How Do I POLITELY Answer Customers Like This?
For example.
Customer emails me asking which hosting company to use, and I then email them a recommendation.
The next email I receive has questions like "How do I upload my site". So again, I tell them.
The next email I receive is, "Okay I uploaded my site, now how do I install Wordpress?".
These are all EASY, BASIC questions that the customer should be able to research and find the answer to without emailing me to ask. I feel like by not researching, and just emailing me, they are being LAZY, and it wastes a lot of my time I could be using for more productive things.
Up to this point, I've just been responding to all of these emails...but it's at the point now that it's just too much of my time. I don't want to come off as an ass, because I do want to help . . .How do I tell them politely, that these are all things they should be able to figure out on their own, and to only email me with more advanced questions?
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