It must be a major pain in the ass - being a woman

by Mark Andrews Banned
43 replies
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This thought pattern just occurred to me...

What an absolute pain in the ass it would be to be a woman.

Having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the loo.

Having a monthly period.

And worst of all, having a baby.

I don't know if I could do it.

Could you?
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    But for men, you have to go to work more (at least traditionally), fight in wars, produce, create, try to please women, and so forth.
    There are pros and cons to both. Lolol.
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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by Michael55555 View Post

      But for men, you have to go to work more (at least traditionally), fight in wars, produce, create, try to please women, and so forth.
      There are pros and cons to both. Lolol.
      Tradition that is no longer in effect - now women have to be women AND be able to handle all of men's responsibilities, too.

      It is a PITA. Very much of a PITA. But I'm rather glad that I am a female. It would just be weird not to be. Men are so limited.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
        Mind you it can't be all bad, I guess having a pair of breasts juggling around off your chest could be well, rather fun. Or maybe not. Hmmmmm.

        Heysal, I do love you. I just knew somehow you would be the first lady to chirp up in this thread lol.

        Maybe you can sell us menfolk on the benefits of being a woman since you're not a bad specimen of one yourself.

        Mark grins broadly and scarpers off to the kitchen to rescue his cottage pie.
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        • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
          Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

          Mind you it can't be all bad, I guess having a pair of breasts juggling around off your chest could be well, rather fun. Or maybe not. Hmmmmm.

          I can pm you some links to the shemale action if you like, Fun ? If you want to see it that way, ? Are you taking some new medication or maybe just not feeling yourself today ?

          you then have the famous boygirls / you try - you like

          | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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          • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
            Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

            Are you taking some new medication or maybe just not feeling yourself today?
            I've never ever been on medication in my entire life, certainly not even one anti-depressant ever. There's way too much dependence on those things by too many people.

            The only medication I'm on is life itself Pete.

            Mark Andrews
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    • Profile picture of the author JGladmore
      Originally Posted by Michael55555 View Post

      But for men, you have to go to work more (at least traditionally), fight in wars, produce, create, try to please women, and so forth.
      There are pros and cons to both. Lolol.
      Actually, traditionally women have worked. The idea that women stay home and men go to work is a relatively new concept.

      Also, men use to pick women on their business knowledge as well so that women could handle business while men were away from the home. Men also did their fair share of work at the house and chile rearing.
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      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by JGladmore View Post

        Actually, traditionally women have worked. The idea that women stay home and men go to work is a relatively new concept.

        Also, men use to pick women on their business knowledge as well so that women could handle business while men were away from the home. Men also did their fair share of work at the house and chile rearing.
        Really NOT true! Women tended to work if they weren't married. ALSO, they had FEWER job options. They were limited in what they were generally accepted for. HECK, the first phone operators were MALE!!!!!!! Hard to believe, but TRUE! They found that women were more courteous and just got better feedback, so they started PREFERRING women! For the longest time, I think the only operators I heard were WOMEN! Of course, I was born sometime AFTER most of the changes had happened.

        HECK, they had a huge campaign around WWII to get women to play sports, and go to factories, because they were practically EMPTY, because the MEN went to the military. AND, until recently, though the women EVENTUALLY got allowed into the military, they were forbidden to be near combat. The idea of women playing pro sports, or going to a factory, seemed foreign at the time.

        TO THIS DAY, they are trying to fight for "equal pay" although some women get paid ****VERY WELL****, and the comparisons are men against women. That is a DUMB way to compare things! It turns out that women tend to be in lower paid areas, as a group. Those in the same areas tend to do as well. One of the first TV stars to get a piece of a show was a WOMAN! And one woman, a DIFFERENT one, incidently, in a LOW PAID part of TV, ended up being one of the highest paid people in TV. Her name? OPRAH! So she went from the lowest to the highest, she made one MINOR stop, but IT was a big jump, and I have *****NEVER***** heard of a MAN doing that! The average weatherman has had to work through the ranks, and NEVER gets close to where oprah is today. I have NEVER even heard a WHISPER about someone getting paid a lower amount because they were a woman.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Patterson
    tiptoes out of the room...
    Professional Googler
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by Dave Patterson View Post

      tiptoes out of the room...
      falls down trying to pass Dave on the way out of the room...
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      • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
        Well, in a typical relationship the power in the relationship was equal as men held power with their wallets and women held the power of the "bedroom" so the scale was in perfect balance.

