The 2 struggles offline marketers face

4 replies
Struggle 1: Getting into the minds of your prospective customers. It's totally against our DNA to do so.

Struggle 2: Stopping the talk about how great you and your product/service is. Once again it's in our DNA to do it.

Why do we have to fight against ourselves?

Because the people we market to are just like us... self centered, want to know what's in it for them, driven by fear, greed and laziness.

This means we have to appeal to our own weaknesses found in others, if we want them to buy from us

Short note to your stubborn internal driver.

Doctor E. Vile
#face #marketers #offline #struggles
  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

    Struggle 1: Getting into the minds of your prospective customers. It's totally against our DNA to do so.

    Struggle 2: Stopping the talk about how great you and your product/service is. Once again it's in our DNA to do it.

    Why do we have to fight against ourselves?
    Great topic, Ewen!

    And it is Oh so true...In fact, your words take me back to the days when I was door to door security salesman. Was striking out with every single prospect too...Until my sales manager rode along with me to help figure out what was going on.

    His words forever changed the way I looked at sales. He was like, "You know what your problem is son? You're throwing up all over the prospect."

    When he first said it, in my best Scooby Doo voice I was like..."huh?" Fortunately, he followed up by explaining that I was doing more talking than listening.

    Then he pointed out how in one instance after trying to close the sale by asking the prospect when they'd like the product delivered, instead of waiting for the prospects answer - I cut the customer off by saying how much I think they'll like the product.

    After that ride along, I couldn't even begin to tell you the number of sales that I "fell into" just by listening.

    Kid you not...Even had a few customers start off about how they didn't need the product only to later do the work -- for me -- by talking themselves into it..All while I just sat there listening, like a shrink listens to a patient.

    So...yep - know exactly what you mean.

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author KloudStrife
    Question, when one cold calls a potential client, how exactly would you get into listening mode straight off the bat?
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