11 year old boy stripped naked by 2 girls who had it filmed and placed it on youtube

43 replies
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I don't know what I am more disgusted at, the blatant double standard(Misdemeanor Battery, wtf?) or the fact that the mother hasn't even defended him and has pretty much abandoned him by refusing to press charges.

  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    It was NOT a prank! How could they DARE call it a prank? In such a case, it would be tantamount to saying NOTHING happened. It would be like calling a poisoning, followed by a bullet to the head a PRANK!

    But because these kids are GIRLS, the boys mother cares about THEIR future over her sons current condition. Because they are young, and thus determining whether such things are worth it, she may decide to let it go.

    Yeah, if even ONE boy did this with a girl, he would be TOAST! But girls can gang up on boys, and PUBLICIZE it, with NO problems! And the charge from the police is NOTHING! That is LITERALLY like a slap on the wrist. It doesn't even cover the indecent exposure and publicizing.

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  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    Sometimes, in situations like these, I think that the parents pressing charges, along with the extra publicity that comes with that, can do more harm to the child. Maybe for the kid's sake it would be best to leave this incident in the past instead of revisiting it during what could be months of legal activity.


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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

      Sometimes, in situations like these, I think that the parents pressing charges, along with the extra publicity that comes with that, can do more harm to the child. Maybe for the kid's sake, it's best to leave this incident in the past instead of revisiting it during what could be months of legal activity.

      Sometimes, in situations like these, the parents should give two slaps on the face of their sons.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4441316].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

      Sometimes, in situations like these, I think that the parents pressing charges, along with the extra publicity that comes with that, can do more harm to the child. Maybe for the kid's sake it would be best to leave this incident in the past instead of revisiting it during what could be months of legal activity.
      There is a simple solution to that! If a boy did this to a girl, they would treat it like a rape, etc... Simply do the SAME HERE, and insist that ANY identifying info be kept out!

      Maybe not perfect, but the other option STINKS! Besides, he was ganged up on, and probably wasn't told what they were going to do.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4441957].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
        Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

        There is a simple solution to that! If a boy did this to a girl, they would treat it like a rape, etc... Simply do the SAME HERE, and insist that ANY identifying info be kept out!
        Doing that, and keeping the identifying info a secret might be a good idea, but as garyv mentioned, the boy's mom already made an appearance on the local news station. Now, everybody in that kid's area knows who he is and what happened, and I guarantee that the kid will get bullied in school much worse than if his mom didn't feel the need to talk about it on the news.

        I feel like if this happened when I was a kid, it would have been treated a whole lot differently. The incident would have been treated as a prank, the kid wouldn't be treated as the victim of a heinous crime, and the girls wouldn't be treated like serial rapists - and everyone involved would move on and grow up normally, and they'd all live happily ever after.

        Some will think that's very insensitive, I'm sure.

        Taking something like this to court, even if the boy's name IS kept secret, is going to be tough on the child. And for what? What is to gain? For the next month, or longer, he would have to retell his story numerous times to numerous officials, and he's going to have a lesson instilled in his brain - that he is a VICTIM. Maybe driving the severity of this crime into his head will make him fear women for the rest of his life.

        I understand those girls were mean, but I think his parents should think about what action to take in terms of what will help their child cope, move on, and develop as a man, and less in terms of finding retaliation against the girls.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4442061].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

          Doing that, and keeping the identifying info a secret might be a good idea, but as garyv mentioned, the boy's mom already made an appearance on the local news station. Now, everybody in that kid's area knows who he is and what happened, and I guarantee that the kid will get bullied in school much worse than if his mom didn't feel the need to talk about it on the news.

          I feel like if this happened when I was a kid, it would have been treated a whole lot differently. The incident would have been treated as a prank, the kid wouldn't be treated as the victim of a heinous crime, and the girls wouldn't be treated like serial rapists - and everyone involved would move on and grow up normally, and they'd all live happily ever after.

          Some will think that's very insensitive, I'm sure.