        However, the above example is no longer typical with many women out in the workforce and in many instances, making more than the man, so now the scale is tipped in woman's favor for power.

        So it certainly is a PITA as Heysal states, but worth every penny of it.

        sashays out of the room...

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        • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
          Oh, I don't know about that.

          I never have to worry about prostate cancer and nothing shrivels up and tries to hide when I get cold.
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          • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
            Originally Posted by Tina Golden View Post

            Oh, I don't know about that.

            I never have to worry about prostate cancer and nothing shrivels up and tries to hide when I get cold.
            Except we have a problem if we are not wearing a good bra and it gets cold
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5747164].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author seasoned
              Originally Posted by DianaHeuser View Post

              Except we have a problem if we are not wearing a good bra and it gets cold
              Funny Hey, Some teenage boy could see that, and test the male version of the theory! Some teenage boys might react fast enough, or not care, and let it kind of show.
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              • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
                Steve let me get this right...

                You're envious of elephants testicles?


                PS Steve...

                If you was a woman for 24 hours, what would you do besides...

                ...all day?
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                • Profile picture of the author seasoned
                  Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

                  Steve let me get this right...

                  You're envious of elephants testicles?


                  PS Steve...

                  If you was a woman for 24 hours, what would you do besides...

                  ...all day?
                  Well, as a man, I don't talk about sports all day. I ALSO have NEVER followed the latest fad, etc... So I imagine I would be one of the women that wasn't interested in fashion, etc... HEY, I don't talk much in public! I'm SHY! 8-( TODAY, I am waiting for a conference call. I had one TINY call today. Otherwise? MUTE! YOU probably talk more than I do!

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5749463].message }}
            • Originally Posted by DianaHeuser View Post

              Except we have a problem if we are not wearing a good bra and it gets cold
              Wait..:confused: How is that a bad thing? :rolleyes:
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5747441].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
            Originally Posted by Tina Golden View Post

            Oh, I don't know about that.

            I never have to worry about prostate cancer and nothing shrivels up and tries to hide when I get cold.
            LOL Tina!

            If I may add one more thing to your list...

            Never having to worry if the day will come when you have to take "the blue pill" because of E.D.

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  • This....just..occurred..., Mark? :rolleyes:

    You really need to get out more, mate!

    (did you forget to open the flue again? :p)
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  • Profile picture of the author CollegeEducated
    Though, it is much easier for women to find suitable men than it is for men to find suitable women and attract and get them. I've noticed it can be much harder to find a good looking woman that finds you attractive than it is for a woman to find a good looking man that is attracted to them at least on the surface. Though, I am going off of speculation because I have never had any particular trouble with women. But, from my understanding, it seems as though relationships take great strain due to a variety of uneveneness in a relationship and gender roles being in flux.

    Men have it harder for dating.
    Women for everything else.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5745822].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Men have it harder for dating.
      Women for everything else.
      Really? How often do men get raped?

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5746940].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
        Another loopy question...

        Guys only this time...

        If you was a woman for the day, just 24 hours, what would you do with your time? (Besides the bloomin' obvious)
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        • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
          I don't know, perhaps going to the club and try to seduce some guys,? I'm sure it's gonna be hilarious. Of course, I have to look myself in the mirror before doing so.. If I'm pretty, why not?

          If I'm the opposite of pretty or am fat then I would probably just stay home and slp.. hoping the 24hours would end quickly and be a guy back.

          Now, how about the ladies? What would you do if you're a guy for 24 hours? (Beside doing the obvious - stop kidding, you know what i'm talking about)

          Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

          Another loopy question...

          Guys only this time...

          If you was a woman for the day, just 24 hours, what would you do with your time? (Besides the bloomin' obvious)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5747328].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    WOW, some views are very one sided! I guess nobody would ever really be able to know what the other sex is like. I could see pros and cons to both though.

    Mark, They don't HAVE to go to the loo in the middle of the night. THEY mght say that MEN do, because old men could have enlarged prostates which have that effect.

    And they don't HAVE to have babies. Men don't have any organ to facilitate that, and have less space, so comparing the ability of the sexes to do that is unfair. OF COURSE woman are far more able to do that.

    As for the period, there may be ways to make that less of an issue(pun not intended), and some women don't seem to have a problem. But I guess that comes with being able to have a kid.

