Success with Whitacre's Local Online Marketing book

35 replies
Do you still find the techniques described in Claude Whitacre's Local Online Marketing book applicable in 2015?
#book #local #marketing #online #success #whitacre
  • Profile picture of the author misc92
    Which are these techniques and when was the book written?

    If it was writen in the past 5 years, they most likely still work, but I would need to see what we are talking about to give a final answer

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by ThomasOMalley View Post

    Do you still find the techniques described in Claude Whitacre's Local Online Marketing book applicable in 2015?
    It was written two years ago.

    Was there even an internet that far back?
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      It was written two years ago.

      Was there even an internet that far back?
      Claude, you're a funny guy...not really.

      You usually have constructive answers. I think you're slipping!
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by ThomasOMalley View Post

        Claude, you're a funny guy...not really.

        You usually have constructive answers. I think you're slipping!
        Actually, I am pretty funny.

        Everything in the book works as well as the day I published it. The only part that is slightly less effective, is posting articles on article sites. But I use everything in the book, when I deliver my $6,000 local online marketing service. It's exactly what I do, step by step.
        If you have read the book, just start, you'll see results.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Peter Lessard
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          Actually, I am pretty funny.

          Everything in the book works as well as the day I published it. The only part that is slightly less effective, is posting articles on article sites. But I use everything in the book, when I deliver my $6,000 local online marketing service. It's exactly what I do, step by step.
          If you have read the book, just start, you'll see results.
          My last post pretty much detailed my thoughts on the topic of methods being outdated etc.. but did not really go into great detail on the quality of the product that Claude put out. I did not focus on that because that is not what was asked by the OP. He didn't ask is it good, he asked does it still work.

          Having said that, in response to Claude's statement above of it being exactly what he does step by step for his 6k local marketing service I would have to say it seems bang on! I may just save myself tons of time in the future when someone with no budget keeps grilling me for free info and tell them to buy this book.

          The quality you receive in the book is absurd for the price. Of course anyone with sense realizes that Claude is smart enough to know that some people will just decide they don't want to do it themselves and pay him to do it.

          For the rest of us that only dropped a few bucks and do it ourselves its a major score.
          Ready to generate the next million in sales? The Next Million Agency
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Lessard
    Originally Posted by ThomasOMalley View Post

    Do you still find the techniques described in Claude Whitacre's Local Online Marketing book applicable in 2015?
    I follow Claude, have been for a while and he gives out sound advice but I have to admit I had never read the book mentioned since this is one of my areas of expertise so a how to guide was not something I needed.

    I have been at this game full time for 16 years.
    I had a rare free morning and saw this post.
    I too was curious to see what he had written and if it was still in vogue.
    I bought the Kindle version because I am cheap (sorry Claude).

    After reviewing it I can tell you that what he recommends is absolutely sound
    the devil is in the details.

    I used to try to teach people to do this stuff but the always go off and take shortcuts and do stupid stuff then blame the teacher.

    For example Claude may tell you how to manually submit some articles or videos to some specific sites to get some valuable back links but you decide in your infinite wisdom that if a hundred links are great why not buy that 5,000 link pack on Fiverr.
    Imagine the time it will save you? Sadly, you have now screwed your site.

    I can generally tell when a method will work, even if it is not one I do myself by examining two criteria. One, the method actually takes work and time and two it's not suggesting stupid overkill.

    You may also not believe this but I can still use techniques today that I used a decade ago for rankings, exposure and sales. Just like fashion, methods go through an endless cycle.
    It is logical to assume that SOMETHING has to rank on the 1st page of Google right? Well what are Googles choices? They can choose to rank:
    Business sites, Authority Sites, Articles and vids.

    The Google algo is reactionary. Everyone tried to rank articles, they spanked them, everyone tried to rank vids and they spanked them too, suddenly everyone tries to have authority sites and pbn's and they go after them. Everyone was doing exact match domains, again another spanking
    do you see the problem? There is nothing left to rank!
    They have no choice but to basically allow different levels of bad to rank lol
    The trick today is less is more (stay under the radar) and even back in the day, less was safer.

