Simple services for local businesses

13 replies

I am looking for simple services for local businesses, because they are easy to sell, easy to outsource and they can be also used as foot in the door, to start conversation and upsell later.
So far I found these services usefull:
- selling local domains
- getting 5 star reviews for local businesses
- claiming google listings
- security scanning for their website
- making and ranking videos

Do you know some other simple methods or some WSOs about this topic?
#businesses #local #services #simple
  • Profile picture of the author reboot38
    I'm using web design as an entry point and then offering local seo & rep management later. Google web design + "some city". Or local seo + "some city". Maybe do the same w/Rep management. Look at what other people are doing and then come up with a list services that matches your skill set.

    A WSO can't tell you what you're good at...
    Snoop on your competitors, research keywords, run seo audits, monitor keywords, includes powerful PPC tools.
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    • Profile picture of the author arrival7
      I know of a software named repucaution, please google it as you may find it useful for what you are trying to do. Companies always need leads as well, so do not overlook the hot business of providing leads for local businesses. I know of a software named analytical call tracking, google it and you may find that software useful as well. Every business needs leads.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael9
        Thanks, I will try the software.

        Also the reputation management could be interesting. But SEO and web design are back end, hard to sell.

        I am looking more for front end, not only like opener, but also like fun and easy services to sell. Maybe its easier to sell 10 of them than 1 webdesign.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Not a fan of the services. Would definitely recommend something else.

    Some of those services were popular back in 2011-2012 but you definitely need to do something that has more value now that business owners are becoming more savvy when it comes to online.

    Also... getting "5 star reviews" for businesses is against the ToS for many platforms, and also illegal if you're making up the reviews!
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael9
      These services are just examples, I am still looking for something new. I get the reviews from their satisfied customers, its not illegal.

      Webdesign was very hot 1998, not today. If they are so savvy, why they just dont take wordpress + theme + pluggins, why would they need webdesigner.

      One important thing about the services is also, they should understand them without educating.
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by Michael9 View Post

        These services are just examples, I am still looking for something new. I get the reviews from their satisfied customers, its not illegal.

        Webdesign was very hot 1998, not today. If they are so savvy, why they just dont take wordpress + theme + pluggins, why would they need webdesigner.

        One important thing about the services is also, they should understand them without educating.
        Well, I can only say what I would recommend. If you think web design is dead... in an era where design is the most important thing, there's not much you can expect in terms of responses on this forum.

        Billions of dollars are spent on web design each year. Being savvy, doesn't mean a business owner is a designer. It also doesn't mean they would even have the time to use wordpress on their own, and believe it or not, a large portion of the business community doesn't even use wordpress! Think of that!

        Getting reviews from their satisfied customers is still a violation of the terms of service for ALL major platforms out there. Maybe it's a cool fiverr gig, but as a business? Not so much.
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  • Profile picture of the author reboot38
    Webdesign was very hot 1998, not today. If they are so savvy, why they just dont take wordpress + theme + pluggins, why would they need webdesigner.
    As long as the web exists which should be at least for a few more years, 'web design' will be a needed service.

    You're right though, 1998 - wow, what a year.

    Being savvy doesn't matter - at all. I've often thought about opening a restaurant. I have years of experience working in and running restaurants. More recently, say the past 10 years, I've been a web developer. If I decided to open a restaurant, I would budget, generously, for a website to be developed. And then allocate more money for online related marketing. Could I do it all myself - yes, but I would have better things to do with my time like buying napkins and finding the best source for produce.

    In many cases, people have better things to do than fiddle with a website, local marketing and rep management - even those who have the skills to do so. Just to be clear, in saying 'fiddle' I'm not implying the owner shouldn't do any of those things, only that they don't have the time and understand they're better served elsewhere while hiring someone to take care of their online needs.

    One important thing about the services is also, they should understand them without educating.
    Good luck with that!
    Snoop on your competitors, research keywords, run seo audits, monitor keywords, includes powerful PPC tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author Virtualghost
    reboot38 makes a whole lot of sense and I agree 100% as when anyone wants to enquire about a service or Restaurant even you tend to search the Internet for their website for info on them I know I do even say your local bakery.And I feel those who don't have one may be old school and don't realize the value of a website or just don't know where to start that's your job.Like where I am we have lots of international visitors and we as a city need them to survive yet lots of business have no website and go unknown and wonder why they are just getting by.
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  • Profile picture of the author massiveray
    Web development is the obvious one.

    I'm more in the traffic business however so I'd offer things like:
    Adwords account setup
    Facebook advertising account setup
    Retargeting on both platforms, both of current visitors and lookalike audience and smart lists.
    Basic advertising on both of these platforms too 4 ads targeted to their audience for example

    Traffic strategy documents
    Content audit

    All of these things are fairly simple to do, shit Facebook and Google give you step by step instructions for most of them.

    Generally to set up these services all I'd do is get them to add a tag manager code to their website and then inject the codes you need into them. Then just do the step by steps provided.

    This stuff seems easy to people around here but most business owners either don't care to learn how to do it or are too busy with their own stuff.

    Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

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  • Profile picture of the author rmmfree
    You could also create and manage online shops for their products in order to increase their sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimwillis
    A big area for me is messaging. Most websites are severely lacking potent messaging. Too much emphasis is given to design, and not enough to messaging. There are a lot of opportunies for marketers who can educate, inform and sell with the written word.
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  • Profile picture of the author campbelljof
    Campaigns and ads management are the best way to get business from local areas

    Niriya offers best Digital Marketing Services

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