Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

by 171 replies
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Yes or no and why.. remember to keep politics and religion out of the discussion per the forum rules.
#off topic forum #marijuana legalized
  • Of course.
    But anybody that knows me here knew I'd say that
  • Absolutely no. If you legalize it, there will be so much problem. Even we cannot handle it when it is illegal, don't want to think after being legal.
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    • Banned
      What problems do you refer to?

      I have never heard of anyone getting in car wrecks or dying because of Marijuana.

      I have never heard of anyone robbing or killing someone to "get their fix"

      In fact, Marijuana is not even addictive.

      The only problem I see is that it's illegal...

      Get rid of that law and there will be no problems then.. just peace, love, and smoke
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    • Marijuana has so many healing properties, so why say no?

      People are not violent on Marijuana, I take it from time to time for my Spinal Bifida.
      People with cancer, leukemia, depression, anxiety, etc have found it's helped them immensely.

      If anything, more ppl stay at home, they buy more food (munchies gallor), not only that, its a multi-billion dollar industry and will help the economy in a big way.

      Its not like its a hard drug like crack, etc, it was created naturally.

  • All drugs should be legalized and taxed
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    • I'm not sure you'd enjoy a healthy argument with someone on PCP (Angel Dust).
  • While it is illegal it is in the hands of and being profited on by murderers, gun smugglers, thieves and creeps.

    If it is legal we will have much more control AND PUT THE GANGSTERS OUT OF BUSINESS AT LEAST FOR THIS. (Although it is true in some cases corporations can also be gangsters) -- at least they are held accountable (more or less)...

    As long as liquor and cigarettes are legal then so should pot be - specifically because it is 100% times safer for your body.

    Just as we try to prevent children from using liquor and cigarettes we can do the same for pot.

    With that said I am not really for all out legalization - I like the idea of prescriptions. AND AGAIN POT IS 100% SAFER THAN MANY PRESCRIPTION DRUGS.

    Never heard of it causing strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, or death...
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  • Does society need another legal drug?
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    • Apparently so, seeing how the 70+ years it's been illegal hasn't done nothing to stop it's use.

    • Does society need another thing to control the freedom of choice for intelligent and responsible individuals?
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    • Its a hell of alot safer than the heart attack inducing drugs that are CURRENTLY legal, and could probably make the need for half of them obsolete.

      Just my two cents.

      Also safer than the "Pot Alternatives" sold on the internet legally, and in smoke shops that put kids in coma's.

      We recently had an article about that released in our hometown.
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  • Yes.

    If for no other reasons, it's far less damaging than many other legal substances and it's a huge wasteful drain on our law enforcement resources.

    I mean seriously, it makes you happy and gives you the munchies. That's it. Anybody who claims differently has watched refer madness one too many times and never gotten high themselves.

    BTW, I haven't smoked pot in over ten years. The Army kinda doesn't like it and I've had no desire to use it since.
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    • I disagree with "that's it". In my testing, it can also cause one to turn down the sound on the TV and turn on the stereo, so you watch TV and listen to music at the same time.
  • Maybe we should take a poll about how people think I would answer the question.

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  • This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with watching the wizard of oz while playing the dark side of the moon would it?
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    • Only while eating Doritos and Ho Ho's.
  • I have a good hunch you'll vote 'no'
  • Now Ho Ho's are something that should be illegal. Those things are cute pink blobs of crack.
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    • I thought those were Sno-Balls.

      (I mean, not that I would know about such things)

  • Legalize it and tax it highly (no pun intended). Throw 50% towards investing back into USA education (better public schools, better pay for teachers, more technology for students) and the other 50% towards paying down the debt.
  • I think your right. Then what are Ho Ho's? The round chocolate things? As you might have guessed, Hostess isn't my niche.

    Google to the rescue.

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  • Banned
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  • This is literally the T shirt I'm wearing right now, got it from Spencer's gifts.

  • If we legalized we save billions a year in law enforcement -- People would not be in jail and being abused by the corporate jail system who uses pot to gain slave labor. Cartels would go broke.

    Corporations that depend on us not being able to grow hemp would disappear and people would start working with hemp to make eco-friendly products.

    Hemp seeds are one of the world's most nutritious foods and we'd be free to eat them. More people would also smoke or eat pot instead of drinking and creating havoc on their bodies and society.

    You bet it should be legal. It was a sneaking, conniving little bit of corruption that made it illegal in the first place -- money money - and to hell with freedom and people.
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    • Sal,

      I'm really tired of you talking sense around here...

      You go girl.
  • Don't bring it into my workplace.
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    • Let me tell you a little story about that...and I agree with you on the workplace.

      One time (when I ran my own construction biz..yea mine)
      I hired this long haired kid, smoker looking , but something about his answers and sharpness made me hire him.

      Now I had heard that he was a regular smoker.
      I had a long talk with him about how dangerous it was to smoke at this (in particular line of work) I didn't care what he did at off hours but to not do it at work or bring it around.

      Turned out he had a natural mech and construction ability.

      He was one of the best workers I ever had. He ended up my #2

      I would rather have had ten of him, than one of the 'straight laced' drinkers I had to fire. Because of hangovers that either kept them from work when I needed them...or unable to do a proper job if they were there.

      It's not always the case obviously. I understand that.

      'There is a time and a place'

      As long as 'smokers' realize this...I have no problem with it at all.
  • I agree not in the workplace..........but if I had to choose, I'd choose working with someone that just smoked a fattie than someone taking pschotrophic pharmaceutical drugs.
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  • Do you realize how many people are on Aderal, which is referred to as "poor mans" cocaine?

    I had a friend who got very badly addicted to it. The Dr. had prescribed, then they went nuts on it and started going to drug dealers to go get prescriptions for it. It was a mess getting them off this legally prescribable drug.

    They still fall sometimes too and relapse into it, and they call me for counsel and help... and I have to drag them back to reality again.

    A doctor got them hooked on it. They prescribe this stuff even to CHILDREN... My stepson is on a form of it ... I totally do not agree with it, I think the dysfunction is less harmful than spacing your kids out on drugs personally.
  • I don't know about it being legalized, but I do think it should be decriminalized.

    If it were legal and were taxed, we could pay down the federal deficit much, much faster.
  • Of course marijuana is still a dangerous drug. Are you going to legalize it?
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    • What is dangerous is people who make ignorant statements that are not based in reality. :rolleyes:

      What makes you say it is dangerous??? Please give me one factual source I can refer to.

      - then I will give you several on all the people who have been maimed or died from legal prescription drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
  • @ Thom,

    My daughter has memorized things I have drilled into her through the years...

    One of them is this... I ask her "What is the intent of the physician"?

    She rolls her eyes and says "To find something wrong...".