    I hear all the time that something is dead. Sure, dead for a month or two maybe.
    Actually to be more precise what is dead is the stupidity in which it was executed.
    Yes ranking a video with 10,000 fake links and likes is dead.
    Create a quality video though with a few good back links and embed it on a real site and voila you get ranked.

    Again I say all this from day to day experience. Less than two weeks ago I built an exact match domain for a high competition local keyword, slapped a blog and vids on the site and now own 4 out of 10 spots on page 1 for the key phrase and many of the strategies I used are found in Claude's book.

    P.S I can also attest to the fact that Claude thinks he is funny ;-)
    Ready to generate the next million in sales? The Next Million Agency
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Success with Whitacre

      Greetings. Not really sure if 'success' and 'Whitacre' should ever be used in the same sentence, unless it also contains the phrase, 'lack of.'

      OK. I know we're not in the basement but I couldn't resist showing Claude what 'funny' actually looks like. :-)

      Cheers. - Frank
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    • Profile picture of the author Meli
      That was a very well thought out response to the question at hand. I actually learned from it. Thank you, Peter Lessard.
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  • Profile picture of the author longrobnc
    I've thought of buying Claude's package. I did read the book and used some of the information, but did not do everything outlined because, frankly, I have a business to run and it's a hell of a lot of work for an already inundated person.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

      I've thought of buying Claude's package. I did read the book and used some of the information, but did not do everything outlined because, frankly, I have a business to run and it's a hell of a lot of work for an already inundated person.

      Exactly. This is the point where many small business owners give him a call and fork over 6k, as per Peter Lessards post. It's brilliant.
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        The OP got me curious about Claude's book. So I read it. His method will get you several positions on page 1 for local searches. If you applied yourself, you'd have all of them doing exactly what he says, despite the fact that article directories have lost favor with Google.

        How do I know?

        I don't do exactly what he does the way he does it, but what I do is close to what he does and produces great results, i.e., I end up with a couple of pages from the site on page 1, a couple of videos, an article, maybe a guest post...

        By the way, Claude: I like the book: concise, precise, easy to implement and spot on advice.
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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          The OP got me curious about Claude's book. So I read it. His method will get you several positions on page 1 for local searches. If you applied yourself, you'd have all of them doing exactly what he says, despite the fact that article directories have lost favor with Google.

          How do I know?

          I don't do exactly what he does the way he does it, but what I do is close to what he does and produces great results, i.e., I end up with a couple of pages from the site on page 1, a couple of videos, an article, maybe a guest post...

          By the way, Claude: I like the book: concise, precise, easy to implement and spot on advice.
          Thank you. The only thing I do differently now, is put the articles on the client's website, and on blogs I own....not Article sites (except 4 or 5 of the big sites) Not so much for the quality of the links, but because the articles will show up on Google searches.

          Other than that, the book is an action guide.

          By the way, we all know that Google changes their algorithms every month. In a couple of years, I'll have to decide whether to update the book, or discontinue having it published.
          One Call Closing book

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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          • Profile picture of the author DABK
            I vote you update it: it's useful.

            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            Thank you. The only thing I do differently now, is put the articles on the client's website, and on blogs I own....not Article sites (except 4 or 5 of the big sites) Not so much for the quality of the links, but because the articles will show up on Google searches.

            Other than that, the book is an action guide.

            By the way, we all know that Google changes their algorithms every month. In a couple of years, I'll have to decide whether to update the book, or discontinue having it published.
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      • Profile picture of the author longrobnc
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        Exactly. This is the point where many small business owners give him a call and fork over 6k, as per Peter Lessards post. It's brilliant.
        John, I understood the insinuation. I just don't have enough good information on this method to know if I would get a return. I've used several SEO companies and spent north of $50k with little to show for it. I spend about 4k a month in PPC and get a load of leads. I'm always looking for new lead sources and $6k is not exactly a lot of money, but throwing away my cash to chase Google has become a bit tiring. I have lots of methods that keep my phones ringing and my staff busy. SEO has been the biggest marketing loser that I've ever used, by far.

