EVERYWHERE You Look, You Will Find More "Reshashed" Crap and More Leprechauns!

by tpw
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You Will Find More "Reshashed" Crap!

Some newbies might be at odds with what "Rehashed" actually means...

According to the Free Dictionary, it is defined as:
1. Put (old ideas or material) into a new form without significant change or improvement.

2. Consider or discuss (something) at length after it has happened.

A famous man named Solomon was fond of saying, "There is nothing new under the sun."

Of course, he was right, and his words ring true even today -- 3000 years after his time.

There is nothing new under the sun... And when it is new, it will only be new for a short time. :p

A couple months ago, a fellow warrior was famously claiming a "new idea". With a bit of research, Warriors learned that this "new idea" wasn't as "new" as suggested.

This wonderful "new idea" was mentioned on the Warrior Forum previously, and it had been discussed on the web since at least 2006.

For the sake of this story, it is not necessary to name the Warrior or the "new idea". It is only necessary to say that this demonstrated the concept of "There is nothing new under the sun."

Suppose FOR EXAMPLE we have a discussion about SEO...

The SEO discussion will delve into:
  • Onsite SEO - Words on the page and the structure of the code;
  • Inbound Links through a number of resources:
    • Link Directories;
    • Blog Comments;
    • Blog posts;
    • Articles;
    • Forums;
    • Video Sites;
    • Podcast Sites;
    • Answer Sites;
    • Document Sharing Sites;
    • Software Download Sites;
    • Web 2.0 websites;
    • Social Media Channels;
    • RSS Feeds;
    • Review Sites;
    • Wiki's;
    • Customer Feedback Sites (like Yelp);
    • News Sites;
    • Newspaper Sites;
    • etc.

Honestly, what more is there?

This is a RHETORICAL QUESTION by the way. (This is not a SEO discussion, as I am just laying down some groundwork.)

The point is that anytime we open an article, report, ebook, white paper or video on the topic of SEO, the author will be discussing one or many of the aforementioned ideas.

Now that I have explained all of the key concepts of SEO, the only thing that the next SEO report you will read will only "reframe what I have already said here."

The author may add some personal insight into the equation about the various SEO methods, but what the author has discussed or wrote will still contain elements that I have already described here.

In other words, every time you read another story about SEO, it could be argued that the author has only "rehashed" my post here. :rolleyes:

This is important to product creators and consumers alike.

If I already know what is mentioned above, what can anyone teach me about SEO?

If I were like a lot of people online, I would say that I already know everything there is to know about this subject. And therefore, all products on SEO contain nothing more than "rehashed content".

But I am not like the others... I practiced professional SEO as a service provider from 2004 to 2009... I know a ton about SEO from the standpoint of "hands on experience"...


I find that I could never know enough about the topic to make ME happy!!

The thing that makes me happy when I read a new article or report on SEO is the fact that I can take from that reading: the author's personal insight about SEO and its various methods of implementation.

You never know exactly when you will see one little insight from the author that might give you an insight and advantage that will propel your success light years ahead.

If I were like a lot of people online, I would say that I already knew the key points discussed by each author, so therefore, I should refund my purchase and accuse the author of only providing rehashed information in his/her product.

One time, someone had bought one of my products and declared when he refunded the product that he "already had ALL of the information provided in the report on (his) hard drive!!"

Really? And you haven't put it into use yet? :rolleyes:

There is nothing new under the sun, dude!!

If you already know everything there is to know and you are unteachable, then why do you keep buying things in hopes that you might learn something?

Surely in 16,293 words of original text, you could have found something that would be useful to you?

If you already know everything there is to know, why do you buy anything at all?

Really!! Think about it...

If you already know everything there is to know, then you should be putting what you already know to use, rather than chasing after "leprechauns", who promise you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!

Apparently, you misunderstood that very basic grade school lesson:

"Leprechauns" are evil entities, whose very purpose in the world is to distract people from work, enticing them to spend their productive time chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

If you already know everything there is to know, why are you buying my stuff? I create articles and reports for people who WANT TO LEARN, not for those who already know everything there is to know...

If you already know it all, then get to work, and stop wasting time looking for the leprechaun... He cannot help you anyway...

"Rehashed content" is available every where!!

If you know anything about those subjects that I am writing about, then some of the materials may be "rehashed" in your mind...

That is just the nature of education...

No product creator knows "what you already know", so we must create content that teaches everyone "what they need to know"...

There is bound to be some overlap in that material for some people.

The fact that you have seen some of the material before, or the idea that you have seen the bullet points before, does not necessarily mean that the product is "rehashed" in a bad way.

In fact, if you have seen some of the ideas before, it should serve to prove to you that we actually know what we are talking about...