    Right Why?

    "Because if they cant make a diagnosis then there is no reason for their existence".


    Not saying I hate doctors... of course.
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  • I've never understood how something that grows in the GROUND could possibly be illegal. It's a waste of resources, time and money for the states and the feds to continue to "keep it off the streets!"

    What I also find odd is the fact that phama companies are pumping only God knows what into millions of people around the world, causing all kinds of side effects, but this one little plant is so bad that it needs to be outlawed? How does THAT make any sense.

    And this "gateway drug" crap is propaganda if there ever was any. Oh the internet... always going to be a pain in the ass for our federal government.
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    • What's almost funny is the federal govt. was actually the first to start a medical marijuana program. They started it on May 10 1976 if I remember right. When Bush Sr. was pres. he quietly stopped the program from taking applications because to many people who could show proof they needed it where applying . Here's one article about the program.
      Irvin Rosenfeld and the Compassionate IND — Medical Marijuana Proof and Government Lies « Drug WarRant

      Things that make you go

      My bad, it was on May 10, 1978

    • you are so right. My 19 year-old son told me that parents should be more concerned with how easily kids get their hands on Oxycontin which is basically heroin in pill form. Marijuana is the least of everyone's problems and the age long prohibition of it has everything to do with money and power. Now, because America is almost bankrupt, they are thinking, ok, let's make some money with this drug, that's never going away. Please! The hypocrisy is sickening!

      How many people are dead from over-doses of prescription drugs: MJ, Anna Nicole-Smith, Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy, to name a few?

      How many people do you know are dead from an over-dose of marijuana?

      It's freaking ridiculous.

      I say we legalize all drugs, just like in Portugal. Drug addicts should be treated the same way as alcoholics. They are not criminals, they have an addiction and should be given treatment. It is way cheaper to treat them then to send them to jail. Think about that.

      And if all drugs were legalized, I think that would put an end to the drug cartels and the whole nasty criminal element to it all.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • Sounds good, but a couple of problems. One, not everyone has a green thumb. There's other problems like mites and mold that can cause health problems if people don't know what they are doing. Not to mention the lighting needed to grow indoors is a fire hazard.

    Another problem with this strategy is that it's much more expensive to grow indoors than out, where sunlight is free and MJ can be grown and harvested on a much larger scale. Think about how much tomatoes would cost if they all were grown in people's closets.

    Which brings us to, if people can only grown their own, there are no sales, which means no taxes, so there's no revenue to be created by legalization.

    Plus, indoor growing keeps the price high enough for an underground market to exist, which is a major problem with the Mexican drug cartels. By making MJ legal and letting farmers grow it, the price decreases enough that it can be taxed heavily and STILL be far less expensive than if it is only grown indoors on a small scale.
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    • Right...Our US Gov is far worse than the Mexican drug cartels. :rolleyes:
  • I agree with Kurt. If you only let people have it that can grow it, you are discriminating against a lot of people who don't have enough space or money for the set-up needed to grow it. Growing it on farms results in commerce. It also allows for use of all the plant parts - the seeds for food or replant. Sure, individuals can produce enough seeds for replant, but don't forget the valuable, nutritious food source these seeds represent. And what of fibers that can be made from the stalks of these plants? It's cheaper to have them come from one source than to start a massive recycling program for individual growers.
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    • Kurt I think there would still be a market for the more expensive stuff.
      I look at it like the beer industry.
      You have the big breweries like Bush, Miller, Coors, etc. that produce the cheap run of the mill beers. The farmers growing would be similar to them.
      Then you have the smaller micro-breweries that produce a better quality and more expensive beer. The smaller indoor and outdoor growers would be them.
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  • Yes, why?

    I live in amsterdam and it is not a danger, I dont use it but i have friends who do, and they are totally fine..
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    • what do you mean by fine? fine as in not dead or fine as in successful?

      greening out isn't going to kill you but habitually smoking the stuff is going to have a really negative influence on your life. i should know i used to, it was a huge motivation killer. although it has to be said that marijuana is a drug that affects everyone differently.

      with that said, i would legalize the stuff, and would say the same thing about most illicit substances, excluding heroine and cocaine.
  • Banned
    I definitely think marijuana should be illegal. (And, I'm glad it is.) Because it can be a contributory factor in the development of serious mental illnesses.
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    • Show us some facts - where are you getting your information?
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    • So, just curious here, but what do you think gives you the right to tell another adult what they can or cannot put into their mouth?
    • It's true. I once caught schizophrenia from hitting a bong at a party while I was in school. What made it so tough was that I was also blind at the time for touching myself the previous evening. Very scary week to say the least. :rolleyes:
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    • I see what you are saying. But I think anything in moderation. One reason I would support it being legal myself is even though I dont smoke it, I see its benefit as medicine and there are much worse drugs out there. We should spend less taxpayer dollars chasing pot smokers and more time chasing people on meth and heroine etc.. drugs that really cause mental disorders.

      Almost anything you ingest repeatedly over time (*even Tylenol) can have a negative effect on you mentally and/or physically so thats really not a valid enough argument for me against pot.
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    • ooh but it's okay for doctors to give kids Ritalin (basically it's meth)
      or it's okay for your doctors to give out Oxycontin (basically heroin)

      and alcoholic's don't have "mental illnesses" ?

      don't you see how ridiculous saying marijuana causes mental illnesses when the legal stuff is even worse...

      come on!

      every substance can be abused...look at over-eaters...they abuse food...need I say more?

      I think Portugal's stand on drugs is correct. I wish the rest of the world would wise up.
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  • No that's ok - I have plenty of experience myself for decades and many friends watching them also for decades.

    If people have a pre-existing 'situation' then even air might contribute to their 'serious mental illness' -

    Same goes for alcohol - some people can drink and not become diseased psychologically or physically ('wet brain') and the guy sitting right next to him or even in the same family will die - and this I have personal first hand experience - a father (dead at 42) and an ex-husband (dead at 38).

    It's just that if you make a statement YOU need to provide the facts - otherwise it is just your opinion.
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  • Well, he has just as much right to think its bad for you as you have the right to think its not.
    Its called freedom of thought and speech and it is encouraged here in the states.
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    • I didn't say what gives him the right to think. I said what gives him the right to TELL another adult what he can or cannot put in his mouth. Do you not own your own body?
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  • I say legalize it and tax the everlasting hell out of it. How is that not a no brainer for our nation???
  • Of course, Thom - you have to remember when you read Kurt's posts, that Kurt lives in one hella primo spot to grow the stuff, too. Why if he has land out that way I'm betting he could really come in with a cash crop worth a little gloat. Mountain grown with warm to hot sunny days and cold frosty nights. Even the plants grow fur, I swear it.