          Taking something like this to court, even if the boy's name IS kept secret, is going to be tough on the child. And for what? What is to gain? For the next month, or longer, he would have to retell his story numerous times to numerous officials, and he's going to have a lesson instilled in his brain - that he is a VICTIM. Maybe driving the severity of this crime into his head will make him fear women for the rest of his life.

          I understand those girls were mean, but I think his parents should think about what action to take in terms of what will help their child cope, move on, and develop as a man, and less in terms of finding retaliation against the girls.
          I don't know how old YOU are, but when I was a kid, doing this would have been VERY expensive, and a LOT of trouble! Oh SURE, the girls MIGHT have been able to pull his pants off, etc...,, though they WOULD have been punished, but filming it and distributing it NOPE! These girls had SO MUCH ability to make this a global case, that people in my days might have had to spend BILLIONS to accomplish the same, as few news programs would take it on, and would likely lose ther FCC license if they tried.

          And it isn't simply retaliation against those TWO girls. They will get away with things, and WHO KNOWS!?!?!? You know, the rioters I heard interviewed in great britain were young girls!

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        • Profile picture of the author HeySal
          Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

          Doing that, and keeping the identifying info a secret might be a good idea, but as garyv mentioned, the boy's mom already made an appearance on the local news station. Now, everybody in that kid's area knows who he is and what happened, and I guarantee that the kid will get bullied in school much worse than if his mom didn't feel the need to talk about it on the news.

          I feel like if this happened when I was a kid, it would have been treated a whole lot differently. The incident would have been treated as a prank, the kid wouldn't be treated as the victim of a heinous crime, and the girls wouldn't be treated like serial rapists - and everyone involved would move on and grow up normally, and they'd all live happily ever after.

          Some will think that's very insensitive, I'm sure.

          Taking something like this to court, even if the boy's name IS kept secret, is going to be tough on the child. And for what? What is to gain? For the next month, or longer, he would have to retell his story numerous times to numerous officials, and he's going to have a lesson instilled in his brain - that he is a VICTIM. Maybe driving the severity of this crime into his head will make him fear women for the rest of his life.

          I understand those girls were mean, but I think his parents should think about what action to take in terms of what will help their child cope, move on, and develop as a man, and less in terms of finding retaliation against the girls.
          Ya know - I worked in a sexual assault crisis center and there were a lot of people who didn't report their daughters being molested and even raped for the same reason. Know what happened to a lot of those little girls? They never got over it. Grew up either so mentally trashed they never were able to form normal relationships or they went on to be prostitutes.

          I agree, 30 years ago, this event would have gotten the girls a good scolding and people would move on. 30 years ago society was different though - this kid has to cope with today's society and he has to cope with the event being aired in front of the whole damned world. It happened in a time that little boys get locked up for the same type of action.

          While it would be nice to get over it and move on. The problem doesn't really lie in the "prank" - it's the fact that it ended up on video. I wonder if those girls realize the nut cases that may just get POd there was no action taken and come after them for it. Or that figures the kid's mom is a piece of cake and the kid is an easy target.

          Those are things we didn't worry much about 30 years ago when people weren't so demented from political correctness that society can't function normally and when what we did wasn't filmed -- and the films couldn't be traced to exact locations. We were also living in a time that a 15 year old boy couldn't be arrested and tagged for life as a sexual offender if he nailed a willing classmate.

          You tell us how to get back to those days. I'd be happy to go there. The world would make a hell of a lot more sense again.

          When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
          Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Actually the State's attorney is the coward here. They could easily Push a child pornography case here, and confiscate all equipment (pc's, phones, cameras) used in this incident.

    I can see where the mom's coming from, wanting to protect the boy from further embarrassment. But it's pretty much too late for that once you put your face on TV.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    First off, I am not watching that video. I won't participate.

    Second - why is it still on Youtube. Here they have supposedly cracked down on "improper" videos but let this one slide? They should be permanently yanking those girl's accounts . This is an absolute travesty.

    Third - if a couple of boys did this to a girl, they would be given a "sex offender" record that would follow them the rest of their lives. They'd be very, very lucky if it was erased from their record when they turned 18.

    Fourth - the kid is already devastated. He deserves some justice. Judges can give gag orders in such situations to avoid further mental trauma.

    Fifth - Those girls need to learn a very large dose of empathy and very quickly. What they can get away with now will put them in court and possibly jail in just a few years.

    Sixth - the boy's mother should be stripped publicly herself and see if maybe she might change her mind about seeking justice for her son, even if privately sought with the girl's parents.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4441745].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      First off, I am not watching that video. I won't participate.

      Second - why is it still on Youtube. Here they have supposedly cracked down on "improper" videos but let this one slide? They should be permanently yanking those girl's accounts . This is an absolute travesty.
      The video said that the other video stayed up 24hours, implying it is down.

      Third - if a couple of boys did this to a girl, they would be given a "sex offender" record that would follow them the rest of their lives. They'd be very, very lucky if it was erased from their record when they turned 18.
      EXACTLY, that is one thing that gets ME upset!

      Fourth - the kid is already devastated. He deserves some justice. Judges can give gag orders in such situations to avoid further mental trauma.

      Fifth - Those girls need to learn a very large dose of empathy and very quickly. What they can get away with now will put them in court and possibly jail in just a few years.
      Like I said, sometimes hitting them as MINORS is BETTER!

      Sixth - the boy's mother should be stripped publicly herself and see if maybe she might change her mind about seeking justice for her son, even if privately sought with the girl's parents.
      Hopefully she has a good imagination, and someone can simply get her to consider it. After all, if a man did it to her, she would be screaming bloody murder. If even 2 17 yo girls did to her what happened to her son, she would be upset.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4441990].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Third - if a couple of boys did this to a girl, they would be given a "sex offender" record that would follow them the rest of their lives. They'd be very, very lucky if it was erased from their record when they turned 18.

      Sixth - the boy's mother should be stripped publicly herself and see if maybe she might change her mind about seeking justice for her son, even if privately sought with the girl's parents.
      Totally agree Sal.

      If this was a bunch of boys, the women of the entire area would be out burning effigies.

      If i was his parent I'd have all three of these girls in court immediately.

      No charges? Absolutely ridiculous.
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  • Profile picture of the author Crystal Love
    Wow. This is insane. Where are we heading...
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Crystal Love View Post

      Wow. This is insane. Where are we heading...
      DOWN THE SEWER like so many dead fish!
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  • Profile picture of the author DesignFan
    Things like this happen all the time, but before youtube it wasn't known around the world. I'm not condoning the events at all, the girls should definitely be punished.
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    • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
      Originally Posted by DesignFan View Post

      Things like this happen all the time, but before youtube it wasn't known around the world.
      Right, but I think it was the fact that the girls posted it to YouTube that made it really bad for the boy. It was humiliating for him, I'm sure.

      Originally Posted by DesignFan View Post

      I'm not condoning the events at all, the girls should definitely be punished.
      Indeed, but I don't think that treating them as rapists has any benefit for the girls, the boy, or society. There is nothing to gain from that. Those girls need better parenting, not a criminal record.

      I'd hate to see those girls end up on some sex offender registry. Similarly, I don't think it makes sense when an 18 year old dude gets put on the SOR for having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend.


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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        What a judgmental group here. How many of you have raised kids?

        The silly thing is this is a prank of bad behavior. The boy is "only 11" and girls are "middle school" - that would be what...12? This does not approach criminal behavior or sexual predators - let's get real. It's kids behaving badly while they are young enough to learn a lesson.

        You have a mother who doesn't know whether to press charges - probably because her son is begging her not to..and she's being criticized. You have police properly listing it as a "prank" - I say "properly" because that's exactly what it was....and they are being criticized.

        It's bullying - so solve it! Punish the girls directly so they know there are real consequences for bad behavior. Take away cell phones and facebook/YouTube access for 60 days. Ground them, too. Make them face the boy and his family one girl at a time and explain and apologize directly.
        That will embarrass them just as he was embarrassed.

        If you are a parent - RAISE your child instead of expecting the police and court system to do it for you.

        The girls were wrong - but the adults carry ridiculous to new extremes.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
        ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4442316].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          What a judgmental group here. How many of you have raised kids?