In other words, if you were experienced in the subject materials, wouldn't it strike you funny if I only talked about things you had never heard before? Wouldn't the fact that "you had never heard that stuff before" have the opposite effect, by making you wonder about my credibility on the subject?


Wanting non-rehashed content is a two-edged sword, isn't it?

Why would you listen to someone who does not know what they are talking about, and how can you know they are talking about something they understand unless they mention some of those things that you already know to be true? :rolleyes:

So the next time you ask for a refund on a product, don't make another "rehashed excuse" about why you need that refund.

I know that the content that I have created is "rehashed" to a certain extent, and that cannot be helped.

I need to "rehash" some of the material for three reasons:
  1. I need to teach those people, who don't know anything, about those things that most people should understand about my topic material;
  2. I need to show the more experience people that I really know what I know, in order to convey credibility in my words; and
  3. I need to lay the groundwork for the materials I am getting ready to present to my audience.

You have a brain and the capacity for critical thinking...

Isn't everything you read "rehashed content" to a certain degree?

And is that good, bad or none of the above?

#crap #find #reshashed
  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    I've seen all this stuff from you before, Bill! Hash, hash and rehash. Get a new game

    I always think we learn by metaphor. I know it's true. If someone doesn't know anything about a topic, the only way to teach them is to related what they do know to what you're trying to teach them.

    Newbie: What's a back-link?

    SEO Guy: A back-link is a vote of confidence for one site by another.

    Newbie: Oh, I know what a vote of confidence is. I kind of understand what a back-link is then.

    The metaphor is a bridge that links (see, I have to use a metaphor to explain what a metaphor is--just proves I'm right) what's known and familiar to an unknown concept. If you build enough bridges, the concept becomes clear.

    Yeah, if people want products that are completely free from hash or rehash, they should be prepared to read material devoid of referential, mental landmarks they rely on to bring understanding to new concepts presented them.

    In other words, without a little rehash mixed in, the reader wouldn't have a freakin' clue as to what it was all about.

    If this doesn't make any sense, it's likely to to the fact that my words are completely original--you may have no metaphorical linking functions to relate it to anything you've read before. Sorry 'bout that. --Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Another plus for 'rehashed' content, from the perspective of an experienced person...

    Often, the rehash reminds me of things I already know which have been displaced by other things and neglected. I'm usually happy to get the reminder.

    Of course, I've learned to only buy things that promise to teach me some specific thing I need to learn, relearn or update right now. I haven't bought a shiny system in years...
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
    Bill, this is golden.

    I had someone request a refund recently on these very grounds. He said what he bought from me was "just like" some other thing, as if I had "rehashed" some PLR or something.

    Nope, I share what's born of my own research and experience, like so many others that are also wrongly accused of being unoriginal, or worse...

    You're preachin' right now! There truly is nothing new under the sun, and there are only so many ways to approach any given subject, as you aptly illustrated.

    Michael D. Forbes
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  • Profile picture of the author eskimoto
    thats why i never buy any reports or blue pritns. its a waste of momey and time.

    they only products that i am actually interested in are step by step systems backed up with video tutorials. those are the only one that bring some value. i bought actualy 3 system wso:

    1. autobacklinker and outoblogger - tutorial gow to set up uaw, ping.fm and twitterlive- this was in my early days
    2. list creation - including video tutorials on autoresponding, sqeeze pages
    3. bunch of sales pages templates and wp plugins with videos on how to get all this set up

    i am preatty sure these 3 are more then enough to start running succesfull business, and they actually teach you how to set everything up...no stories on how i was brokes, couch surfing and them met a guy that new this top secret method and after 2 days of knowing me he decided to tell me everything...57 page ebook on how to broker...christ allmighty!!
    the rest of stuff is easy enough to find on google.

    call me cheeky but very often when i want learn about something i just go thru all the wsos copy the titles and google them. this way i usually get answers to most of my questions.
    i didnt meant that i looke for black hat copies of those wsos, i meant getting free alternative info on the same subject.

    Originally Posted by tpw View Post

    EVERYWHERE You Look,

    You Will Find More "Reshashed" Crap!

    Some newbies might be at odds with what "Rehashed" actually means...

    According to the Free Dictionary, it is defined as:
    1. Put (old ideas or material) into a new form without significant change or improvement.

    2. Consider or discuss (something) at length after it has happened.
    A famous man named Solomon was fond of saying, "There is nothing new under the sun."

    Of course, he was right, and his words ring true even today -- 3000 years after his time.

    There is nothing new under the sun... And when it is new, it will only be new for a short time. :p

    A couple months ago, a fellow warrior was famously claiming a "new idea". With a bit of research, Warriors learned that this "new idea" wasn't as "new" as suggested.

    This wonderful "new idea" was mentioned on the Warrior Forum previously, and it had been discussed on the web since at least 2006.

