In-Person or Email Proposals

5 replies
I've got 3 proposals to deliver and I'm debating whether to deliver them in person or email. The 1st mtgs were on the phone, then we had an in-person mtg. and now I've got to deliver the proposals. The reason I'm debating is just because I do really well in person and it seems the more you can sit down with people, the faster your relationship grows. But its about 3 hours drive time to deliver them (I live in the sticks). The total is about $4k in setup fees and $2k/mo. so its a good chunk of change. What would you do?
#email #inperson #proposals
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Call them and while you're on the phone with them email the proposal and go over it with them right then... You don't have to drive, you get some of your 'in-person' skills to come into play.

    Book an appointment with them first, so they have the time to go over it with you when you call.

    Originally Posted by PaulintheSticks View Post

    I've got 3 proposals to deliver and I'm debating whether to deliver them in person or email. The 1st mtgs were on the phone, then we had an in-person mtg. and now I've got to deliver the proposals. The reason I'm debating is just because I do really well in person and it seems the more you can sit down with people, the faster your relationship grows. But its about 3 hours drive time to deliver them (I live in the sticks). The total is about $4k in setup fees and $2k/mo. so its a good chunk of change. What would you do?
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  • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
    Why not contact them through phone or email first? Then, if you see that they have interest with your proposal, set up a meeting with them. At least there's a higher probability you can get something from your efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author brookeharper08
    Why not deliver your proposal via video call/conference? It's more "personal" than giving these guys a phone call or sending them an e-mail. Plus, it'll save you from that dreadful 3-hour drive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Green
    Just Call them and while you're on the phone just send the proposal over and from their you can explain it. Simple enough, don't over complicate it.
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