Storm and Power Outages All over Maryland!

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On Friday, Jube 29 2012, there was a storm with 60mph hour winds that went through all of Maryland. (Many think it was a tornado) If it wasn't it might has well been. This storm caused major blackouts all through maryland, even now many people are with out power, BGE claims that it will take at most till the end of this week to power. That is about 9 days without electricty. Personelly I'm still waiting for BGE to restore power to my home, while I'm writing this article in a Starbucks, 5-10 miles away from where I live. If I were to stay home I would drown in my own sweat or something close to that. I have been driving through maryland, to beat bordem, and have seen tons of fallen trees in roads, on top of cars, and on top of power lines. I have even seen a few abandonded buildings that have collasped. First time in my life I have even seen seen devistation like this. This is worser then hurricane Irene!
#maryland #power #storm
  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    Sorry to hear it.

    I live in one of the Maryland burbs of D.C.

    My electricity went on and off for about 30 minutes Friday night but stayed on the rest of the night.

    On Saturday, it went out about 12:30 in the afternoon for about 1 hour but came back on and has been on ever since.

    We always been lucky except for that one 6 day stretch in the middle of a very hot summer about 5 or 6 years ago.

    All The Best!!


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Last year it flooded out that way. I'm thinking maybe you folks out there need to put your own private sustainable energy on your land and in your houses. If I sat without power as often as you folks do, I'd sure have my own.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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