How to stimulate employees loyalty?

6 replies
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Looking for some ideas on how to stimulate employees loyalty....:confused:
  • Profile picture of the author Daones
    Be kind and generous with them treat them as friends, ive found if you get angry or pissed at them they you will lose loyalty with them. So just be a great person and friendly im sure it will help with loyalty. Besides that there is always bonuses when they do good work.
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  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMaker96
    Offer chances pay raises and bonuses, and if anybody sas money can't get you loyalty hasn't seen the God Farther. If you can't afford that, then get to know your employees, don't just be a boss, become a friend.
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  • Profile picture of the author weboasis
    Performance bonus.

    (and I agree with MoneyMaker96)
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    You are almost ALWAYS going to have disgruntled workers, especially if they are union, but give them good working conditons, care about their wellbeing, give them decent pay, training, and a chance to move up, and they will be about as happy as possible without you going broke.

    Just yesterday, I heard about a person that called his boss, and was afraid he would lose his job, because he has been out quite a while, and missing deadlines. Well, they trust him, and care about him and have NO plans to fire him. They are allowing him to give work to others to fill the gap. Some employers would fire you if you came in just a little late, etc...

    BTW MOST company pensions, loyalty gifts, have been renegged on, so you can't depend on those anymore. 3rd party pensions, like matching 40x x lans, and bonuses generally work better.

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Make it a fun environment to work in.
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  • All good ideas - incentives for all employees are good - not just a few, that does create resentment.

    It helps if you have ticket access to sporting events, or box seats!

    you can give those out every now and then as a "keep up the good work"...

    or just give them out to someone who you think is capable of doing better, but seems held back for some reason...they might surprise you :rolleyes:
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