How to make money with simple optimization for clients?

by 11 replies
there are many small elements in offline and online marketing, which could give the clients big results immediately, if they would optimize them.
For example headlines of ads, the color of the BUY button, different picture, different benefits on the landing page, etc. etc. The optimization within few minutes or hours could increase the sales 10% - 200% or more.

I can see these mistakes every day, everywhere. Sometimes they do it wrong, sometimes they just dont test more alternatives.
But I cannot find the way how to help them. If I try to sell them my help, they will kick me out, and if I try to give it to them for free, they will ignore it, because they think it´s nothing worth if its free.

The problem is, they dont like if somebody from outside wants to tell them what they could do better, because they think it makes them look like idiots who dont know how to run their businesses.
Another problem is they dont trust somebody whom they dont know.

So, whats the best approach, how to offer them help, so that they dont feel like somebody wants to show them that he knows better how to run their business?

I would like to help them once for free, so they can prove the results, and second time I would ask for 10% of the increased profit. But they would probably ignore the free help.

Another idea is to find some local partner with great reputation, to show him how it works and then do everything together with him. Actually he wouldnt need to do anything and I would share the profit with him.

Do you think it could work, or do you have some better idea?

#offline marketing #clients #make #money #optimization #simple
  • Lets get some more background on how you're positioning yourself. How are you prospecting?
  • Let me address the different things you ask or say in your post.

    1. Is it easy to increase sales and conversions for most businesses IF you know what you are doing? Yes. If you want to get even better at doing this visit this thread and it will blow your mind on what can be done.

    2. Is this work everywhere? Mistakes everywhere? Yes.

    3. You state "The problem is THEM, they don't like someone showing them up. NO!

    Just like they do not yet understand how to increase conversions, YOU do not yet understand how to sell. If you want to learn how to sell there are unlimited threads in this section with various techniques. Search Claude Whitacre if you want to learn how to sell, he has great info and tons of great posts where others contribute with him.

    4. You ask if partnering or selling leads is a good way to go. For many it is, if it is for you we cannot answer because it depends on your ability to sell, craft a deal and have that deal respected.

    5. You ask what is the best way to sell. There is no best way WE can recommend, you have to learn many ways that are discussed daily in this forum and decide what fits for you. Many people will now tell you the best way but that is just because it works for them. They may say create a script and start cold calling but most fail at this because they don't stick to it or have the skills. Others will say publish great info and have leads come to you, again may work for some, might not for you based on so many factors....

    Good luck. As long as you can realize it is not THEIR fault for not being receptive and it is simply a skill you must learn in how to sell, you will be fine.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • I have tried emails, they ignore them or delete them immediately,
      and I tried also to talk with them, asking if they have 5 minutes time,
      I would like to show them something. They say they have no time, because
      they think I want to sell them something.

      I should probably segment the market first, find the best specific approach for one segment and if it works, later take it to the other segments.

      Let´s say I will focus on local psychotherapists first.
      One of them has adwords campaign with horrible headline. If he gets 1% CTR, I could easily get 2%. It means 100% more sales from adwords. If he makes 100 000 USD per year and he gets only 20% of customers from adwords, he could get another 20% or 20 000 USD for one hour work, and it would be pure profit, because he paid his costs already from his revenue and every additional dollar is a profit.

      I would do this:
      Before I approach him, I would like to have exact numbers in my hand.
      So I would do A/B splittesting for his headline and for mine.

      Then I would visit him and show him the numbers, and tell him usually I would charge 1000 USD for this, but I would give him my headline for free, if he would write a testimonial for me, with exact numbers with his headline and with mine. It means I would make it more valuable for him, not giving it for free, but he wouldnt need to pay anything.

      I would make the first 5 for free and then if I get enough testimonials, I would approach other psychotherapists and try to sell them my services.

      But first I would need some hook. If I say I would like to show them something, they dont want to hear the rest. They dont want to waste their time with another sales person pushing useless crap. So I must show them within 3 seconds that I am different.
      I could say I have seen their adwords campaign and I want to show them whats wrong with it.
      Or I could ask them whether they want to make more money with their adwords campaign.

      Do you think this could work, or do you have some better idea?
      And what could I say on the phone, if I try cold calling?
      • [3] replies
  • I saw a great example of this earlier this month, anybody interested in selling simple CRO packages should model this guy (so long as you can deliver results obviously):
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • Micheal9. You don't need a partner with a great reputation. Build your own reputation. Become your own authority. It's baby steps. You need to get your toe in the door. Here's how to start:

    Strategy - Write down your strategy. Bullet points is good. I organize all my stuff in because I can drag and drop my thoughts in some type of order that make sense to me.

    Personal Positioning - Answer one question nobody else on the planet can answer better than you. Build your authority around that answer. Develop your USP around that answer. Your personal site is about that answer. You need a personal website or a personal page on

    Build Your Marketing Hub - Build your online hub. It's the place you'll do business online. It's the place you'll build your online empire starting with that one answer.

    You need these in place before you can start your journey to a life long business that will allow you to control your own destiny. When you get those in place come back with the links to your work, your answer to that question and get the next 3 steps. The next 3 steps will get people coming to you instead of you chasing them.
  • Hey Michael, I understand your frustrations with this. It may seem impossible to get these business owners to understand what you can do for them. A lot of people seem to be in your situation; where they have a great service and are extremely talented in implementing their service. It is tough for people to be able to spend a big portion of their time generating leads and prospects. Plus, it seriously takes consistency for anything to work, which bogs down your time, and takes you away from your skill- your service. I can be your guy to help you do just that. I believe you should definitely take a look at my post .

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  • 15

    Hi, there are many small elements in offline and online marketing, which could give the clients big results immediately, if they would optimize them. For example headlines of ads, the color of the BUY button, different picture, different benefits on the landing page, etc. etc. The optimization within few minutes or hours could increase the sales 10% - 200% or more.