What Business Owners Want: Myth Buster
"All a business owner wants is leads and customers."
Yes the few that fit into that category come in 2 groups are the desperate and the exceptional high performer.
I'll get to those shortly.
The majority of business owners actions don't back this up.
They run newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, Yellow Pages, Billboards, Mail drops, Sponsorships,
all without an offer, a call to action element that can measure it's performance.
They are the highest repeat buyers
in those media.
Those that use measurable direct response advertising in those media
are the lowest repeat advertisers.
They have more money invested in their business and usually have more money than those that cry...
"They are crazy not running ads that are measurable...look how much more money they'll make on the Internet."
And say,
"All a business owner wants are leads and customers".
Isn't that interesting?
Don't try to change the actions of business owners, their past actions tell you what they will continue to do,
even if it seems crazy to you.
Supply them more of what they are already buying.
Back to the desperate and super savvy.*
If the advertiser is continuing to price discount and try all cheap media, then you can put him in the*
desperate and low value client mix.
He wants leads and customers to survive. Not a good client.
The super savvy is the one who knows the most important numbers in his business and knows what number he is prepared to buy a customer for.
He wants more leads and customers
because he has everything in place to maximize the lifetime value of every customer and has the ability to scale.
Recognize all 3 groups so you have the right clients buying more from you because you made the right message to the right people.
Doctor E. Vile
In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt