At least 14 hurt in Lone Star College stabbings

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At least 14 students were injured Tuesday in a bizarre stabbing incident at Lone Star College CyFair in which a student apparently ran from building to building on the Houston-area campus cutting people with a sharp knife or pencil, authorities said...At least 14 hurt in Lone Star College stabbings
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    He says the suspect, who appeared to be a student, may be hearing impaired, and was armed with a knife similar to an exacto knife, that may be used in animal dissections.
    Maybe he couldn't hear anyone yell STOP?
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  • Profile picture of the author taskemann
    Prepare for Obama's "knife ban" America
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    • Profile picture of the author Brian John
      Originally Posted by taskemann View Post

      Prepare for Obama's "knife ban" America
      ...and pencils, can't be too safe! :rolleyes:
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      • Profile picture of the author taskemann
        Originally Posted by Brian John View Post

        ...and pencils, can't be too safe! :rolleyes:
        ...And long sleeve sweaters. I've heard that you can strangle someone with the long sleeves. :rolleyes:

        (Maybe we shouldn't give them ideas.)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7954793].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ThomM
          Now, now.
          We all know it's a guns fault.:rolleyes:

          Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
          Getting old ain't for sissy's
          As you are I was, as I am you will be
          You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    A person can drown from drinking water so really they should remove all drinking fountains & let all the dehydrated people roam the hallways saying with a raspy voice, water... I need water...

    When I was a kid in school (70's & 80's) we didn't have all these crazies walking school hallways, then again the principal was allowed to spank a kid that didn't behave in school. Maybe the guy just needs a good azz woopin?
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Ah crap. I'm a butter lover - I need a knife. We have to fight the ban. Serious.

    Ken - it said he was running building to building so I think that the element of surprise was allowing him to rampage a little bit. cut and run.

    Maybe this will give gun ban enthusiasts a blast into the reality that what we need to do is fix a system that is making people crazy instead of taking our self defense from us.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author taskemann
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    14 people can't handle one guy with a knife.

    Sad indeed.
    Depending on his size and strength, I would have fight him for sure. One solid punch in his face and then I would have abused his hand which is holding the knife.
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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by taskemann View Post

      Depending on his size and strength, I would have fight him for sure. One solid punch in his face and then I would have abused his hand which is holding the knife.
      I'm sure anyone who saw it coming would say the same thing - I'm also pretty sure that most of the people he got didn't see it coming. The last thing you'd expect in a college dorm or hallway is to suddenly be accosted with a knife. I AM wondering why he wasn't being chased down by more who saw it happen, though.

      Lockdown - over a knife? They should have been out finding him and stopping him. What's all this lock down crap coming to? People are allowing themselves locked in without questioning? That scares me more than a guy with a knife any day of the week.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955639].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Late for his Tuesday morning biology class, Ballard didn't even notice the increasing commotion around him, the heightened chatter and raised voices. If anybody nearby even knew about the stabbings that had just taken place, which ultimately would total 14, they had not had time to spread the word.
        Like Sal said - this happened fast and there was no time to issue warnings. Students did react once they saw what was happening and they took him down. Kudos to those guys.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Jimmy just got a two week spring vacation. The persistent US- and Obama-bashing needs to go elsewhere.

    We didn't allow it for Clinton or Bush. We won't allow it for the next President, either.
    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    I thought something was up when i counted about 6 helicopters hovering over the area where the College is located. First i thought major accident on 290 or some kind of violent crime but got the news from local station...

    The suspect was home schooled, a loner with no friends and lived with his parents. He apparently told police that he has been fantasizing about going on a stabbing spree since middle school age. He also said he only stopped because his blade broke.

    I attend HOA board meetings at the college, it has several buildings spread over a large area, i don't know how you would effectively secure these facilities...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      He also carried sock puppets and often talked to people "through" the puppets. Wingnut and was teased by others on campus - but yet thought of as a friendly "eccentric".

      This is one time I'd like to know what the "family" life was like. Hard to believe he went through years of wanting to stab people and never mentioned it to anyone.

      Movie theater, Sandy Hook, Texas. These aren't normal people pushed over the edge by bullies or dysfunctional home lives. These are mentally disturbed people with fantasy lives and twisted minds.

      I think we'll find with this guy in Texas - just like the other attackers there were clues that something was "wrong" that were excused or explained away.

      After attacks we say "he was crazy" ...but these people were crazy before the attacks. They are described time after time as odd, different, loners or misfits, not relating to others and often have a history of mental problems treated but not resolved.

      You can't prevent them all from causing damage because they are totally unpredictable in their behavior.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    Its sad, but if anything this just proves once and for all that crazy people don't need a firearm to terrorize innocent people.

