Bitcoin..Top Secret Gov't thing? Why Warriors should think about a cashless world.
This is good for all of us. WF is about making money. Except for the anything goes bargain basement of ideas off topic forum. Mostly it is about making money online, but some off line ideas too.
But what is money? Is Bitcoin money?
With Warriors spread around the globe, are we about to see a World TAX?
This is food for thought, OK?
There are some "kooks", the conspiracy guys, who believe Bitcoin is a TOP SECRET US gov't program to take us to a cashless society. Now, it is a fact, that a few members of Congress and many bankers are pushing the idea of closing down the mints, shuttering the printing of money, and having us live in a cashless society.
That is not a new idea, but one, today that is far more believable than ever before. I can sell my special report via download around the world, have paypal act as my bank, and then use my paypal funds to buy goods and services online. I never touch any "money".
Eliminating cash does two things for governments, it saves them the cost of minting and printing and it allows for the collection of TAXES. Now, of course, we good citizens enjoy paying taxes, a fair exchange for all the services provided.
In USA, our Founders didn't feel that way. America was built, not on some great ideology, but on the "taxation without representation" cry...the Tea went into the harbor because of TAXES. Today, we are represented to death. More white guys getting rich in Congress than ever before.
The point is this:
YOU, Warrior, as you begin, build or wind down your IM business, are you using any cash? For your IM?
In addition to "fees", for use of services, the PayPals of the world will soon be required to report (some already are) your transaction activity.
One of the fastest growing businesses in the World is the check cashing-wire transfer business which many in US want to shut down. Because?
The can't collect taxes.
Bank accounts are open libraries to the Govt. But, prepaid debit cards, and wire transfers, especially to outside of USA, are virtually untraceable.
Forex is a billion dollar business, some Warriors are in that game.
But, with a thing like a Bitcoin, when it becomes regulated and accepted as the currency of International Exchange, will eliminate the need for Forex and the fraud that is so wide spread in it.
Do you have any thoughts on this? Do you care? Or aren't you yet making enough money (whatever that means to you) to be worried or concerned or even aware of what is coming our way?
Also, have you ever traded for services? Bartered? Perhaps given 2 chickens in exchange for a web developer?
World TAXATION. Coming soon to a country near you.
PS. They are passing bills across America, mostly city ordinances to TAX garage sales and yard sales. Poor little Lucy has to buy a permit, and then pay taxes to sell her Barbie Dollhouse and Dolls.
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