Does Offline Gold still work in 2015?

by 10 replies
I recently read the Offline Gold 'lost forum post' and was inspired by it. The idea behind Offline Gold is that you go into local businesses in person and speak to the owner face to face, and ask them if they need any help with their online marketing. You sell them a website and promote them online for an upfront fee plus an ongoing monthly fee.

The author claims you can walk into local businesses and walk out with a cheque for $1,500 and that it's really easy to do this. He also claims that '95% of local businesses have no clue about online marketing or have no Internet prescence''.

I'm skeptical. Offline Gold was written in 2008. A lot has changed since then. In early 2014 I did try this out with local businesses and most said the price was too expensive or that they already had Internet presence

Also I'm in the UK, but Offline Gold is a USA product.

Having read the 'lost forum post', I feel inspired to give the ideas a try, but I want to know if it still works in the UK in 2015? Don't most local businesses already have Internet presence? Is it really that easy to go in and walk out with a cheque just like that? Can I really charge big money for website creation and online promotion? I mean, anyone can make a website for next to nothing without knowing any HTML etc, so why would they pay $1,500 and an ongoing monthly fee?

I really want to believe this works, but I need answers as I don't want to waste time walking round local businesses and pushing through fear etc if this doesn't work. I doubt it's as easy as the author claims. In my experience, the real world has obstacles to overcome along the way to success, and selling always involves a LOT of 'no's' along the way to getting 'yeses'. None of the 'wealth gurus' tell you that, they make it seem like success is plain sailing .

Who here is making money in 2015 with this method? Please let me know how you're doing it, and what I need to do to make this work.
#offline marketing #2015 #gold #offline #work
  • Might want to link to the post so we know what you're talking about.

    So you're saying sales is something you have to learn? That getting customers isn't as easy as walking in, saying hello, and walking out with a check?

    You really have to step back and look at how whiny your post is. I don't want to be mean. That's a cold hard fact.

    The method you're describing isn't anything special. It's cold walk-ins on local business owners. Same as any company will do.

    And I don't know what "gurus" you're listening to...all the ones I know flat-out tell you it's hard work with lots of rejection and struggling.

    Why are you "pushing through fear"? Don't you KNOW that your effort will help business owners? Or do you secretly believe you're ripping them off?

    The deal is, almost anything will work. The question is, do you have the persistence necessary to get there? Nothing works right out of the gate.

    "Too expensive"? Compared to what? In exchange for what?

    I think you have a lot to learn about selling.

    I also think you should go get a job with a company that provides these services so you can see for yourself how it's done. How they get and fulfill customers. I don't think you're going to believe it before you see it.

    Stop looking for the magic bullet. Business is work. If you're not willing to put in the work, and you don't believe in yourself, then you're better served--as is your marketplace--by getting a job.

    You want to be a business owner? Then you're gonna have to learn how to get out there and sell something...and be confident in your ability to fulfill it well.

    I know this is harsh, but you need to hear it.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Almost everything works.

      Every single sentence in this post could be expounded into a book. This is a dense post and represents years of study, failure, and success. Think of each sentence and take the time to concentrate on it. Here is the guaranteed formula for success - ready?

      1) Decide exactly what you want.
      2) Decide exactly what you will trade with others to get it.
      3) Make a plan to make that trade as often as possible.

      Simple eh?

      A few details:

      1) Decide exactly what you want.

      There is no limit here. You can have anything you want. It doesn't matter. Want to launch a satellite? Want to fly up to the satellite personally? Want a new car or house? Humans can achieve anything. There is always a way.

      You just need to know what you want, and commit to doing whatever it takes to get there.

      2) Decide exactly what you will trade with others to get it.

      Everything you want in life is currently in the hands of other people. You must trade with them. Either you will trade your hours and talent with an employer, or you will trade your talents with a client. It is always a trade.

      Here is the key - It truly is better to give than receive. People will only trade with you if what they get is more valuable than what they give you.