    These loonies will find a way to harm others no matter what. No legislation will fix or change that.
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by Whos That Guru View Post

      These loonies will find a way to harm others no matter what. No legislation will fix or change that.
      That's what I've said in the past.

      A crazy person doesn't acknowledge laws, people that abide by laws are the only people that will acknowledge a law even exist.

      Makes me wonder wth people are thinking that create laws. Wouldn't a person creating a law have to be crazy to think a crazy person will abide by the same law?
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    If the guy was home schooled doesn't mean anything, especially considering the past history of school violence. The majority is public school violence, not home schooled kids.
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  • Profile picture of the author staceybrown281
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    14 people can't handle one guy with a knife.

    Sad indeed.
    Agree. How come this stabbing spree became petty? He is just holding a knife.. come on
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
      Originally Posted by staceybrown281 View Post

      Agree. How come this stabbing spree became petty? He is just holding a knife.. come on
      I know it seems like it's "just a knife" but consider this:

      If someone has a knife in their hand, and they are standing 21 feet away from you, they can be AT YOU and stabbing you in less than 1 second.

      Yes, less than ONE second.

      Now, if the attacker isn't as physically fit, this MIGHT increase the time to 2-3 seconds AT MOST.

      Which is still incredibly fast.

      It has been tested extensively.

      That is why if you are confronted by an attacker holding a knife and they are 21 feet away, you are legally allowed to use deadly force to prevent the attack.

      People underestimate just how much distance someone can travel in such a short amount of time.
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      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by Whos That Guru View Post

        I know it seems like it's "just a knife" but consider this:

        If someone has a knife in their hand, and they are standing 21 feet away from you, they can be AT YOU and stabbing you in less than 1 second.

        Yes, less than ONE second.

        Now, if the attacker isn't as physically fit, this MIGHT increase the time to 2-3 seconds AT MOST.

        Which is still incredibly fast.

        It has been tested extensively.

        That is why if you are confronted by an attacker holding a knife and they are 21 feet away, you are legally allowed to use deadly force to prevent the attack.

        People underestimate just how much distance someone can travel in such a short amount of time.
        You can also palm a knife so that nobody can see you have it until you are right on top of them. No self respecting gang member would be caught wielding a knife the way you see on tv. They hold the handle in the palm and the blade rests along the arm where they can raise their arm, and cut you without you ever seeing they are armed. It's the way I taught women to hold knives when walking through a parking lot at night to keep attackers unaware so they wouldn't take the woman's weapon from her and use it on her. It's a surprise, and it's harder to take away even if you know it's there.

        After attacks we say "he was crazy" ...but these people were crazy before the attacks. They are described time after time as odd, different, loners or misfits, not relating to others and often have a history of mental problems treated but not resolved.

        You can't prevent them all from causing damage because they are totally unpredictable in their behavior.
        Sociopathic tendencies aren't always that easy to recognize. Your average psychotic can go to therapy for years before the therapist can actually ascertain that the person is bat-**it crazy. These people often have the intelligence to know they are devious and dangerous, and they know how to hide their true nature. If someone gets lucky and someone is off kilter enough for it to actually show up, we need to hold the professional responsible if they don't tell anyone that the person is dangerous. The problem with that breaches patient/doctor confidentiality, and a lot of those people wouldn't be at the shrink's at all if they knew that they stood a chance of being "ratted out".

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
        Beyond the Path

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7958489].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Sounds like he used a utility knife - very easy to conceal in your hand. Can't imagine how horrid to be minding your own business and suddenly have a blade ripping at your throat or face.

          What's next - an attack with a fork?
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7958984].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author HeySal
            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            Sounds like he used a utility knife - very easy to conceal in your hand. Can't imagine how horrid to be minding your own business and suddenly have a blade ripping at your throat or face.

            What's next - an attack with a fork?
            Nah - that's been done. The creative psychopath will have to try harder than that. Headlines: 10 people laddeled by madman wielding large spoon.

            When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
            Beyond the Path

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            • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
              I'm not sure how some think that this incident is something that helps the anti gun control argument. Nobody was killed in this attack. If the guy had a semi automatic I would imagine he could have injured a lot more and probably killed many. That's a big part of argument behind the pro gun control side.
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              • Profile picture of the author HeySal
                Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                I'm not sure how some think that this incident is something that helps the anti gun control argument. Nobody was killed in this attack. If the guy had a semi automatic I would imagine he could have injured a lot more and probably killed many. That's a big part of argument behind the pro gun control side.
                Probably because it points out our problem isn't guns -- it's lunatics.

