EVERYWHERE You Look, You Will Find More "Reshashed" Crap and More Leprechauns!
You Will Find More "Reshashed" Crap!
Some newbies might be at odds with what "Rehashed" actually means...
According to the Free Dictionary, it is defined as:
1. Put (old ideas or material) into a new form without significant change or improvement.
2. Consider or discuss (something) at length after it has happened.
A famous man named Solomon was fond of saying, "There is nothing new under the sun."
Of course, he was right, and his words ring true even today -- 3000 years after his time.
There is nothing new under the sun... And when it is new, it will only be new for a short time. :p
A couple months ago, a fellow warrior was famously claiming a "new idea". With a bit of research, Warriors learned that this "new idea" wasn't as "new" as suggested.
This wonderful "new idea" was mentioned on the Warrior Forum previously, and it had been discussed on the web since at least 2006.
For the sake of this story, it is not necessary to name the Warrior or the "new idea".

Suppose FOR EXAMPLE we have a discussion about SEO...
The SEO discussion will delve into:
- Onsite SEO - Words on the page and the structure of the code;
- Inbound Links through a number of resources:
- Link Directories;
- Blog Comments;
- Blog posts;
- Articles;
- Forums;
- Video Sites;
- Podcast Sites;
- Answer Sites;
- Document Sharing Sites;
- Software Download Sites;
- Web 2.0 websites;
- Social Media Channels;
- RSS Feeds;
- Review Sites;
- Wiki's;
- Customer Feedback Sites (like Yelp);
- News Sites;
- Newspaper Sites;
- etc.
Honestly, what more is there?
This is a RHETORICAL QUESTION by the way. (This is not a SEO discussion, as I am just laying down some groundwork.)
The point is that anytime we open an article, report, ebook, white paper or video on the topic of SEO, the author will be discussing one or many of the aforementioned ideas.
Now that I have explained all of the key concepts of SEO, the only thing that the next SEO report you will read will only "reframe what I have already said here."

The author may add some personal insight into the equation about the various SEO methods, but what the author has discussed or wrote will still contain elements that I have already described here.
In other words, every time you read another story about SEO, it could be argued that the author has only "rehashed" my post here. :rolleyes:
This is important to product creators and consumers alike.
If I already know what is mentioned above, what can anyone teach me about SEO?
If I were like a lot of people online, I would say that I already know everything there is to know about this subject. And therefore, all products on SEO contain nothing more than "rehashed content".
But I am not like the others... I practiced professional SEO as a service provider from 2004 to 2009... I know a ton about SEO from the standpoint of "hands on experience"...
I find that I could never know enough about the topic to make ME happy!!
The thing that makes me happy when I read a new article or report on SEO is the fact that I can take from that reading: the author's personal insight about SEO and its various methods of implementation.
You never know exactly when you will see one little insight from the author that might give you an insight and advantage that will propel your success light years ahead.
If I were like a lot of people online, I would say that I already knew the key points discussed by each author, so therefore, I should refund my purchase and accuse the author of only providing rehashed information in his/her product.
One time, someone had bought one of my products and declared when he refunded the product that he "already had ALL of the information provided in the report on (his) hard drive!!"
Really? And you haven't put it into use yet? :rolleyes:
There is nothing new under the sun, dude!!
If you already know everything there is to know and you are unteachable, then why do you keep buying things in hopes that you might learn something?
Surely in 16,293 words of original text, you could have found something that would be useful to you?

If you already know everything there is to know, why do you buy anything at all?
Really!! Think about it...
If you already know everything there is to know, then you should be putting what you already know to use, rather than chasing after "leprechauns", who promise you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!
Apparently, you misunderstood that very basic grade school lesson:
"Leprechauns" are evil entities, whose very purpose in the world is to distract people from work, enticing them to spend their productive time chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
If you already know everything there is to know, why are you buying my stuff? I create articles and reports for people who WANT TO LEARN, not for those who already know everything there is to know...
If you already know it all, then get to work, and stop wasting time looking for the leprechaun... He cannot help you anyway...
"Rehashed content" is available every where!!
If you know anything about those subjects that I am writing about, then some of the materials may be "rehashed" in your mind...
That is just the nature of education...
No product creator knows "what you already know", so we must create content that teaches everyone "what they need to know"...
There is bound to be some overlap in that material for some people.
The fact that you have seen some of the material before, or the idea that you have seen the bullet points before, does not necessarily mean that the product is "rehashed" in a bad way.
In fact, if you have seen some of the ideas before, it should serve to prove to you that we actually know what we are talking about...
In other words, if you were experienced in the subject materials, wouldn't it strike you funny if I only talked about things you had never heard before? Wouldn't the fact that "you had never heard that stuff before" have the opposite effect, by making you wonder about my credibility on the subject?
Wanting non-rehashed content is a two-edged sword, isn't it?
Why would you listen to someone who does not know what they are talking about, and how can you know they are talking about something they understand unless they mention some of those things that you already know to be true? :rolleyes:
So the next time you ask for a refund on a product, don't make another "rehashed excuse" about why you need that refund.
I know that the content that I have created is "rehashed" to a certain extent, and that cannot be helped.
I need to "rehash" some of the material for three reasons:
- I need to teach those people, who don't know anything, about those things that most people should understand about my topic material;
- I need to show the more experience people that I really know what I know, in order to convey credibility in my words; and
- I need to lay the groundwork for the materials I am getting ready to present to my audience.
You have a brain and the capacity for critical thinking...
Isn't everything you read "rehashed content" to a certain degree?
And is that good, bad or none of the above?
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