List building a service business -- what to email them?

14 replies
I have a local house cleaning business and have not done much with email/list building. I plan to change that though, just not sure if it will be as appropriate for my type of business compared to a product based one which gets a much larger list size.

1. Cleaning is not a sexy industry. Should I really send cleaning tips/advice etc? Or are there better options with a boring industry?

2. As far as promotions I think I could try to coax them onto recurring service, or ask for referrals. Should every offer pair with a bonus/discount?

#building #business #email #list #service
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Delta223 View Post

    I have a local house cleaning business and have not done much with email/list building. I plan to change that though, just not sure if it will be as appropriate for my type of business compared to a product based one which gets a much larger list size.

    1. Cleaning is not a sexy industry. Should I really send cleaning tips/advice etc? Or are there better options with a boring industry?

    2. As far as promotions I think I could try to coax them onto recurring service, or ask for referrals. Should every offer pair with a bonus/discount?


    Forget the type of business for a moment and look at who is going to or has signed up for your mailing list. There is no reason why your content should encompass "house cleaning" only. What I am saying is focus more on the target than the actual service. Make the e-mail something that they may actually read vs.. oh great another sales pitch.

    I would suggest looking up Gary Vaynerchuk. Specifically look at his material about his book Jab Jab Left Hook. in a nut shell give give sell. If you are always selling, your message will not be read. give to your audience, and slide in the pitch from time to time is FAR MORE effective.

    In terms of discounts and the like.. why? I wouldn't.

    In terms of what to ask for in terms of referrals... you want them to refer your e-mail, your website, your facebook page. That in itself will refer your business. give,and you shall receive!

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author gingerninjas
    Referrals and WOM is a fairly amazing tool. Do you have a website, social media page and are you promoting your business across local community groups online. There was a local pest company (again not a very sexy business) who has been doing a really good job by combining great signage, flyer and marketing materials and offering a 'free' inspection and quote. You might consider offering a teaser to get infront on some new potential clients with an offer and then hopefully when they experience your work you will get a regular cleaning job out of it. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author naveenselvak
    And every subscriber counts. Whether you’re gaining one per week, one per day, or one per minute.
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  • Profile picture of the author animal44
    Originally Posted by Delta223 View Post

    I have a local house cleaning business and have not done much with email/list building. I plan to change that though, just not sure if it will be as appropriate for my type of business compared to a product based one which gets a much larger list size.

    1. Cleaning is not a sexy industry. Should I really send cleaning tips/advice etc? Or are there better options with a boring industry?
    You can get some sample newsletters from Joe Polish here. Might give you some ideas...

    Originally Posted by Delta223 View Post

    2. As far as promotions I think I could try to coax them onto recurring service, or ask for referrals. Should every offer pair with a bonus/discount?
    IMHO you should be focussing on recurring service. Much more profit than one offs.

    Businesses like this run off referrals. This should be a primary strategy.

    Bonuses and incentives yes, discount sparingly. With referrals you shouldn't need to discount...

    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    What I do for a living

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  • Profile picture of the author umc
    My wife and I have been cleaning for 16 years. We have a full schedule for ourselves and along waiting list. WOM is king. We have to tell people to stop telling others about us, lol. We have no desire to swap doing the work for managing and babysitting people. So our business may be different than yours. We are really self-employed, not business owners.

    I've used email to let people know when a spot comes open in the schedule back when we had no waiting list. Hey guys, a rare opportunity has presented itself and there's an opening in the schedule. If you know someone that would love our service too please let them know that we have a spot right now. Something to that effect.

    I think a huge part of getting referrals for us is creating an awesome experience in our service itself. Under promise and over deliver and make an impression. We do things without prompting. I bring tools and tighten up things like bath accessories on the wall. I recently started bringing little zip-its to unclog most drains. We do carpet cleaning for our customers too and if we see a spot we might just bring a spotter in and take care of it. We've brought kids little gifts or shared tomatoes and cucumbers from our garden. Little things can go a long way when done with sincerity.

    We also talk a lot with our customers and let them get to know us, and vice versa. We're Facebook friends with them and we get to know each other as people outside of cleaning. Cleaning is a very personal service and we've built relationships with our customers. How can you do something similar? Maybe your emails can help build those relationships.

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  • Profile picture of the author leojq2
    My cousin uses a food delivery service and as a customer she's now on their email list.

    She recently received an email from the food delivery service that was an offer for a free month of membership to a local spa and gym.

    This is a great example of how to use your local email list for engagement of your audience.

    The gym/spa knows that a certain percentage of the people who take the free offer will become paying members and giving away free samples to local customers of other businesses is a very inexpensive way to get the word out.

    Team up with a local business that could see its customer several times per year and knows the value of giving away something free the first time.

    Examples are restaurants, pizza shops, hair, nails, lawn mowing, gyms, spas, coffee shops etc etc etc.

    If you get known for having something FREE for your customers in every email you send, they will open your emails at a much higher rate than normal and refer you to their friends.

    Be on the lookout for businesses who are already offering free trials or freebies to get you in the door and ask them if you could make that offer to your customer base.