    For the sake of this story, it is not necessary to name the Warrior or the "new idea". It is only necessary to say that this demonstrated the concept of "There is nothing new under the sun."

    Suppose FOR EXAMPLE we have a discussion about SEO...

    The SEO discussion will delve into:
    • Onsite SEO - Words on the page and the structure of the code;
    • Inbound Links through a number of resources:
      • Link Directories;
      • Blog Comments;
      • Blog posts;
      • Articles;
      • Forums;
      • Video Sites;
      • Podcast Sites;
      • Answer Sites;
      • Document Sharing Sites;
      • Software Download Sites;
      • Web 2.0 websites;
      • Social Media Channels;
      • RSS Feeds;
      • Review Sites;
      • Wiki's;
      • Customer Feedback Sites (like Yelp);
      • News Sites;
      • Newspaper Sites;
      • etc.
    Honestly, what more is there?

    This is a RHETORICAL QUESTION by the way. (This is not a SEO discussion, as I am just laying down some groundwork.)

    The point is that anytime we open an article, report, ebook, white paper or video on the topic of SEO, the author will be discussing one or many of the aforementioned ideas.

    Now that I have explained all of the key concepts of SEO, the only thing that the next SEO report you will read will only "reframe what I have already said here."

    The author may add some personal insight into the equation about the various SEO methods, but what the author has discussed or wrote will still contain elements that I have already described here.

    In other words, every time you read another story about SEO, it could be argued that the author has only "rehashed" my post here. :rolleyes:

    This is important to product creators and consumers alike.

    If I already know what is mentioned above, what can anyone teach me about SEO?
    If I were like a lot of people online, I would say that I already know everything there is to know about this subject. And therefore, all products on SEO contain nothing more than "rehashed content".
    But I am not like the others... I practiced professional SEO as a service provider from 2004 to 2009... I know a ton about SEO from the standpoint of "hands on experience"...


    I find that I could never know enough about the topic to make ME happy!!

    The thing that makes me happy when I read a new article or report on SEO is the fact that I can take from that reading: the author's personal insight about SEO and its various methods of implementation.

    You never know exactly when you will see one little insight from the author that might give you an insight and advantage that will propel your success light years ahead.
    If I were like a lot of people online, I would say that I already knew the key points discussed by each author, so therefore, I should refund my purchase and accuse the author of only providing rehashed information in his/her product.
    One time, someone had bought one of my products and declared when he refunded the product that he "already had ALL of the information provided in the report on (his) hard drive!!"

    Really? And you haven't put it into use yet? :rolleyes:

    There is nothing new under the sun, dude!!

    If you already know everything there is to know and you are unteachable, then why do you keep buying things in hopes that you might learn something?

    Surely in 16,293 words of original text, you could have found something that would be useful to you?

    If you already know everything there is to know, why do you buy anything at all?

    Really!! Think about it...

    If you already know everything there is to know, then you should be putting what you already know to use, rather than chasing after "leprechauns", who promise you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!

    Apparently, you misunderstood that very basic grade school lesson:
    "Leprechauns" are evil entities, whose very purpose in the world is to distract people from work, enticing them to spend their productive time chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
    If you already know everything there is to know, why are you buying my stuff? I create articles and reports for people who WANT TO LEARN, not for those who already know everything there is to know...

    If you already know it all, then get to work, and stop wasting time looking for the leprechaun... He cannot help you anyway...

    "Rehashed content" is available every where!!

    If you know anything about those subjects that I am writing about, then some of the materials may be "rehashed" in your mind...

    That is just the nature of education...

    No product creator knows "what you already know", so we must create content that teaches everyone "what they need to know"...

    There is bound to be some overlap in that material for some people.

    The fact that you have seen some of the material before, or the idea that you have seen the bullet points before, does not necessarily mean that the product is "rehashed" in a bad way.

    In fact, if you have seen some of the ideas before, it should serve to prove to you that we actually know what we are talking about...

    In other words, if you were experienced in the subject materials, wouldn't it strike you funny if I only talked about things you had never heard before? Wouldn't the fact that "you had never heard that stuff before" have the opposite effect, by making you wonder about my credibility on the subject?


    Wanting non-rehashed content is a two-edged sword, isn't it?

    Why would you listen to someone who does not know what they are talking about, and how can you know they are talking about something they understand unless they mention some of those things that you already know to be true? :rolleyes:

    So the next time you ask for a refund on a product, don't make another "rehashed excuse" about why you need that refund.

    I know that the content that I have created is "rehashed" to a certain extent, and that cannot be helped.

    I need to "rehash" some of the material for three reasons:
    1. I need to teach those people, who don't know anything, about those things that most people should understand about my topic material;
    2. I need to show the more experience people that I really know what I know, in order to convey credibility in my words; and
    3. I need to lay the groundwork for the materials I am getting ready to present to my audience.
    You have a brain and the capacity for critical thinking...