                When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
                Beyond the Path

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7959107].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
                  Yep, and trying to keep guns away from lunatics is probably a good idea.
                  Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

                  Probably because it points out our problem isn't guns -- it's lunatics.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7959122].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
                    Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                    Yep, and trying to keep guns away from lunatics is probably a good idea.
                    Yep - but anyone can get an illegal gun and people pscho enough to run around killing people really aren't concerned about what is legal, moral, or logical. They aren't concerned if they have a gun either. More people are stabbed than shot yearly anyhow. Whatever in arms reach will do. No problem. Watch out for golf clubs, too. This has made me wonder if they ever caught the golf club murderer in CO that was loose when I lived there.

                    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
                    Beyond the Path

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7959134].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                      trying to keep guns away from lunatics is probably a good idea.
                      It's a noble goal.

                      Trying to keep lunatics away from the rest of us would be a good goal, too. Probably work about as well.

                      I'm neither for nor against some gun control measures - just think we try to go too far and then we get nothing done.

                      Like the D.C. folks who were going to mandate no more than "7 round magazines" - and didn't know there are no 7 round magazines. So what can they do - change it to 10 round magazines and tell you to only load 7 shots?

                      Control measures start out with good intentions - and then go to hell in a handbasket when interest groups (on both sides) get their fingers in the pie.
                      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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                  • Profile picture of the author ThomM
                    Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                    Yep, and trying to keep guns away from lunatics is probably a good idea.
                    That's what they are trying to do here in N.Y.
                    All it's done so far is turn Doctors into snitches and pissed off a bunch of law abiding citizens and will potentially turn them into criminals. The first person arrested under our new gun control laws was an army vet. trying to sell one of the new "illegal" guns to a dealer out of state.
                    The state has requested the medical records for anyone treated for depression, anxiety, etc. and is cross referencing those records with pistol permit licenses. Anyone on both lists have their pistol permits revoked and are told to git rid of their guns or they will be arrested.
                    Another part of our law limits the number of rounds in a clip (like a criminal cares). But with very little practice you can eject an empty clip and insert a new one in less time then it took you to read this.
                    What the govt. is trying to do in some of the states and on the fed. level won't do a damn thing to end any of this.
                    The only thing that might work would be a total gun ban, and even that wouldn't work unless you also took the guns away from all the military, secret service, and police. All of them have had weapons stolen by criminals.
                    AND you still have knives, bats, etc. to deal with, not to mention bombs.

                    Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
                    Getting old ain't for sissy's
                    As you are I was, as I am you will be
                    You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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              • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
                Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                I'm not sure how some think that this incident is something that helps the anti gun control argument. Nobody was killed in this attack. If the guy had a semi automatic I would imagine he could have injured a lot more and probably killed many. That's a big part of argument behind the pro gun control side.
                Ok... and if someone there had been legally armed & trained on how to use their weapon, they could have taken him down before he could do so much damage, if any at all..

                See? It works both ways.
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                • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
                  "If the guy had a semi automatic I would imagine he could have injured a lot more and probably killed many. That's a big part of argument behind the pro gun control side."

                  Originally Posted by Whos That Guru View Post

                  Ok... and if someone there had been legally armed & trained on how to use their weapon, they could have taken him down before he could do so much damage, if any at all..

                  See? It works both ways.
                  Yes, both hypotheticals could happen. My point was that this incident isn't anything to booster the anti gun control side. Or the pro gun control side either for that matter.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7959933].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
                    Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

                    My point was that this incident isn't anything to booster the anti gun control side. Or the pro gun control side either for that matter.
                    Actually it does tho. That is where you're wrong.

                    The grabbers act like the ONLY possible way for something sick like this to happen, is when it includes a firearm.

                    As this (and history) shows, they couldn't be further from reality.

                    I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again:

                    Insane people don't need a gun to harm innocent people.

                    9/11 took place using airplanes and boxcutters.

                    McVeigh used fertilizer.

                    Unibomber used envelopes and explosives...

                    The list goes ON & ON............

                    When are these morons going to come to grasp with reality????

                    Criminals DO NOT CARE about the law. That is what makes them a CRIMINAL in the first place.

                    The only people new laws will effect are the law-abiding citizens (you know -- the ones you don't need to worry about being armed in the first place.....)

                    Last time I checked, murder was already against the law.

                    Stealing a firearm = already against the law.

                    Bringing a gun inside a school (even for CWP holders) = against the law.

                    The list of these laws also goes ON & ON & ON...........
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                    • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
                      I don't think that's true.

                      What did we do when Al Qaeda attacked us? We started a war in Afghanistan. ( Well, then we started a war in a country totally unrelated to the attack and that's another issue ) We also started all sorts of regulations in airports etc... We didn't try to ban assault weapons then. Or try to make back ground checks universal.

