Congratulations to a Fellow Warrior Member

7 replies
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Hey guys,

I'd like to congratulate a fellow warrior member. By the way, she doesn't sell "marketing stuff" so this isn't a thinly disguised sales pitch.

Anyway - I'm always pestering her to sell and promote her stuff. And she finally did it, so I would like you to give her a friendly pat on the back.

Here were her results. She released a WSO for only $10 and made 20 sales. When she told me that, I was like "Nice job. That's a quick $200".

Not bad, right? But here's where it gets good. She told me that many of her customers actually "up sold" themselves. Yeah, they asked for the full shebang.

That's not something you expect everyday.

So she walked away with four figures in two days. From a $10 WSO. With just 20 customers.

Anyway - here is her WF name: Tinkerbell

Her name is Tina Adams. She hates the spotlight, so free free to bombard her with your best wishes. No need for PMs. Just leave a visitor message.



PS. She went out of town for the week so you should be able to surprise her before she gets back.
#congratulations #fellow #member #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Tinkerbell
    Marc, thank YOU!

    Yes, I am out of town, but the internet still works where I am - even if it is touchy.

    Four figures in less than 24 hours is cool, but ... If people only knew what happened. LOL. An acquaintance stepped up and took a chance on promoting my product to her list - without an affiliate arrangement. She did it "just because."

    We aren't "friends" and to be honest we barely have been introduced. Still, she was willing to tell her list about what I have. And the response has been amazing!

    Now when I release a related product, you can bet I have something very special in store for her and her list. I never forget people who help me.
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  • Profile picture of the author DotComBum
    Congrats to you Tinkerbell, keep on rolling for bigger profits, and do donate some to charity
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Now when I release a related product, you can bet I have something very special in store for her and her list. I never forget people who help me.
      This is so believable. And so you.

      Way to go, Tink. It's about time.
      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author David Maschke
    98,000 words in 5 days, 20 sales and four figures?

    Quite a race you've had...



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    • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
      Way To Go Tina. Outstanding results. Especially on the lady who promoted to her list.


      The Old Geezer

      P.S. That young lady showed remarkable focus to fall, get up and beat her competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    It's great to hear such positive news.


    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author lcombs
    Congratulations Tink.
    You know how it goes, right?
    Rinse and repeat.
    You've found something that works, do it again.
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