Can I get some professional advice..PLEASE!

3 replies
I was hoping someone might suggest the best niches for me target my face-2-face prospecting efforts for my mobile website conversion services? I have purchased white label rights to some amazing software that converts traditional web sites to smartphones. Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated!
#adviceplease #professional
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Meh... Separate mobile websites are a thing of the past... it's all about responsive design now but if you're set on selling it, I'm sure you can still have some level of success.

    As for the niche.. I'm not sure it really matters that much. If you're JUST wanting to do mobile websites then I don't think you really need to zone in on one particular niche, unless you have a lot of experience in a certain niche and want to get started then it makes sense.

    Accountants are easy to get meetings with but it won't be easy in a few months. Lawyers are a bit difficult. If I were you and I was forced to sell mobile websites, I would probably first meet with florists, funeral homes, and small retail stores in the area.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jabblewis
    Great topic. I would like to know the answer as well.
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