The first member of the Warrior Forum was...?

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If Allen created the Warrior Forum and his join date is May 2002 then why did I just see a member with a join date of Feb 1998?

Yes I know there was something prior to the WF (we won't talk about the dark side. muhaha) although something about the 1998 join date smells funny.

Have a Great Day!
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    2002 was when the old Warrior Forum was moved to the new Warrior Forum so those are dates that members signed up or were created in the Snitz based forum. Later that was changed to the current version.

    I joined in 1999 and many current Warriors were already members.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

    If Allen created the Warrior Forum and his join date is May 2002 then why did I just see a member with a join date of Feb 1998?

    Yes I know there was something prior to the WF (we won't talk about the dark side. muhaha) although something about the 1998 join date smells funny.

    Have a Great Day!
    I don't know about the 1998 date, but I first became a Warrior in 1997. So there's a few of us that actually have the 1998 date beat.

    For all the Warrior noobs that joined in the last decade or so, the 2002 date that seems to be the start of the Warrior Forum is really just the date the forum became "open" to the public (and search engines).
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Kurt, I remember the old days in the Uni. I became a member back when Allen sold a package and allow people that purchased it to join. Can't remember the date or my old user name from back then. For some reason I think my name was Trademark? Damn this old age

    In all my years here at the WF I've never seen any member with a join date before 2002.
    Thought that the 1998 looked kinda funny...just saying!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

      Kurt, I remember the old days in the Uni. I became a member back when Allen sold a package and allow people that purchased it to join. Can't remember the date or my old user name from back then. For some reason I think my name was Trademark? Damn this old age

      In all my years here at the WF I've never seen any member with a join date before 2002.
      Thought that the 1998 looked kinda funny...just saying!
      I became a member buying the "650 Reports" package from Allen. Not to brag, but I was probably one of the first 100,000 people to buy it.

      It was actually a collection of articles mostly written by the US gov, so it was in the public domain and was the "father" of the PLR content we see today.

      Allen also had a few scripts available, such as an autoresponder script...

      I know Willie Crawford was around at the beginning...Don't remember too many others.
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      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        I became a member buying the "650 Reports" package from Allen. Not to brag, but I was probably one of the first 100,000 people to buy it.

        It was actually a collection of articles mostly written by the US gov, so it was in the public domain and was the "father" of the PLR content we see today.

        Allen also had a few scripts available, such as an autoresponder script...

        I know Willie Crawford was around at the beginning...Don't remember too many others.
        jeash, I bought that too. Damn time flies. Sometimes I get the feeling I know you
        from allens "other" forum ... the one that shall not be named.

        Never found a good reason to ask ... until now. Were you a member of that
        other forum?

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530476].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kurt
          Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

          jeash, I bought that too. Damn time flies.
          Told you I was one of the first 100,000 to buy it.

          Sometimes I get the feeling I know you
          from allens "other" forum ... the one that shall not be named.

          Never found a good reason to ask ... until now. Were you a member of that
          other forum?
          No, I don't think so. At that time I was running my own non-IM forum and the only IM forums I really participated in back then were SEO related. I can't even remember what the name of the major SEO forum of that time was called?
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        I became a member buying the "650 Reports" package from Allen. Not to brag, but I was probably one of the first 100,000 people to buy it.

        It was actually a collection of articles mostly written by the US gov, so it was in the public domain and was the "father" of the PLR content we see today.

        Allen also had a few scripts available, such as an autoresponder script...

        I know Willie Crawford was around at the beginning...Don't remember too many others.
        I remember that script. It gave me fits. It was probably the first one I installed, which then lead to my script installation business.

        I joined in 1999 myself. Bought that same report package.

        Ah the memories

        Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I'm thinking it was Stone or Cory. Maybe Paul.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    The July 2002 date is when Allen moved it from Uni-sol to a self-hosted system using Snitz. Everyone had to rejoin at that point, which is why it's the default "oldest" date showing. Those members were migrated to vBulletin in 2008, when he switched to that platform. Existing stats, specifically join date and post count, were carried over.

