Welp, Monday, but is a JOYOUS one I am sobbing for JOY

by devonm
4 replies
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I went to my old neighborhood and longed to stay. After I came back to Boot "Hell" neighborhood, where I am currently living, I went a couple houses over to Mum and Dad's place.

We talked for 20 minutes about me moving back to the Cathedral neighborhood where I "grew up" for 17 years. They finally said it was OK that I go home. There was no way I could stay out in Boot Hell Neighborhood. I told them no way, no how. It was not halfway panning out like I thought it might.

I told them the whole cryin' tale. We didn't get all emotional like I was afraid would happen. None of the emotional nonsense. That was extremely helpful. I nearly was sobbing from SEVERE relief and JOY when I left Mum and dad's to come home to start the search for apartments. All I need now are prayers that I find a decent place downtown where I BELONG!

Outside of prayers for finding a place to live now, yes we can be slower since it is summer and can pick up steam by September. All I wanna do is go back home. Can't wait to land an apartment.

#joy #relief
  • Profile picture of the author devonm
    Let's explain the WHOLE story. I had to move because of bugs in the old apartment and moved to a good apartment, but it is WAYYYY out in a small little place called Boot "Hell". A city neighborhood, yes, but there is NOTHING for city blocks, except a "12" hour per day 2 bit c-store that only works approx from 7AM to 11PM most days. No coffee shops or ANYTHING else but that 2 bit c-store and then apartments and houses all over for blocks and blocks. Outside of these things, there are churches and I don't find a use for those buildings either.

    In the neighborhood I left a year ago was several pubs and coffee shops and restaurants. Not only that, there were stores for many things like books and art and it was really an artsy Bohemian neighborhood. I sure miss that neighborhood now. Soon will be back. We have no exact date yet. By October, I should be back in that good neighborhood.
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  • Profile picture of the author devonm
    Today is Tuesday. Me and my worker, Pam is going to drive around downtown looking for apartments. I couldn't be happier to get it started!
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingva
    Yeah Devon! I've got my fingers crossed for you. I live out in the boonies where the nearest coffee shop is a twenty minute drive each way. I don't like it but the tradeoff was a quieter neighborhood because I suffer from insomnia.

    It's way better to live near places where you can walk!

    Good luck,


    Magic Wand Author Services helps writers polish their manuscripts and connect to readers.

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    • Profile picture of the author devonm
      Originally Posted by marketingva View Post

      Yeah Devon! I've got my fingers crossed for you. I live out in the boonies where the nearest coffee shop is a twenty minute drive each way. I don't like it but the tradeoff was a quieter neighborhood because I suffer from insomnia.

      It's way better to live near places where you can walk!

      Good luck,

      say that 10000 times.


      We have an exact date to carry it out.
      August 1st.

      I am excited.

      Now it is all of July to wait for the one month notice to "smolder down". I give notice by July 1st and get out of here n August 1st. I was hoping to just walk out the door and leave the keys, but I wondered too about notices. I didn't know what to do till I called Monica the Monster. (landlady)
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