From Generalist to a Niche made me 4.5K in my first 10 days!!!
So i bet that you want to know what I change.... It`s something most marketers know but are often afraid to do.
Want to know what it is?
Ok let`s get the cat out of the bag, what i did is that i switch from an industry to a niche, it`s that simple. I tried for years to sell web design and marketing to offline clients with little success but now with a niche it`s so easy!!!
Also don`t confuse an industry for a niche, example personal improvement is not a niche, that`s a big industry so it won`t work.
On my experience the more I'm in a niche, the more it`s easy so better drill down (thanks to everybody who teach me that drill down technics)
Industry: Healers
Drill down 1: physical healers (not yet a niche, it`s too much general)
Drill Down 2: Chiropractor (that`s a niche, YEAH !!!)
Now at this point you just buy a domain and create a website for this Niche, example ChiroMarketingSuccess.com
You create your homepage talking with them:
Don`t talk to them, talk with them, say thing like:
Do you have trouble finding new customers?
Confuse about the marketing?
Don`t know how to get customers from your website?
I know exactly what you live as i was exactly there a couple of month ago...
Now do you want more success, more customers from your website ?
If YES then I'll show you exactly what to do OK ?
Follow me for a moments....
Now you know what call to action are right ?
Then USE them and A LOT...
Another thing, a webpage need to have 1 and only 1 focus, stop confusing your customers.. They need guidance to go right down your sales funnel.
Some tips:
When starting a business relation, someone have to take a risk, do you think it`s easy for your customers to trust you with money right from the start?
It`s not so get that sales block out of the way and start by taking a risk, give something to your customers, some nice gift can be: A free sessions of 20 minutes (that extend to one hour if looks promising), Answering their question, a free eBook, a free page on your directory (something like www.TopChiroDirectory.com) etc....
Now at this point everything is easy, you already have a relation with your prospect and you just need to listen to them.. Ok i repeat again, LISTEN TO THEM!!!
Ask them what they do, where they are, what they did, what they want, what problem, solution, etc.. etc.. etc...
Do that and you`ll see how easy it is

Questions are welcome
Joan Altz -
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myattitude -
Thanks - 2 replies
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Yvon Boulianne -
SignatureStop Struggling With Your Website and Marketing30$ / task, pay after done!{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10380216].message }} -
Jack Gordon -
SignatureFifteen Lessons I have learned over 15 years and six businesses (or, My 1000th-Post Manifesto){{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10380230].message }} -
Yvon Boulianne -
Thanks - 1 reply
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yixar -
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Yvon Boulianne -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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