The New World Order

by 19 replies
I was watching "Decoded" on the History channel last night and they were doing an article on this:
Interesting stuff here.

Bohemian Grove: Where the rich and powerful go to misbehave - BlogPost - The Washington Post
#off topic forum
  • Sure would be nice if they would leave their "misbehavior" there when they leave.
  • Supposedly, the Bohemian Grove is where the Manhattan Project and the Stars Wars concept
    were conceived.
    And, supposedly, where Reagan and Nixon discussed who should run for president first.
  • And, supposedly, Jimmy Buffet is a member.:p
    Along with Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, Jimmy Carter,
    Bill Clinton, and Buschs Sr. and Jr.
  • You can download the members list in PDF here:
    2010 Bohemian Grove Members List Revealed! And More.. «

    As well as other reports of the shenannigans of the Bohemian Grove.
    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      Have you seriously only just come across this information? Blimey! Wow!

      Knew about this s*** years upon years ago.

      The NWT how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Take my hand and I'll take you on a journey. It's my # 1 niche. A subject I know pretty much inside out.

      Back in the day, when would this be, oh I don't know about 1998 I guess, myself and a few of my cohorts / 'partners in crime' got one of the biggest corporations of the NWT kicked out of the United Nations.

      Those were the days I can tell you. As well as posting up online one of their most secret manuals which earned one of us a $100,000 fine.

      I'm still quietly seething underneath it all the treatment the NWO mete out to many of it's more outspoken, for want of a better word, information combatants.

      I would willingly take them to the cleaners. Grew up in them at a high level 3rd generation. And lost everything in my life back in '95 due to their f****d up practices.

      It's where my biggest interest lies in mind control. Spent several years in the voluntary sector post '95 after losing all of my family, everything, wife, son, mother, father, sister, extended family, friends, colleagues, house, business to these lunatics all in the space of just 2 weeks, I digress...

      ...voluntary sector - Cult Awareness Network and a few other counter NWO mind control organizations. Anything to do with mind control fascinates me. At one time I was considered to be in the top ten on the subject in the UK.

      Terrible niche though for making money in lol - I don't recommend it.

      Ready to dive in, where do you want to start, something light and cheerful, something easy-going perhaps? MKUltra? And we'll progress from there...

      Don't worry, they've only blown up so far half a dozen of my computers for accessing very sensitive government information. Although I do hear on the grapevine the price on my head has been lifted. Jolly decent of them what what!

      Ahhhh here we go... the entrance, after you fine Sir, mind your head now... duck!

      Mark Andrews
      • [1] reply
  • Actually Mark, I think you should write a book about your experiences.
    I would imagine the movie rights would be worth a fortune.
    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      It has been suggested to me many times before and as then, the answer today, is still no. And the money it doesn't interest me. Freedom is what I'm interested in. And money cannot buy this. Money is simply enslavement in another guise. Created out of debt rendering it essentially, perfectly useless.

      Of course, I can only apply this philosophy to myself. It's not my right to foist my personal opinions about money onto somebody else who might be operating under a different value exchange system.

      This is not to say I wouldn't mind being paid in other ways mind you.

      Warmest regards,

      Mark Andrews
      • [1] reply
  • Very nice topic you've started. Have you watched Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory show?
    • [1] reply
    • Hate to disappoint, but I don't follow Pro Wrestlers.
      Nor do I put much stock in their credibility.:rolleyes:
  • (Just as a point of order; I've seen my forum ID as "ICombs several times. And, understandably so. My mistake for not using the upper case 'L'. ).

    Now, back to the subject at hand.

    I consider myself to be more open-minded than most.
    However, I do temper it with a grain of salt.
    In most disagreements, and or outrageous/outlandish claims, I have found that
    the truth almost always lies somewhere in the middle.
    As an example in this case; Jimmy Buffet is listed as a member.
    He doesn't strike me as someone to be involved in the designing of a 'New World Order'.
    I also find it hard to believe that men of the caliber of the alleged members would
    take seriously the worshiping of a 40' stone Owl and, or the "Cremation of Care"
    ceremony symbolic or otherwise.
    • [1] reply
    • Some highly intelligent people believe all sorts of nonsense.

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