What is the best way to monetize something that will go viral?

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Hey guys,

just doing a little brain storming here and wanted to get some insight. I do graphic design that caters towards a viral audience. In fact, I've had a few of my 'artworks' go viral into the hundreds of thousands of views/shares, not including youtube video spin-offs, social-media shares, etc. Problem is, I never had a monetization strategy. On the cusp of releasing another potentially viral artwork, I don't want to squander any potential income I could make. In the forum's opinion, what can I do to generate some revenue?

I'm toying with the idea of contacting a company and telling them I'll advertise their product or website in my work, but I wanted to see if there was a better way to go about this.

Thank you for any and all your input.

(P.S.... Here's one of the artworks that went viral so you get an idea of what I'm looking at).
GTA V San Andreas Fan Map - GTA V - GTAForums
#monetize #viral

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