhem here though.

      I think gassing would be too good for someone doing this. Put her in a REAL prison, and just FORGET about her. HEY, maybe she can be the first in the real prison. I could hear it now. Hey, NO conjugle visits? NO desserts? NO cable? NO books? Hard work? Etc.... UNCONSTITUTIONAL! REALLY? Please state chapter and verse! It would STILL be too good.

  • Not that it's a great argument, but I have never heard of anyone being decaphallic.

    Hmm...sounds like a band name, Decaphallic.

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    • I ain't gonna touch that with my ten-foot pole.
    • Well, at least it would be quick. It's harder than this though.

  • So, we now know that the victim's penis was thrown into the drain of the sink where it was chopped to bits in the garbage disposal. These penile bits then of course flowed through the drainage of the home and likely to a water treatment facility. The water with the penile bits may be recycled into new drinking water. The penile bits will virtually be gone. I say virtually, but there will likely be traces of penis molecules in everyone's drinking water in the area.
  • Yeah Steve - I understand there's a difference between fingers and penises. My point was that it would weird me out just as badly to hear that an almost ex cut ANY body part off someone. To me the whole idea is just morbid give me chills weird.

    Becker doesn't look like first nation American to me - I wonder if part of her defense will be that she misunderstood what women mean by "I cut him off".
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    • Whoa.. You almost had me there.

    • Well, she did more than just "cut him off". She went out of her way to amplify every little action. EACH is deserving of jail time. That last one is just deserving of a life sentence. I doubt she will REALLY get it, but she deserves it. AND, if she gets out, gets remarried, and someone does what I described would be the equivalent, to her, and I hear about it, I may be the FIRST to come to the other persons defense saying that she merely got what she deserved.

      I normally wouldn't condone that, but in HER case, I would make an exception. It may SEEM out of line, but if a person could only keep their books, business, health records, transportation information, on ONE little gadget that had NO ability to be backed up or replaced, and a person intentionally damaged it, it would be equivalent to all that for another person. If he then burned a persons home, destroying ALL their records, and blew up their car, there would be NO difference! After all, they are just denying that second person what THEY were denied. Given the same circumstances, the second party would have lost their home and transportation ANYWAY! It only SEEMS harsher. Maybe that gadget they bought cost $10, and the home cost a billion. Who cares? The final value of the $10 could have been MORE! THAT is why the US spent ALL that time looking for those laptops. THAT is why companies have spent BILLIONS on similar things. Sometimes the whole IS worth far more than the sum of its parts.

  • This is really horrible..and the court accuses her of "mayhem" ?? The guy has been delivered agonizing trauma,both mental and physical !!
  • Lots of crazy ladies talked about on the news these days. These crazy ladies that deserve to be tortured in prison...
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    • YEAH! I heard a woman on a talk show today, and she said SHE considered it! Though she claimed she was REALLY mistreated, she ADMITTED that she had options. LUCKILY SHE simply left her husband. The reason that she gave, for not hurting her husband, was that it wasn't worth destroying HER life over.

      As for the victim of THIS incident? It sounds like he got a bad doctor. The doctor said that the most important thing was to "stop the bleeding"! WRONG!!!!!!! The bleeding WAS somewhat controlled to get him there. The most important thing was to try to reconstruct it, if that were EVEN possible! They apparently cauterized things, etc... so he has little hope of being normal. It probably ISN'T possible though. 8-( They said that he will be able to "urinate normally". YEAH RIGHT! Probably not normal for a male. They probably mean normal in that he would be able to control it, and not need a catheter, etc...

      Anyway, that is little consolation. I wonder if women that do this sort of thing even think about the full impact it has. And an infection could set in and it could contaminate every part of the man's life, as if losing the member and all weren't enough. Bobbit's statement was that he got more enjoyment than she did! What a FEEBLE reason! Maybe if she told him about that, he would have found a way to make her life and all better.

      Seriously women, a lot of men would LOVE to keep you happy. If you don't let guys know that they are doing something wrong, they may not even think that you have any concerns.

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  • I don't know if the "cutting off" or the "garbage disposal" makes me cringe the most...
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    • Some people take the term "you're cut off" to extremes.
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  • Tonight I asked my husband if he heard about the recent "Bobbit wannabe case". He cringed and said "no"... I then said "nevermind"... I thought he would have heard it since he listens to the news on the way home from work. But since he was not aware of it, I could not bring myself to tell him details!
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    • A talk show host here said that EVERY male probably grabbed hiss crotch when the lorenna bobbit case was talked about. I don't know of ANY way to convey the feeling to a woman. Hopefully you and your husband are understandably loving of one another and see the other person as one that will come to your defense and risk THEIR life for you, as opposed to a potential enemy.

      Since the beginning of time, EVERY creature has realized that the most vulnerable time in its life is when it is asleep. That is one reason why many kids are afraid of the dark. They know that their main protectors are asleep, they can't see well, so their imagination runs wild and they see form in shadows. So THEY tend to not sleep.

      Some creatures, like praying mantises, may KNOW the female will make a snack of the male, but Mammals, like we are, are supposed to PROTECT one another. Many males have died, or gotten SEVERELY injured, SIMPLY because they perceived their mate to be threatened.

      So your husband wants to know that if you perceive a threat, you will AT LEAST wake him up. The LAST thing he wants to think about is YOU trying to do him harm. Cases like lorenna Bobbit get men thinking about something they never dared to consider. And that is bad.

      Totally castrating a man causes problems with going to the restroom, having sex, being perceived as male, fertility, and testosterone that deals with almost everything else. It really IS a LOT to lose. Some women have been brainwashed into thinking it is just vanity and ego, and really has few tangible values.

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  • It's always a shock to hear about these stories, I think they've been about 3 of them since John Wayne Bobbit
  • How about religious zealots who have castrated themselves in order to free themselves of
    carnal thoughts??

    Are they crazy or what??

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    • At least THEY probably didn't do the FULL thing. I mean cutting off JUST the testicles DOES affect testosterone, and fertility, but most of the subsequent problems can be prevented by testosterone replacement. They EVEN have types of testosterone that could probably prevent most of the other problems WITHOUT adding the lust they try to prevent.

      Anyway, I am not aware of ANY major religion that in any way comes CLOSE to suggesting, or even approving, castration.

      GRANTED, some cults may do that. But THEY tend to be crazy ANYWAY!

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