Can direct response sell solar?

23 replies
Here's a tricky direct-response messaging question for anyone who wants to contribute:

I recently discovered that a major solar company offers $1,000 flat to anyone who refers a residential solar lead that closes.

So I decided to create an online funnel to motivate visitors to request a consultation with me. I'm positioning myself as an "independent solar advisor" who can help you make a confident decision about solar--without the sales pressure.

I've done a LOT of homework, and here are some key findings:
* In general, few people want to sit around and read about residential solar (which means the target audience interacts very differently with free reports, blogs, educational email series, etc.)
* People know that solar is worth exploring, but most of the time they just look for a reason to ignore it and go on with life

Major realization: it's going to take all the marketing chutzpah I've got to JOLT people from a state of "I don't care" to a state of "I should get to the bottom of this now."

In other words, I need to create a truly top-shelf piece of direct-response marketing. Something dripping with credibility, riddled with urgency, and totally irresistible.

My question for the board: what ideas, strategies, and tactics would you use to convert visitors to interested prospects?

Any and all input is greatly appreciated!

To success,

#direct #response #sell #solar
  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    Yes, I agree, it's getting harder and harder to get people to click that button.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    I personally have solar for hot water ( heated floors ) and produce electricity. It took as you stated a kick ton of homework for me to get to that point.

    To be honest, there should be nothing "Tricky" about the presentation. the fact is you have seen all the other presentations... they SUCK. How often did you see some of the major questions ANSWERED. not as rough as "it could be as great as..." or "Depending on your local area" and so on. There are simply NO answers. People are tired of reading this stuff for one reason and one reason only. THEY ARE NOT GETTING ANSWERS.

    So what are the questions? "How much will I save?" "Can I sell power back to my power company?" "Cost vs savings how long will it take to break even?" Answer these questions and more, and you no longer are dribbling "credibility, riddled with urgency, and totally irresistibility" You are defining facts, that then are backed up by white papers.

    You no longer are selling a concept of "doing the right thing" ( like any of us care about the right thing ) You are selling short / long term savings. CASH in pocket.. and maybe even a check in the mail every month from your local power provider. ( Not all power companies have the grids to allow for this, again RESEARCH on your end pays off huge )

    Basically break away from the crap salesmanship you have been reading, and bring it into a realm of reality and you have a fighting chance!

    Originally Posted by Samuel Mitaro View Post

    Here's a tricky direct-response messaging question for anyone who wants to contribute:

    I recently discovered that a major solar company offers $1,000 flat to anyone who refers a residential solar lead that closes.

    So I decided to create an online funnel to motivate visitors to request a consultation with me. I'm positioning myself as an "independent solar advisor" who can help you make a confident decision about solar--without the sales pressure.

    I've done a LOT of homework, and here are some key findings:
    * In general, few people want to sit around and read about residential solar (which means the target audience interacts very differently with free reports, blogs, educational email series, etc.)
    * People know that solar is worth exploring, but most of the time they just look for a reason to ignore it and go on with life

    Major realization: it's going to take all the marketing chutzpah I've got to JOLT people from a state of "I don't care" to a state of "I should get to the bottom of this now."

    In other words, I need to create a truly top-shelf piece of direct-response marketing. Something dripping with credibility, riddled with urgency, and totally irresistible.

    My question for the board: what ideas, strategies, and tactics would you use to convert visitors to interested prospects?

    Any and all input is greatly appreciated!

    To success,

    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Mitaro
    savidge4, thanks for a thoughtful and thorough answer!

    I agree--giving meaningful answers to top questions will provide instant value.

    It seems the larger challenge will be creating enough urgency to get readers to actually do something about it.

    Should be fun.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Samuel Mitaro View Post

      savidge4, thanks for a thoughtful and thorough answer!

      I agree--giving meaningful answers to top questions will provide instant value.

      It seems the larger challenge will be creating enough urgency to get readers to actually do something about it.

      Should be fun.

      I think the urgency is really kind of built right in... SAVE MONEY. Giving people a more concrete idea of what the INVESTMENT is, and when to expect a RETURN on that investment, is the key.