    Isn't everything you read "rehashed content" to a certain degree?

    And is that good, bad or none of the above?

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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by eskimoto View Post

      thats why i never buy any reports or blue pritns. its a waste of momey and time.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604119].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author eskimoto

        what makes you think that? are you trying to tell me that WSO sellers are in possetion of a licence for usefull and valuable information. As much as i love WF i think that the player can never be greater than the game. what i mean is that WF is only a one book in library called the internet and there is plenty of other books you can get IM tips and tricks from for free.

        i think the war room is a good place for all these reshashed stuff.

        an asumption that i fail at something without knowing me at all is:

        a) naive
        d) all above
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604164].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
          Originally Posted by eskimoto View Post

          what makes you think that?
          1) You don't buy systems or blueprints
          2) You think they are a waste of time and money
          3) You only buy step-by-step instructions
          4) You can't spell
          "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604216].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author eskimoto
            Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

            1) You don't buy systems or blueprints
            2) You think they are a waste of time and money
            3) You only buy step-by-step instructions
            4) You can't spell

            i owe you an apology for 2 things
            first of all i do apologise that i speak two languages and english in not my first one. next time i will post in polish and expect you to learn it so you can fully appriciate my spelling skills

            and second of all i am sorry that i dont force my money into your pockets.

            in case if someone didnt get what i meant. i do look for knowledge and learn about IM as much as i can...i simply dont pay for information that i can get for free just few clicks away from this forum...reason for buying step-by-step instructions is simple - its really hard to find them free of charge, youtube has got some but the quality is not as good as i would like
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604353].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author tpw
              Originally Posted by eskimoto View Post

              and second of all i am sorry that i dont force my money into your pockets.

              P.S. You cannot buy Caliban's products on the Warrior Forum, so perhaps his products will help you to achieve what you want to achieve.

              The Warrior Forum is simply one marketplace in the great big world of the Internet, and the quality of that information varies from product to product, regardless of whether you buy it from a listing in the forum or elsewhere on the Internet.

              I did want to take a moment to Thank You for helping to prove my point.

              Even with step-by-step tutorials, that is "rehashed content" for some people.
              Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
              Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        I agree - nothing is new. But sometimes the rules change and that is where you can offer something different.

        Like the Panda update for example.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Originally Posted by tpw View Post

    More "Reshashed" Crap and More Leprechauns!
    Can you please point out where I can find the leprechauns? I have a collection of frozen hard to find creatures. A leprechaun sure would look nice next to my unicorn and sasquatch.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author eskimoto
    i am sure that there are plenty of pruducts including his that would help me. however its very impotant to get the spending/earning balance right. maybe i am tight but i really dont like spending cash on all this pruducts becasue as you mentioned before most of the time they are like re-cooked burgers, same ideas but re-worded. fair enough if sales pages were more clear on whats the content of the product, but many times you find out that whats in only after you have bought it. sales page will say: how i made $6000 dollars in 24H, neewbie friends or whatever, someone buys it and its just a report on how to be a seo services broker. why on earth they dont say...loook i have figuered out i nice way of make a living out of brokering, if you buy this product i will show you exactly how i made it including all the technicalities required to run this type of business. intead you get the story on how i was brokes, couch surfing and them met a guy that new this top secret method and after 2 days of knowing me he decided to tell me everything, which i have mentioned before...IM products are the most mysticali have ever seen its like buying a cat in a bag.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604407].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by eskimoto View Post

      i am sure that there are plenty of pruducts including his that would help me. however its very impotant to get the spending/earning balance right. maybe i am tight but i really dont like spending cash on all this pruducts becasue as you mentioned before most of the time they are like re-cooked burgers, same ideas but re-worded. fair enough if sales pages were more clear on whats the content of the product, but many times you find out that whats in only after you have bought it. sales page will say: how i made $6000 dollars in 24H, neewbie friends or whatever, someone buys it and its just a report on how to be a seo services broker. why on earth they dont say...loook i have figuered out i nice way of make a living out of brokering, if you buy this product i will show you exactly how i made it including all the technicalities required to run this type of business. intead you get the story on how i was brokes, couch surfing and them met a guy that new this top secret method and after 2 days of knowing me he decided to tell me everything, which i have mentioned before...IM products are the most mysticali have ever seen its like buying a cat in a bag.

      What I described is not the equivalent of "re-cooked hamburgers", but rather "hamburgers from different sellers".

      What is the difference between a hamburger from McDonald's and a hamburger from What-a-Burger?

      Both have hamburger, lettuce, tomato, pickles, mustard, ketchup and bread, but boy do they taste different.

      What-a-Burger is clearly doing something different than McDonald's when they cook their burgers... In fact, what makes the two burgers different is the spices that they add to the meat...