    I can just picture Kurt in his straw hat and bib blue jeans, pitchfork in hand and a shoot of grass between his teeth worrying whether the moose will be too heavy when they climb on the roof of his humble Hobit house.

    We can all go visit him then. Warrior BBQ in style. Good time.
  • With the amount of psycho pharmaceuticals being pushed by the FDA, (Zanex, Roxy's, Oxy's) I definitely think marijuana has been unjustly classified.

    I personally don't smoke anymore (mainly because the punishment is not worth the therapeutic value), and yet to think synthetic heroin, methadone, and several other drugs that lead to total dependency are considered "safe" let alone "legal" takes hypocrisy to a whole new level!

    (Talk about up-sells, re-bills, and recurring income...just look at crap they sell as a's pathetic really!)

    I laughed my ass off yesterday when the radio announced; "Denver, Colorado currently has more Medical Marijuana Stores than they do Starbucks coffee shops!"

    Here in Florida, they'll suspend your driver's license for two years for so much as a 'roach' in your possession!

    Yet, when I was in my prime...The 80's you could literally walk around with it, and if it was less than an ounce it wasn't even worth an officer's time to write up the paperwork. *Not Anymore!

    Corporal punishment used to be reserved towards those who damage someones well-being, property, or sanctity. Nowadays, if you catch the wrong officer for a minor traffic violation, you could literally become a felon just trying to declare your civil rights.

    This issue is 'way deeper' than just legalizing marijuana. It really sickens me to see such a bias disregard on behalf of government officials who conclude prescriptions of frigging synthetic heroin (ROXY's) as a formal solution to someone's problem, yet smoking a joint is a cardinal sin?

    I'm not only an IM Warrior, I am a spiritual warrior of sort and through many mind altering explorations, I sincerely conclude alcohol is far more damaging than weed!

    Ironically, I survived some close calls in my life, and not once was marijuana to blame!

    Understandably, it's not for everyone. If you're like me hyper-active, ADD, and tri-polar, it can be therapeutic. I say "tri-polar" because we are all comprised of mind, body, and soul (spirit if you prefer) and seldom do the 3 get along

    I think it's time we reenact a reformation like that of Martin Luther (Diet of Worms 1,500's) against this nonsense our leaders are selling...maybe they need to smoke a bowl, and find some inner peace!

    Honestly, if you can say you trust anything today's government prescribes to society at large; after blatantly ripping off it's own people with blasphemous lies, bad decisions, and an obvious abuse of power/control/money... than it's no wonder they want everyone on something harder than pot.

    Personally, I see history repeating itself, and this reminds me of the "Fall of the Roman Empire". The key factor's believed responsible for their fall were:
    • They became complacent, fat and lazy, and began 'outsourcing' the menial jobs (like killing enemies) to the Germans...which led to...
    • Infiltration to their Catholic beliefs, as Christianity became a growing threat!
    • Perhaps the biggest reason (IMHO) -Abuse of power, over-taxation, and poor planning
    Forgive me, but kinda sounds like home to me!

    IMO Marijuana to me is safer than 1/2 the drugs they want to feed our kids today, and with everyone seeking ways to fill the infamous void of existence, I think the stress levels would be greatly reduced, as would crime if it were legalized, and dependencies on harder pharmaceuticals were reduced.

    It too has been proven in other countries, and places like Amsterdam drugs legalized in moderation reduced the crime rates by upwards of 80% (*according to my old Pastor...a drug-free scholar himself)

    I think the Goverment is affraid everyone would grow their own, and they wouldn't be able to 'capitalize' (or profit) from it. They make way too much $ on bogus arrests, court ordered drug-treatment programs, county and state inmates that much of the judicial system has become a 'meat market' and a numbers game fueled by GREED!

    At the end of the day, I don't care either way.

    What I do care about is regaining some integrity in the manner "We the People" defend our constitutional rights, and stop tolerating the BS this ego-crazed & greed riddled government has been selling for the last 30-40 years!

    This is a problem that I believe has been brewing for a long time, and it derives from the 'minority' benefiting from the sufferings of the majority in a bias disregard for equality or even a sense of unity, because mankind is hell bent on greed, power, and control.

    How can such a powerful nation cut school budgets, neglect it's own people, and reward those who broke the backs of the middle-class homeowners, all while NOT seeing the damage they were creating, c'mon...I could never be stoned enough to be so blind to such ignorance!

    I say we "Just Say No" to spending BILLIONS on 'sand-box' wars, when the real threat terrorizing our freedom is NOT marijuana, nor some 'dictator' half way across the globe, the real threat is NOT black, nor white, or even green...the real threat is the bias disregard for the well-being of the majority!

    Then again, 2000 years ago a man was crucified for speaking truth and educating the ignorant while a murderer was set free!

    Has anything really changed?

    Smoking pot may not be the solution, but denying an all natural drug over that of a synthetic 'killers' is definitely not acceptable either!

    I sincerely think we need to restructure our priority's!
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    • Ummm.........are you saying that elitists should not be allowed to commit mass murder either? Even if there's tons of profit? Well.

      There goes my obsession with becoming an elitist. I tthought I'd be able to do anything I wanted if I had enough bucks.

      Guess I'll go back to rock hunting.
  • Yes it should be legalized. It's everyone's own business what he does with his/her life. If he/she want's to smoke marijuana, then let him/her do it! It's his/her own business!
  • I am glad it legal in my country !
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    • Banned
      (Haha) Yeah the Dutch have it all figured out. Is there anything in your country that actually is illegal?

    • You're not real familiar with Dutch laws are you
      It's not legal in Holland, it's tolerated.
      Of course the Dutch have found out through that policy that hard drug use has declined, any drug use by minors has declined, and drug related crimes have declined.

      So far Portugal is the closest country to legalization.
      They have taken a hard stand on treating drug abuse as a medical and not criminal problem and are very lax on cannabis (may have even legalized it).
      So far their approach has been very successful in reducing drug abuse and drug related crimes and are being looked at as a model for drug policies around the world.
  • It is legal to smoke it and you can buy it in coffeeshops all over the country.
    If you more then 5 gram with you then it illegal .
    It legal for coffeeshop to sell pot but when the shop has to buy the pot. The part is illegal. It is legal to have two plants at home. But growing more plants is not legal.
    If you want to grow a lot of plants, to sell it . Then you go to a growshop. Which is selling everything you need to grow a ****load of plants at home. Which not legal. After you harvest you plants you have grown at home. You can sell back to the growshop which sell it to the coffeeshop.