    No convincing needed there as they are already giving something away for free.
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    • Profile picture of the author mojo1
      Originally Posted by leojq2 View Post

      My cousin uses a food delivery service and as a customer she's now on their email list.

      She recently received an email from the food delivery service that was an offer for a free month of membership to a local spa and gym.

      This is a great example of how to use your local email list for engagement of your audience.

      The gym/spa knows that a certain percentage of the people who take the free offer will become paying members and giving away free samples to local customers of other businesses is a very inexpensive way to get the word out.

      Team up with a local business that could see its customer several times per year and knows the value of giving away something free the first time.

      Examples are restaurants, pizza shops, hair, nails, lawn mowing, gyms, spas, coffee shops etc etc etc.

      If you get known for having something FREE for your customers in every email you send, they will open your emails at a much higher rate than normal and refer you to their friends.

      Be on the lookout for businesses who are already offering free trials or freebies to get you in the door and ask them if you could make that offer to your customer base.

      No convincing needed there as they are already giving something away for free.
      To piggy back off of this awesome share, what would be a great offer that I'd jump on as a busy, usually fatigued mom, would be to get a free cleaning trial from my gym, nail , hair salon or spa in order to FREE up more time so I could get my already over extended self to the gym, nail, hair salon or spa to enjoy THEIR services!

      Which of those businesses listed wouldn't see the value of allowing you to offer your business service to their clients in hopes of increasing the usage rate of their specific services.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
        Originally Posted by mojo1 View Post

        To piggy back off of this awesome share, what would be a great offer that I'd jump on as a busy, usually fatigued mom, would be to get a free cleaning trial from my gym, nail , hair salon or spa in order to FREE up more time so I could get my already over extended self to the gym, nail, hair salon or spa to enjoy THEIR services!

        Which of those businesses listed wouldn't see the value of allowing you to offer your business service to their clients in hopes of increasing the usage rate of their specific services.
        Good stuff! An acquaintance owns an upscale beauty salon.
        A local auto detailer made an arrangement with him, to stop by on his
        "slow day" and offer free window cleaning, for his clients, while they
        received beauty treatments.

        Turned out the beauty salon caters to busy nurses. They loved the idea of having
        their cars detailed, while having their salon time.

        Word of mouth brought the detailer more work than he could handle, at 3 local hospitals and several medical professional offices.

        Nothing beats the power of a referral.

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  • Profile picture of the author umc
    That ^^^^^^^ is a fantastic idea. I hope the OP didn't just post and run. Haven't seen them chime back in. Hopefully something here worked for them.

    Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
    Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
    I have a service business, dog training.

    While dog training is very conducive to how-to, and tips, and case study type emails I've found those don't convert well.

    The ones that convert well. The ones that convert well are where I tell entertaining or funny stories from my life and relate them back to dog training at the very end and then a CTA.
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  • Profile picture of the author warquoc
    Let's give them useful newsletters continuously every day, I think it will improve this huge
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Long
      Originally Posted by warquoc View Post

      Let's give them useful newsletters continuously every day, I think it will improve this huge
      To be honest, this is HORRIBLE advice. If you hammer your list EVERY DAY you will piss them off beyond belief and they will unsubscribe immediately. Then what? In a world where we get hammered with emails 24/7, the LAST thing you want to do is annoy your customers/prospects.

      I just joined this forum after 10+ years of lurking and what I have noticed is that a lot of replies are just pure nonsense and it's clear that the person didn't even read the full OP.

      The poster owns a cleaning business. How much useful information could you possibly deliver them EVERY DAY? That is insane. Like I said, just horrible advise.

      Email frequency is something that will vary depending on your list size and industry. Without knowing anything other than they have a cleaning business, I can PROMISE you that mailing that list daily is email list suicide.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10819654].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author umc
        Originally Posted by Jonathan Long View Post

        To be honest, this is HORRIBLE advice. If you hammer your list EVERY DAY you will piss them off beyond belief and they will unsubscribe immediately. Then what? In a world where we get hammered with emails 24/7, the LAST thing you want to do is annoy your customers/prospects.

        I just joined this forum after 10+ years of lurking and what I have noticed is that a lot of replies are just pure nonsense and it's clear that the person didn't even read the full OP.

        The poster owns a cleaning business. How much useful information could you possibly deliver them EVERY DAY? That is insane. Like I said, just horrible advise.

        Email frequency is something that will vary depending on your list size and industry. Without knowing anything other than they have a cleaning business, I can PROMISE you that mailing that list daily is email list suicide.
        As you can see from the well thought out reply right after this post, this forum is full of people that are here for no reason but to get their signature links seen. That's it. They make ridiculous general statements for self-promotion and offer no value. It is a shame, but this place is overrun with them.

        Oh, I mean:

        I think newsletters are super helpful and you should do them. You should provide content and attract new customers.

        Dammit! I forgot to have something to promote in my signature. Oh well, I'm sure the reply after mine will be equally enlightening and will include one.

        Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
        Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author metricbuzz
    You can send useful newsletters to them and hopefully you will be able to attract them with your special news and offers.

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