        Claude's methods very well may be magic, but based on my losses, I don't know how to evaluate the risk.
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        • Profile picture of the author Climb Online
          Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

          Claude's methods very well may be magic, but based on my losses, I don't know how to evaluate the risk.
          Buy the book and outsource the work for pennies on the Dollar...

          "It is your choice of message that targets the customer, not your choice of media. There are rare exceptions, of course. But not many."
          - Roy H. Williams

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        • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
          Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

          John, I understood the insinuation. I just don't have enough good information on this method to know if I would get a return. I've used several SEO companies and spent north of $50k with little to show for it. I spend about 4k a month in PPC and get a load of leads. I'm always looking for new lead sources and $6k is not exactly a lot of money, but throwing away my cash to chase Google has become a bit tiring. I have lots of methods that keep my phones ringing and my staff busy. SEO has been the biggest marketing loser that I've ever used, by far.

          Claude's methods very well may be magic, but based on my losses, I don't know how to evaluate the risk.
          If you've got that kind of money to throw around you should get someone like Perry Marshal or Mike Rhodes to run your PPC and get someone knowledgeble to do some conversion optimisation instead of SEO and then your losses may become wins.

          If you've got quality content and you are sending paid traffic to it as long as the ROI is positive why bother with SEO?

          I have a client who always thinks they need more leads. They always need something new. They always need vanity type promotions. More money than sense. One day they will realise the value of improving conversions even if only a tiny bit.

          I haven't read Claude's book in question but I get the idea from the rest of the thread.

          Although article marketing may be considered old hat it still sends regular pre-qualified traffic to several specific pieces of content for me....admittedly the articles are a few years old...

          If you consider throwing away your cash to chase Google a bad idea perhaps you need to look closely at the returns and if they are in fact "Losses" why burn 50K before cutting them?
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          • Profile picture of the author longrobnc
            Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

            If you've got that kind of money to throw around you should get someone like Perry Marshal or Mike Rhodes to run your PPC and get someone knowledgeble to do some conversion optimisation instead of SEO and then your losses may become wins.

            If you've got quality content and you are sending paid traffic to it as long as the ROI is positive why bother with SEO?

            I have a client who always thinks they need more leads. They always need something new. They always need vanity type promotions. More money than sense. One day they will realise the value of improving conversions even if only a tiny bit.

            I haven't read Claude's book in question but I get the idea from the rest of the thread.

            Although article marketing may be considered old hat it still sends regular pre-qualified traffic to several specific pieces of content for me....admittedly the articles are a few years old...

            If you consider throwing away your cash to chase Google a bad idea perhaps you need to look closely at the returns and if they are in fact "Losses" why burn 50K before cutting them?
            I'm not the type of person that likes to give up too soon. I really thought that I had just chosen the wrong companies in the past. I was also convinced that my investment was too small. In the end, I was getting rankings, but no increase in traffic and leads. SEO seemed to have a big upside and if it had performed the way that many claim, I would have eventually got a healthy return.

            I own a local business and my google analytics shows around 700 site visits in my DMCA per month. I'm averaging nearly 100 leads a month from that small amount of traffic. As for the PPC, I've outsourced my PPC in the past 3 times and I've never had anyone that could outperform my campaigns.

            As far as needing more leads. Once your systems are dialed in, it's the best way to ensure growth. I run a tight ship, and I get a lot out of my customers after the 1st sale. Lots of repeats and referrals. �� I'm out to dominate my market and grow my business every month. I could care less about vanity. I drive to the office every day to wage war and make money, nothing more.
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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

          John, I understood the insinuation. I just don't have enough good information on this method to know if I would get a return..
          I can make the decision for you now. I'm no longer accepting new clients.

