Outsourcing B2B appointment setting overseas

6 replies
Question, I am looking for 20-30 hours per week of B2B appointment setting, We have an educational offering for small to mid-sized businesses and looking for someone to make calls to HR professionals in here our local San Diego market.

Has anyone had success working with an overseas partner in a B2B environment?

Any and all suggestions and feedback is appreciated.


#appointment #b2b #outsourcing #overseas #setting
  • Profile picture of the author Philip Reilly
    We are in the San Diego Market and have had lots of experience using overseas telemarketing.
    They are ok at making appointments but cannot sell the products,
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    • Profile picture of the author jchristianjones
      Do you use a specific company?
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      • Profile picture of the author Philip Reilly
        I have done both .... Pros and Cons with each ...
        I would say that the overall advantage is obvious that you can save money on labor costs but the disadvantage is that you have to constantly replace the overseas people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jpnash
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  • Profile picture of the author brookeharper08
    We've had a few years of experience in outsourcing our B2B sales and marketing model, and it's been working great for us. We get to save on labor costs while getting quality output from each remote employee.
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    • Profile picture of the author jchristianjones
      Thanks for the response. Did you with with an outsourcing company or with the contractor directly.
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  • Profile picture of the author SalesGod
    Usually there accent kills it. People automatically think scam. Not being racist its literally just true. The main thing is whoever you hire needs a bullet proof script and they need to know how to say it properly with the right tonality and pace. This is more important then the actual words in the script. I live in San Diego, let me know if you need any help iv'e been doing what your trying to do my entire life.
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