    The "Thanks" option was added shortly after that, in September of 2008.

    Other than Allen, Joshua Brown was probably the first member, as he was the one who owned

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

    Did Planet Ocean have a forum back then? If so, that would likely have been the biggie.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post


      Did Planet Ocean have a forum back then? If so, that would likely have been the biggie.

      It wasn't Planet Ocean. I want to say it was something like SEO Talk or SEO Chat? Maybe SEO Talk was Danny Sullivan's newsletter?

      I remember my earliest SEO project. Back then, it really was just a matter of which web page used the keyword phrase the most. So I went through all of my web pages and keyword stuffed.

      The very next day, I learned that the SEs just started banning pages that stuffed keywords, so I spent the day removing all my stuffed keywords. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Hi Paul,
    >>> View Profile: Mo Goulet
    Fluke, hack or New Admin Just asking.

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Not sure, Michael, but he was definitely around before 2002.

    It's not hard to change those dates if you have access to the right screens. I doubt anyone wants to be doing it as a regular thing, though. It's hard to be sure who joined when, and it would be a pain to do a bunch of them even if you knew the right dates.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Paul, I just had to ask. As I said before, I've never seen anyone with a join date prior to 2002.
    Thanks for the reply!

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Those were big, but I'm not sure which was the Big Dog back then. Sullivan was the biggest mainstream name in the SEO biz in the late 90s, but it isn't something I followed enough to say who was first with any confidence.

    Hell, Ralph Wilson did a lot on SEO at the time, and he's been around for ages. I think I signed up for Web Marketing Today in 1996 or 1997. He had 1300 subscribers at the time, which was impressive for those days.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    A little trip down Memory Lane...

    Web Position Gold was THE SEO software.

    There weren't many affiliate programs, but there were a few. I did OK with Net Detective, which was huge back then. I also did OK with Hotel Reservations Network (HRN) which became

    Overture was the first major PPC and became, which was bought by Yahoo and is now the Yahoo advertising network. Is Bing now part of the same ad network?

    There were 6-7 search engines that were all about equal:
    Alta Vista

    Bascially, everyone's favorite search engine was the one that ranked their own pages the highest.

    I developed one of the first keyword research tools back then. I believe I was the first to include the value of a click in the ratings. I was a decent poker player back then and I based "value" on the concept of "pot odds" in poker.

    Keyword research was much more accurate back then. Sites like Infoseek and Hotbot would post the relevancy in a percenage in the SERPS. For keywords like "SEO", the first 300 results would have a score of 100% relevancy. Other keywords would have #1 ranked pages with a relevancy score of something like 59%. This made it very easy to check the level of competition.

    And Overture posted its bids for clicks in pretty much real time, so it was easy to get a good gauge of the value of a particular kkeyword phrase.

    I quit selling my keyword research tool when these resources where no longer available and felt (still do) that keyword research became pretty much guesswork.

    The ironic thing is, in independant tests back in about 1999, Hotbot tied or beat Google in just about every competition for relevancy. But the media fell in love with Google for some reason, and we know the rest.

    And Yahoo, the biggest site at the time bought Inktomi, which was the tech behind Hotbot. But instead of using their own Inktomi tech, they decided to use Google for their search results, giving Google the money and prestige it needed. I never understood why Yahoo paid Google for search tech, when they owned Inktomi.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

    Remember the affiliate system that did nothing but carry an ID from one page to another? That one gave a lot of people fits, too. "Perl variables? Query strings? Substitution? Wuzzat?"

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    Those were the good ol days in my eyes. Fond memories. ... in those days it was hard not
    to make money.

    I made some perl scripts back then ... some heavy duty mammer jammers that
    I still use today. I just don't have the heart to convert them to php.

