Looking to join/start an online based mastermind group for offliners - where does one go?
Im looking to join or start an online-based skype mastermind group, for those that 'sell' stuff for commission, or sell consulting etc. But Im not sure where to go to put it together.
Im looking for a site/resource online that lets you do this. Would Meetup work, if I state that it was purely skype-based? Or does another resource already exist?
- The point of it is to use the good old mastermind principle, of networking on a regular basis with those on the same path. Your income is the average of those 5-10 people you spend most time with, etc.
- Would aim to meet once a week
- Would be on skype, so location is not an issue
- Topics would include, sales tips, book recommendations, financial/money/offshore structure ideas, business strategy advice, daily routines, and general back-slapping telling each other how awesome we all are. Usual stuff
- It would take on a salesmanship/entrepreneurial/motivational/financial/success flavour, as opposed to seo/mobile website tips. Ie, I want to be talking about good sales books/courses, things you tried and made you sell more over the phone/in person, how you get motivated in the morning, how you structure your company, staff techniques, how you structure your money/income, that kind of stuff. As opposed to how to get your website ranked on page one, what to build your mobile sites in, etc. Im looking for people that outsource this kind of stuff, and are on their way to 10 grand a month and beyond, as opposed to those selling websites and making them, for a 2 grand per month income. I personally sell high ticket stuff over the phone for commission. But whatbyou sell is not really important.
Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks a million.
Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
you cant hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket.