Need local lead generation providers/experts
So my sales outsourcing firm just recently added a pay per call lead generation program to our repertoire.
I've recruited and trained closers and lead generators to sell this pay per call program to plumbers, roofers, remodelers etc.
I don't know if any of you have heard of Ringpartner but I've been using them for fulfillment they are a pay per call network.
Only problem is they suck....
60-70% of my calls for clients are not anywhere near the targeted zip codes. Most are in completely different states.
So I'm looking for a fulfillment partner for calls for plumbers, roofers etc. that can actually do the job, get good quality calls and do it well.
I'm sure many of you lead generation or know of an ad network that does pay per call and produces good targeted calls.
Thanks for any help and pointing me in the right direction!
kenmichaels -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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MaxwellB -
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samsosa -
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MaxwellB -
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