Where can I get local US business phone numbers for an offshore call center?

5 replies
Anyone know if there are public sources of this information? They have to be segmented by location.
#business #call #center #local #numbers #offshore #phone
  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    What? For yourself or for lists to call?

    Just about any provider will sell you DID numbers. Just call and ask around.
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      What? For yourself or for lists to call?

      Just about any provider will sell you DID numbers. Just call and ask around.
      Will the lists be FRESH? Also, how do I know if someone's selling lists made up of fake numbers? This is for an offshore call center my wife is planning on putting up.
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      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

        Will the lists be FRESH? Also, how do I know if someone's selling lists made up of fake numbers? This is for an offshore call center my wife is planning on putting up.
        Not trying to sound rude.

        Anybody putting together a call center - should know how
        and where to get leads ... and other things vital to a room.

        There are some prerequisites to running the show.

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9847520].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author writeaway
          Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

          Not trying to sound rude.

          Anybody putting together a call center - should know how
          and where to get leads ... and other things vital to a room.

          There are some prerequisites to running the show.
          Yeah, I'm just helping my wife get started. Care to share helpful info?
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          • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
            Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

            Re: Where can I get local US business phone numbers for an offshore call center?
            You asking a really open ended question;

            Offshore call center - local phone numbers -
            Local to where? believe it or not that matters on how / where you get the data.
            other wise - if it doesn't then a phone book will do.

            Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

            Anyone know if there are public sources of this information? They have to be segmented by location.
            I don't now if they still do this or not - but they probably do. I don't have
            a phone book handy to check for you.

            In the back of the phone book - usually on the cover in small print
            is the name of a company - that company is who supplied the phone
            book with the yellowpages information. The name usually has the word
            data - or data aggregation in it.

            Find the number and call them - they will sell anyone that data in the
            form of a CD. I have purchased them years ago for 200.00 a cd

            Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

            Will the lists be FRESH? Also, how do I know if someone's selling lists made up of fake numbers? This is for an offshore call center my wife is planning on putting up.
            You wont know until after you start calling. Then it will be pretty evident.
            I highly doubt you will run into that. It easier to put together old data
            then it is to make up fake data - so you will still get a decent amount of connects

            when people are worried about fake - it is something that happens with
            LEADS - not CALL SHEETS - which is what your looking for

            that's a big difference. ( you or your wife ) need to bone up on the lingo
            or your not even going to find credible information when you do your

            Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

            Yeah, I'm just helping my wife get started. Care to share helpful info?
            Believe it or not - I was trying to be helpful, perhaps my brevity came off as snarky.

            If your wife is the one putting together the room - then she needs to do the research
            she needs to ask the questions and she needs to be the one making contacts.

            Every question she asks and every answer she receives will guide her
            You telling her second hand will be doing her a disservice

            A lot will get lost n translation - she will miss a lot of the mini AHA moments
            that are needed.

            Running a phone room is no joke. It is one of the hardest endeavors
            on the planet. To make them work properly ... there is a crap load
            of knowledge needed.

            People lose millions every year trying to put them together with out that knowledge.

            Here is sad but true tidbit to chew on:

            Most phone rooms in the USA only make it 2.5 years.

            Not because they aren't making money. Its because they aren't setup
            properly in the first place. They unwittingly break so many laws when they
            start out - it catches upto them in fines.

            Another reason is they only push one product, or have one lead source
            or have employees that steal and run ...

            - so when you say - offshore call center - local leads - help.

            Your not really asking the questions you need for proper help.
            and your probably the wrong one asking anyway.

            you can ask me anything you want about leads, phone rooms and sales
            Ill answer. But your questions need to be pointed or the answers wont
            be helpful.

            Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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