      And so it is with information products...

      What makes one great and the other bad is the mixture of spices that are added to the meat.

      The meat never changes.... It all came from Happy Cows...

      The meat is the same in all products... But how the product creator spices the meat/information is the difference between Great and Blah.

      Think about the book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

      Why is that book one of the best selling books of all time, even though the author covers topics that everyone has read about before?

      Why do I recommend that book above others in the same niche?

      Should we really avoid reading it, because it is "rehashed content"?

      Just some food for thought....
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604465].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by tpw View Post

        What I described is not the equivalent of "re-cooked hamburgers", but rather "hamburgers from different sellers".
        This is exactly correct ... and actually rather a fundamental point. Not only do they taste totally different in spite of all having come from happy cows, but the proteins in the meat constituent of each are actually metabolised to the same amino-acids before they can be absorbed, too.

        Originally Posted by tpw View Post

        Just some food for thought....
        As you may say (and, in fact, did).
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604667].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tpw
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          This is exactly correct ... and actually rather a fundamental point. Not only do they taste totally different in spite of all having come from happy cows, but the proteins in the meat constituent of each are actually metabolised to the same amino-acids before they can be absorbed, too.

          I keep hearing that you are too smart to be you.

          I think people are just upset that you are smarter than me.
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604694].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author azmanar
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          This is exactly correct ... and actually rather a fundamental point. Not only do they taste totally different in spite of all having come from happy cows, but the proteins in the meat constituent of each are actually metabolised to the same amino-acids before they can be absorbed, too.

          There are thousands of biology books written by many authors and one of the main topics is about metabolism.

          They must've been rehashing each other.
          === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604866].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    Point is: different people learn different ways. So despite content being rehashed, the reader may relate to a particular author's message.

    It's like telling my wife that the sky is blue and she ignores me... but when her friend tells her, she listens.

    So whilst content and concepts are rehashed, having a different spin or angle can make you aware of something which you were previously not. if you open your eyes and open your mind.

    There is value in everything
    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604418].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
    Originally Posted by tpw View Post

    There is nothing new under the sun... And when it is new, it will only be new for a short time.


    That doesn't make sense. You say that "there is nothing new", but then you say "when it is new". If, in fact, "there is nothing new", then there cannot be a "when it is new".

    I do not claim to be as wise as Solomon and I would have to look at the Bible to see what he was talking about, but I truly believe that there are new things and new approaches to things. In fact, both the computer and internet were new during my lifetime. Smart people are always comming up with new ideas.

    The idea that there is nothing new reminds me of the guy that I believe was the first head of the US patient office who said in the 1800's that there was no need for the patient office because everything had already been invented. LOL

    As to people requesting refunds for rehashed material, vendors should stop claiming that they have something new and duping buyers into buying their rehashed material. I have bought products that did rehash some material, but also had new ideas and approaches to solve problems. I have also bought products that claimed a new method or approach, but merely rehashed what is already available and known. I have asked for refunds in the latter cases.

    Also, why fuss about buyers asking for a refund for any reason whatsoever? As buyers over the internet, we cannot inspect the product the same as we can if we go to a bookstore. We are buying a "pig in the poke". It may be a good pig or it may be a bad pig. But surely, we have a right to ask for a refund if it is a bad pig in our (the buyer's) sole opinion, regardless of our reasoning. A vendor may think that it is a good pig, but it is our money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4604423].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by AlphaWarrior View Post

      That doesn't make sense. You say that "there is nothing new", but then you say "when it is new". If, in fact, "there is nothing new", then there cannot be a "when it is new".

      I do not claim to be as wise as Solomon and I would have to look at the Bible to see what he was talking about, but I truly believe that there are new things and new approaches to things. In fact, both the computer and internet were new during my lifetime. Smart people are always comming up with new ideas.

      The idea that there is nothing new reminds me of the guy that I believe was the first head of the US patient office who said in the 1800's that there was no need for the patient office because everything had already been invented. LOL

      As to people requesting refunds for rehashed material, vendors should stop claiming that they have something new and duping buyers into buying their rehashed material. I have bought products that did rehash some material, but also had new ideas and approaches to solve problems. I have also bought products that claimed a new method or approach, but merely rehashed what is already available and known. I have asked for refunds in the latter cases.

      Also, why fuss about buyers asking for a refund for any reason whatsoever? As buyers over the internet, we cannot inspect the product the same as we can if we go to a bookstore. We are buying a "pig in the poke". It may be a good pig or it may be a bad pig. But surely, we have a right to ask for a refund if it is a bad pig in our (the buyer's) sole opinion, regardless of our reasoning. A vendor may think that it is a good pig, but it is our money.


