Lead Generation Services - Those of You Doing it, What's Your Take?
I'm currently running a successfully growing consulting/marketing service for local businesses. We've got some great products, and awesome clients, but there's a big gap in the marketplace for a business to come in and sell leads directly to clients. At the end of the day, my clients subscribe to my services to generate exposure with the goal of getting more leads in the door (apart from branding tools I offer, etc) - I can see my business being exposed to churn down the road if a company comes in and just sells them the leads directly. Ultimately, if I were running my clients businesses I would start diverting funds into pure lead generation (provided it worked).
To get in front of the competition, I want to be the one to start selling a successful version of this product before someone else struts into town.
Where am I so far? I've started testing various methods at generating leads that I've read in the forum, purchased in WSOs, thought of myself etc. and have ultimately come up with a consistent program that generates a healthy amount of leads per month for the first niche I want to target.
I've been sending these leads to a client I already have in this niche (for free) while I'm testing these methods of generation and we've been in communication about the quality of these leads.
He's happy so far, and approx. 25% of the leads he's been getting turn into clients on the spot or turn into very hot leads that will be nurtured in his pipeline.
So here's some questions for those of you who know the biz:
- What percentage of leads that you send to your clients are "good" in their eyes?
- I'm considering pre-qualifying these leads before they get sent to the client via a phone conversation, email form, or otherwise so that the conversion rate from his side is higher - does anyone do this?
- What's your pricing model?*
*A note on pricing: I've been toying with the idea of charging a flat fee for the program, and then charging pre-payment for the amount of leads the client wants per month. For example, if the client wanted 25-35 leads he would pay the flat fee for the program and then $2,100 for that "package". If he wanted 35-50 leads he would pay $3,000 for that "package", etc. I realize that a potential issue here comes down to failure to deliver the leads since he's paying up-front, but my testing will dictate the packages of leads I feel we can easily achieve with the corresponding ad-spend. Any thoughts of this?
Tim Pears