                      When McVeigh bombed Oaklahoma City what happened? We didn't try to put limits on gun magazines. We did make it harder to get that fertilizer from what I remember.

                      When the unabomber killed people through the mail, what happened? I am pretty sure there were changes made to postal security.

                      So, in every case you pointed out, we as a society looked at the problem and tried to find a solution. Why should mass killings because of assault weapons be any different? And we are talking about mass killings here aren't we? Not injuries. It looks like all those who were injured by this crazy idiot will thankfully survive.

                      Originally Posted by Whos That Guru View Post

                      Actually it does tho. That is where you're wrong.

                      The grabbers act like the ONLY possible way for something sick like this to happen, is when it includes a firearm.

                      As this (and history) shows, they couldn't be further from reality.

                      I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again:

                      Insane people don't need a gun to harm innocent people.

                      9/11 took place using airplanes and boxcutters.

                      McVeigh used fertilizer.

                      Unibomber used envelopes and explosives...
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7960542].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ThomM
                        What did we do when Al Qaeda attacked us? We started a war in Afghanistan. ( Well, then we started a war in a country totally unrelated to the attack and that's another issue ) We also started all sorts of regulations in airports etc... We didn't try to ban assault weapons then. Or try to make back ground checks universal.
                        Nope we lost our 4th amendment rights (as already mentioned.
                        When McVeigh bombed Oaklahoma City what happened? We didn't try to put limits on gun magazines. We did make it harder to get that fertilizer from what I remember.
                        The people who use that fertilizer can still get it with no problems. In fact anyone can still get it. It's just a simple nitrogen fertilizer.
                        When the unabomber killed people through the mail, what happened? I am pretty sure there were changes made to postal security.
                        Not really. The post office still delivers packages. Packages from overseas are routinely scanned, but that's about it. I can still mail and receive a package without any problems.
                        So, in every case you pointed out, we as a society looked at the problem and tried to find a solution. Why should mass killings because of assault weapons be any different? And we are talking about mass killings here aren't we? Not injuries. It looks like all those who were injured by this crazy idiot will thankfully survive.
                        Thing is Tim they didn't use assault weapons (so to speak). Assault weapons by definition can be fired as an automatic, semi-automatic, or single shot. Automatic weapons have been illegal for years, except when the police have them and then they are called "personal protection" weapons.
                        And as has been mentioned numerous times, these new laws and bans are aimed at law abiding citizens, not criminals or psychopaths.
                        Remember "fast and furious"? What about our unmanned drones killing innocent children? U.S. Drone Strikes Kill Children | Asian Tribune
                        Earlier this year, the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that 176 children have been murdered in Pakistan alone. And along with drone attacks, an average of 4.8 children are killed per day in Afghanistan where earlier this year, a U.S. sergeant is reported to have killed 9 children.
                        Seems to me if we're going to take away or ban guns. We should start at the top and take them away from the ones who are really causing the most harm. Or maybe start doing background checks and psychic checks on them instead of us.

                        Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
                        Getting old ain't for sissy's
                        As you are I was, as I am you will be
                        You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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              • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
                Not sure about that. You need to swing a hammer to kill someone but you can do a lot of damage with just a little motion using a knife.
                Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

                If he had a hammer, lots of people would've died, too.


                There goes the construction industry.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    Makes me wonder wth people are thinking that create laws. Wouldn't a person creating a law have to be crazy to think a crazy person will abide by the same law?
    They don't even consider that when coming up with the next law, because they routinely exempt themselves from it.

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander, but not when it comes to enforcing the laws.

    Half the people who come up with these feel-good bills don't even know what they mean..

    The other half are pushing the "we have to pass it to see what's in it!" BS.. it's crazy..

    Wayne LaPierre was exactly right when he asked why we protect our politicians, celebrities, our money, etc.. with armed guards, but when it comes to our children, OH NO! You can't use armed guards to protect the children, that is insane!

    Gimme a break..
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Tim -- none of the other security measures left honest, law abidding people's self defense away from them. None of them totally trashed our bill of rights. None of them left us defenseless against tyranny. Thanks for our luck that we can still get the same weapons that the criminals are getting if they impose a ban.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7960823].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      None of them totally trashed our bill of rights.
      Oh? Can you say, "Fourth Amendment?"

      Don't get me started on the TSA, please. Or FISA.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7960863].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        Sal,Oh? Can you say, "Fourth Amendment?"

        Don't get me started on the TSA, please. Or FISA.

        Nah - the 4th went down when we allowed them to make us squat and pee for employers. They just boiled the frog on that one. It's ready for garlic and butter now.

        *get HIM started? I think he might actually have empathy and respect for my restraint at the moment. smoke coming out of ears, goes to find a wine glass*

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
        Beyond the Path

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