I am starting a lead generation business.
I have been searching for a software that can do the following:
1- Track phone leads AND email/form submit leads;
2- Distribute the leads;
3- Automatically invoice the leads by email;
4- The software must be affordable for a startup.
I have not been able to find such a software, all I find is either something that doesn't do it all or something that's more of a CRM when all I need is to manage leads. And I cannot find anything at all that's affordable it's all 500$ per month minimum, most the time 1000$ however I am starting this, I will not have the volume to justify such a cost before a while.
Does anyone know of a software that manages leads distribution and invoicing and that doesn't cost so much?
20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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