12 replies
for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

It is catastrophic to be dead wrong on the biggest issue of the last 50 years -- the issue of where jobs come from.

Declining Businesses Mean Declining Revenues for Social Spending

we have misdiagnosed the cause and effect of job creation. To get back on track, we need to quit pinning everything on innovation, and we need to start focusing on the almighty entrepreneurs and business builders. And that means we have to find them.

Link : American Entrepreneurship: Dead or Alive?

from appt. setters, to lowly IT Mgr's ( for Thet ) to start-ups to marketing consultants, we have, "social value"

as Jack Nicholson would say, "you Want me on that wall, you Need me on that wall"
#american #businesses #death #dying #economic #spiral #starting
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I vote we all start 10 new businesses each, this year. That ought to take care of it!

    More seriously, if the trend lasts, I don't have to do anything no more to grow my business, just survive. Me likeee!

    More seriously yet: Why is that? The article says nothing about it. How can we change that? Do we really have to change that? I mean, some global company's just going to fill the void, no? (The 'no' must be read with a French accent to achieve highest seriousness levels).

    More seriously yet yet: thanks for sharing.

    Originally Posted by kirbymarketingconcierge View Post

    for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births."

    It is catastrophic to be dead wrong on the biggest issue of the last 50 years -- the issue of where jobs come from.

    Declining Businesses Mean Declining Revenues for Social Spending

    we have misdiagnosed the cause and effect of job creation. To get back on track, we need to quit pinning everything on innovation, and we need to start focusing on the almighty entrepreneurs and business builders. And that means we have to find them.

    Link : American Entrepreneurship: Dead or Alive?

    from appt. setters, to lowly IT Mgr's ( for Thet ) to start-ups to marketing consultants, we have, "social value"

    as Jack Nicholson would say, "you Want me on that wall, you Need me on that wall"
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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    When the average players who don't know how to really work go away, it clears the road for people who really know how to hustle.

    And they will just flat out-work any and all competition who stays in business.

    There is no such thing as bad news - just facts.

    I can deal with the facts, make a plan to use them, and out-work anyone who tries to take the bread from my table.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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    • small business has it tough,

      they need us to be as well,

      and they need to be reminded of:

      "what makes your business, product, or service better? for your customers?
      that beats the competition?
      helps your long term growth?

      an individual business needs us, more than we need that particular business
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  • Profile picture of the author trip3980
    General speaking demand will pick up where supply left off. Yes I symphthise with the economy, I don't symphthise with businesses folding. Mainly because many businesses are running on an old business model that doesn't really work anymore. At least in this current age. Best example I can give is video rental vs Netflix. And we all know how that story worked out. Bitcoin was the same thing bunch of rich blokes ran test on bitcoin to see if the new digital currency would fold but it never did meaning that its pretty much here to stay until something better comes along. Its not always about being new and hip. many times its about filling a need that doesn't exist. Unfortunately government regulations ofter hinder those factors. Such as cars that don't run on gas, or raw milk i.e. organic non gmo, etc. the culture in the world is constantly shifting and businesses have to keep up with culture if its to survive while combating bad government regulations.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Hold on guys, you are all missing the more important bigger picture here. This is not about an increase in failing businesses, this is about a sharp decline of those starting businesses. The failure rate is the same as it has been... this isn't about not being unique, innovative, being able to sell, etc.

    In my opinion the problem isn't about businesses failing. The problem is that people aren't motivated to start businesses.

    With the current state of the federal government small businesses and entrepreneurs are being suffocated. Our government certainly preaches enough about innovation but doesn't do anything to encourage people to start a business and create jobs. In fact, you're actually punished for creating jobs. If you live in a very government dependent or liberal state, you're being gang banged by federal and state taxes and regulations.

    I love the fact that when I open up the phone bill I get to see a "tax" that pays for other people to have smart phones.

    Anyway, those that are succeeding are succeeding in spite of government.

    As government continues to grow on a national level, state level, and local level, there's less reason for people to want to start a business. Financial independence? Please.... your financial independence leads to further government dependance on you.

    The fastest growing business.... the US Government.
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    • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      Anyway, those that are succeeding are succeeding in spite of government.

      As government continues to grow on a national level, state level, and local level, there's less reason for people to want to start a business. Financial independence? Please.... your financial independence leads to further government dependance on you.

      The fastest growing business.... the US Government.
      So true.

      The places that cry the most about income disparity - are also the places who have been voting for leftist candidates for decades.

      It just so happens these places also HAVE the highest income disparity.

      Any vote for bigger government, is a vote that totally screws the middle class.

      We shouldn't shoot for middle class anyway - it is not a safe place to be.
      Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9813390].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author trip3980
        Originally Posted by Dan McCoy View Post

        So true.

        The places that cry the most about income disparity - are also the places who have been voting for leftist candidates for decades.

        It just so happens these places also HAVE the highest income disparity.

        Any vote for bigger government, is a vote that totally screws the middle class.

        We shouldn't shoot for middle class anyway - it is not a safe place to be.
        IMO my opinion is to use money for debt money IE make money on the money you earn by turning that money in startup capital for loans and other things. IE you only need %10 capital to raise %90. via it be threw government creation or banks. Banks only need %10 capital to have the government print out the other %90 percent.
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        • without any Political bias or Political correctness :

          thanks guy's.

          great to see your reply's,
          how you see it.

          this is about survival.

          is the market going up,down, or sideways..? who knows

          Are government's making huge changes effecting all of us? definitely

          Is the culture of non-work, instant fame, quick fix, get rich, "get what I can before the other shoe drops",
          and victimhood pervasive? seems so

          are we moving at Internet speeds? y....e....s..... ------>

          our virtual, online, Internet image, more impactful, than are real selves??? " Image is everything"

          do small business people (us and them),

          need to be "on our game" , ready for change, and able to adapt? YES

          be better , not bitter
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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre

            The logical conclusion is that eventually, there will be no businesses in America?
            One Call Closing book

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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            • Profile picture of the author trip3980
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


              The logical conclusion is that eventually, there will be no businesses in America?
              as things are going it just might. Id even go as far as to question how much longer the us will sustain as a country
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              • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
                Originally Posted by trip3980 View Post

                as things are going it just might. Id even go as far as to question how much longer the us will sustain as a country
                Peesh - Even if the whole thing falls apart and the Chinese take over - some will always do well.

                In every society - there are those who have, and those who have not. It doesn't matter where.

                It is up to the individual to decide how they will live. I simply will not be influenced by negative news.
                Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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                • All civilzations expressed end times fear.

                  I'm with Dan - No News, Is good news

                  Creative destruction ?

                  the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."

                  source : Austrian American economist Joseph Schumpeter's[1] theory of economic innovation and business cycle.

                  Anybody want to buy a pager???
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