How To Get New Paying Clients With Cheap Local Magazine Ads.

4 replies
Hey fellow Warrior,

As you know, getting new clients is critical to your success. But it seems a lot of people struggle in this area. So I'd like to share with you a method I've been using with great success to keep my pipeline full.

You'll notice that most towns have small local magazines dedicated to showcasing the community and what's going on in the area. Most often they're monthly publications with a few exceptions. And I'm not talking about those magazines that are nothing but ads you'll find at town welcome centers. These are real magazines with real articles that people actually read.

So here's what happened...

I kept on receiving a specific local magazine and would flip through it. I noticed 2 things.

1) The advertisers ran weak ads. You could tell at a glance they're not real marketers and are simply business owners doing their best. (Which is not very good.) Some ads were truly terrible. One for example simply said, "Got Freedom?" with an image of a dove next to it and a name and phone number at the bottom. I had to assume it was for some kind of life coaching. But I'll never know for sure. It's not good when people have to guess what your ad is about! So weak competition for sure...

2) I also noticed a very high retention rate for many of the ads. This means they continue running month after month. And unless people enjoy losing money they don't keep running ads that produce a negative return. So retention rate is a good sign we have a profitable medium on our hands.

With these two factors in mind I quickly looked at the rate card. Not too bad! You can get a decent size ad for $75. And if that ad goes on to produce just one sale, you're already in profit. Two or three sales and you're very happy.

Weak competition + low cost + high retention rate = Potential for great success.

So I whipped up a compelling direct response ad and got it lined up to run in the next issue. Then I simply waited for my copy to land and check that my ad was indeed there.

Sure it enough I found it easily. It was right near the center of the magazine on the lower left of the page.

Here's my results...

Over the coming week I received a total of 9 calls from interested leads. Of the 9 I converted 3 to customers with just a phone call. The price point of the offer was $497. So in this case, an investment of $75 produced revenue of $1,491. I don't know about you, but I was thrilled with the outcome! Talk about a money multiplier!

I've since branched out into other towns with similar magazines with great success. And I can honestly say I'm bringing in more clients than I can handle with just this one method. Time to up my infrastructure and scale it!

This method has a low barrier to entry, is easy to get started and produces excellent results if you run compelling ads.

That's why I wanted to share it with you... And feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Wishing you a great day!
#ads #generate #high #leads #local #magazine #quality
  • Profile picture of the author eccj

    What are you selling in your ad? I'm assuming webdesign.
    I have a very small lead gen ad I am running and I am getting about a call for every 1,500-2,000 circulation. This is for newspapers though. Perhaps these small magazines are a good deal.

    Last Thing. Is the magazine free or paid for? How do people get the magazine?
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  • Profile picture of the author kulman
    My technique, which brought over 75K over ads investment of 380, was I made sure our ad stands our compared to others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Morphius
    Originally Posted by LastingLifeSuccess View Post

    Hey fellow Warrior,

    As you know, getting new clients is critical to your success. But it seems a lot of people struggle in this area. So I'd like to share with you a method I've been using with great success to keep my pipeline full.

    You'll notice that most towns have small local magazines dedicated to showcasing the community and what's going on in the area. Most often they're monthly publications with a few exceptions. And I'm not talking about those magazines that are nothing but ads you'll find at town welcome centers. These are real magazines with real articles that people actually read.

    So here's what happened...

    I kept on receiving a specific local magazine and would flip through it. I noticed 2 things.

    1) The advertisers ran weak ads. You could tell at a glance they're not real marketers and are simply business owners doing their best. (Which is not very good.) Some ads were truly terrible. One for example simply said, "Got Freedom?" with an image of a dove next to it and a name and phone number at the bottom. I had to assume it was for some kind of life coaching. But I'll never know for sure. It's not good when people have to guess what your ad is about! So weak competition for sure...

    2) I also noticed a very high retention rate for many of the ads. This means they continue running month after month. And unless people enjoy losing money they don't keep running ads that produce a negative return. So retention rate is a good sign we have a profitable medium on our hands.

    With these two factors in mind I quickly looked at the rate card. Not too bad! You can get a decent size ad for $75. And if that ad goes on to produce just one sale, you're already in profit. Two or three sales and you're very happy.

    Weak competition + low cost + high retention rate = Potential for great success.

    So I whipped up a compelling direct response ad and got it lined up to run in the next issue. Then I simply waited for my copy to land and check that my ad was indeed there.

    Sure it enough I found it easily. It was right near the center of the magazine on the lower left of the page.

    Here's my results...

    Over the coming week I received a total of 9 calls from interested leads. Of the 9 I converted 3 to customers with just a phone call. The price point of the offer was $497. So in this case, an investment of $75 produced revenue of $1,491. I don't know about you, but I was thrilled with the outcome! Talk about a money multiplier!

    I've since branched out into other towns with similar magazines with great success. And I can honestly say I'm bringing in more clients than I can handle with just this one method. Time to up my infrastructure and scale it!

    This method has a low barrier to entry, is easy to get started and produces excellent results if you run compelling ads.

    That's why I wanted to share it with you... And feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    Wishing you a great day!
    Please check your email and your PM. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dhira

    What are you offering for $497 though?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10675069].message }}

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