How Will The Changing Economy Affect Offliners?

7 replies

The other day I noticed that there were zero banner ads here on WF. I'd never seen that. I also saw WF cut the price of their sticky, so I assumed demand (traffic) was down. It turns out that it was a Holiday and it's likely marketers opted to not advertise on a Holiday. However, that aroused my curiosity and I got to thinking...

I went to SimilarWeb and I reviewed the traffic of many many sites where there is a motivation to make or get money. Example; job sites, forums where folks go to learn to make money, sharing economy sites, non government small business funding sites, etc.

I saw one trend across the board. Traffic was down at 100% of all these sites from August 2015 till now. 75% of these sites experienced peak traffic in July, which created a new "top" in August that has steadily declined.

I then was just confused. "Why is it that these sites have all shown the same pattern here?" "What is or are the drivers?" So I got to looking at the DOW day to day and saw that July - August we hit the peak of the "bull market." The DOW hit it's all time high. as it was climbing there, everyones' traffic was rising commensurate with the rise in the DOW; more business owners were seeking capital, job sites were receiving more traffic, the sharing economy was vibrant and so on...

This year has started out exactly as I predicted last year. The DOW is down and has taken a nose dive today. The worst is not over because the Iranian oil hasn't hit the market. Low oil is driving down the price of commodities...

Nonetheless, here are a couple of simple things ACTION TAKING offliners can do to protect their business interests and most important your families. For those of you looking to flame, flame on.

  1. Cash Out Big Contracts Up Front: For instance, you can charge a guy $20,000 for a job spread out over 12 months. You can offer him financing at a modestly lower price and have a finance company pay you up front. There are more and more companies popping up who specialize in this all the time... If you're really good at providing REAL value to folks, it may be wise to spend allocate 10-20% of your time towards landing whales where another company allows you to cash out dumping the risk on them.
  2. GET THAT DARN PROCESSING ACCOUNT!: Did you know you can earn $50-$500 per month per business by serving as their merchant processing rep? You can trade this for your hard work. That's $600 to $5,000 per year. The most important thing to realize is that the business owner is being knocked for this "invisible fee" regardless. You'll be the only processing rep to actually put more money in his pocket without digging in his pocket. It's a sunk cost. You'll have that money coming in for as long as you keep the relationship strong. It will be tough for anyone to steal it away because they can't provide the additional value your provide. Did you know that if you have a bunch of processing accounts that there are firms that will cash you out if you don't want your money over time?

Anyway, these are my ideas....
#affect #changing #economy #offliners
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by TheBigBee View Post

    [*]GET THAT DARN PROCESSING ACCOUNT!: Did you know you can earn $50-$5,000 per month per business by serving as their merchant processing rep? You can trade this for your hard work. That's $600 to $5,000 per year. The most important thing to realize is that the business owner is being knocked for this "invisible fee" regardless. You'll be the only processing rep to actually put more money in his pocket without digging in his pocket. It's a sunk cost. You'll have that money coming in for as long as you keep the relationship strong. It will be tough for anyone to steal it away because they can't provide the additional value your provide. Did you know that if you have a bunch of processing accounts that there are firms that will cash you out if you don't want your money over time?[/LIST]

    Anyway, these are my ideas....
    That's a very interesting idea. Have you ever sold using that method to pay for your services?
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10497641].message }}
    • Cosmetics sold well in the 1930s. Depression era.
      Choose vertical markets that do well.
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    • [DELETED]
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      • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
        Originally Posted by kirbymarketingconcierge View Post

        Security industry for example.
        This is genius.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10497688].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author arrival7
          One thing I noticed is now a days people are really into saving money rather than spending. It was not always like this. Another thing, is most of the sites are down because people are using social media sites now for ALL of their information . Not speaking for everyone but the majority spend most of their time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ect.. and the list goes on and on. People are being entertained and loving it.

          So I said that to say that we may want to set up a hybrid business model centered around social media in some way or another. Getting offliners online and managing their social media accounts. I know of a software named Repucaution , just google it or go to . This software helps you manage social media accounts. I am in no way an affiliate with this company at all, just trying to help.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      That's a very interesting idea. Have you ever sold using that method to pay for your services?
      Locally... I set up a simple SMS optin marketing solution in a few places directly in my area. ... Places I go... because the time investment was minimal. It's pretty slick, the restaurant sends an SMS to a specific number stating the special and the entire opted in list gets it. Entirely frictionless. It was cool, but I didn't see anyone handing over money for it so after a few drinks with a few bar owners one thing lead to another... lol.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10497686].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author locale
        Originally Posted by TheBigBee View Post

        Locally... I set up a simple SMS optin marketing solution in a few places directly in my area. ... Places I go... because the time investment was minimal. It's pretty slick, the restaurant sends an SMS to a specific number stating the special and the entire opted in list gets it. Entirely frictionless. It was cool, but I didn't see anyone handing over money for it so after a few drinks with a few bar owners one thing lead to another... lol.
        That's interesting, I was slacking about adding an SMS option for our client list. I work with quite a few hundred local businesses with online and offline ad campaigns for them.

        I'd be interested in hearing more about the setup you are using, I bet I could plug it into our client network and give you a working model on what pricing would be the right action point for those in your region.
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  • Profile picture of the author eccj
    I think the offline world will fair fine.

    It's the online businesses that are making a killing without making any real money. They are the ones who are going to go poof.

    The small businesses that serve the low hanging fruit only, leaving off small margins will also be hurting. If any margin is lost, they are toast like Circuit City.

    Right now we have a lot of online businesses that sell stuff at cheap prices because they make their money from Wall St. Well, if, when, the market takes a huge dive and deflation takes hold, those businesses will have to raise their prices.

    Even the online marketers that sing their fuzzy songs of selling with social are losing money. A quick look at Hubspot and Marketo shows that they their EPS is -1.68 and -1.75 respectively.

    Granted, I am old school but I'm not impressed by businesses that grow so large and never make any money. Those two businesses may never make money and I might crack a smile when their stock goes to zero.
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