    Yup I know how it sounds but it is hollland
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    • Nathy that is pretty much what I heard with a couple of exceptions.
      The way I understood it was technically illegal but the coffee shops where tolerated as long as they paid a 'sin tax', same with the prostitution in the red light district.
      Same with the possession 5 and under was technically illegal, but wasn't considered an offense worth hassling anyone about.
      But as I've said many times before, I could be wrong
  • Yes it should be legalized because more than half of the nation is going to smoke it and do what they please with it regardless of it being illegal ...just kind of like how it is right now.
  • I don't think it should be legalized.... The society is already so messed up. It would be make the situation more worse.
  • Sorry...but you lost me here (big time)

    The only 'profit' I am concerned with regarding matters as such, is spelled; "Prophet" - short for "Prophecy" and in absolution it doesn't take 'rocket science, Harvard degrees, or money to establish or preconceive that the face of conformity is an evil bitch wielding shackles and chains!

    Be it the topic of legalizing marijuana or slow decay of moral fabric being removed from that which our flag once stood, it is a 'timeless' struggle for freedom, and a constant battle we must engage in to defend our rights.

    WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO SMOKE MARIJUANA -Much like those of the early slavery days had a right to be free.

    And, though I am not smoking these days, I will fight to defend that right!

    The only thing stopping it is the "blind ambition" of control and conform by those self-proclaimed leaders or elitists who's focus is not unlike that of the hierarchy (British empire) we narrowly escaped. (And for what?)

    To recreate the same tyranny?

    Who are we this, and see if you can correlate a difference between then and now?

    When a power becomes so great that it's arrogance defeats it primary purpose... it threatens the whole!

    While the names may change, the battle continues...and it's all about freedom! Not money, not color, not race, not academics, nor judgement, nor even you or I smoking some weed.

    It boils down to the preservation of liberty. We cannot "wash our hands" of the responsibility to use proper, insightful, factual, and informative information to defend our rights...yet are rights are growing increasingly distant, and everyone wants to weigh judgement upon one another, rather than fight to provide meaningful solutions. *Basically, we can blame the government right?


    It's our responsibility to enact reform, otherwise we rely on the mercy of the few elite leaders. If the leaders are capable of leading the sheep to slaughter...who's to blame?

    If we do not defend our rights, then we become the echoes of those 'silent screams' once ignored in all the countries that we defend and are oppressed by abusive leaders.

    I don't blame the leaders, I blame us!

    If I had a reference to how I feel about our current state of affairs concerning the economy, finding solutions to a resolve, and allowing my fellow man to smoke the peace would sound almost [exact] to this:

    Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775 "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

    I hate to state the obvious for those who refuse to see or hear it, but what this man said 236 years ago is damn near exact to our nations problems today, only the names and circumstantial threats have changed.

    We have a responsibility to defend our honor, and the right to smoke marijuana. However, be it one small step for man, it would be one giant leap for mankind if we could all see what is being lost here!

    Hence, the reason I stated; maybe smoking pot is NOT the answer, but just one small ingredient for creating a recipe to preserve our rights, and more importantly; our liberty and freedoms.

    BUT i think the response is "YES" - I disagree with the bs the elitists are compiling against the 'majority' as it outweighs the benefits to both themselves, and those deemed the insignificant or 'oppressed' by measure of arrogance, ignorance, and abuse of power!

    Not quite sure how my theory on "why" marijuana should be legalized, has crossed the threshold of 'elitists', but then what the hell do I know; "I'm NOT and elitist!"

    My point was like many others, there are far worse drugs that are prescribed and are considered legal by our all-too-wise governing bodies that cause much greater damage,-but yet, an all-natural drug like marijuana is scrutinized and constituted as illegal? Hmmmmm.

    Hell, our reliance on sugar does more damage in this country! Let's ban the entire automotive and carbon-monoxide burning resources while we're at it, huh?

    Bottom and greed has abolished any hope for reconciliation to the damages mankind is responsible for, and likely will continue to abuse.

    ...all the "pot heads" I grew up around (Dear Ol' Mom and Dad included) were more concerned for preserving their civil rights, being creative, expanding their minds, respecting their neighbors, and were willing to fight to defend our liberty's and freedoms.

    Perhaps a bit irrelevant, but I am the bi-product of (2) 60's parents, by which one was returned home nearly 'mentally incompetent' after being 'drafted' for 2 years at age 18, and sent into Vietnam, while the other found marijuana as a 'therapeutic solution' when she realized 'what a twisted and sadistic world we live in.' (How much heroin was consumed other there?)

    If there were a relevant argument as to why marijuana should remain illegal; it would be best stated that we cannot rely on any drug, pill, nor potion to complete us as individuals or as a whole.

    However, as mankind's quest continues to tackle the unknown, such influences as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, and greed will always be a temptation we cannot resist.


    Cause they make us feel good, that's why! - and mirror's a sense of freedom (Be it sustained or momentary)

    The probability of marijuana causing other addictions, or being the gateway to greater exploration of more dangerous waters (hardcore drugs...which I too explored heavily) could be no more insulting than by which a government agency deemed "Prozac" was a solution to my problems as a teenager! (*A prescribed drug that literally made me suicidal, and has/had more side-effects than a $2 hooker at an all you can eat Bordello!)

    My problem was awakening to the realization, we live in a world where people refuse to admit fault, face fears, or recognize the ignorance we eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    Who knows, maybe it was the acid!

    How did that come into societies grip again?...hmmmmmm

    In a direct response to the above, I think we (United States Citizens) need to grow some balls, defend our rights, demand reform in that which jeopardizes our constitutional rights, and stop the reliance we place on the "ELITISTS" (like government elected officials per se) who are NOT concerned for our best interests, preserving equality, or anything that even resembles any semblance of unity or what forged this great nation.

    Maybe it's because I live in Florida, a transient state....filled with all kinds, but I don't recognize that which used to symbolize a powerful country, or our heritage once bent on preserving liberty!

    To really understand how deep thee absurdity now is in this country, one would have to study the past, and come to respect how the United States came to be. It wasn't pretty!

    Look, I am no genius in any regard, I am not wielding academic degrees, nor privileged in the sense of being aristocratically formulated. Instead I have been cursed with common sense, vision, and the spiritual fortitude to stand and defend what once guaranteed the next generation the liberty's and freedoms we are meant to defend, and explore.

    To hell with politics, and most religions are just as guilty of seeking a power they do not or cannot ever behold!

    However, George Washington once stated and I'm paraphrasing; "Show me a country that has lost it's religious virtues, and I'll show you a country on the verge of def!eat" (Mind you I prefer "spiritual" over the term; religious!)

    Again, not much has changed, nor likely ever will if everyone focuses on debating the problem, and pointing fingers and blame rather than providing solutions. The only finger-pointing I'm doing is flying my birds to anything that jeopardizes the well-being of the whole!

    It is a curse all mankind suffers unto...cast judgement first, investigate later!