    Just for clarity ... i remember the first time i called my merchant account and said
    I want to sell ---- on the internet. The first guy said ... whats that?
    the second guy told me i had to talk to a higher up. The higher up
    said that will never be allowed. When i think back to that conversation
    it is hard not to chuckle.

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    [chuckle] Remember when (later to become Paypal) first came out? They paid referrals of $10 per new member who completed the registration and verification process.

    Made a few bucks on that one. Also got a lot of questions like "Who the hell will ever use this?," "Why do they need all that information?," and "Are you out of your mind, Myers?" I remember one guy who unsubscribed then. He quoted the recommendation for and replied with the comment, "Fantasyland."

    Of course, people used to berate me for the idea that unsolicited bulk email would ever reach the point where volume would be a problem, too...

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

      [chuckle] Remember when (later to become Paypal) first came out? They paid referrals of $10 per new member who completed the registration and verification process.

      Made a few bucks on that one. Also got a lot of questions like "Who the hell will ever use this?," "Why do they need all that information?," and "Are you out of your mind, Myers?" I remember one guy who unsubscribed then. He quoted the recommendation for and replied with the comment, "Fantasyland."

      Of course, people used to berate me for the idea that unsolicited bulk email would ever reach the point where volume would be a problem, too...

      I absolutely remember that. I also cleaned up with that deal.
      .... I also remember many conversation you had about bulk email.

      I also remember when you first became known to me.
      I don't know if you remember (in fact I seriously doubt it) .

      Any way .... people thought I was a myth. A big old argument ensued on
      the board about yours truly ... and then you stepped in with the voice of
      reason and told people I really did exist and if they did not know me then it
      was because I did not want them to know me.

      I don't think I will ever forget that.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530746].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        The bulk email conversations were a whole other mess. Took me 6 months of constant hassles to make it clear to the resident spambags that those weren't going to be allowed here again.

        I vaguely recall that discussion, but...

        "Voice of reason?" MOI?

        You have me confused with some other pompous ass, sir.

        Especially in the time frame you're talking about. I was a fire-breathing pteranodon back then. At least if you listen to the spammers and their unholy brethren...

        I have the uncommon distinction of having been called an anti-commerce Nazi in a marketing forum and a spamming slimeball in a spamfighters' group in the same week.

        Fun times.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530772].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

          The bulk email conversations were a whole other mess. Took me 6 months of constant hassles to make it clear to the resident spambags that those weren't going to be allowed here again.

          I vaguely recall that discussion, but...

          "Voice of reason?" MOI?

          You have me confused with some other pompous ass, sir.

          Especially in the time frame you're talking about. I was a fire-breathing pteranodon back then. At least if you listen to the spammers and their unholy brethren...

          I have the uncommon distinction of having been called an anti-commerce Nazi in a marketing forum and a spamming slimeball in a spamfighters' group in the same week.

          Fun times.

          That is making a bell go off in my head. ... Was that on Spamhaus?

          ... and yeah you did have a rep for being a dick. You probably still do
          if you ask the right people.

          Selling Ain't for Sissies!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530797].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
            Nah. I never had problems with Spamhaus. (Had a few run-ins with people who did, though.) If you don't know what 'Z' is, you weren't present for that one.

            As far as the rep... You can't tell people "No" on a regular basis without expecting some folks to take exception. If you don't expect it, you're either naive or delusional.

            The way they took exception back then, though, a reasonable tone was no use. These were the same people who launched DoS attacks and email bombings at me, tried subscription forgeries on my list, sent me death threats, and made 4 AM phone calls to my house.

            All because I was vocal about the damage spam would do to email. We were all insane as far as they were concerned. Until it happened, exactly as predicted.

            Now, you hear some of the people who were saying spam would never be a problem complaining about bulk mail filters and the decline in open rates for legitimate subscription-based email because of ... spam.

            Well, gee. Whodathunkit?

            Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530814].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
              That is making a bell go off in my head. ... Was that on Spamhaus?
              Are you thinking of the rather public fight I had with the folks at SpamAssassin?