      Every time I have ever used the Solomon quote of "There is nothing new under the sun," someone points at the computer as an example of how I am wrong.

      New products and new ideas are always coming down the road, and yet, human nature never changes, which is to the point that I believe Solomon was trying to make.

      My point is that many people see the "rehashed" material as a bad thing, and the very fact that something was rehashed in the product as a reason to ask for a refund.

      The difference is where you and the next guy draw the line between an acceptable and unacceptable level of repeated information.

      Some would suggest that a product that contains a link to Google to be "rehashed content" and worthy of demanding a refund, because everyone has heard of and used Google.

      Some of those folks will insist that because the information is not new to them, that no one should buy the product, as if everyone was at their level.

      Others will overlook the mention of Google and ask whether the method applied to Google is "rehashed" to them.

      And a small group among the second set will decide that the information is worthless to everyone, because they had seen the method that was applied to Google.

      The word "rehashed" is bandied about by people as if it means that no one else will ever be able to benefit from the product either.

      Just because the product wasn't useful to you, DOES NOT MEAN that the product will be worthless to everyone else as well.

      You are asking people to be honest about whether the product is rehashed in some manner, and I am telling you that everything is rehashed at some level.

      p.s. I don't have the slightest problem with you asking for a refund if the material was not useful to you. If I did have a problem with giving refunds, I would not offer them to my customers.

      But I do take issue if you tell the planet that since it was not useful for you, it will not be useful to anyone else either.

      Few people have your experiences, and few people are exactly where you are in your education.

      So should your testimony that the product is "rehashed from your perspective" influence whether other people buy the product or not?

      Give people the opportunity to buy the product and decide for themselves whether it is useful to them or not.

      And if it is not, I will give them a refund too.
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author azmanar
    Hi Bill,

    What's valuable to me about rehashed content is the WRITER'S INSIGHTS.

    The writer's insights is a great source of tips and inspiration. His very own unique set of steps to achieve goals. If I read 4 ebooks about SEO, I'm enriching myself with 4 unique experiences.

    I can then split test or improvise to fit my needs.

    Different chefs can cook the same meal using the same recipe. But the meals won't taste the same.
    === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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  • Profile picture of the author D. Spidey
    Very good thread. I am on the fence because I can see good points to both arguments. I bought some ebooks back in the day which I found hard to grasp the concept. When they were redone by another author who also added video lessons I was then able to understood the concept. I recently bought a couple of WSO's and while they were similar, I did get new ideas from each of them that I put into action.
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  • Profile picture of the author brendanglanville
    As a newbie i am aware i am reading the same thing often in the videos i watch and the books i read - BUT as a coach I know that we need to hear the same things a number of ways before it is actionable.
    That is also the best part of what you have written IF someone accuses the writer of rehashing - then why have they not taken action...Calibrate on action.

    Good Post
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
      Why am I thinking of re-warming hash browns in the microwave?

      Me so huuuungry now!
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      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Hamilton
        Originally Posted by Micheal D Forbes View Post

        Why am I thinking of re-warming hash browns in the microwave?

        Me so huuuungry now!
        Until I read this a few more times and realized you said "browns" and not "brownies", I couldn't understand why you'd put hash brownies in the microwave.
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          The ignorance of some people boggles my mind.

          Bill, great post. I wish I wrote it because it's everything I've believed since
          the first person told me that everything is just the same old rehashed stuff.

          Each one of your points is dead on the money.

          I'll add this. I'll pick up something about a subject I know a lot about to see
          if I can get a new perspective. When you are so locked into something, you
          tend to get tunnel vision and sometimes you miss things.

          It's similar to a pro ball player who suddenly develops a hitch in his swing. It
          happens because he doesn't really think about what he does because he's
          been doing it for so long. So he gets into bad habits. To get out of them, he
          has to go back to basics and make an effort to actually think about what the
          correct swing should be.

          Marketing is no different. Sometimes you forget little things because they're
          second nature and then all of a sudden you notice your numbers are dropping
          and you can't understand why. You then discover that it's because of some
          stupid little thing you either stopped doing or started doing.

          That's why I make a checklist of everything I have to do. I leave very little
          to memory because I'm getting old and my memory sucks. A fresh read of
          an old subject sometimes not only gets me back on track but gives me new

          And even if I don't get new ideas, re-reading the material reinforces it so
          that I don't make those stupid mistakes.

          The rehashed argument pisses me off to no end because it's just a cop out.

          But like I said up top...the ignorance of some people boggles my mind.
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        • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
          Originally Posted by Dennis Hamilton View Post

          I couldn't understand why you'd put hash brownies in the microwave.
          They can't SMOKE if they're not HOT, you idiot.
          "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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          • Profile picture of the author drmani
            Originally Posted by tpw View Post

            "Leprechauns" are evil entities, whose very purpose in the world is to distract people from work, enticing them to spend their productive time chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
            Y'mean this cute little guy sitting under my computer is
            doing me absolutely no good at all, Bill?

            Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

            Can you please point out where I can find the leprechauns? I have a collection of frozen hard to find creatures. A leprechaun sure would look nice next to my unicorn and sasquatch.
            Found mine in Ireland. Guess you'll still find one around, if you look hard enough ;-)

            All success

            P.S. - Nice OP, Bill
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            • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
              Originally Posted by AlphaWarrior View Post

              2. "But I do take issue if you tell the planet that since it was not useful for you, it will not be useful to anyone else either." This is a bit like saying that I, the vendor, can tell the world that this is a great and useful product, but you, the buyer, cannot say anything negative about the product. Why is it acceptable for the vendor to have free reins to say whatever he/she wants in order to sell a product, but unacceptable for a buyer to say what he/she honestly feels about a product, even if it is saying that a product is not useful? It isn't
              Your analogy is a bit off kilter. There's nothing wrong with criticism that is specific. That is the nature of a review, but a review includes the positive points as well as the negative points and is meant to help people make an informed decision.

              If you're just going around saying it's rehashed crap you're not being specific, you're not offering anything useful, and you're causing damage to the vendor by trying to prejudge his content for everyone according to your opinion -- and you know damn well someone else may find it highly useful.

              Sweeping generalizations do not help people make an informed decision, and only speaking negatively about a product and ignoring the positive points is spiteful.

              Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
    tpw, I believe that we can agree that it is up to the buyer to decide if a product is something that the buyer wants and is willing to pay for and not ask for a refund.

    But, I disagree with several other things.

    1. "So the next time you ask for a refund on a product, don't make another "rehashed excuse" about why you need that refund." It is not up to the vendor to decide whether or not something is rehashed. It is up to the buyer. And the buyer may decide that something is rehashed and want a refund. If the buyer had been able to look at the product before purchase, the buyer may not have bought the product in the first place.

    2. "But I do take issue if you tell the planet that since it was not useful for you, it will not be useful to anyone else either." This is a bit like saying that I, the vendor, can tell the world that this is a great and useful product, but you, the buyer, cannot say anything negative about the product. Why is it acceptable for the vendor to have free reins to say whatever he/she wants in order to sell a product, but unacceptable for a buyer to say what he/she honestly feels about a product, even if it is saying that a product is not useful? It isn't.

    3. "Just because the product wasn't useful to you, DOES NOT MEAN that the product will be worthless to everyone else as well." This is true, but it is also true that just because a vendor makes a product, it doesn't mean that it will be useful to anyone. It might be and it might not be. It is really up to individuals to decide themselves.

    As I see it, it is up to the buyer to decide if he/she wants a refund for any reason or even no reason and it is not up to the vendor to judge the reasoning, rational, or motivation of the buyer.

    I also believe that a buyer, especially someone who has asked for a refund, has the right to state what he/she honestly believes about a product. A buyer that does speak up may truly believe that he/she is helping others from making the same mistake that the buyer feels that he/she made. I believe that most of the time, buyers that do say something about a product, both good and bad, are really trying to help others.
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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    first of all, i want to say that i love your headline

    I was rolling with laughter when i read it i had to read this one.

    it is true there is nothing new under the sun but what does that mean ?

    does that mean that you should never buy products again because it is available for free?

    i don't think so. you only really understand if you would apply it.. if you never applied the information , you have the type of perception that stops you from executing . sometimes when you buy a product say a book ,it finally clicks and you take action & see results because the way the information is packaged , you finally get , you finally understand

    it is not about getting it for free , it more about creating permanent results in certain areas of your life
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    It's unfortunate that many people are just riding the wave of others, which is why the IM niches get saturated pretty quickly
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Stuff HAS to be rehashed! Things people have ALL BUT forgotten(OK, maybe some NEVER even bothered to LEARN them.) are STILL true and necessary today. So it s IMPORTANT to rehash things. *******BUT******* if you do, do NOT state it as some secret or new process, etc.... If it is 100% rehash, try to cover it well, and offer it as a newbies guide! SIMPLE!

    There s some stuff I have known about computers for DECADES that would seem to have NOTHING to do with the internet that is STILL JUST as meaningful, useful, and valuable as the day I learned it, and even THEN it was just as valuable as it might have been 100s of years ago!

    SERIOUSLY, 2 people tried to create a way of setting up different levels of segmentation that records indicate is over 200 years old, and it is common sense, gave it new names, and act like THEY created the concept! TO THIS DAY, they are still selling TONS of books, etc... I am being obscure, because some in the industry treat them, LITERALLY, like GODS, and I dare not even breath their NAMES lest this become almost a religious discussion, even though they don't preach theology. ICSM...