    The sad reality is; in trying to preserve the 'elitists' power and money as a measure of control and conform has failed miserable. A blind and deaf man can see and hear they have created a huge debt, threatened the well being of an entire nation, defaced the value of the constitution, and stopped me from being able to smoke my weed without weighing the punishments they unjustly deem appropriate.

    You don't like weed, good don't smoke it! You don't believe in God, good worship a rock for all I care!

    But, stop pissing down the backs of our heritage, and casting judgment on what forged this nation, as it's the same as going to Italy and telling them not to be Catholic.

    Here's a thought, "What happens when people FREE their "closed" minds and 'stand up for what they believe in? (like freedom, preserving unity by measure of freewill) ...I'll tell ya; they are condemned for threatening the authority.

    We are a 'broke nation' like it or not!

    Yes, we are to blame for we sat back and expected a few to decide for the majority. Like with any government that we 'invade', the people should control the government, NOT the other way around.

    Keep placing reliance on others to decide for you. Keep casting judgment where it has no place. Keep being pompous and telling yourself you're better than the next because you don't (or never have done drugs), keep believing Rock-n-Roll is Satanic, and marijuana's bad!

    The sad reality is; a large majority who oppose such matters have no credit to weigh their value, cause the majority heard it was bad and believed it...doesn't get any more ignorant than that!

    I live by the experience, not the notion. A college grad can recite Shakespeare or become a Harvard lawyer, doesn't mean he/she has earned anymore credit than a F'in parrot that repeats what it has heard, and impersonates the intelligence of it's originator.

    Yet, many hold key positions of power and rely upon the intelligence of others to glorify themselves. Sit down with a stoner, and you'd be surprised the raw intelligence that can transpire...OH, let's label that uncharacteristic of conformity, and title it; mental illness.

    I'll tell ya what's mentally ill...allowing ignorance to railroad over your neighbors right to smoke marijuana whether you do or not! That my friend is a mental illness, for it threatens both the freedom of the smoker and the non-smoker alike, and will surely tighten the noose a little tighter for everyone!

    WE have a responsibility (stoned or not) to defend civility, our heritage, our constitutional rights, and what little remains left of that which our forefathers fought to defend.

    Honestly, telling American's not to smoke weed is the equivalent of going to Italy and telling them not to eat pasta!

    Yet, we piss down the backs of the majority by 'cutting back' on all that matters, while we blindly refuse to accept; if we allow issues like this to continue, our kids won't have enough "Common Sense" (a book written by Thomas Payne) stand up, defend themselves, let alone fight for what remains of their inherent rights!

    Guess that was a "Quarter's worth...since the dollar has lost it's value!"

    Sorry for the rant, but I am passionate when it comes to equal rights, freedom, and smoking marijuana. I may just move to Denver soon!
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • It was just some sarcasm by Sal, art.
      I guess you would have to know her better to see the humor of what she said.
      Personally I laughed my butt off at it
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  • I accidentally inhaled a puff of marijuana as second hand smoke once when I was 16 and it didn't make me paranoid. Why do you guys think I'm paranoid? Why are you guys looking at me like that? If I seem paranoid it's only because of the way you're looking at me. I'm not paranoid. I have to go, my ... um, closet needs cleaned. I'm not paranoid.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • That doesnt mean people arent after you though... think about it.
  • I too disagree, in fact when I used it, I was more active and social than ever. I started using marijuana at age 12, I'm 39 now, and I am not experiencing paranoia or schizophrenia (nor did I ever.) -In fact, I am much more stressed out without it!

    Alcohol on the other hand, made me schitzo, angry, sick, and caused black-outs. Pills and cocaine landed me in an adolescent drug treatment program by age 16, and I blame myself; not my parents, society, God, or marijuana as the cause of my excessive usage.

    Marijauna relaxed me and made me concentrate, be more attuned and focused in areas like artwork, and it taught me a great deal about self control. It too helped me make $100 a day on pool tables in a blue collar bar from the age of 14 -18, until I found better things to do with my chase girls my own age

    I see it like this, some people like me can eat McDonald's and still remain 150 pounds soaking wet. Other's get fat, their cholesterol goes through the roof, and they die of a heart-attack.

    We stew in carbon monoxide everyday in a giant bubble because we found independence in our vehicles. Betcha if you pumped that into a monkey's helmet it would reveal some dead brain cells too!

    Heck I went wake-skating all day with my 17 year old yesterday at Wet-N-Wild here in Orlando, they announced; "On rare occasion, in non chlorinated fresh water above 70 degrees, a rare amoeba exists...blah! blah! blah!" -Yes, it too can kill you!

    Basically, if you look hard enough you can find fault in everything we eat, drink, smoke,'s a tough fact for ya;

    People die of lung cancer without ever having smoked a cigarette. My great aunt smoked for 50 years, and lived until 103...go figure.

    There are a millions ways to argue whether it should? or should not be legal?

    IMO it really should be a matter of personal choice, not a constitutional decision. Like motorcycle helmet laws...let the rider decide.

    Our awareness needs to be increased, our minds need to move beyond and evolve from this temporal salvation, and start concerning ourselves less with what others do, and start providing solutions to what damage has already been done.

    When you get a 1hr 13 mins of free time, check out this movie on YouTube, I think it clearly shows a greater importance to how plants have maintained the balance of our survival.

    Then, ask yourself; do I really care if someone else uses marijuana?

    In my opinion, we need all the green we can get
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I had a friend who went totally off the rails when she started using marijuana. She loved it from the start and there was nothing recreational about it - she smoked to stay high.

      Short term memory loss, poor work performance, big change in personality (and not for the better). Her motivation disappeared as did her focus. Doesn't happen to many people, perhaps - but it happens.

      To me, the worst argument is "increased taxes" - that's being used to try to get online gaming approved as well. How far do we go to get money?

      I have no problem at all with anyone smoking in their home or on their property. I don't want to work with them if they are high - and I don't want to be the road with them, either. The biggest downside is there's no test for pot as there is with alcohol.

      It's not a simple issue. There was a time when tobacco users were told "it's safe", too. How much does smoking cost in insurance/medical now? Would widespread marijuana use be any different?

      I guess, for me, it comes down to how its legalized. Prescription with limited amounts - no problem. Wide open - get it when you want - I couldn't go for.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Kay,

    Let me narrow down the 12 step program to one easy step...MODERATION!

    I can drink and be fine, and not be an alcoholic, if done so in moderation.
    I can eat junk food, and not have health concerns, if done so in moderation.
    I can have a prescribed drug, and not become addicted, if done in moderation.