      There is NO return in paying an electric bill... there IS a return in investing in a free energy source that decreases and or removes that monthly bill payment.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Christoph
    I read from Arron Ross - Predictable revenue and salesforce fame, If lifetime customer value is under 10k probably use inbound primarily, if over-outbound.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Target the resident emotion of those who
      have nearly reached their Tipping Point
      with their electricity bills.

      Then hit them with side by side bill comparisons.

      Targeting those who have a mistrust in Government
      and big companies, like Preppers do, would be
      a good place.

      The single biggest cause of conversion is the
      existing desire to take action. This is backed
      up by research by Marketing Experiments.

      Sting Of Power Bills Keep Hurting...
      And Why We Aren't Putting Up With It

      The headline nails the pain point and the emotion around it.

      Doctor E. Vile
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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Stevens
      Solar, eco boilers, biomass, etc is something I've been looking at. A solar/biomass firm here in the UK is offering a similar payout per closed lead. I met with them.

      It seems there are a couple of main, but separate reasons people buy:

      1// To save money
      2// To come off the grid and not be reliant on government/energy companies

      Education is key. And yes, invoking scarcity/urgency. Here in the UK the government is offering grants to those that install this stuff. Are they doing the same where you are?

      Can you find, or posture some scarcity/urgency in your ads - eg., find or posture a deadline when government grants will stop (urgency), or find or posture a cap on households that the government says they will grant to (scarcity). Or maybe a cap on each location (fear of loss to their neighbours).

      Put that in your ad, which leads to a very simple and short report (including comparisons), which sells an interview with you to see if they qualify (authority/scarcity/high perceived value), leading to sale.

      Perhaps a different report for each of the different reasons people buy.

      I do think this is a growing market.

      Yours in prosperity,
      Skochy - The Musical Salesman

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  • Profile picture of the author SnacksSays
    Here's some selects for solar that may help you.

    Single Family Detached
    Presence of Swimming Pool
    Owner Occupied
    Building Living Area of 2,001 or more square feet
    Estimated Household Income of $75,000 or more
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Stevens
      Originally Posted by SnacksSays View Post

      Here's some selects for solar that may help you.

      Single Family Detached
      Presence of Swimming Pool
      Owner Occupied
      Building Living Area of 2,001 or more square feet
      Estimated Household Income of $75,000 or more
      Great stats. Will use this.

      Yours in prosperity,
      Skochy - The Musical Salesman

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      • Profile picture of the author SnacksSays
        Originally Posted by Scott Stevens View Post

        Great stats. Will use this.
        Cheers! I do direct mail and I have found that this is a good recipe.
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  • Profile picture of the author dmarc
    For the most part, government and utility PV incentives are decreasing, which increases the cost for the consumer. You can use this to create a legitimate sense of urgency. Utility rates are rising. The longer you wait, the more you lose.
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Stevens
      Originally Posted by dmarc View Post

      For the most part, government and utility PV incentives are decreasing, which increases the cost for the consumer. You can use this to create a legitimate sense of urgency. Utility rates are rising. The longer you wait, the more you lose.
      Definitely. More and more this is looking like a good market to check out.

      Yours in prosperity,
      Skochy - The Musical Salesman

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  • Profile picture of the author daniyal100
    can you share me the solar company name? here or in p.m
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I agree with Savidge.
    I have looked into solar for 2 reasons:
    1. To lower or eliminate my electric bill
    2. To start a company that offers solar.

    From what I've seen... A good setup for me will be at least 15k. That would mean at least a 10 yr payback. I think technology will advance and prices will come down in less than 10 yrs.
    So, for now, I am going to hold off on both unless someone can provide all the info Savidge suggested into one site so I can make a more educated decision.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
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    • Profile picture of the author heisgood
      There's also free solar also know as PPA
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      • Profile picture of the author ShayB
        Solar power incentives vary from state to state. I know in my area it's a very recent thing to be able to have solar tax credits and such, and they just recently allowed companies into the area where they install the solar panels for you, but you don't own the panels. You get a break on your electricity, though.

        Here are a few thoughts (besides the usual "save money" angle):

        1. Some people HATE their local power company. Seriously. They would do ANYTHING to not write their local electric company a check each month. Target people who want to be free of that.

        2. How about a mailing list of people who are lobbying to get solar power regulations changed? I would think that would be a great target market? Maybe advertise in the newsletter for lobbying groups?