          The silly thing is this is a prank of bad behavior. The boy is "only 11" and girls are "middle school" - that would be what...12? This does not approach criminal behavior or sexual predators - let's get real. It's kids behaving badly while they are young enough to learn a lesson.

          You have a mother who doesn't know whether to press charges - probably because her son is begging her not to..and she's being criticized. You have police properly listing it as a "prank" - I say "properly" because that's exactly what it was....and they are being criticized.

          It's bullying - so solve it! Punish the girls directly so they know there are real consequences for bad behavior. Take away cell phones and facebook/YouTube access for 60 days. Ground them, too. Make them face the boy and his family one girl at a time and explain and apologize directly.
          That will embarrass them just as he was embarrassed.

          If you are a parent - RAISE your child instead of expecting the police and court system to do it for you.

          The girls were wrong - but the adults carry ridiculous to new extremes.
          HEY, how about insisting that the phone not be a smart phone. NO import/export, NO email, NO camera, NO recording, NO text! And HEY, disable the ability to call outside the family. And NO social sites AT ALL! NO text, video, or audio! They can pay for it themselves when they are 18!

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        • Profile picture of the author jimbeau
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          What a judgmental group here. How many of you have raised kids?

          The silly thing is this is a prank of bad behavior. The boy is "only 11" and girls are "middle school" - that would be what...12? This does not approach criminal behavior or sexual predators - let's get real. It's kids behaving badly while they are young enough to learn a lesson.

          You have a mother who doesn't know whether to press charges - probably because her son is begging her not to..and she's being criticized. You have police properly listing it as a "prank" - I say "properly" because that's exactly what it was....and they are being criticized.

          It's bullying - so solve it! Punish the girls directly so they know there are real consequences for bad behavior. Take away cell phones and facebook/YouTube access for 60 days. Ground them, too. Make them face the boy and his family one girl at a time and explain and apologize directly.
          That will embarrass them just as he was embarrassed.

          If you are a parent - RAISE your child instead of expecting the police and court system to do it for you.

          The girls were wrong - but the adults carry ridiculous to new extremes.
          This seems to be one of the few reasoned comments in the whole string of comments here.

          I have 3 "boys" - the youngest is now 24 - the oldest was bullied once. When the father found out about a year later, the "chickens came home to roost" and his son had to make a semi-public apology.

          He was chastened and changed. It happened because we and our son talked to the father - who really did want to do the right thing for our son and his.

          If you haven't raised children and haven't faced a similar situation, then your comments here are at best informed speculation and at worst just uninformed reaction. As aboriginals/natives say: "Walk a mile in my moccasins! {first, sic}".
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4499246].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by jimbeau View Post

            As aboriginals/natives say: "Walk a mile in my moccasins! {first, sic}".
            EXACTLY! And did YOU ever have your pants forcefully pulled off, and have the whole thing televised INTERNATIONALLY?

            Frankly, given how old your oldest is, I doubt it was economically feasible at the time.

            Yeah, you're right. I only know how one sided the law is, how kids can taunt/bully/ridicule, how one sided school can be at all levels, and how the technology and news are one sided. Heck, people like to see things like kids getting their clothes ripped off rather than apologies. And if the apology were like for like, where he gets to rip THEIR clothes off, there WOULD be an outcry!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4499908].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

        I'd hate to see those girls end up on some sex offender registry. Similarly, I don't think it makes sense when an 18 year old dude gets put on the SOR for having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend.
        Those two are not ANYTHING alike! He did NOT consent to this! In a way, it WAS rape!

        If an 18 year old has CONSENSUAL sex with a 16yo, it is NOT rape! It is STATUTORY rape! It basically says that a minor is not able to consent and thus must be treated as they hadn't. So it is rape NOT because she was raped, but because she could not legally give consent and thus UNDER THE STATUTE it was rape. THAT is why they call it STATUTORY rape and not just rape. Now if someone rapes a minor WITHOUT her consent, that would also be considered NORMAL rape.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    There was a 15 yr old girl in the UK sent topless pic of herself to her boyfriend and she got done with making child porn. That was ridiculous.