    Perhaps the underlying issue of paranoia lies with those who do not understand the principles of moderation. However, if you happened to get through the video link above...I think it's fair to say NONE of us do anything in moderation, unless we grew up on an island with a soccer ball named Wilson, and come to appreciate the true value of life itself.

    I met a woman when I was 14, she was beautiful, had an 18 year old daughter that was one of the most caring people I ever met. She used to get 'illegal 'M' from a personal friend to ease her mother's agoraphobia.

    For those who don't know it is commonly associated to compulsory disorder, whereby, she couldn't leave the house without checking the stove 5x, or making sure the sink faucet was turned off. This lady found relief from 1-3 hits of 'M'. Hence, she alleviated her paranoia to a degree.

    Also, I owned and operated heavy equipment (Bobcat, Backhoe, Flatbed Dually with a pipe rack) and logged 100's of thousands of miles for the 15 years I built swimming pools.

    Not once have I been in an accident, nor done any damages greater than forgetting where the heck I left my keys. But I do that sober.

    I value life, respect others beliefs, and try to find meaning and purpose in all that I do. Naturally, we are all built differently and have different thresholds of mental fortitude, endurance, personality traits, and human characteristics that differ.

    Take a 'blue blooded' aristocrat, and place him/her into a menial labor job, and they will mentally disconnect from everything they are accustomed to, as will most poor people who hit the lottery!

    There are too many variables (habits, personal disorders, excuses, etc...) that alter the genetic make-up for each individual to conclude; "M" is bad.

    A mild example; for those of you who read Napoleon Hill's "Laws of Success in 16 Lessons" - Asa Chandler; founder of Coca-Cola was a huge success as people gathered around "The Enchanted Kettle." Hill admits to having proposed to his wife; high on what....Cocaine. To date cocaine extracts are used in medical fields all over the globe.

    This reverts back to moderation. If you abuse any drug, and this is NOT limited to pills, alcohol, or even "M" - you will suffer repercussions. I say this from experience.:rolleyes:

    However, do we remember Napoleon Hill as a drug addict?

    Timothy Leary produced LSD which our government administered to our own soldiers, believing it to be a truth serum. Vietnam was riddled with heroin use whereby 3 out of 4 soldiers became addicted.

    How did these drugs become so mainstream?

    Think about what I am saying...somewhere between the lies, red tape, and bureaucratically twisted bs, you have to see the point. Governments do what?

    They govern. They govern over and capitalize upon anything they can to maintain power. If you think our government isn't impart responsible for the ill use of drugs...

    Why is it countries who 'tolerate' or legalize drugs and prostitution (IN MODERATION) suffer far less crime rates?

    Here in America, we've had our George Jung's in the movie; "Blow" starring Jonny Depp and Frank Lucas's supposed heroin dealings in the movie; "American Gangster", even then, these movies embellish the truth for marketability, no doubt.

    Point is, if the American Gov was so serious about reducing drug usage, don't you think they'd set a better example and start with clearing out known Crack neighborhoods?, reduce the reliance on prescriptions? and hardcore killers like meth and heroin?

    Instead, they issue a stiffer penalties upon illegal marijuana users, pill poppers caught with prescribed pills, and a "Just Say No" campaign. Much like state lotteries, there are millions, if not billions made preying upon the poor, who by typical stereotyping are the blame for illegal drug usage. Hence, they are in theory considered rogue, maybe even expendable.

    But, our Gov is not stupid, they capitalize on expendable people everyday, anyone ever really listen to "WarPigs"?

    Think of the psychology we all use to market our goods online. From "Sc"Amway to Avon...the machine (greed) feeds off our desires, and sadly, it's a shrewd game of Monopoly and Life whereby, money is the almighty motivator, -not providing meaningful solutions.

    It's a big Mousetrap, whereby despite our differences on the subject matter here concerning 'M', the primary goal is power, control, money!

    Where does the money our Gov use come from?

    Tax Payers

    Has that money been delegated in conjunction with what you or I desire?

    Things like education, re-stimulation of the economy, mandatory health benefits, hire wages to afford the spiraling costs of fuel, or to really create any sense of security, we can afford to live comfortably on the standard wages?

    Why in the hell are we all cranking out hours learning internet marketing?

    Is it because I enjoyed studying for hours upon end with practically no sleep for 4-5 months to finally close my 1st $60 in sales 10 days ago?


    It's because we want control over our lives!

    The "essence" of FREEDOM! -It doesn't come cheap these days. For some it's "M", others it's sex, some are complete fanatics when they find what they think is the solution. (Look at several religious people, they try to tell other how to live and cram it down your throat, while others just get it)

    Man I could tear into this like an open heart surgery, and still my fellow man/woman would fail to see the strings attached to this matter, or hear the tune the piper is playing.

    Oh, and since so many have stressed they would not want to drive or work with someone using recreational marijuana or be it prescribed medically, have you considered how many little ol' ladies (and men) are stoned out of their mind on 'legal' scripts of "Xanex, Percoset, Darvaset, Oxycodone, Vicodine" -

    Mind you, these are not homeless crack addicts we're talking about either, these people are driving SUV's through 7-11's cause they forgot which was the break, and which was the gas. Last time I checked the "breathalyzer" doesn't exactly test for those either.

    Let me tell ya, I'm paranoid alright, I'm scared sh!#less...because honestly I cannot see a simple solution to the repercussions our ignorance will cost us.

    And need we really wonder why people are obliterating themselves to escape the confusion, pain, and unnecessary suffering?

    I sincerely hope we get it together soon folks, or I may not be so privileged to surf with my grand kids.

    On a positive note, think of all the gas we save marketing online on wind operated servers
  • We should all want some of whatever the American Pioneers were having... Because they are the people we need to be like and have the spirit of in these times.

    Back then, people like Michael Landon, worked the field all day, then came home and mellowed out with a pipe and read the bible to the family.

    I dont agree with naming your kid half pint though - that just aint right.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • "mellowed out with a pipe" Hmmmm.........

      Just read this article about what happened in Portugal after they decriminalized all drugs.
      Two things important in it.
      1. Drug use went down across the board. In other words the fear of everyone running around high all the time didn't happen like many think it would.
      2. Our DEA is saying the opposite of what is happening there is happening.
      Gives you an idea of how corrupt they really are.
      Even with all the proof that Portugal has, the DEA, and only the DEA world wide is saying the opposite is happening and totally ignoring the truth.
      In other words they still believe people should be arrested instead of helped for what a sane country considers a health problem.
      • [1] reply
  • Lol JD Way too funny
    thanks for that
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Of course it should be legal!

    The money saved by legalizing it.
    The money made by legalizing it.
    The proven medical benefits.