        3. Are tax incentives being phased out? "Get it now while you get the tax breaks" is a good thing.

        Just a few ideas.
        "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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        • Profile picture of the author socialentry
          1-What do they consider a qualified lead?
          2-Can't you just sell them right there and then?
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          • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
            In most states and/or regions, government tax incentives or rebates for solar have a definite ending date.

            Also, in some areas the best providers have long waiting lists.

            Find an area with that combination of factors (or just the first one) and inform people that they have to act now to get those savings. And be prepared to be very, very specific and correct in helping people understand their options, as was said earlier in this thread.

            Good luck. This is definitely doable.

            Marcia Yudkin
            Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rafay Zafar
    oil prices have crashed. solar boom will have to until oil is back over $100. until then you are better off selling suv's or auto insurance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
    Just a short an quick answer -- I think you cansell anything can be sold by direct response, more specificaly direct mail. I sold flooring by direct mail with great success.


    Originally Posted by Samuel Mitaro View Post

    Here's a tricky direct-response messaging question for anyone who wants to contribute:

    I recently discovered that a major solar company offers $1,000 flat to anyone who refers a residential solar lead that closes.

    So I decided to create an online funnel to motivate visitors to request a consultation with me. I'm positioning myself as an "independent solar advisor" who can help you make a confident decision about solar--without the sales pressure.

    I've done a LOT of homework, and here are some key findings:
    * In general, few people want to sit around and read about residential solar (which means the target audience interacts very differently with free reports, blogs, educational email series, etc.)
    * People know that solar is worth exploring, but most of the time they just look for a reason to ignore it and go on with life

    Major realization: it's going to take all the marketing chutzpah I've got to JOLT people from a state of "I don't care" to a state of "I should get to the bottom of this now."

    In other words, I need to create a truly top-shelf piece of direct-response marketing. Something dripping with credibility, riddled with urgency, and totally irresistible.

    My question for the board: what ideas, strategies, and tactics would you use to convert visitors to interested prospects?

    Any and all input is greatly appreciated!

    To success,

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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Will you be in the dark when power rationing comes to your state?
    Will you have hot water to bathe in or wash your clothes?
    OR will you be one of the millions who have to take short cold showers in the dark? (Because of water and power rationing).

    It is a fact that we Californians are about to get a water rationed society.
    It is a fact that power consumption is at an all time peak use.
    It is a fact that a few savvy people will have all the power they need,


    Because they have installed solar generators and solar heaters today when costs are low. Prices of solar are going to soar with the coming power shortages.


    Saving money isn't a big enough benefit to get their attention.

    Scare the bejeebers out of them. Evoke emotion. Save their lives and the lives of their children.

    Save them a few pennies a year? Meh!
    Save them from the impending doom? Profits!!


    Originally Posted by Samuel Mitaro View Post

    Here's a tricky direct-response messaging question for anyone who wants to contribute:

    I recently discovered that a major solar company offers $1,000 flat to anyone who refers a residential solar lead that closes.

    So I decided to create an online funnel to motivate visitors to request a consultation with me. I'm positioning myself as an "independent solar advisor" who can help you make a confident decision about solar--without the sales pressure.

    I've done a LOT of homework, and here are some key findings:
    * In general, few people want to sit around and read about residential solar (which means the target audience interacts very differently with free reports, blogs, educational email series, etc.)
    * People know that solar is worth exploring, but most of the time they just look for a reason to ignore it and go on with life

    Major realization: it's going to take all the marketing chutzpah I've got to JOLT people from a state of "I don't care" to a state of "I should get to the bottom of this now."

    In other words, I need to create a truly top-shelf piece of direct-response marketing. Something dripping with credibility, riddled with urgency, and totally irresistible.

    My question for the board: what ideas, strategies, and tactics would you use to convert visitors to interested prospects?

    Any and all input is greatly appreciated!

    To success,

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  • Profile picture of the author FemaleAddadotcom
    choose your words carefully.. i hate it when people tell me ideas that will make me a millionaire or save me a fortune. i just dont believe them.. money savers etc i immediately think of them as a scam

    so i'd rather go for smart investment opportunity, or something similar.. rather than earn quick bucks or awesome business plan
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