    MissTerraK, Thanks for being honest, and sashay? cute

    Tina, Women are more likely to get breast cancer, and things aren't as bad as costanza says. Heck, if you could make it REALLY small, it would actually be better. I kind of envy elephants and dolphins that are among the mammals that don't have external testicles. I heard a guy on a talk show once say that nurses laughed at his penis because they saw it flaccid, and it was .5"! He said that it was average size when erect. Why would a large flaccid size be better?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5747169].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      I heard a guy on a talk show once say that nurses laughed at his penis because they saw it flaccid, and it was .5"! He said that it was average size when erect. Why would a large flaccid size be better?
      Easier to keep from peeing on your fingers.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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      • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
        Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

        Easier to keep from peeing on your fingers.
        You sir, have a wonderful mind!
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    So what's the big deal man woman... Why are we so conscious about it? I think both are equally bad and evil in their own ways (if they are evil) and both are great if they are kind. Personally I think I have to be good so that others are good to me.

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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

    This thought pattern just occurred to me...

    What an absolute pain in the ass it would be to be a woman.<snip>
    What happened? Did the pork pie at the Bar Mitzvah not provoke enough response?

    Project HERE.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5749841].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

    This thought pattern just occurred to me...

    What an absolute pain in the ass it would be to be a woman.<snip>
    My advice is don't try it. No offense, you're a normal looking dude but wouldn't make a very nice looking woman. However, if you really gave it a dedicated try, I reckon that's where the pain would be.

    Project HERE.

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    • Profile picture of the author VaultBoss
      Hmmm... found this on a Forum somewhere else, as an avatar.

      Maybe it would draw some light to the differences:

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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
        Okay, another scenario for you...

        Say you did become a woman for 24 hours (talking to the guys here obviously, duhhhhh lol) and you was aware this change was going to happen at a set time 7:30am in the morning on a set date.

        So you rub your hands together with glee thinking excellent and off you toddle the night before you change back into a guy the next morning to the nearest bar where you just happen to get a little bit tiddly on a few glasses of wine.

        Then lo and behold Mr Handsome himself walks into the bar, orders a drink for himself and starts chatting you up. And you naturally think of course, well, I might just have time for a quickie just so long as I get up bloody early in the morning to make my escape.

        So you end up going back with him to his apartment where you enjoy a bloomin' good night shagging. At 2am, you fall asleep after experiencing for the first time multiple orgasms.

        Trouble is of course, you oversleep in the morning and wake up at 9:30am only to find you've changed out again back into your old self. Dizzily, with a thumping headache due to the hangover you rub your eyes and look sideways... gum, did I sleep with that thing last night... OH SH*****TTT!!

        How do you think you might plan on your escape and do you think you'd need counseling first thing Monday morning?

        How would you cope emotionally? Or would you just put it down to a never to be repeated good experience?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751238].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author VaultBoss
          What if the other Dude is a changeling too?
          Sexy eMail Marketing Secrets «« Pimp YOUR eMails Into Sexiness ...
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          Steve Lorenzo's eMail Tips Daily «« Strange, Controversial, Crazy Stuff even, BUT - The Bleeding Edge 'Unfair' Advantage Over Your eMail Marketing Competition
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751303].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
            Originally Posted by VaultBoss View Post

            What if the other Dude is a changeling too?
            Not in this scenario Mark grins.

            Steve... whatever you just said flew straight off over the top of my head lol.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751517].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dave Patterson
              Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

              Steve... whatever you just said flew straight off over the top of my head lol.
              I think he just accused you of getting hammered and doing something that shocked you and you're trying to work up the courage to 'fess up to...
              Professional Googler
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751604].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author VaultBoss
                Oh, guys... chill..

                I was kiddin'... what can I say, I'm a jokester, LOL
                Sexy eMail Marketing Secrets «« Pimp YOUR eMails Into Sexiness ...
                Double Opens & CTR - Instantly!

                Steve Lorenzo's eMail Tips Daily «« Strange, Controversial, Crazy Stuff even, BUT - The Bleeding Edge 'Unfair' Advantage Over Your eMail Marketing Competition
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751631].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
                  Karen reads thread, shakes her head, and tiptoes out of the room, trying to suppress giggles
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751669].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Dave Patterson
                    Originally Posted by Karen Blundell View Post

                    Karen reads thread, shakes her head, and tiptoes out of the room, trying to suppress giggles
                    It's OK. Mark ALWAYS has a point. It's just that sometimes you have to





                    Wait for it...
                    Professional Googler
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751735].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author seasoned
                Originally Posted by Dave Patterson View Post

                I think he just accused you of getting hammered and doing something that shocked you and you're trying to work up the courage to 'fess up to...