    It's a damn WEED (no pun intended) that grows wild!
    I can pick any leaf in the woods and smoke it, possess it, and sell as
    much of it as I want, except for pot.
    I can go into the woods and eat as many poison berries as I want and
    kill myself. I won't get arrested for possessing them, or selling them.
    The only thing that would be illegal would be committing suicide.
    I've made an hallucinogen out of Morning Glory seeds I bought at Walmart.

    I can smoke an ounce of pot and wake up the next morning feeling like a champ.
    If I slug down a 5th of whiskey I'll drop dead. (See Keith Moon, et al).

    How many drug commercials have you seen where the disclaimer says one of the
    side effects is possible death?

    THIS DEBATE ALWAYS DRIVES ME CRAZY! (Not that it's a far leap ;-) )
  • But why don't you get another hobby Jonathan?

    Why don't you campaign against something MORE harmful STATISTICALLY?

    Why are you so adamant to make sure everybody knows the safest alternative is not 100% safe?

    Why does it matter so much to you PARTICULARLY since you acknowledge that alcohol, cigarettes and prescription drugs 'can be harmful'. Why don't you make sure everybody knows that????

    It seems a little anal that you just keep to this one thing - barely acknowledging anything anyone else has said - and then just enough to patronize them, but then you doggedly keep on your same soap box routine.

    And why does it bother me? BECAUSE IT IS IGNORANT - and mostly because you have probably never even tried it and probably believe everything you read.

    It just doesn't make sense when other things are so much more dangerous that you would just keep to this one thing and keep it up and keep it up.

    You would think you are trying to prove a point - but we all know that nothing is ever 100% safe - even fricking drinking water can be dangerous - air can be dangerous.

    So get over it. Try to tell somebody not to overdose on heroin or have a seizure from cocaine. There you may save a life.
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
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    • My sentiments exactly. If you want to be an idealist champion... Teach people how to make money... rally against poverty. This is a stupid war, its like fighting against casper the friendly ghost.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Jonathan 2.0,

    As harsh as it may appear, you are entitled to campaign against marijuana legalization, rightly so by measure of freewill.

    However, I can literally 'feel' how offended Patrician and several others here (myself included) are by your bias disregard to see beyond yourself, as it symbolizes a true measure of hypocrisy.

    To elaborate, I too have witnessed with my own eyes and personal experiences several good people lost to 'legal' prescriptions, alcohol, and cigarettes.

    Everything from kidney failure, heart-attack, strokes, Bell's Palsy, shingles, car accidents, mental illness, and overdoses...many specific to alcohol alone.

    I think what Patrician is saying is that it is ignorant for you to support 3rd party statements and theoretical nonsense so advantageously without probable cause.

    I am sure someone in your close proximity has been affected by alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and has either caused you emotional, physical, or even mental anguish to some degree.

    Perhaps, that has fueled your passion?

    I lived and breathed all-thee-above afflictions, and I am fortunate to have survived it. I do not seek sympathy, nor pity, as my actions were of my own making, no doubt.

    However, I too 'feel' quite insulted when someone inflicts a bias disregard and prejudice solely based on 3rd party interpretations or 'adopted' beliefs without personally experiencing them or without a vested interest!

    I consider much of what you've written a 'recital' of another persons beliefs, not of your own making or experience.

    How is this insulting? prejudice? and ultimately ignorant?

    Because many who are trying to defend their rights here; find or have found (through personal experience, exploration, and informed knowledge) that marijuana alleviates their burden in some way shape or form.

    To what credit have you (or any government) to denounce another persons right to choose or explore that option?

    I used to be prejudice (ignorant) to all sorts of things I had little or no knowledge over. But, I woke up to the realization; prejudice is the ultimate form of ignorance!

    Prior I made a statement concerning a parrot being able to recite words, and is essentially mimicking intelligence. Don't be a parrot!

    Can you honestly name one person who has suffered any of the ills you quote concerning marijuana usage?

    If you can you're a better man than I, and I grew up table rolling half-ounces with Cheech and Chong album cover rolling papers!

    Look man, no offense intended, but many of us have walked through hell and lived to tell about it. Not anyone will argue; we either loved, knew, or were closely related to a death or serious illness related directly to legal drugs, cigarettes, and/or especially alcohol.

    I personally narrowly escaped death on more than one occasion, not once was marijuana to blame. Most of my near death experiences were compliments of Jack Daniel's, Budweiser, and prescribed pills!

    Go figure...they're all legal!

    Show me one death, one stroke, one liver failure, one kidney failure, heart-attack, cancer patient, or severe mental illness that is in direct relation to marijuana; you can't!

    Last I recall, cancer is largely responsible for mobilizing the legalization of marijuana!

    I don't tell people what to eat, who to screw, what to smoke, or determine a persons value by way of bias disregard and prejudice based on their beliefs or lack thereof.

    You shouldn't either!

    -Yet your entire campaign against marijuana users does just that, and leaves me to question; "How did you acquire this so-called passion to label marijuana as bad?"

    To think...people once swore the world was flat, kinda like this argument...eventually it will come full circle and the opposition will be forced to recognize their ignorance regarding freedom of choice.

    Do you still support slavery?
    How about gay marriage?
    Helmet laws?
    Pro Choice?
    Minimum Wage?

    Guess what?

    -The Writing's On the Wall my friends...sometimes I wish I never read it!:rolleyes:

    It's easier to be ignorant!
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
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    • Bingo!

      Take cancer patients, like I mentioned before marijuana has shown in studies to actually reduce tumor sizes in cancer, and stop/slow the growth vs just normal therapy/chemo itself. Never mind the other benefits it has on cancer patients in terms of getting their appetite back and hugely reducing anxiety, stress, sickness/vomiting from the effects of chemo. I know people whom continue to smoke marijuana after their chemo and their doing excellent.

      And again, even the people I know that most would consider heavy pot smokers....not a single one is schizo or anything like that. The studies he posted said "may"... that's no different then the studies showing there may be asteroids undetected till last minute that could destroy earth tomorrow... chance of that happening, about as close to 0% as you can get.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Survey Says; 68.52% significantly feel marijuana should be legalized!

    Yet, only 22.22% vote against?

    I truly want to Thank-You All including Jonathan 2.0 for reminding me who I am, where I've been, where I come from, and how frugal our freedoms truly are!

    -What a long strange trip it's been; indeed and in trust!

    Ah, what better blessing might one ask; then to feel to have lived as a king in a humble servants clothes!

    Overdue for a Jethro Tull - "Thick as a Brick" long version moment
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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  • ha aha ha.

    You remember 'Don't BIGOT that Joint My Friend, Pass it over, again'.

    You remember Humphrey Bigot? Yes?

    I mean Bogart?

