what to sell in a shop in a small seaside town center?

12 replies

I am looking for some input and I wonder if anyone has come across a good idea of what to sell in a shop.

I work online but i needed to move from our home study - kids running around all day

Anyways, instead of renting an office - i thought it would be better to rent a small shop with a shop display, so i could utilize the "walking by traffic".

The shop is in a 40k population south England seaside town. Quite central.

SO i got the shop now and i got 3 huge shop windows with my desk in it. But i got nothing to actually sell.

Does anyone have an idea?

Much appreciated.

#center #seaside #sell #shop #small #town
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    I--hmm. I really don't understand how you have done this.

    If you can sublet the space, I would get a tenant in there who pays you a comfortable margin on either your lease or your mortgage, whichever it is.

    Your future seems to be in real estate, because you understand Location, Location, Location...but not much else about the market.
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    • Profile picture of the author kornelkathi
      thanks but real estate is not for me for sure. For the record it was cheaper to lease the shop than an office - this is a small town with no business centers or shared office spaces. I was thinking to perhaps rent something which is of high value and people won't buy but are likely to rent for a weekend or something.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by kornelkathi View Post

    Does anyone have an idea?
    As Jason mentioned you should have this worked out before leasing a space.


    If there is traffic...

    Why not sell advertisements in the window?

    Much like a 9x12 but just the whole window is small cards with a variety of ads of different sizes and shapes.

    Easy to start because you can just fill it with random ads you pull from UK Gumtree or similar and have several blank cards of differing sizes with a sign on them.

    Selling something?...

    Buy this space for XX quid per week.

    One month minimum booking.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Lets start with an obvious question. What is it you do from behind the desk? I understand it is "Online" but is there any aspect of what you do that could translate to an offline environment?

    Originally Posted by kornelkathi View Post


    I am looking for some input and I wonder if anyone has come across a good idea of what to sell in a shop.

    I work online but i needed to move from our home study - kids running around all day

    Anyways, instead of renting an office - i thought it would be better to rent a small shop with a shop display, so i could utilize the "walking by traffic".

    The shop is in a 40k population south England seaside town. Quite central.

    SO i got the shop now and i got 3 huge shop windows with my desk in it. But i got nothing to actually sell.

    Does anyone have an idea?

    Much appreciated.

    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author kornelkathi
      Thanks but i don't think so. We develop software systems; white label chat server and Visitpath - Real time visual web site visitor monitoring Fliber - Social review system for credibility I don't think it makes sense to advertise that in the shopwindows. I was more looking for a good new product which is not too cheap and neither too expensive that would grab the attention of the "traffic".
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by kornelkathi View Post

        Thanks but i don't think so. We develop software systems; white label chat server and Visitpath - Real time visual web site visitor monitoring Fliber - Social review system for credibility I don't think it makes sense to advertise that in the shopwindows. I was more looking for a good new product which is not too cheap and neither too expensive that would grab the attention of the "traffic".
        Boomer said SELL advertisements in the widows.

        Not "put YOUR advertisement in the widow."

        Products or services by other people.

        You could go outside, walk around the area in front of your shop, and ask passers-by what they expect or would buy from this location.

        Most people have no idea what they really want, but this could be a way to get good ideas.

        For the season you ask, you'll find out who the people are (could be quite different in winter, spring, or summer).

        Are they tourists? Locals?

        What else is in the area? If there are a dozen restaurants already, ignoring the zoning requirements for now, it probably doesn't need another.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Ok, lets take a step back a moment. The REASON you moved into the space to begin with? o REMOVE the distractions correct? and here you are wanting what? a constant flow of retail customers pulling you from your work.

        What am I missing here?

        NOW.. lets look at the business related software you have developed. We have a chat server.. narrowed down to the environment you are in.. it creates the option for a site owner to "chat" one on one with online customers. Next we have... Real time visual web site monitoring, and we round out the software suite with a social review system.

        Basically you have a collection of e-commerce conversion aides no? and your office is SURROUNDED by potential clients. Simply by location ( a small sea town ) The season influx is rather large I am sure, and filled again with people with ecommerce sites.

        I am going to be rather blunt here... If it takes on average a person to see / hear your message 7 times before they will even do anything with you, and you happen to have a daily flow of more than possible customers walking past your "Windows" I would without hesitation skip selling freaking umbrellas or shells or CRAP that is only going to deter you from the reason you got the place to start with.. FOCUSING ON YOUR BUSINESS.

        For the love of god man / woman.. you are renting an office for your business.. be it only the products you have or the ability to make specialized custom ones. SELL what it is YOU do man.. you have justified the expense in your mind already and now you are having 2nd guesses.

        I get it.. Ive been there.. you and your computer and SILENCE... you get used to it.. invest in a radio! stay on track and work towards building your business to the point you need a 2nd and 3rd desk! ( its not so lonely then )

        Originally Posted by kornelkathi View Post

        Thanks but i don't think so. We develop software systems; white label chat server and Visitpath - Real time visual web site visitor monitoring Fliber - Social review system for credibility I don't think it makes sense to advertise that in the shopwindows. I was more looking for a good new product which is not too cheap and neither too expensive that would grab the attention of the "traffic".
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Sally sold seashells by the seashore. Grab some driftwood, fill some aquariums up with local rocks, small stones and seashells. Sell a piece of the locality to the visitors, take home a small bucket for whatever.

    Sell the driftwood (if allowed) for as much as you can get.


    OR, a variety of local stuff, give one shelf to each of the surrounding merchants, sell on consignment.

    Originally Posted by kornelkathi View Post


    I am looking for some input and I wonder if anyone has come across a good idea of what to sell in a shop.

    I work online but i needed to move from our home study - kids running around all day

    Anyways, instead of renting an office - i thought it would be better to rent a small shop with a shop display, so i could utilize the "walking by traffic".

    The shop is in a 40k population south England seaside town. Quite central.

    SO i got the shop now and i got 3 huge shop windows with my desk in it. But i got nothing to actually sell.

    Does anyone have an idea?

    Much appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    Kids at home, or customers in the shop/people asking tourist questions?
    I'm not sure about this trade for time usage. Nevertheless:

    Rent motorcycles, scooters, jet skis...

    Gifts and souvenirs:
    I have a part-time employee into Yoga and essential oils, etc.
    She's made this bracelet of wooden beads you can rub with essential oils.
    She uses one oil that has a pine scent that will remind people of our region.
    She has also incorporated a State flag emblem - another reminder.

    Walk around the neighborhood and figure out what is missing that you can fulfill.


    "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams

    I live in a similar location: UK, coastal.

    You have an opportunity here.

    Without applying myself to finding a solution, probably over several days, let me instead give a general recommendation.

    Forget doing the obvious. Going the obvious retail route.

    White noise.

    Instead, bring something unique to the local marketplace. Unique and of course a valid business.

    Consider an online-offline hybrid model, which is something I use myself to great effect. Ask yourself how you can integrate online into this offline setting.

    Avoid the obvious. Think out of the box and offer something people will notice and need.

    - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author Cali16
    Originally Posted by kornelkathi View Post

    I work online but i needed to move from our home study - kids running around all day

    SO i got the shop now and ... nothing to actually sell.
    So, you wanted a place without the distractions and rented a shop and now, basically, want to start another (retail) business... so you could focus more on your online business ...???

    Do you not see the complete lack of logic here...???
    If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
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