My Client's Question
He was asking if it would help to make informative content for his YouTube videos. For instance, How To fix this or that.
My reply was
1) Seeing as how he's wants people to hire him to fix their AC, teaching them how to do it themselves could be counterproductive
2) Even if he was willing to potentially lose customers to people who would do it themselves, in favor of trying to more than counter balance that by establishing his brand, and establishing himself as an expert, since he's a local business, the vast majority of people viewing his videos would not be potential customers, who might do a small job like replacing freon themselves, but then call him for the bigger jobs
3) Which is why the best use of YouTube for him is to get more Google listings for AC Repair in the various cities he works in
4) But that if he were ever to write a book on saving money by doing your own AC repairs, that he could sell to people everywhere, then it would make sense to create How To videos
He said that makes sense, but later came up with the idea of branching out, and charging people for walking them through basic repair stuff. He said if people could send him videos of their systems, he could walk them through a lot of stuff.
I'm thinking that video clips would be helpful, but even more so, would be the option to have them stream him live video in real time, as he speaks with them..
My question is how would he be able to do either... Have people easily send him video clips he requests they make for him, or have people live stream video as he speaks with them. Are there any existing platforms that would be easy and convenient for his clients to use? Would I need to hire someone to create an app for his business, that his clients would download... (and if so, how do I go about doing that, and what kind of money might I expect to spend?)
Thanks so much
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