    Definition of BIGOT

    : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

    — big·ot·ed adjective
    — big·ot·ed·ly adverb

    See bigot defined for English-language learners »
    See bigot defined for kids »
    Examples of BIGOT

    He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.
    <an incorrigible bigot who hasn't entertained a new thought in years>
    “It's scandalous,” he said, in the tones once used by Colonel Blimp, Britain's best-loved bigot, who adorned the pages of the Evening Standard throughout the 1930s. —Nicholas Fraser, Harper's, September 1996
    Origin of BIGOT

    French, hypocrite, bigot
    First Known Use: 1660
    Related to BIGOT

    Synonyms: dogmatist, dogmatizer, partisan (also partizan), sectarian


    Oh well - My sentimentalities are in 'White Rabbit'


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    • @ Art72,
      Your post on page3 hit on many of the reasons I'm so passionate about legalization.
      My gateway drugs where alcohol and cigs. I started both before I hit my teens
      I started smoking cannabis at 15, but for many years it was only smoking on occasion as I still preferred alcohol, keep in mind there is a history of alcohol abuse in my family.
      By my late teens and into my early 20's I was a meth addict plus a very heavy drinker.
      Still only smoked on occasion. I quit meth without any help, except for the voice in my head that told me I would die if I did it again. I was still doing many other dangerous drugs and still drinking heavily. Realizing I was committing slow suicide. I started replacing the other drugs with cannabis. The final one was alcohol. When I was up to a quart of J.D. a night (every night) I decided to end that and smoked cannabis every time I wanted a drink instead. Then we went into a 6 month dry spell with no cannabis to be found anywhere. That's when I found out I could go on without smoking and have no withdrawal or anxiety attacks or any of the other problems I had quiting the other drugs.
      In other words I found out cannabis wasn't addictive.
      Mean while the propaganda from the govt. was telling me smoking would lead to harder drugs an I would become addicted to cannabis, both the opposite of what happened to me. That's when I started looking for all the info I could on cannabis, except in the 70's and 80's there wasn't much around. In 1991 I picked up my first copy of The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer. Here was a book not only filled with facts about cannabis and why it was made illegal but it also contained all the resources the information came from. From there I was on a mission to educate everyone who would listen and to work on making this plant legal again.
      My biggest issue then and now (to a big extent) is with Hemp being illegal to grow in the U.S.
      Over the years I've noticed my use of cannabis slowly changed from something I did to get high to something I did for medical reasons. I've smoked for my back pain, for my occasional depression, as an appetite stimulant, and most importantly to help me control my anger issues. Truth be told I had smoked before I wrote just about every reply here, mainly because of the 'arguments' from J., straight I would of replied much differently and you would of seen the anger in what I said and the name calling that would of been there.
      I've been to college twice and was smoking both times. In fact I would smoke before classes so I could more easily focus on the subjects and retain what I was learning.
      The first college I graduated with a 4.0in Culinary Arts, the second I had to leave after my 3rd semester because of family reasons (you can't raise a 15 year old girl on your own and commute 50 miles to college 5 days a week) there I held a solid 2.8 gpa which I was more proud of then the 4.0 before because I was a Plant Science major.
      I was taking courses like Botany, Entomology, and Plant Pathology. Now in high school I only took one day of biology so I had no prior experience in any type of science. Heck the third soils course I took was based on the soils course the instructor took when he was working on his Masters at Cornell U and I had a 3.0 in it.
      So what I'm saying is I learned first hand what smoking cannabis can do, plus I have many friends who smoke who had experienced much of what I had plus other benefits.
      Yet in my 43 years of experience with cannabis I never had any bad effects nor did anyone I knew.
      Cannabis was made illegal based on lies, and it continues to be illegal based on lies, it's really that simple.
      Many people believe the lies because it is easier then searching for the truth and it's hard to admit you where lied to and believed them.
      Am I passionate about legalization, hell yes I am.
      Why? Because I don't like being considered a criminal for using a safer substance then the pharmaceuticals that can cause worse problems then the problem you are taking them for. When I watch a commercial on a legal drug and 3/4 of the commercial is spent listing the side effects I have to wonder how they can possibly be a good thing when cannabis could do the same things without any nasty side effects, unless you call having an appetite and being in a good mood nasty. People should be able to choose the type of health care they want without worry of arrest, period.
      My other reason for being passionate comes from all I've learned about the plant.
      The good clearly out weighs the bad with cannabis, and the suppression of the plant and the knowledge about what it's capable of simply for the greed of some has to stop.
      But any time you have something that can be a benefit to the common man, you will have those 'above' the fold trying to keep it out of their reach so they can keep their control.
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
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  • marijuana is natural and you probably won't have very many side effects over a period of time vs. the "legal weed" that they sell which is made with all types of chemicals that we have no idea what the side effects will be (although I'm willing to bet those side effects will be bad).
  • Yes, I do KUSH every now and then. It should be legalized because its got some health benefits.
  • Marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogens and toxins found in tobacco smoke, sometimes in higher concentrations. The daily use or intake of one to three joints or 'cones', appears to produce the same lung diseases and potential cancer risks as smoking five times as many cigarettes.
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    • Fine - then make cigarettes illegal.

    • Not true at all.
      Smoking cannabis has been found in studies to reduce the risk of many different cancers. It also open ups and relaxes the small bronchi in the lungs dislodging the tars and such left there from cig. smoking.
      But then I can tell you just did a copy and paste from one of the govts. websites.
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  • The funny thing about it being illegal is that Cops and lawyers always get the best stuff with a wink and a nod from the authorities. So, even though it is illegal for general use, the law is selectively enforced.
  • IMO grass never hurt anyone. Yes of course it should be legalized. Legal MJ would put a monster bite into the profits of the Mexican cartels and no doubt save a lot of lives.

    Also hemp, a potentially huge agricultural crop, which grows wild by the roadsides in Nebraska.
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • nope.. in my personal opinion, it only bring more harm than good..believe me
  • Do medicinal benefits count for legalisation? Medicinal Cannabis & Its Impacts On Humans - Health Advocate

    If you agree then you might also like this tee: Let Cannabis Be Thy Medicine : Mullaway | Teespring (funds will go towards helping a 'medicine man' in Australia not go to jail)
  • Read a number of times that it causes hallucinations, heart problems and a number of other health issues. Wonder why people are hell bent on destroying their own lives.
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    • so is that all you read? or did you actually do some proper research?
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    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Not wanting to get in the way of you and mrozlats crusade but seeing as she made that comment on 15th June 2011 means you're a little late to the party.

      Besides, in the many years that have passed since this thread began, parts of America have legalised it and I believe New York is now being discussed, then again, seeing as you both joined a conversation 4 years after it began and ended, you may not be up to speed on current news and affairs.

      But if you shout a bit louder she may be able to hear you and it's great fun watching you both chatting to no one.

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