This Lights A Fire Under A Prospects Ass To Take Action
like deadline of time and only a few left.
However there's a much more subtle way
to get action.
The secret is in three words.
It's used by USA political parties to extract money from hordes of their party faithful to
fund their campaign machine.
I trained Scott, a rookie pro salesman, in this and he broke company records,
one bringing a deal 50 times bigger than previous record in a old company.
It's how Peter can walk into a local business unannounced and walk out with a check...
without a gun in his hand.
Claude Whitacre used it when selling vacuum cleaners in peoples homes.
In the right situations, the prospect losses all rational thinking and buy's.
This was a breakthrough moment for a veteran in the psychology of sales.
The marketing research firm which has
done more marketing experiments online than any other to test formulas
and come away with new learnings,
has shown these three words are the most potent.
That's how powerful these three words are.
I'll come back to reveal what these three words are so you can unlock
the greatest force in humans.
Speak soon,
Time to let out the 3 word secret so you can profit from it now and long into the future.
I'll demonstrate how by using the 3 power words you can find your ideal customer, client, patient, guest.
Not only that, are ready to or close to buying.
This saves wasted money time and energy on.
Even if you don't know who these buyers are now,
I'll give you the tools to come up with a list of most likely to buy now or soon.
So what are these 3 power words?
They are...
Pre Existing Motivation
When you, me and the rest of us are motivated to change,
do something, then we have our own reason for it.
There's 2 main reasons...
Move away from pain
Move towards pleasure
Now let's look at where a marketer and salesperson can benefit from
Pre Existing Condition by way of examples.
You've got a restaurant or you have a restaurant as client for the marketing of it.
You check through the data as to who spends the most money there.
Turns out it's a group celebrating a birthday.
So those adults about to have a birthday in the next 30 days
are in the hot zone. So are their friends because they may want to arrange the party.
How do we find those in the hot zone?
Inside the Facebook ad platform.
Sounds easy enough, let's try something a bit harder...beds.
What event will trigger off dissatisfaction with their current bed?
What if they slept in a more comfortable one?
What would of caused them to sleep in another?
Travel out of town to a trade show as a exhibitor or attendee.
Being on their feet for long periods and going back to a comfy bed
will be a contrast to their old not so comfy one at home.
Those that travel out of town for pleasure, like...
Classic car shows
HOG rides
Rock concerts
Sports events
Holiday's to places like Vegas, Disneyland.
So how do we find them?
On Facebook's ad platform again.
You can find those that have returned home from holiday in the last week, 2 weeks.
You can get lists of exhibitors and attendees at trade shows.
Let's bring together a whole group of products and services of high ticket prices around the home
Swimming pool
Spa Bath
New Roof
Siding Windows
New Kitchen
New Bathroom
Floor coverings
Curtains and Blinds
You may or may not know that new home buyers spend the most money on the above list
within the first year of purchase. Another words are motivated.
So how do we know a group of home owners have bought in the last year?
You've probably guessed it...Facebook.
Ok, how-about cars, specifically family wagons.
Now by now you'll be getting into the zone by identifying
the motivated ones. And it would be a family.
That's easy.
Let's dig deeper.
What event would make this buyer become motivated?
We'll let's say the owner of a hatchback has a new born.
She would be motivated most likely.
How about a mother just had her second baby and owns a hatchback.
Now she's got the 2 back seats taken up with kids, 2 strollers in back and only the front seat to put her stuff...
no room for another passenger.
Now she's really motivated.
And yes you can find these women within Facebook advertising platform.
How did Claude find those close to buying a high priced vacuum cleaner in their home?
He asked other sellers of in home sales organizations if he could go and service those vacuum cleaners
they sold about 5 years ago. Claude can correct me about the years.
The point was here he had a list of those that buy again in the time zone,
buy a high priced vacuum cleaner and buy in their home.
Let's look at a Divorce Attorney.
Very simple.
Facebook shows those that are recently divorced and "complicated."
So what if you have no clue what life event that would light a fire under their ass
and buy?
Fortunately there are ways you can do this.
First way is if you have a customer list.
With this you can load them into Facebook's ad platform and run a campaign what's called a look-a-like audience.
You are allowing Facebook's algorithm to go find people who are most like your customers.
An alternative is use Axciom.
There they can come up with really weird things about your customers.
Like a good percentage of them drive a white Lexus.
Now you can take that info and find white Lexus drivers in the location you want
in Facebook.
If you don't have a customer list, then we can bring in data scientists.
You can crowd source them on places like...
Say you sold health insurance and you decided to go after married women
with children within the ages of 30 and 45.
Asking a question like...
"What life event took place prior to taking out health insurance by married women
with children between the ages of 30 and 45 in a statistically high enough numbers
to be valid."
These data geeks will bid and quote you on that and you get to choose who will fetch that info.
Once that life event comes back, you add it to the other demographics and run it.
Here's a weird thing which comes from a tax accountant told me.
He knows a good percentage of his best clients are recreational gamblers.
Yep, we can get a list of business owners in his location that fit that
interesting bit of observed data.
There you go, you've got the 3 power words...
Pre Existing Motivation.
Then used predictive modeling to identify a group that's in the hot zone
for buying.
And we took it to the next stage to use the compilers of all this juicy data
to put your message in front of.
And even if you can't think of your buyer's event which lights a fire under his/her ass to take action,
then you can source geeks to come up with the answer for you.
The people who know how to pull out the gold in big data
and connect it to masses of humans will be the big winners today and in the future.
>> For Agency Founders: The Fast Shortcut To Selling SEO, Leadgen, Webdesign & Other Services
David Hunter | Duke of Marketing
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