The Unappreciated and Overlooked Way To Close More Sales without More Leads.
People want to know how to get started with no money whatsoever.
People want the newest strategies available to generate leads and sales, and with all the sales bravado this forum will naturally attract there's something that is very rarely talked about here and it is the fact that most of the leads you generate are not going to be ready to buy from you immediately.
After talking to many many people in the last few months, some that are newer and some that have established businesses, it's shocking how many are not using lead nurturing strategies to eventually close more sales.
It's absolutely obvious that 99% of people on this forum are concerned more about generating leads and generating sales than anything else, but they waste away good leads simply because they're not ready to pay right now.
We all want one call close sales.
Unfortunately, it's not going to happen for 99.9% of us, and that's okay. What's not okay is letting good leads slip through your fingers when you're investing a lot of time, energy, and money to generate these leads.
How many leads convert into customers for you? Is it 1%? 10%? 25%? 50%? No matter how awesome you are at sales, you're not going to close everybody.
Lead nurturing is something that is preached a lot for inbound marketing, but really, it should be used whether you're doing inbound or outbound marketing. Just because you cold call, doesn't mean you can't setup a lead nurturing system.
Start nurturing these leads!
How many of you already have a system in place? What strategies do you like to use?
What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
- Jack Trout
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