      So, create a value proposition that is many times greater than what you are asking from them. It doesn't matter how much you want from others - it could be a billion dollars. Just make sure that if you want a billion, what you give them is worth 3 billion. If you want $1,500/month - trade them something worth $5,000/month. They will gladly hand you the money.

      3) Make a plan to make that trade as often as possible.

      Here is the deal about the plan. It can be totally wrong. It can be old and useless. It doesn't matter if it works. Why?

      Because you are intelligent and can make corrections to your plan along the way. None of this is set in stone. If you try something a hundred times, and it didn't work, examine why, then make an adjustment.

      As you learn what is and is not working, you make adjustments. Always get better. This is so simple I cannot express to you how much everyone over-complicates things.

      Make a stupid, worthless plan - then just work and make adjustments.

      Or take this pattern you have, the Offline Gold plan - and start working and adjusting. Focus on your desired outcome, and keep offering to make those trades until you get good at it. Make the trade as often as possible, then smile when your goal is a reality.

      This is very, very good advice. Learning from others is like a magic shortcut to my process above. You can either start from scratch, or you can learn from people who are already doing it. Get a job for awhile - even as an admin. Be an INTERN for very little money if necessary. Prove your worth, find your way into a sales role and get good at it.

      In one year, you will have learned more than 5 years on your own. You probably will ignore this, and jump right to my three steps with the Offline Gold. Fine - just know that getting a job will be 10x more effective than doing it yourself. Once you succeed at the job, going on your own will be so much easier.

      Don't think you have any qualification for a job? Just use my three steps above to get one. And if you don't qualify for an entry level job in the industry, what makes you think you can start a business in that industry?

      The process I gave you is simple. It isn't even really hard work either. It is totally easy.

      The hard part? Managing yourself. Managing your emotions. Overcoming your fears. Keeping your head in the game.

      Regardless of what you do in life, the hardest part is in your head. It becomes much easier if you can work alongside people who are already doing it.
      • [ 5 ] Thanks

      Nope, it's not that easy. What about the ones who say no? Or what about if they say it's too expensive or that they already have online presence?

      If you read that lost forum post, the author makes it sound like you can make money 'just like that'....he doesn't say anything about the high rejection rate.

      It takes guts to walk into a business and do this if you're not used to it, since this method of face to face selling has a high rejection rate. I do know my efforts will help businesses, however most just say the price is too expensive or that they already have online prescience. How do I get round this?

      Anyone can create a website totally idiot proof without any web design or coding skills using platforms such as Weebly, Wix, etc, for less than $100 including a domain and hosting. Anyone can set up a Facebook page and other social media for free and do their own updates for no cost. All that being the case, why would a business owner pay big money to someone who walks into their shop to do the same? After all, most businesses are trying to save money and reduce their costs.

      I don't want a job, I'm an entrepreneur so I want to be rich and financially free by being a business owner.

      I know my mindset needs to improve, but also I don't think that naive optimism isn't good either. It's best to be 100% real about how hard this is going to be and about the real world rejections and objections anyone doing face to face sales will encounter, rather than believing it'll happen with no effort.

      Anyway, I'd love to hear from people who are doing this now and getting results. I want to learn from you. What do I need to do to make this work?
      • [1] reply
  • Proper marketing is timeless. If something worked 1 year ago, 10 years ago, 100 years ago, it'll still work now. One of my references I refer to frequently is "Scientific Advertising" written about 100 years ago...
    If the price was too expensive, then you haven't shown them the value. The fault is yours!
    While there are subtle differences in culture, what works in US can be adapted to UK.
    Yes, websites still sell in the UK...
    On the contrary most businesses don't have a web presence or their web presence is poor.
    Define "easy". I'm currently mentoring a young lady with a view to making her a millionaire within one year. I think that making a million in one year is easy...! I doubt you think that!
    $1,500 is not "big money". I averaged £50k per website a few years ago. I now earn far more for less effort. If you can show the value, you'll be able to sell websites for a lot more than $1,500.
    Business owners are busy. If you can show them a good ROI, they'll be happy to pay you.
    I would treat any claims with scepticism - including mine...! You'll find out what works by getting out there and trying things out. Action is probably your greatest success factor.
    I don't sell websites or SEO or anything internet specific. I focus on Customer Reactivations and JV deals plus a few other marketing related things. The web is just a medium.