    These girls weren't making porn either so CP charges wouldn't be accurate or fair.

    However, they were humiliating this boy and compounding it by uploading to Youtube. This crime ought to be taken seriously to prove that society finds such actions repugnant. The more seriously the crime is punished the more comitted the society is in respecting the dignity of others.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    This is just not cool. I have to agree that those girls must face some form of punishment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    Comic book artist Robert Crumb's brother was an outgoing guy until one humiliating event at school. His life was plagued by depression until he ended it himself.

    This event will plague this kid's life.
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  • Profile picture of the author promhut729
    Why I can not see the video of the class do I allow a network problem
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Yes these are only kids, but what I don't think some realize is that the video of him being stripped naked will not EVER be gone, and I mean EVER. Even if his video was up on Youtube for less than an hour, there are people, plugins, software - all over the world recording and scraping videos off of youtube. This video was on there for over 24hrs, so you can guarantee that it will not ever be fully eradicated from the internet.

    This is not like the pranks we pulled as a kid, where maybe you gave someone a wedgie and possibly a handful of people see it. Pranks dealing w/ the internet have much further reaching repercussions, and kids need to learn fast and early that it's not something you mess around with.
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    Like I said. When I was a kid, just getting a movie camera was a big deal. As I recall, they didn't even all necessarily have sound. The latest film that could have covered my life was 8mm. Not even super 8!

    So even TAKING the video wouldn't be that easy. And trying to ship it to news outlets and getting them to aire it? Like I said, it would be EXPENSIVE! And the parents probably WOULD know, though just shipping to a few places would stand out like a sore thumb in ones checkbook. Yeah, something like this could have been bad in my day, but not nearly AS bad.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner

    Would you still be calling this a prank if we switched this situation around and it was 2 boys forcibly removing the clothing of a younger girl?


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    • Profile picture of the author jimbeau
      Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post


      Would you still be calling this a prank if we switched this situation around and it was 2 boys forcibly removing the clothing of a younger girl?

      While I appreciate your sense of outrage, have you recently visited the mind of a 12-year old, either male or female?

      Even at 18, recent research shows that the "frontal lobe development" {reputed to be the centre of reasoned judgement} is still far from complete, and seems to be a major explanation for the disproportionately large number of automobile accident deaths in the age range 17-19; the number drops significantly by 21 and on.

      How little of this "frontal lobe development" must there be in a 12-year old? I remember my sons at 12 and older. They did some silly things and did NOT foresee or understand the consequences until they had done the deeds - and then we spent time pointing out and explaining what could and might happen.

      Please, if you are not a parent, please don't criticize a mother's struggle to determine what is the right thing to do for all concerned. It isn't easy.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4499296].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by jimbeau View Post

        While I appreciate your sense of outrage, have you recently visited the mind of a 12-year old, either male or female?

        Even at 18, recent research shows that the "frontal lobe development" {reputed to be the centre of reasoned judgement} is still far from complete, and seems to be a major explanation for the disproportionately large number of automobile accident deaths in the age range 17-19; the number drops significantly by 21 and on.

        How little of this "frontal lobe development" must there be in a 12-year old? I remember my sons at 12 and older. They did some silly things and did NOT foresee or understand the consequences until they had done the deeds - and then we spent time pointing out and explaining what could and might happen.

        Please, if you are not a parent, please don't criticize a mother's struggle to determine what is the right thing to do for all concerned. It isn't easy.
        I heard this theory ALL MY LIFE! YES, even as a little kid! I didn't believe it THEN either. WHY do you think they did it? And TWO conspired to do it. You don't think they figured it would be bad? I bet, even though the teachers probably wouldn't care, they even made sure that teachers didn't see it.

        You know, it would really have been interesting to see how your opinions would change if it had been done to you or one of your kids. Even MORE interesting if one of your kids were a little girl.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Here's a thought! There have been cases of girls trying to pass as boys at schools. DON'T ask me why! I heard of at least one confirmed case on the news. Apparently some are good at passing. I could see it, especially with some younger girls. Suppose a girl tried to pass as a boy, and two boys ganged up on her, thinking she was a boy, and pulled HER clothes off? Maybe finding that there is apparently nothing there, they get curious and even pull her underwear off! WHEN does it stop being a prank?

