Need to sort incoming calls on a smartphone

by sunray
4 replies
I think I need a smartphone application which would allow me to sort incoming calls on the fly. Let's suppose there are people calling on different products (A,B, C, D, E, F...) While having the call or after it I would like to sort it into the particular category, so I would later know that this call was about product C and that was about E etc. It should be one touch sorting, plus an option to add a short note about the caller. Is there anything like this available?
#calls #incoming #smartphone #sort
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by sunray View Post

    I think I need a smartphone application which would allow me to sort incoming calls on the fly. Let's suppose there are people calling on different products (A,B, C, D, E, F...) While having the call or after it I would like to sort it into the particular category, so I would later know that this call was about product C and that was about E etc. It should be one touch sorting, plus an option to add a short note about the caller. Is there anything like this available?

    Its called adding to contacts. I know with an iPhone at least I use the last name section to identify product and then you can add notes etc.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author sunray
    Yes, but I do not want these numbers in my phone book. They should somehow remain in separate lists.
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  • Profile picture of the author chaotic squid
    A Smartphone app? Sounds messy to me. Why not use a CRM tool? Actually, I bet many CRM tools even have their own app. That way when someone calls, you can load up their info from the database. Could even arm yourself with a tablet to pull up info on the go or separately from your computer.
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