    When you make 40,000+ sales in one go and get commissions on each sale, you tend to make a lot of money "easily".
    Do a lot of reading, Then start taking some action on what you've read. That's the only way you'll figure it out.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • Having read the other replies, a lot of what I need to do to make this work has been answered, so thanks. But how do I deal with the comebacks like too expensive, already have Internet presence, etc?
    • [1] reply
    • You skipped directly over the most helpful posts in this thread.

      You want to be an entrepreneur - but you need to get skills first.

      I mean, the question I am quoting above....this is really, really basic stuff. You can either take the next 5-10 years and suffer trying to learn this stuff on your own, or you can get a job and learn in 1-2 years.

      Being an entrepreneur means finding the fastest way to your desired destination. You can absolutely be an entrepreneur INSIDE A JOB. It will absolutely be your fastest way to wealth from where you are now.

      Please listen very closely from someone who has walked the path. Go get a job in sales in the marketing industry. Work your ass off until you are the top seller - at that point you will be making over $100,000 annually. You will be in a position to start something on your own.

      Being an entrepreneur isn't about going broke. It is about increasing cashflow as much as possible and as quickly as possible. With a job, you can do that very very fast.

      The people here aren't just some blowhards who don't understand who you are and what you want to do.

      We are all driven. We are all entrepreneurs. We have all been in your shoes.

      Find someone who is succeeding at this, and go to work with them. Drop the pie in the sky fantasy of starting a business with zero experience or sales skills and getting rich. I'm telling you - it will not happen like you want it to.

      God I used to HATE hearing people say what I am saying. And now I am one of them.

      Indeed. Right now I pay $1,700 per month for mine. I pay another $1,500 per month to follow up with the leads it generates. Another $2,600 per month for outbound marketing. And $1,600 per month for social marketing.

      I remember when I used to think no one would pay $1,200 for a website! If you offer real value, and a real ROI - you can charge ANYTHING.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • Well done, Jason, Dan and Animal.

    Whiny posts are a way of life for the "forum educated".
    Full of blame, fear, doubt, mistrust and in some cases, rage.

    In another thread someone challenged the idea of one call closing.
    I have to remind myself that there are some so-called "salespeople"
    who will not allow the buyer to buy, when the buyer wants to buy.

    There is something going on inside of them, that is inhibiting the sales process.

    Buyers sense this. They sense that there is something not quite right and they
    pull back. And so, the value that they were promised, anticipating, expecting and
    entitled to receive, is never delivered.

    This year I helped a guy who details cars, start another business to boost his income.

    We monetized his customer base beyond detailing. They are now receiving his weekly fax
    regarding lunch specials at local restaurants. (Yeah, I know whiners, faxing is dead.)

    The detailing guy doesn't hang around forums like this. He believes he is providing additional value for his customers.
    And so, in his "ignorance", he is establishing a business that will bring him close to $100,000 in annual income, in 2016.

    From a freaking fax machine.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Man, you had a fast change of mindset:

    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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  • 14

    I recently read the Offline Gold 'lost forum post' and was inspired by it. The idea behind Offline Gold is that you go into local businesses in person and speak to the owner face to face, and ask them if they need any help with their online marketing. You sell them a website and promote them online for an upfront fee plus an ongoing monthly fee. The author claims you can walk into local businesses and walk out with a cheque for $1,500 and that it's really easy to do this. He also claims that '95% of local businesses have no clue about online marketing or have no Internet prescence''.