          Originally Posted by Climb Online View Post

          Buy the book and outsource the work for pennies on the Dollar...
          Good luck.
          One Call Closing book

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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          • Profile picture of the author longrobnc
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            I can make the decision for you now. I'm no longer accepting new clients. Good luck.
            I was just commenting on the post. I had no intentions of reaching out to buy or even explore the option. I was just giving my input that I had read the book and the work outlined is extensive. Didn't really think that I was going to be called to task for that particular post.

            I saw your original post before you changed it. Didn't think that my post would have you so bent out of shape. I spoke to you about the program long ago and took a pass. I don't know where I eluded in this post that I was trying to buy your service. I wasn't asking for a demo. We discussed it twice in the past and was not convinced of its value, so don't fool yourself in to thinking that you turned me away. Not the case, Claude!
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            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

              I was just commenting on the post. I had no intentions of reaching out to buy or even explore the option. I was just giving my input that I had read the book and the work outlined is extensive. Didn't really think that I was going to be called to task for that particular post.

              I saw your original post before you changed it. Didn't think that my post would have you so bent out of shape. I spoke to you about the program long ago and took a pass. I don't know where I eluded in this post that I was trying to buy your service. I wasn't asking for a demo. We discussed it twice in the past and was not convinced of its value, so don't fool yourself in to thinking that you turned me away. Not the case, Claude!
              You weren't called to task. I'm not bent out of shape. I changed my post, because I saw that it would leave the wrong idea. I knew you weren't thinking of buying, and I wasn't offering a demo.
              I just thought it was a good place to mention that I'm no longer offering my service.

              The book is useful, but I'm going to take out the offer at the end, for a consultation. Most people asking about it, are in businesses or areas that make the process too time intensive, as I stated in my original post. It's an enormous amount of work. I'll keep speaking and offering it to groups all in the same business. That cuts down the work, per client, considerably. It's the one-offs that are too much work.

              I posted, quoting your post, because it seemed like a natural jumping off point. I wasn't really talking to you personally.

              Good luck with your business.

              Added later; Sorry. I forgot that in the original post, I said you should call me. but after I posted it, I remembered the business you were in, and that we had spoken before. And I realized how much work it would be. So, because of that, I decided not to peruse it. It was the first time I put myself in the position of requesting a call in a few years, and after I read the post, realized I was no longer interested in pursuing business. There. I hope I cleared that up.

              Believe me, I knew you weren't thinking of buying. But there is still a small part of me that automatically pops into "selling mode". It was a reflex. And when I caught it, I corrected it.
              One Call Closing book

              “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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              • Profile picture of the author longrobnc
                Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                You weren't called to task. I'm not bent out of shape. I changed my post, because I saw that it would leave the wrong idea. I knew you weren't thinking of buying, and I wasn't offering a demo.
                I just thought it was a good place to mention that I'm no longer offering my service.

                The book is useful, but I'm going to take out the offer at the end, for a consultation. Most people asking about it, are in businesses or areas that make the process too time intensive, as I stated in my original post. It's an enormous amount of work. I'll keep speaking and offering it to groups all in the same business. that cuts down the work, per client, considerably. It's the one-offs that are too much work.

                I posted, quoting your post, because it seemed like a natural jumping off point. I wasn't really talking to you personally.

                Good luck with your business.
                OK, thanks.
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          • Profile picture of the author Climb Online
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


            Good luck.
            Why is that, because the work is so technical? You really are a funny guy!

            "It is your choice of message that targets the customer, not your choice of media. There are rare exceptions, of course. But not many."
            - Roy H. Williams

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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham

    I actually wasn't insinuating it for you... It's just that I know someone else who generates offline leads by making books like that on Amazon, for the express purpose of telling people how to do it, and making it so complicated that they call him to do it for them! I really do think it's brilliant.