    I HATE it when someone tries to sell you GARBAGE as new, or utilizing SECRETS, and then says to do illegal or unethical stuff like lie, say your sex is about sex, etc... or put in a follow directive, etc.... I see people come here and ask a BASIC SEO question about getting their SEO site up, etc... COME ON!

    Have you ever thought of where we would be if, when someone wrote the perfect reference, people would just tell others to go THERE? But NO, you may have HUNDREDS, or THOUSANDS of books that say the SAME thing! SOME are even nearly identical.

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  • Profile picture of the author azmanar

    Human beings are rehashed creatures for several centuries already. lol

    They eat, ****, sleep, work, fight, etc etc etc... for many centuries

    Somehow, each century has it's own RAVE ... olive oil, spice, gold, paper money, shipping, opium, guns, colonialism, light bulbs, telephone, mining, petroleum, radio, nuclear, TV, religion, pot, porn, satellite, internet ....

    Internet itself is a rehashed form of communication channels - smoke signals, horse-back messengers, homing pigeons, postal, morse code, telegram, ham radio, telephone, walkie-talkie, sat-phones, mobile phones, etc etc.

    The differences are the format, efficiency and amount of data. The core function is still the same -> communication.

    PS: Hash Brown ... yummy ... was my favorite for breakfast. But I stopped eating that for many years already ( sometimes I cheat ). Based on my own dietary program, lost 20kg already.
    === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Methinks it all goes back to why it's ridiculous to try and imitate someone online - you then lose the one thing that can *never* be duplicated - your personal unique take!

    It doesn't matter how tremendous information might be if it's not used.

    And it won't be used unless you're intrigued enough to pay attention.

    What makes us pay attention?

    The delivery.

    I know some writers who could make an essay about cultivating toenail fungus....riveting.

    And other writers who could hang people the passwords to their autoblogs and nobody would take them them up on it....because nobody pays attention to the way they communicate their ideas.

    It's all in the delivery.

    Become a valued, anticipated resource, and you can deliver bonus value on just about anything.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by azmanar View Post

      Internet itself is a rehashed form of communication channels - smoke signals, horse-back messengers, homing pigeons, postal, morse code, telegram, ham radio, telephone, walkie-talkie, sat-phones, mobile phones, etc etc.
      Funny, I was just going to say that the computer is just a high-tech rehash of the abacus or the pen and papyrus. Was working on something corresponding to the Internet, and find you've published a great list already.

      Based on the pictures I've seen of cave drawings of people mating, maybe the Internet is just a rehash of prehistoric cave porn...:p
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    IMO, it isn't simply a matter of something being rehased. It's about whether rehased info should be packaged and sold (over and over) while the sales letter sells "new and improved".

    If someone can't add anything new to the discussion or offer a unique collection of rehased stuff or a unique point of view or experiences, maybe one shouldn't be selling the rehased info.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      IMO, it isn't simply a matter of something being rehased. It's about whether rehased info should be packaged and sold (over and over) while the sales letter sells "new and improved".

      If someone can't add anything new to the discussion or offer a unique collection of rehased stuff or a unique point of view or experiences, maybe one shouldn't be selling the rehased info.

      Exactly what I think.

      For a particular TOPIC say SEO, many of the WSOs I bought presented the same concept.

      But.... the good thing is, different WSOs presented me with different perspectives, approaches, experience, values, priorities and tools. This is what I'm looking for.

      As a result, I'm able to compare, pick and choose what I'm comfortable with. I was in fact, opening myself with a broad set of tested and proven options.

      Just like saying I want to buy a new home. I won't just pick the 1st one I see from a catalog. I'll survey many catalogs of HOMES. Pick one with the best features.

      I did buy 1 aweful WSO. It was taken right from FREE RESOURCES that can be googled. ZERO EXPERIENCE. Just canned content. The title of the WSO attracted me. And the sort of reviews he was getting pushed me to buy. Never asked for a refund, but I never take a second look at his dozen's of WSOs afterwards. This is what I called as rehashed bs.

      I wanted to expose him at first because the title was really deceptive. But I retreated. I'm here for the long run, so I won't be making enemies. But he has made one.

      There were 2 WSOs with shallow case studies and they're not cheap. These pi**ed me off too. I felt that the real reason for them to make those WSOs is purely to milk money off people. What made me feel that way is after I bought them, I was bombarded with spammy emails with nothing more than sales pitches upon sales pitches. Now this is what I called as rehashed crap.

      I didn't ask for refunds but whenever I see their expert-like responses in WF, I totally ignored them.

      So these 2 types of rehashed products are the worthless types.

      The other scores of WSOs I bought were simply amazing and worth it. I enjoyed every minute of my time reading. I'm still referring to them from time to time. Awesomely rehashed !
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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