              That was educational. Craig sent me private emails that were vaguely threatening, re: LegalMan. Justin said some poorly considered things in the reasons file about the purported equivalence of profit motive and Evil. Craig claimed they were a joke.

              I found that to be in extremely poor taste, joke or no. But then, I still have problems with people who equate Business with Bad. Even in a "humorous vein."

              Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9531046].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
                Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                Are you thinking of the rather public fight I had with the folks at SpamAssassin?

                That was educational. Craig sent me private emails that were vaguely threatening, re: LegalMan. Justin said some poorly considered things in the reasons file about the purported equivalence of profit motive and Evil. Craig claimed they were a joke.

                I found that to be in extremely poor taste, joke or no. But then, I still have problems with people who equate Business with Bad. Even in a "humorous vein."

                It might have been spam assassin ... wow, that is a name I have not thought
                about in a very long time.

                What I find rather interesting is how some of the really heavy hitter spammers
                switched sides after they made there money. Switched, snitched and profited
                off of everything they learned while spamming while now wearing the anti hat.

                I also cannot help but laugh at all the large net entities that built themselves
                (in part or in full) on spam and now condemn it.

                Selling Ain't for Sissies!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9531068].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                  I also cannot help but laugh at all the large net entities that built themselves (in part or in full) on spam and now condemn it.
                  If I commented on that, I really would get sued. My long-term memory is better than is good for me.

                  Remember the hullabaloo about "pink contracts?" That's still going on. Just with less noise...

                  Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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                  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

                    That was 97. I got a ton of spam about the place and waited for a legitimate sender to hit me with an offer for the membership. I believe it was Terry Dean who finally did it, although it might have been Jim Daniels.

                    BTW, the "GuruKiller" (GuruSlayer?) site was eventually released. It just didn't take off like the other offers. Flopped in much the same way as the "WarriorNetwork" did. Different reasons, but the same result.

                    Further proof that you only need 1 idea to work...

                    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9531102].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
                    Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                    If I commented on that, I really would get sued. My long-term memory is better than is good for me.

                    Remember the hullabaloo about "pink contracts?" That's still going on. Just with less noise...

                    HA ... mine is too and it has gotten me into hot water more times then I can count.
                    ... and yes I do

                    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    I was a member of the article network. You joined posted an article that appeared on a page all by itself but was linked to another article that was linked to another article that was....get the point?

    I couldn't think of an article so I looked online and found an article by One, Allen Says. If I remember correctly it was on analysis paralysis. I contacted Allen Says and asked him if I could use his article on this new thingy called "The Article Network." He wrote me back and said "Sure, go ahead."

    A few months later I found out the Article Network was owned by Allen Says. He must have gotten a good laugh off of that. I'm using his article as my own, (with permission) on his site.

    Anyway, one day it was announced that the Article Network was going out of business because Allen was going to do something else. Turned out to be the Warrior Secret Site.

    I got spammed til I broke down and joined. (of course it wasn't spamming it was getting email LOOK I GOT ANOTHER EMAIL WOW!!!) I sent a check for $37 or $47 to somebody and within a week the secret site which I had already joined now opened up to me using my password.

    The secret site was Marvelous. It had things in it like "The Magic Floppy." Portal Pages by Willie Crawford, Some kind of detective spy thing, magic ebooks the likes of which I'd never seen. And who could forget "Coming Soon, THE GURU KILLERS, which never came LOL) On and on.

    As an afterthought it had a Secret Forum you got as a bonus. That forum on Uni-Sol was where I joined the WF. Seems like around '95. Time flies when you're having Fun.

    Disclaimer: The above is the time frame that exists in my mind 10 computers and 500 email accounts later. I wish I still had that cancelled check. Oh well.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Teresa King was the person who directed me to Allen's place.
    Like Kurt and others have said, a boatload or articles and scripts,plus access to the forum as a bonus I believe. Hard to believe many of us are coming up on the 20 year mark,

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