    Not even sure if that's why Claude wrote it that way, for him it may just accidentally turn out that way, in any event though; to do that on purpose is brilliant IMO.

    Sounds like you have a pretty good grip on what you are doing by yourself though. Kudos!
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post


      I actually wasn't insinuating it for you... It's just that I know someone else who generates offline leads by making books like that on Amazon, for the express purpose of telling people how to do it, and making it so complicated that they call him to do it for them! I really do think it's brilliant.

      Not even sure if that's why Claude wrote it that way,
      That's precisely why I wrote the book.

      All my books are lead generation books. But I wrote them to be able to stand on their own, and have valuable content. And this book was very specifically written as a lead generator....and it's worked well. It also sells briskly, generating a profit, outside of lead generation.

      The reason I earlier said I haven't decided to update in in a year or because I didn't think I wanted the new clients it generates. If I updated it, it would just be to sell a more current book, not to generate leads.

      My sales books (and new ones coming out) are where I am spending more of my time.

      If anyone is interested I sell a few hundred copies a month. Mostly on Amazon and related site, but also on my own websites. Maybe half of the buyers are buying the Kindle version.

      The marketing is effective enough, that I do no other marketing, except speaking occasionally. He're's the amazing thing; None of the Kindle buyers become clients. It's all the print book buyers. Not sure why. But it's also like that for the rest of my books. The print book buyers are all the clients.And all the refund requests (maybe 5%) are from Kindle books, never from print books.

      I hope that's helpful to someone.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    "Lead Generation Books".

    Nice. There are more ways to make money with books than on the mere sale of them.

    That would be an excellent thread topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    Hi Claude,

    You stress the importance of creating videos in your book, Online Local Marketing.

    Any good tips on video seo and video marketing online?

    Thanks in advance.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by ThomasOMalley View Post

      Hi Claude,

      You stress the importance of creating videos in your book, Online Local Marketing.

      Any good tips on video seo and video marketing online?

      Thanks in advance.
      Sure. I'm sure most of this is in the book, but here is what I do. For my clients, I include animated videos, using voice actors and animation software. but what I'll be describing is mostly free.

      Make sure your video TITLE has what you need. If you have a local business, make sure your city and state are in the title. Include the keywords that are going to be used to look up information on Google. For example, a bad title is "A Bad Day At The Dentist For Bob".

      A great title is "Dental Implants; Cleveland Ohio Dentist Describes Dental Implant Benefits".

      The person may use the city and state (or just city) in a search. After all, People in Cleveland aren't looking for dentists in Austin Texas.

      If you are selling a product, consider putting the word "Review" in the title. Yes, you can review any product you sell. You're an expert, aren't you?

      Try to think of the top several words that someone would use to look up what you sell. Be sure to include at least one of them in the title, along with your city and state. Then, make the video all about that one thing.

      Write a description that includes all your top search phrases. You can even just write out, everything you say in the video.

      In the description, recommend at least one of your other videos, and include a link.

      If you have a local business, make your phone number the first thing in your description.

      After you upload the video, send an e-mail to all your friends asking them to watch your video, and leave a comment. You can buy views on Fiverr, but it isn't necessary.

      After the video is uploaded onto your Youtube account.....go to several most popular videos, that are in your niche, and watch them. Leave a comment. Your username in the comment, will create a link back to your video. Do a few of those, for each video, every day for a couple of weeks. Leave real comments, leave a few search phrases in comment. These comments link back to your account, not each video. But it helps your videos in your account.

      This creates a lot of internal linking in Youtube.

      Be sure to embed your videos on your website. If you have a blog, post them there as well.

      As far as external links to your video, you can use cheap links. There are tons of Fiverr gigs that will create short articles, post them on sites, with keyword links to your video.

      I wouldn't use these services to link to website, but Youtube? Sure.

      The most common mistake I see is a terrible Title for the video. It's the single most important part of the video for SEO, and to get viewers to watch.

