For those of you that haven't asked....

by KimW
16 replies
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Yes, I am still around.
That is all,
Carry on.......
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Very glad to see it ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    I have actually wondered where the hell you've been.

    I hope you're doing okay.

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    Miss U Kim!
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      You should pop in more often, Kim.

      This place just isn't the same without ya!

      I miss that Cranky Old Man!

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      • Profile picture of the author AprilCT
        Good to hear you are still around and kicking. Anyway, you'd better have a good excuse for not stopping by sooner and at least saying hello.
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Kim, I see you on Facebook from time to time so I've not assumed the worst or anything like that, but I do miss you around here. Hope you're not staying away because of anything serious. We all love you.
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          • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
            Yep, good to know, but the big question is, where did the old man go?

            I think that his avatar text was "The Old Geyser" with an image of himself.

            If you remember he got drunk once and posted the "HTEHS, HTHEHS HTH0O SHHT" thread.

            Then we all had a laugh, getting into him about it. I personally said, "Who can argue with that"!

            He was in his eighties, so he may have passed away? Anyone heard from him?

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    What about those of us who did ask, can we welcome you back, too?

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    So many are disappearing now that people aren't wondering as much when someone disappears.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I disagree Sal, but if that is true it is sad.

    In about 4 years myself and a bunch of others will be part of the 20 year club.

    I still miss many that left long ago, Lawrh, Roaddog, KJ......just to name a few.

    Read A Post.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      As someone who wondered about you - but thought it was none of my business....

      where the hell have you been????
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
      ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9447557].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
        Originally Posted by KimW View Post

        I still miss many that left long ago, Lawrh, Roaddog, KJ......just to name a few.
        Yep, me too.

        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        As someone who wondered about you - but thought it was none of my business....

        where the hell have you been????
        I wasn't near as respectful as you. I hit him up a month or two ago on Skype or by PM, can't remember which. Maybe it was both.

        Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Dennis -

          I've been having "one of those years" and I find myself NOT asking things because if the answer is bad, I don't want to know.

          I've developed a serious ostrich complex
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
          ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9447700].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      I disagree Sal, but if that is true it is sad.

      In about 4 years myself and a bunch of others will be part of the 20 year club.

      I still miss many that left long ago, Lawrh, Roaddog, KJ......just to name a few.
      I don't mean we don't miss them. I just mean we expect people to drift off here and there. It seems most do after awhile.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author jacktackett
    Glad to see you're still with us Kim , you're not the only only laying low this summer...
    Hope all are having a better summer than I am, that's for sure.
    Let's get Tim the kidney he needs!HELP Tim
    Mega Monster WSO for KimW

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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    I was just wondering about you the other day!

    Hope all is well and I'm glad you popped in to say hello.
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