                NOPE! I meant if you somehow DID change. HEY, someone expressed an ideo, someone else expressed another idea, and I tied them together. I HAVE imagined a lot that simply isn't possible, etc... HECK, I once had a dream where I was a lawyer on a team of about three to defend bill gates. YIKES! Why would I even THINK a thing? I even had a dream with some ties to the harry potter series.

                But NOPE, I never even dreamed of the scenario I mentioned in the previous post.

                As for the deal about elephant testicles, I mentioned dolphins ALSO. It would just be nice if they were internal with the environment regulated. Humans, dogs, etc... are like OLD air cooled VW beetles with other mammals being like water cooled cars. And you wouldn't need cups in certain sports, etc... Sorry if that somehow deducts "man points" from me.

                Haven't you ever mused about how some way the essence of your body could be improved? I mean something that science currently doesn't even have an idea of how to do.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5752212].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

          Okay, another scenario for you...

          Say you did become a woman for 24 hours (talking to the guys here obviously, duhhhhh lol) and you was aware this change was going to happen at a set time 7:30am in the morning on a set date.

          So you rub your hands together with glee thinking excellent and off you toddle the night before you change back into a guy the next morning to the nearest bar where you just happen to get a little bit tiddly on a few glasses of wine.

          Then lo and behold Mr Handsome himself walks into the bar, orders a drink for himself and starts chatting you up. And you naturally think of course, well, I might just have time for a quickie just so long as I get up bloody early in the morning to make my escape.

          So you end up going back with him to his apartment where you enjoy a bloomin' good night shagging. At 2am, you fall asleep after experiencing for the first time multiple orgasms.

          Trouble is of course, you oversleep in the morning and wake up at 9:30am only to find you've changed out again back into your old self. Dizzily, with a thumping headache due to the hangover you rub your eyes and look sideways...

 gum, did I sleep with that thing last night... OH SH*****TTT!!

          How do you think you might plan on your escape and do you think you'd need counseling first thing Monday morning?

          How would you cope emotionally? Or would you just put it down to a never to be repeated good experience?

          Have ya discussed these feelings with the Vicar, Boyo? :rolleyes:

          Not that there's anything wrong with that! (as Seinfeld would say)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5752185].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

            Have ya discussed these feelings with the Vicar, Boyo? :rolleyes:

            Not that there's anything wrong with that! (as Seinfeld would say)
            He DID put a time limit on it. GRANTED, it is an odd one, but it really IS a variant of the prince and the pauper. Two people that have a characteristic the other may admire are similar, and switch to see how the other REALLY lives.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5752225].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
              Originally Posted by Dave Patterson View Post

              I think he just accused you of getting hammered and doing something that shocked you and you're trying to work up the courage to 'fess up to...
              Hammered? As in on the booze? Nahhh far from it, last drop of alcohol I touched was on new years eve, before that September. Hardly ever drink.

              Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

              Have ya discussed these feelings with the Vicar, Boyo? :rolleyes:

              Not that there's anything wrong with that! (as Seinfeld would say)
              They're not feelings, just me being daft as a brush, playing around to see what kind of an emotional response I can elicit lol.

              Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

              As for the deal about elephant testicles, I mentioned dolphins ALSO. It would just be nice if they were internal with the environment regulated. Humans, dogs, etc... are like OLD air cooled VW beetles with other mammals being like water cooled cars.

              Sometimes you crack me up Steve, you're even more unhinged and off the wall than I am. Take it as a compliment. You're in a league of your own.

              Would you mind terribly putting the above sentence another way?

              Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

              He DID put a time limit on it. GRANTED, it is an odd one, but it really IS a variant of the prince and the pauper. Two people that have a characteristic the other may admire are similar, and switch to see how the other REALLY lives.

              That's a very interesting anaology. I admit this hadn't crossed my mind, thanks Steve!


              Mark Andrews (whose just woken up at 5am in the morning after just 4 hours sleep raring to go for the day ahead...)
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    men and women could act differently to alcohol. I don't think I would waste the time impaired.


    That WOULD be interesting, if you were a man experiencing a day as a woman, and the other was a woman experiencing a day as a man, and you BOTH fell in love with the PERSON(not necessarily the sex), and shockingly found that the other was the person of your dreams. And you would know what the other might have to deal with daily. Of course, monthly, a man would never know about a woman. Even some women don't know. I knew one person that said her kids just kind of popped out, and the nurses were shocked to see her up and about soon after.

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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    I wouldn't imagine...
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