      If you have a local business, with service to several cities, include the names of all the cites in the description. Do you sell several brands? Include all the brand names in the description. Do you have a retail location? Include it in the description. List all the services you offer, in the description. Link to your website, in the description.

      Unless there are a million people in your city, at least one video should show up pretty seen, maybe a few days. For clients, I can usually get 3 or 4 videos, a website, and listing on Google page one for a major search phrase or keyword.

      The more videos, the better. The better chance one or two will have the keywords to get them ranked on Google page one. And the more videos you have, the more people find, when scanning Youtube or Google. It increases the views per video. And be sure to link the videos to each other in the description. Just one link per description. If you have ten videos, don't link all ten on every video description. That's spamming, and may get your videos deleted.

      A daily 5 minutes, commenting on other videos, from your going to help tremendously. I build at least 100 of those internal links, per client.

      We also create slide show videos, and post them on different video sites, with links back to the main videos on Youtube. There are Fiverr gigs that will send a video to 40 different video sites, with links...for $5.

      Hope it helps.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        If you would like to know which Fiverr gigs I use, here is the one I use to create links to my Youtube videos. In addition to this, I post the videos on websites that I have.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author longrobnc
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          If you would like to know which Fiverr gigs I use, here is the one I use to create links to my Youtube videos. In addition to this, I post the videos on websites that I have.

          My youtube videos have my main sites url in the description. Should I remove that while she's linking? I'd hate for there to be a mistake and this chick point 18k crap links at my site.
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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

            My youtube videos have my main sites url in the description. Should I remove that while she's linking? I'd hate for there to be a mistake and this chick point 18k crap links at my site.
            Leave them. The links are to the videos, not your site. Only send her the links to your videos. There is no way for her to mistake the links in your video description. She doesn't even see your videos.
            One Call Closing book

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Sure. I'm sure most of this is in the book, but here is what I do.
        Great advice Claude.

        I use my kindles as lead gens for courses and memberships...never really gone to print versions but your note that print buyers become better clients really thank you.

        Maybe when I get my marketing book out here I'll look at print (You know "Thud Factor")

        Here's a few other video tips that have worked for me.

        Make sure you include your channel name as a tag in each video you publish.

        Make Playlists of your videos.

        Make Playlists of competitor or related videos on your channel.

        Make your unsubscribed trailer a "call to action video" offering a valuable lead magnet.

        If you want to see a couple of my channels that get a few views and drive traffic to various offers I've listed them below...

        Although you can get results quickly with video and I do a lot of live content for my consultancy clients the real results come over time as the videos and channel content compound the effects with comments, views, subscribers, advertising...etc.

        My advice is just start and keep adding as a few years down the track you will really understand the value of content and optimising that content to the results you desire.
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  • Profile picture of the author longrobnc
    Hi Claude,

    I may have made a mistake. I uploaded 20 videos to youtube and 7 other sites. I put the url to my home page of my site in the video description as a backlink. My site has dropped from 1800 monthly visitors to 800 in the past few weeks. Has google updated or do I need to go back and remove those links?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9983356].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

      Hi Claude,

      I may have made a mistake. I uploaded 20 videos to youtube and 7 other sites. I put the url to my home page of my site in the video description as a backlink. My site has dropped from 1800 monthly visitors to 800 in the past few weeks. Has google updated or do I need to go back and remove those links?
      You should have linked all the videos (on other videos sites) to the Youtube videos, and then linked the Youtube videos to your website. As long as your Google position hasn't dropped, it isn't because of the videos...unless something in the videos is preventing people from calling. That's a real possibility. And your videos should be on your website, linking to the Youtube videos.

      You really should hire someone to do all this for you. There are several good SEO video guys here.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by longrobnc View Post

      Hi Claude,

      I may have made a mistake. I uploaded 20 videos to youtube and 7 other sites. I put the url to my home page of my site in the video description as a backlink. My site has dropped from 1800 monthly visitors to 800 in the past few weeks. Has google updated or do I need to go back and remove those links?
      Where were your 1800 visitors coming from? Google? Youtube?

