This calling idea seems good on the surface. What do you think?

16 replies
I was excited about this idea when I first read it. I have some concerns. Some phone person going off on a client. No call phone list which I know nothing about. So I thought I'd copy and paste it so you guys can give me the positives and negatives

I own 2 offline Companies

As we all know now with the economy the way it, its tough owning your own company and actually reaping a reward. Economical times like these are nothing more than a 20 year cycle. This is just a little worse than the last.

The problem in today's society is fear. The only way to beat fear in a financial struggle is by being innovated and getting people to do things for you for free. Owning a business and marketing a business are 2 separate things. Without the proper marketing your business will fail or simply never begin to build a customer basis. Since advertising is so expensive these days and the profit to loss ratio in advertising is such a thin line I came up with this plan.

I needed to gain more business. And this is how I did it ..................

I made a post on CL the subject line was:

Make Calls from your Location

Make calls from the comfort of your own location.

All leads will get $15.00 just get 3 leads an hour for $45 a hour

Easily make $1000 a week

Get off the couch and call now!

Please call *********

Work for a real local owned company.

Location: ******* and Surrounding areas
Compensation: $15.00 a lead.
Telecommuting is ok.
This is a part-time job.
OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities
OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.
Phone calls about this job are ok.
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
With making telemarketing being so hard to pin point on CL it took me awhile to get the thread to stick. This ad worked and boy did it ever.

After posting the ad I received anywhere from 30-40 calls a day. I received so many calls daily I couldn't take every call.

From this point I pre-qualified them over the phone. Really I didn't care to be honest as long as there English was decent and there voice sounded nice. I explained to them that all they needed to do was read off a script that I had wrote or memorize it would be better. For each person I would give them a letter in the Phone Book. I explained that after they had gotten done with that entire letter they would have made a fortune and could just move on to a new letter. And for every estimate they got for us they would receive $15 dollars. I told them I had a few girls already doing this for me and they were getting around 7-10 estimates a day. I then explained its just a numbers game that for every No they get there will be a Yes right around the corner.

Then I would say so if this is something you feel you might be able to do from the comfort of your own phone say so now. Of course everyone said yes! So I would say great give me your email address and I will send you over the text to be read to your new leads and new found success with our company. Great to have you on board. Once you get the email and have read it over please call me back so we could go more into details and I will let you test it on me first to see how it sounds.

This is what I would send them:

Please see instructions for your new position:

This is all you have to say when you call:

Hi Mr/Mrs. _________ my name is __________ I am with ________ and I am calling you because we will have someone in your area tomorrow and would like to setup a time that would be good for you, so that we can stop by and give you a estimate on _________ What would be a good time for us to come by and take a look at your ___________.

Once the Customer say yes.

Please take down there Name. Phone number and address. Also since you will be setting the appointments make sure you give at least 1 hour between time frames so that we have enough time to get to each estimate.

Please do not schedule any appointments until 9am
Every appointment made please call me on my cell phone so I can make sure this time will be okay and so that I can also give the times for each day already set. If someone cant do the estimate the next day ask them what day and time will be good for them.

If they ask you questions about all the different types of things our company does please just say we ________________________________________________ .

If they ask for the office number please give them


Disclaimer: All leads will be verified. When I say verified I mean I will know if these are genuine leads or not. If you are caught trying to steal from our company and send us on bogus leads. You will no longer work for _______. and forfeit your position.

1 lead equals $15.00 dollars.
A lead is a set appointment with a serious consumer looking to hire us for ________
All payments are made every Friday evenning.
Its always best to call around 6-8pm. All of the hours daily are fine but these are the best 2 hours.

In my niche for my offline company I am a contractor. Meaning we do a service for someone. It could be residential or Commercial.

This worked like you have no idea. We were getting more and more leads than we could handle. The more the work force the better. They could do white pages or yellow pages.

Since this time I have twisted this about 3 more times into different niches for the use of online Marketing by telemarketing. Im sure if you sit around long enough you too can think up some serious advantages for this. The best thing about this would be for someone starting a new business. Just tell them you hold the first weeks pay and pay every 2 weeks. This way you could easily make enough money by then from all the leads they got you to pay them. It's fool proof and there is so much more you can do with it.

Good Luck .

I wrote this fast. So pardon any missing parts. Just ask questions if your interested.

Offline Promotion Hot off the Press! | Money Maker Discussion
#calling #good #idea #surface
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    3 leads an hour? What is that based on? Has anyone got that result with this script before? It sounds awfully high.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author onSubie
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      3 leads an hour? What is that based on? Has anyone got that result with this script before? It sounds awfully high.
      That's for incentive to get recruits. As an experienced marketer you know that 3 leads an hour is high.

      For an inexperienced sales person 3 leads an hour sounds easy and $45/hr sounds like a fortune.

      That is why there is such high turnover at entry level commission sales. The hiring pitch sounds good but the reality is it takes a lot of calling and work to reach the numbers thrown around by recruiters.

      I remember working for Kirby vacuum door-to-door. I got in from a newspaper ad that promoted the income and not what the job was.