    And NOW, there are apparently boys going to school dressed as girls! How about THAT!?!?!?

    Face it guys, the sex shouldn't matter, ESPECIALLY since sometimes it is hard to tell. How about that person on SNL that looked ambiguous?
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    just another example:

    You almost have to wonder which way this went.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Would you still be calling this a prank if we switched this situation around and it was 2 boys forcibly removing the clothing of a younger girl?
      But that's going into "what if" land. I think this incident is horrible but not from a "sexual" point of view. I think it's wrong to put your hands on someone else in any way without their permission.

      Truth is - it was horribly embarrassing for the boy. But we don't know how this started or ended as we have only a few seconds of video (taken by whom?). We don't know if other people were present - or how he got on the ground in the first place (he's not that small). So we are all drawing conclusions based on our own preconceptions more than anything else.

      The biggest damage is that the girls could submit this video to YouTube. They are under age and submitting a video of someone else in distress without permission to display him on YT. That's the real problem here to me. To me, that's despicable.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
      ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4454616].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        The biggest damage is that the girls could submit this video to YouTube. They are under age and submitting a video of someone else in distress without permission to display him on YT. That's the real problem here to me. To me, that's despicable.
        But that is something you really CAN'T stop. And once it is public, it may go all over.

        HEY, one person figured out a ridiculously simple code, put it in their product and published it.

        In short, WITHOUT the assualt, WITHOUT the embarassment, WITHOUT the intent to hurt, it was IDENTICAL to this case! WHAT was his crime? He revealed something, and made it public!

        So WHAT happened?

        HE GOT THROWN IN JAIL FOR A YEAR!!!!!!! Dmitry Sklyarov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        If not for the public outcry, and all the assistance, legal and monetary, he might STILL b in jail!

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  • Profile picture of the author Aileen Flannigan
    I pity the boy, those girls should be punished. Misdemeanor battery... Yeah... And for the mom, please press some charges against the girls.. Its for the benefit of your son in the first place and for his protection as well... The police closed the case but when the media dig in, they start investing? WTF...
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    Disgusting. And the culture of youtube/publishing anything online immediately has gotten very disturbing with the way its used and abused. Like all the teen girl fights that were recorded to put on youtube. Why youtube allows some of the stuff it allows I'll never know. I think kids are desensitized at a young age and a lot just don't have empathy anymore. I agree w/ Gary, the parents shouldn't have to press charges the DA should do that himself. He must be a coward. He could come up with a lot of charges if he wanted to. If it were boys doing this to a girl it would be different. Double standards.

    siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Nguyen
    I'm so utterly disgusted... How can they do that? Although, it seems like they were playing but when the dude said STOP IT, that means STOP! That's like attempted rape... Kids these days... I don't know anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Barrs
    I'm speechless...

    I can't even believe this was posted here on the Warrior Forum. OK, so this is the "off topic" section - but that aint just off topic, that's just wrong.

    It's Simple... I don't "sell" IM anymore, but still do lots of YouTube Videos
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Steve - that's where my outrage comes from. If it were two boys, they'd be dealing with sexual predator charges and it wouldn't matter if they were only 12.

    But that's not kid's faults. It's our government that has made every little normal action of childhood into major issues. Look at the brewhaha that the kid taking his boy scout knife to school caused. I had my first jack knife when I was 4 and was taught to use it correctly. It wasn't a big deal.

    I'm thinking now that the issue is best handled by the parents, too. I had a knee jerk reaction to the whole thing because of the lack of concern over it because it happened to a little boy instead of a little girl. At the crisis center saw what this kind of thing did to little girls. It's not that the kid was naked that is going to do him the mental damage. He's going to be harassed within an inch of his life because he was taken by a couple of girls. Had it been two guys that did this to him, it would be a hell of a lot easier for him to get over.

    The girls should lose their internet for a hella lot longer than a few months. They should not be allowed on the net without mom or dad sitting right there until they are in high school. If this is all the common sense they have at this stage, they might not be so sharp if they meet a predator online either -- and predators don't play "pranks".

    If they were all a few years older the boy's best defense would be to joke about the girls wanting to see him naked so bad that they attacked him. But at all their ages, that joke isn't going to go over. If someone were to figure out a line for him more age appropriate that would make a jab at the girls so he could save face in public til it blows over, that would be HIS best defense. Right now, the only thing that really matters is that he can defend his ego and that the girls get a good strong lesson of some sort.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Steve - that's where my outrage comes from. If it were two boys, they'd be dealing with sexual predator charges and it wouldn't matter if they were only 12.

      But that's not kid's faults. It's our government that has made every little normal action of childhood into major issues. Look at the brewhaha that the kid taking his boy scout knife to school caused. I had my first jack knife when I was 4 and was taught to use it correctly. It wasn't a big deal.
      Yeah, it is CRAZY! Teachers never cared when I was at school and it is kind of a training ground for bullies. And yeah, I had access to hooks, hammers, power drills, power saws, when I was SIX!

      OH YEAH, ALSO revolvers, and SHOTGUNS! COMPLETE with ammo! I only used a couple for target practice, NEVER to so much as threaten.

      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      I'm thinking now that the issue is best handled by the parents, too. I had a knee jerk reaction to the whole thing because of the lack of concern over it because it happened to a little boy instead of a little girl
      Sometimes they overreact when it is a girl. HERE, I think they are UNDER REACTING!

      At the crisis center saw what this kind of thing did to little girls. It's not that the kid was naked that is going to do him the mental damage. He's going to be harassed within an inch of his life because he was taken by a couple of girls. Had it been two guys that did this to him, it would be a hell of a lot easier for him to get over.
      YEAH, AND they would probably be LESS likely to put it on youtube. I mean two BOYS ganging up on one? There is a culture that STILL exists, in a way, that a male should NOT be beaten up by a girl. Of course, ALSO, that is not to be tested. But the fact is that females on average, are about 70% as strong as males, more likely to hit where it will only hurt a male, and more likely to do some other things that would hurt a male every bit as much as a female. OH, and the whole idea that females are not to test the whole idea of males versus females is all but GONE. And males are not supposed to hurt females and THAT is embarrasing.

      So males ARE at a big disadvantage. Suppose that male quickly beat both females, and put THAT on you tube. He may STILL be as embarassed, and PUNISHED for it!

      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      The girls should lose their internet for a hella lot longer than a few months. They should not be allowed on the net without mom or dad sitting right there until they are in high school. If this is all the common sense they have at this stage, they might not be so sharp if they meet a predator online either -- and predators don't play "pranks".
      You're right THERE! And if they came to ME for protection, I would be more likely to at least feign dissinterest. What a second....YOU did this to someone ELSE and NOW you're upset?

      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      If they were all a few years older the boy's best defense would be to joke about the girls wanting to see him naked so bad that they attacked him. But at all their ages, that joke isn't going to go over. If someone were to figure out a line for him more age appropriate that would make a jab at the girls so he could save face in public til it blows over, that would be HIS best defense. Right now, the only thing that really matters is that he can defend his ego and that the girls get a good strong lesson of some sort.
      You have that right!

      BTW about those bullies? I was always told they grow out of it. THEY DON'T!!!! In FACT, some of the VICTIMS become bullies, and they bully EVERYONE! Yes, I said EVERYONE! For example, does anyone here use Euros, Dollars, Marks, etc.....? ANYONE? You are being BULLIED! THINK ABOUT IT! And there ARE ways you are bullied even if you barter. FEW have escaped it. In fact perhaps fewer than 1 million on the whole planet may have escaped it. In the US, a lot of it starts AT SCHOOL! OHICSM!

      I am toying with writing an article about it! Well, I have other things I have to do this week, the server for it got setup only a couple days ago, but it might get interesting. I WISH I could tell you the title, but some may even ASSUME correctly what it is about.

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  • Profile picture of the author kellydouglas
    Its just dis-casting!
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