      Where are your 800 visitors now coming from now?

      Does it matter if they go to your site from Youtube or can they call a number directly for the Youtube video view page?

      Have you set up clickable annotations in Youtube for your videos?

      Do you have a local area code phone number in the Youtube transcripts, Closed Captions, annotations and descriptions?

      What kind of phone call tracking are you using so you know how many calls are generated directly from your videos?

      Have you used Schema Markup on your local site so that it shows a "five star rating" in the Google SERPs?

      How many of your videos are embedded on the HOMEPAGE of a site/sites? A homepage link/embed is powerful. Instead of buying links on Fiverr, consider buying an aged domain that already has a few links pointing to it. Host it on a different host than your local page. Do you have a friend that will host a domain for you? If not, buy a cheap hosting service.

      By buying a domain with links instead of just a Fiverr service, you can get a homepage link/embed, plus you have an asset you can sell. You can put 1-4 videos on the homepage and get more value IMO than buying link services.

      Another option with Fiverr is to look for good blogs that will let you post an article on their site. See if they will let you include an embedded video.

      Set up social media accounts and submit the videos to them.

      Grab the RSS of your Youtube channel(s), blogs with embedded videos, as well as all the social sites that offer them and ping and submit the RSS feed to the relevant ping services and RSS directories.

      As Claude mentioned, do some internal linking on Youtube. But take it a step further. I use Scrapebox to find Youtube video view pages and channel pages that have decent PageRank and few other comments. This will build PageRank to your own channel page.

      PageRank probably isn't all that important any more, but once you learn how to do the Scrapebox research it will only take an extra minute or two and it won't hurt.

      Create playlists on other channels, including your own videos and others in the playlists. What are the most popular videos about your area? Make playlists using them, adding your own SHORT videos as "commercials".

      Do you have the Google Maps program? The Pro version is now free, it used to be $400 a year and it makes videos from Google Maps. Create video tours about interesting places in your area, adding a little promotion for your services.

      Create another YT channel and search for Creative Commons videos relating to your niche. Modify them and use them to create links to your other videos and website. You can use annotations as well as links in your descriptions.

      "Steal" the tags of high ranking videos as well as the tags on "related videos" on popular, relevant videos.

      Send out press releases using services that allow you to embed Youtube videos.

      Create general interest videos related to your local videos. Using Powerpoint, modify and convert them to PDFs and Powerpoint presentations and share them on ebook sites and doc sharing sites like Slideshare. Take the audio and submit to the popular podcasting sites. You can get links and/or traffic from all of these sources.

      Do collaborations with other Youtube channels in your local area, but aren't direct competitors. Exchange links on your channel pages, etc.

      Have some general interest videos and use them to get subscribers to your channel. Don't worry about likes and comments. Focus on subscribers. If you have good videos with subscribers, likes and comments will come naturally.

      Learn how to use emotional trigger points in your videos. People act and buy due to emotions. After you trigger their emotions. give them some logical reasons to justify their emotions.

      Use a strong call to action in all your videos to either call, click or subscribe. Make it as obvious and easy as possible what you want them to do next.

      Also have an "end card" with a call to action that lasts for at least 15-20 seconds at the end of the video. Use things like "Call now for our web specials before it's too late". Or "Call now a FREE no risk consultation".

      Set up retargeting on the landing page you send your traffic to, so you can market to them again.

      Video marketing isn't just about ranking. It's also about optimizing the views and traffic you have.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        Where were your 1800 visitors coming from? Google? Youtube?

        Where are your 800 visitors now coming from now?

        Does it matter if they go to your site from Youtube or can they call a number directly for the Youtube video view page?

        Have you set up clickable annotations in Youtube for your videos?

        Do you have a local area code phone number in the Youtube transcripts, Closed Captions, annotations and descriptions?
        All great advice, from the Video Go To Guy on the WF.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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