      I went to apply for a job advertised as "work for yourself and make $1500/week". What I got was door-to-door cold calling and the shocking realization that it is near impossible to sell 3 vacuums every week this way.
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

        That's for incentive to get recruits. As an experienced marketer you know that 3 leads an hour is high.

        For an inexperienced sales person 3 leads an hour sounds easy and $45/hr sounds like a fortune.

        That is why there is such high turnover at entry level commission sales. The hiring pitch sounds good but the reality is it takes a lot of calling and work to reach the numbers thrown around by recruiters.

        I remember working for Kirby vacuum door-to-door. I got in from a newspaper ad that promoted the income and not what the job was.

        I went to apply for a job advertised as "work for yourself and make $1500/week". What I got was door-to-door cold calling and the shocking realization that it is near impossible to sell 3 vacuums every week this way.
        Three vacuum sales a week? I did it for decades.

        But three qualified appointments an hour? Even with a great free gift, one an hour was about as many as a good telemarketer could set.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
        Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

        I remember working for Kirby vacuum door-to-door. I got in from a newspaper ad that promoted the income and not what the job was.

        I went to apply for a job advertised as "work for yourself and make $1500/week". What I got was door-to-door cold calling and the shocking realization that it is near impossible to sell 3 vacuums every week this way.
        Is this your opinion or did you do some investigating and asking around to find out whether there were salespeople working for Kirby, who were making 3 sales per week?

        Just curious.

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        • Profile picture of the author hometutor
          Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

          Is this your opinion or did you do some investigating and asking around to find out whether there were salespeople working for Kirby, who were making 3 sales per week?

          Just curious.

          I listened to a tape a long time ago of a Kirby guy that was making over $100,000. I liked his method. Instead of showing everything you get at once and then beginning to take away value when the customer said it costs too much. He began adding features to the vacuum cleaner thus increasing value without dropping cost.

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          • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy

            Thanks for your response.

            That's a great approach. Ask specific questions
            and tailor the value building around the customer's
            stated area of interest in the product.

            Throughout my sales career, there were always some
            who said,"you can't do...".

            Usually the guys on the very bottom in sales numbers.

            I ignored their spew, and sought out the guys who were
            busy doing what they said couldn't be done.

            Want to be a Big Dog? Hang with the Big Dogs.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9653301].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author hometutor
              Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post


              Thanks for your response.

              That's a great approach. Ask specific questions
              and tailor the value building around the customer's
              stated area of interest in the product.

              Throughout my sales career, there were always some
              who said,"you can't do...".

              Usually the guys on the very bottom in sales numbers.

              I ignored their spew, and sought out the guys who were
              busy doing what they said couldn't be done.

              Want to be a Big Dog? Hang with the Big Dogs.

              When I sold ummm - widgets, my boss asked me if I was selling the higher end one's on purpose for the commission since I was selling way more of them than the guy there with three times my experience with the company. He was concerned that I had the customers' best interest at heart. Good guy.

              Here was a little trick I did and perhaps it will help some of you. Some of these widgets were in the $1000s. I'd tell the customer

              "There is one slightly better, but it's $500 more" making a face at the expense. The reaction normally was, "Well I'm already spending $2000 so what's another $500 just do it.

              I would then "agree" to do it for the customer.

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  • Profile picture of the author MaxwellB
    I'm in the industry, not that you have to be in the appointment setting industry to know this but there is NO POSSIBLE way that script produces 3 appointments per hour. If that's the case I should be able to go get a roofing contractor right now, set appointments for him for $75 each and wipe my butt with 20's haha.

    Hometutor, thank you for the post though. We can still learn from this just need some more information. You were careful to say "I told them this" "I told them that" but with this script what realistically have people been able to accomplish. I would say 1 per hour with that script would be generous but maybe I'm dead wrong. Even if it is 1 per hour, even my professional reps that do this as a career with years of experience couldn't spend 10 hours a day calling (referencing your 7-10 per day comment).
    Get featured on Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Bloomberg and other major media publications - Gain instant trust, credibility and close more sales!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    THE only thing I could remotely imagine this script would work on is hail damaged homes, is it?


    After I posted I followed the link you dropped and I see mention that some one is a contractor. Hmm. LOL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9651516].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kilterman
    Depends on the list.

    In my particular industry

    If I call a certain list my agents can hit starship enterprise numbers

    If I call previous customers I get good not great numbers but quality

    If I call cold I get hard to close leads but the list is bountiful.

    This script can pull what OP states , depending your lists.

    I can prove this entire post of my own with real business numbers and fact.

    List = Cash.

    Cold list? hard cash.

    warm List ? Normal cash

    Hot list? Fast money

    It's good OP I will forward this to my team leader and see if I can support your claim.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kilterman
    Oh and the script works for home improvement in general ; I kill bugs yo'
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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    I was thinking about editing this script, using the phone book and using it for my in home computer tutoring and virus removal business. Any opinions on that?

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  • Profile picture of the author Luis Michael Orts
    Sounds like some boiler-room stuff.


    I suppose it depends what your target market is, and if it correctly lines up with your product or service.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    I could see this script working in a "trauma area" ... aftermath of an earthquake, wildfire, flood, etc. Hit up a region where there is a high likelihood of a service need. But just going randomly through the phone book selling contractor services, 3 per hour seems unlikely.

    Ron Rule

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